116 research outputs found

    What is the crisis of Western sciences?

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    © 2016, Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht. This article is an attempt to formulate a clear definition of the concept of crisis of Western sciences introduced by Husserl in his last work. The attempt will be based on a reading of the Krisis, which will stress its underlying continuity with Husserl’s life-long concerns about the theoretical insufficiency of positive sciences, and downplay the novelty of the idea of crisis itself within Husserl’s work. After insisting on the fact that, according to Husserl, only an account of the shortcomings of the scientificity of Western sciences can justify the claim that they are undergoing a crisis, it will be argued that the common definition of the crisis of the sciences as the loss of their significance for life rests on a misunderstanding. The crisis of Western sciences will be characterized, instead, as the repercussion of the crisis of the scientificity of philosophy (and, specifically, of metaphysics) on the scientificity of positive sciences. The loss of significance of scientific knowledge for our existence will in turn appear as a further, inevitable consequence of the uprooting of the sciences from the soil of a universal philosophy culminating in metaphysics, and thus, as a phenomenon deeply intertwined with the crisis of Western sciences, but not identical to it

    Abnormally high risk of stroke in Brugada syndrome

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    BACKGROUND The present study sought to evaluate the incidence of cerebrovascular events in a large cohort of patients with Brugada syndrome (BrS) analysing possible predictors, clinical characteristics and prognosis of cardioembolic events secondary to atrial fibrillation. METHODS A total of 671 consecutive patients (age 42.1 ± 17.0 years; men 63%) with a diagnosis of BrS were retrospectively analysed over a mean follow-up period of 10.8 ± 5.5 years. The diagnosis of ischemic stroke was made according to the AHA/ASA guidelines using computed tomography (CT) and angio-CT in the emergency department. RESULTS Among 671 patients with BrS, 79 (11.8%) had atrial fibrillation. The incidence of cardioembolic stroke in patients with BrS and atrial fibrillation was 13.9% (11 events). These patients had a low CHA2DS2Vasc score (82%, 0 and 1). Patients with transient ischemic attack/stroke were more frequently asymptomatic (91 vs. 25%; P < 0.0001) and older (59.4 ± 11.2 vs. 43.9 ± 16.7; P = 0.004) as compared with those without cerebrovascular events. CONCLUSION The incidence of cardioembolic stroke in patients with BrS and atrial fibrillation was unexpectedly high. The cerebrovascular accidents were often the presenting clinical manifestation and were significantly associated with asymptomatic atrial fibrillation and older age. CHADS2 and CHA2DS2Vasc scores did not predict the unexpectedly high risk of thromboembolic events in this group of patients. The use of more invasive diagnostic tools might be useful in order to increase the rate of atrial fibrillation detection

    Bergsonian Intuition, Husserlian Variation, Peirceian Abduction: Toward a Relation Between Method, Sense and Nature

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    Husserlian variation, Bergsonian intuition and Peirceian abduction are contrasted as methodological responses to the traditional philosophical problem of deriving knowledge of universals from singulars. Each method implies a correspondingly different view of the generation of the variations from which knowledge is derived. To make sense of the latter differences, and to distinguish the different sorts of variation sought by philosophers and scientists, a distinction between extensive, intensive, and abductive-intensive variation is introduced. The link between philosophical method and the generation of variation is used to illuminate different philosophical conceptions of nature and nature’s relation to meaning and sense

    Common veins, common freezes

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    En torno a la problemática de la fundamentación última en la fenomenología de Husserl

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    El presente trabajo se propone sobre todoinvestigar la pretensión de autofundamentaciónúltima de la femenología manifiesta en autodenominacionesequívocas como las de "cienciaestricta", "ciencia de orígenes y fuentes"últimas e incondicionales, "filosofía primera" o"ciencia de fundamentación absoluta". Elsentido de la ciencia estricta se aclara en dosdirecciones: por un lado fundamentación absolutano significa validez absoluta de lo fundadopor ella sino más bien retomo a un fundamentoinfranqueable, a una "base última"; y, por otrolado, la donación absolUla de la objetividad delconocimiento no significa conocimientoinconmovible pues los análisis fenomenológicosson inacabados. Precisamente su carácter históricamentecondicionado empuja a lafenomenología a querer ser filosofía primera,es decir filosofía de fundamentos absolutos apartir de una autofundamentación absoluta ( einePhilosophie absoluter Begründung ausabsolUler Selbsthegründung), idea que estarávinculada con la autorresponsabilidad del filósofo,comprometido con la idea de la verdad

    Verantwortungsethik als Herausforderung der Philosophie in der modemen Welt

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    The ethics of responsibility presents itself today as a"new" ethics in the age of science and technology, against traditional ethics of duties. lts advantage is that, in the notion of responsibility, several related members may be distinguished: a subject of responsibility (individual or collective), a state-of-affairs and its consequences to respond to, and an instance of responsibility regarding which the subject is accountable. Yet the ethics of responsibility can only be effective if it reassumes determinations of the traditional ethics of duties, quite severed from it.La ética de la responsabilidad se presenta hoy como una "nueva" ética en la época de la ciencia y de la técnica, en oposición a la ética del deber tradicional. Su ventaja es que en el concepto de responsabilidad pueden distinguirse varios miembros relacionados: un sujeto de responsabilidad (individualo colectivo), un estado-decosas y sus consecuencias respecto del cual responder, y una instancia de responsabilidad respecto a la cual el sujeto debe dar cuenta. Mas la ética de la responsabilidad sólo puede ser efectiva si es que ella reasume momentos de determinación de la ética tradicional de los deberes, notablemente alejados de ella

    Migrationsprozesse im Kontext der EU-Osterweiterung : Modellierung von Wanderungsszenarien für die Beitrittsländer Estland, Polen, Slowenien, Tschechische Republik und Ungarn mit Ziel Deutschland

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    Im Rahmen der EU-Osterweiterung werden spätestens 2011 sämtliche Migrationsrestriktionen für die Beitrittsländer Polen, Ungarn, Tschechische Republik, Estland und Slowenien gegenüber den Alt-EU-Ländern dauerhaft abgeschafft. Veränderte Migrationsprozesse, die in der öffentlichen Diskussion häufig mit überzogenen Erwartungen in Bezug auf das Ausmaß möglicher Zuwanderung verbunden werden, gelten in diesem Kontext als wahrscheinlich. Für eine sachliche Diskussion und Bewertung potenzieller Auswirkungen, welche mit einem Ansteigen bzw. Sinken von Emigration und Imigration für Aufnahme- aber auch für die Herkunftsländer- einhergehen können, ist eine realistische Schätzung der Größenordnung des möglichen Migrationspotenzials nicht nur hilfreich, sondern mit Blick auf denkbare künftige EU-Erweiterungen unbedingt erforderlich. Die Entwicklung eines eigenständigen Modells zur Vorausschätzung der Zuwanderung aus den genannten EU-Beitrittsländern nach Deutschland steht im Mittelpunkt dieser Dissertation. Methodisch werden zunächst aus den thematisch relevanten empirischen Informationen und theoretischen Grundlagen Push- und Pull-Faktoren für Migrationsprozesse abgeleitet und Schritt für Schritt in einem Werkzeug integriert, welches dann in seiner Anwendung jeweils neun Migrationszenarien für jedes einzelne Beitrittsland liefert. Diese neun Szenarien bilden einen Korridor, in den mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit die tatsächliche Entwicklung fällt