76 research outputs found


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    Dilakukannya penelitian adalah mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana keberadaan sistem Hakim Komisaris sebagai alternatif pengganti sistem Praperadilan untuk memberikan keadilan dan kepastian hukum bagi masyarakat secara efektif di masa yang akan datang dan bagaimana prospek pengaturan Hakim Komisaris dalam undang-undang hukum acara pidana yang akan datang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Sistem Praperadilan dalam UU No. 8 Tahun 1981 KUHAP sejak diundangkan sampai sekarang ternyata sistem tersebut memiliki kelemahan yang menyebabkan penyimpangan dari fungsi dan kewenangannya. Praperadilan dianggap kurang tidak berjalan sebagai mestinya dalam pelaksanaannya karena keberadaan lembaga Praperadilan yang menyimpang dari konsep awal diajukan sebagai lembaga representasi perlindungan hak asasi manusia, khususnya terhadap kedudukan tersangka dalam proses penyidikan dan terdakwa dalam proses penuntutan. Dengan adanya sistem Hakim Komisaris RUU KUHAP tahun 2008 sebagai pengganti sistem Praperadilan, keberadaan Hakim Komisaris lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan sistem Praperadilan yang memiliki banyak kelemahan dan tidak memiliki wewenang yang lebih luas dan terperinci seperti yang terdapat dalam sistem Hakim Komisaris dalam RUU KUHAP tahun 2008.  2. Dibentuknya sistem Hakim Komisaris yang memiliki tugas dan wewenang yang luas dan lebih terperinci merupakan penyempurnaan terhadap Praperadilan. Sehingga dengan adanya sistem Hakim Komisaris menjadikan KUHAP yang akan datang bisa memenuhi harapan untuk menjadi pengayom sekaligus perangkat hukum yang humanis (manusiawi), transparan, dan akuntabel (dapat dipertanggungjawabkan) ataupun memberikan kepastian hukum, keadilan, dan kemanfaatan bagi masyarakat. Kata kunci: Hakim komisaris, rancangan KUHA

    Kedudukan Hakim Komisaris dalam Rancangan Kuhap pada Sistem Peradilan Pidana

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    Dilakukannya penelitian adalah mempunyai tujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana keberadaan sistem Hakim Komisaris sebagai alternatif pengganti sistem Praperadilan untuk memberikan keadilan dan kepastian hukum bagi masyarakat secara efektif di masa yang akan datang dan bagaimana prospek pengaturan Hakim Komisaris dalam undang-undang hukum acara pidana yang akan datang. Dengan menggunakan metode penelitian yuridis normatif, maka dapat disimpulkan: 1. Sistem Praperadilan dalam UU No. 8 Tahun 1981 KUHAP sejak diundangkan sampai sekarang ternyata sistem tersebut memiliki kelemahan yang menyebabkan penyimpangan dari fungsi dan kewenangannya. Praperadilan dianggap kurang tidak berjalan sebagai mestinya dalam pelaksanaannya karena keberadaan lembaga Praperadilan yang menyimpang dari konsep awal diajukan sebagai lembaga representasi perlindungan hak asasi manusia, khususnya terhadap kedudukan tersangka dalam proses penyidikan dan terdakwa dalam proses penuntutan. Dengan adanya sistem Hakim Komisaris RUU KUHAP tahun 2008 sebagai pengganti sistem Praperadilan, keberadaan Hakim Komisaris lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan sistem Praperadilan yang memiliki banyak kelemahan dan tidak memiliki wewenang yang lebih luas dan terperinci seperti yang terdapat dalam sistem Hakim Komisaris dalam RUU KUHAP tahun 2008. 2. Dibentuknya sistem Hakim Komisaris yang memiliki tugas dan wewenang yang luas dan lebih terperinci merupakan penyempurnaan terhadap Praperadilan. Sehingga dengan adanya sistem Hakim Komisaris menjadikan KUHAP yang akan datang bisa memenuhi harapan untuk menjadi pengayom sekaligus perangkat hukum yang humanis (manusiawi), transparan, dan akuntabel (dapat dipertanggungjawabkan) ataupun memberikan kepastian hukum, keadilan, dan kemanfaatan bagi masyarakat

    Foods and diets of communities involved in inland aquaculture in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands

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    Solomon Islands has a population of just over half a million people, most of whom are rural-based subsistence farmers and fishers who rely heavily on fish as their main animal-source food and for income. The nation is one of the Pacific Island Counties and Territories; future shortfalls in fish production are projected to be serious, and government policy identifies inland aquaculture development as one of the options to meet future demand for fish. In Solomon Islands, inland aquaculture has also been identified as a way to improve ood and nutrition security for people with poor access to marine fish. This report undertaken by a Worldfish study under the CGIAR Research Program on Aquatic Agricultural Systems explores the e potential role of land-based aquaculture of Mozambique tilapia in Solomon Islands as it relates to household food and nutrition security. This nutrition survey aimed to benchmark the foods and diets of households newly involved in small homestead tilapia ponds and their neighboring households in the central region of Malaita, the most populous island of all the provinces in Solomon Islands. Focus group discussions and semistructured interviews were employed in 10 communities (five inland and five coastal), four clinics, and five schools

    Lagoon livelihoods: gender and shell money in Langalanga, Solomon Islands

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    © 2018, The Author(s). Gender shapes livelihoods through access to resources and the distribution of benefits from economic activities. To work effectively with local people, resource management and community development initiatives should therefore be sensitive to the influence of gender on livelihoods. This paper considers gender in the context of broader social trends around livelihoods and focuses on a case study of shell money production and trade in the Langalanga Lagoon in Malaita Province, Solomon Islands. We pool data from several recent research projects with historical material from secondary sources. We find that the gender division of labour in the shell money value chain has changed somewhat over time, particularly in that women are now actively involved in trading. However, this shift has created friction due to norms about what kinds of activities are suitable for women, and who should control cash incomes. Whilst shell money remains one of the most important livelihoods in Langalanga lagoon, our findings also illustrate that the shell money value chain and the income earned varies considerably from family to family, with some making a better living than others. We argue that interventions seeking to improve livelihoods in coastal communities should thus be based on an understanding of differentiation within communities, and practitioners should consider whether interventions will result in community development, or may have the impact of increasing inequality between families

    Rheological and Microstructural Changes of Oat and Barley Starches During Heating and Cooling

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    Microstructural and rheological changes in barley and oat starch dispersions during heating and cooling were studied by light microscopy and dynamic viscoelastic measurements. The two starch pastes showed similar viscoelastic properties after gelatinization, but during cooling the 20% barley starch pastes heated at 95°C underwent a sharp transition in viscoelastic behaviour probably due to the gelation of amylose. This transition was shifted to lower temperatures at 10% starch concentration. Microstructural studies of an 8% barley starch dispersion heated to 90°C using the smear technique showed amylose to form a network structure around the granules. The granules in starch paste heated to 95°C were poorly stained and amylopectin was fragmented. Microscopic examination of an embedded section of the cooled barley starch gel showed amylose to form a continuous phase in which starch granules were dispersed. G\u27 increased below 80°C during cooling of 10% oat starch dispersions preheated at 95 °C. No rheological changes occurred when they were preheated at only 90°C. Microstructural studies of an 8% oat starch dispersion heated to 90°C using the smear technique showed amylose to form a network structure around the granules. Part of the granule structure had already broken down. Heating to 95°C induced considerable changes in the granule structure of oat starch gels. Amylopectin formed a very fine network. Microscopic examination of embedded sections of the cooled, stored gel showed a much coarser structure compared with that of the smear

    Model prediction and climatology of aerosol optical depth (τ550) and angstrom exponent (α470-660) over three aerosol robotic network stations in Sub-Saharan Africa using moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer data

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    The spatial and temporal variations of aerosol optical depth at 550 nm (τ550) and Angstrom exponent derived from 470 and 660 nm (α470-660) over Nairobi (NAI), Skukuza (SKU) and Ilorin (ILO) Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET) stations in sub-Saharan Africa, as recorded by Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) satellites for fifteen years (2000-2015), were examined in relation to their climatologies and prediction. The MODIS measurements of τ550 and α470-660 from aqua (MYD04) and terra (MOD04) satellites were used in this study. Retrievals of τ550 for both satellites were validated with AERONET τ550 for the same period. The validation results showed that they compare favourably over the three stations, but MOD04 performed better than MYD04 data in NAI and ILO for τ550. This shows that the τ550 of NAI and ILO are best captured using the MOD04 data while that of SKU is best with MYD04. It was also discovered that MODIS underestimated AERONET τ550 data over NAI and SKU. The most polluted station is ILO while the least polluted one is NAI. Similarly, the station with the highest concentration of absorbing aerosols is NAI and the least was observed in ILO. The aerosol climatology shows that the most polluted months in NAI, SKU and ILO are October, June and March respectively. On the other hand, February, November and March has the highest amount of scattering aerosols in the atmosphere for NAI, SKU and ILO respectively. The highest amount of absorbing aerosols was found, respectively, in the months of June, June and August. The generated time series (TS) models are all good, though a general underestimation of the parameters by the models was also observed. Keywords: Aerosol optical depth, Angstrom exponent, MODIS, Time series, sub-Saharan Afric

    Cable bacteria generate a firewall against euxinia in seasonally hypoxic basins

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    Seasonal oxygen depletion (hypoxia) in coastal bottom waters can lead to the release and persistence of free sulfide (euxinia), which is highly detrimental to marine life. Although coastal hypoxia is relatively common, reports of euxinia are less frequent, which suggests that certain environmental controls can delay the onset of euxinia. However, these controls and their prevalence are poorly understood. Here we present field observations from a seasonally hypoxic marine basin (Grevelingen, The Netherlands), which suggest that the activity of cable bacteria, a recently discovered group of sulfur-oxidizing microorganisms inducing long-distance electron transport, can delay the onset of euxinia in coastal waters. Our results reveal a remarkable seasonal succession of sulfur cycling pathways, which was observed over multiple years. Cable bacteria dominate the sediment geochemistry in winter, whereas, after the summer hypoxia, Beggiatoaceae mats colonize the sediment. The specific electrogenic metabolism of cable bacteria generates a large buffer of sedimentary iron oxides before the onset of summer hypoxia, which captures free sulfide in the surface sediment, thus likely preventing the development of bottom water euxinia. As cable bacteria are present in many seasonally hypoxic systems, this euxinia-preventing firewall mechanism could be widely active, and may explain why euxinia is relatively infrequently observed in the coastal ocean

    The feasibility of milkfish (Chanos chanos) aquaculture in Solomon Islands

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    Fish is crucial to food and nutrition security in Solomon Islands, and demand is expected to increase due to a growing population. However, it is projected that current capture fisheries production will not meet this growing demand. Aquaculture has the potential to mitigate the capture fishery shortfall, and the Government of Solomon Islands is prioritizing aquaculture as a solution to meet future food and income needs. Aquaculture in Solomon Islands is still in early development. Mozambique tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) is farmed for household consumption, but its prolific reproductive rate and resulting slow growth limit its potential as a commercial aquaculture species. More productive fish species that are not indigenous to Solomon Islands but are successfully farmed overseas could be introduced; however, such a decision needs to take into account the potential ecological or social impacts. For land-based pond aquaculture, the only indigenous species that has been farmed extensively elsewhere is milkfish (Chanos chanos). This report presents a feasibility assessment for milkfish farming in Solomon Islands. It synthesizes the current knowledge about milkfish farming and presents results of a 4-year study on the potential for milkfish aquaculture in Solomon Islands

    An overview of burst, buckling, durability and corrosion analysis of lightweight FRP composite pipes and their applicability

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.The main aim of this review article was to address the performance of filament wound fibre reinforced polymer (FRP) composite pipes and their critical properties, such as burst, buckling, durability and corrosion. The importance of process parameters concerning merits and demerits of the manufacturing methods was discussed for the better-quality performance. Burst analysis revealed that the winding angle of ±55° was observed to be optimum with minimum failure mechanisms, such as matrix cracking, whitening, leakage and fracture. The reduction of buckling effect was reported in case of lower hoop stress value in the hoop to axial stress ratio against axial, compression and torsion. A significant improvement in energy absorption was observed in the hybrid composite pipes with the effect of thermal treatment. However, the varying winding angle in FRP pipe fabrication was reported as an influencing factor affecting all the aforementioned properties. Almost 90% of the reviewed studies was done using E-glass/epoxy materials for the composite pipe production. By overcoming associated limitations, such as replacing synthetic materials, designing new material combinations and cost-benefit analysis, the production cost of the lightweight FRP composite pipes can be decreased for the real-time applications.Peer reviewe