279 research outputs found

    The light-curve modulation of XY And and UZ Vir - Two Blazhko RR Lyrae stars with additional frequencies

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    A thorough analysis of multicolour CCD observations of two modulated RRab-type variables, XY And and UZ Vir is presented. These Blazhko stars show relatively simple light-curve modulation with the usual multiplet structures in their Fourier spectra. One additional, independent frequency with linear-combination terms of the pulsation frequency is also detected in the residual spectrum of each of the two stars. The amplitude and phase relations of the triplet components are studied in detail. Most of the epoch-independent phase differences show a slight, systematic colour dependence, however, these trends have the opposite sign in the two stars. The mean values of the global physical parameters and their changes with Blazhko phase are determined utilizing the Inverse Photometric Method (IPM). The modulation properties and the IPM results are compared for the two variables. The pulsation period of XY And is the shortest when its pulsation amplitude is the highest, while UZ Vir has the longest pulsation period at this phase of the modulation. Despite this opposite behaviour, the phase relations of their mean-physical-parameter variations are similar. These results are not in accord with the predictions of the Blazhko model of Stothers (2006, ApJ, 652, 643).Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The paper contains 7 figures and 12 tables. Tables 5, 6 and A1-A5 will be published in full online only. See electronic data on http://konkoly.hu/24/publications/ als

    The CoRoT star 105288363: strong cycle to cycle changes of the Blazhko modulation

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    We present the analysis of the CoRoT star 105288363, a new Blazhko RR Lyrae star of type RRab (f0 = 1.7623 c/d), observed with the CoRoT space craft during the second long run in direction of the galactic center (LRc02, time base 145 d). The CoRoT data are characterized by an excellent time sampling and a low noise amplitude of 0.07 mmag in the 2-12 c/d range and allow us to study not only the fine details of the variability of the star but also long-term changes in the pulsation behaviour and the stability of the Blazhko cycle. We use, among other methods, standard Fourier analysis techniques and O-C diagrams to investigate the pulsational behavior of the Blazhko star 105288363. In addition to the frequency pattern expected for a Blazhko RR Lyrae star, we find an independent mode (f1 = 2.984 c/d) showing a f0/f1 ratio of 0.59 which is similar to that observed in other Blazhko RR Lyrae stars. The bump and hump phenomena are also analysed, with their variations over the Blazhko cycle. We carefully investigated the strong cycle-to-cycle changes in the Blazhko modulation (PB = 35.6 d), which seem to happen independently and partly diametrically in the amplitude and the phase modulation. Furthermore, the phasing between the two types of modulation is found to change during the course of the observations.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    An extensive photometric study of the Blazhko RR Lyrae star MW Lyr: II. Changes in the physical parameters

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    The analysis of the multicolour photometric observations of MW Lyr, a large modulation amplitude Blazhko variable, shows for the first time how the mean global physical parameters vary during the Blazhko cycle. About 1-2 percent changes in the mean radius, luminosity and surface effective temperature are detected. The mean radius and temperature changes are in good accordance with pulsation model results, which show that these parameters do indeed vary within this order of magnitude if the amplitude of the pulsation changes significantly. We interpret the phase modulation of the pulsation to be a consequence of period changes. Its magnitude corresponds exactly what one expects from the detected changes of the mean radius assuming that the pulsation constant remains the same during the modulation. Our results indicate that during the modulation the pulsation remains purely radial, and the underlying mechanism is most probably a periodic perturbation of the stellar luminosity with the modulation period.Comment: 10 figures, 2 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the stability of very massive primordial stars

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    The stability of metal-free very massive stars (ZZ = 0; M = 120 - 500 \msol) is analyzed and compared with metal-enriched stars. Such zero-metal stars are unstable to nuclear-powered radial pulsations on the main sequence, but the growth time scale for these instabilities is much longer than for their metal-rich counterparts. Since they stabilize quickly after evolving off the ZAMS, the pulsation may not have sufficient time to drive appreciable mass loss in Z = 0 stars. For reasonable assumptions regarding the efficiency of converting pulsational energy into mass loss, we find that, even for the larger masses considered, the star may die without losing a large fraction of its mass. We find a transition between the ϵ\epsilon- and κ\kappa-mechanisms for pulsational instability at Z\sim 2\E{-4} - 2\E{-3}. For the most metal-rich stars, the κ\kappa-mechanism yields much shorter ee-folding times, indicating the presence of a strong instability. We thus stress the fundamental difference of the stability and late stages of evolution between very massive stars born in the early universe and those that might be born today.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures. Minor changes, more results given in Table 1, accepted for publication in Ap

    Intermediate mass stars: updated models

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    A new set of stellar models in the mass range 1.2 to 9 MM_{\odot} is presented. The adopted chemical compositions cover the typical galactic values, namely 0.0001Z0.020.0001 \le Z \le 0.02 and 0.23Y0.280.23 \le Y \le 0.28. A comparison among the most recent compilations of similar stellar models is also discussed. The main conclusion is that the differencies among the various evolutionary results are still rather large. For example, we found that the H-burning evolutionary time may differ up to 20 %. An even larger disagreement is found for the He-burning phase (up to 40-50 %). Since the connection between the various input physics and the numerical algorithms could amplify or counterbalance the effect of a single ingredient on the resulting stellar model, the origin of this discrepancies is not evident. However most of these discrepancies, which are clearly found in the evolutionary tracks, are reduced on the isochrones. By means of our updated models we show that the ages inferred by the theory of stellar evolution is in excellent agreement with those obtained by using other independent methods applied to the nearby Open Clusters. Finally, the theoretical initial/final mass relation is revised.Comment: 35 pages, 24 figures, 4 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophisycal Journa

    CoRoT light curves of RR Lyrae stars. CoRoT 101128793: long-term changes in the Blazhko effect and excitation of additional modes

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    The CoRoT (Convection, Rotation and planetary Transits) space mission provides a valuable opportunity to monitor stars with uninterrupted time sampling for up to 150 days at a time. The study of RR Lyrae stars, performed in the framework of the Additional Programmes belonging to the exoplanetary field, will particularly benefit from such dense, long-duration monitoring. The Blazhko effect in RR Lyrae stars is a long-standing, unsolved problem of stellar astrophysics. We used the CoRoT data of the new RR Lyrae variable CoRoT 101128793 (f0=2.119 c/d, P=0.4719296 d) to provide us with more detailed observational facts to understand the physical process behind the phenomenon. The CoRoT data were corrected for one jump and the long-term drift. We applied different period-finding techniques to the corrected timeseries to investigate amplitude and phase modulation. We detected 79 frequencies in the light curve of CoRoT 101128793. They have been identified as the main frequency f0, and its harmonics, two independent terms, the terms related to the Blazhko frequency, and several combination terms. A Blazhko frequency fB=0.056 c/d and a triplet structure around the fundamental radial mode and harmonics were detected, as well as a long-term variability of the Blazhko modulation. Indeed, the amplitude of the main oscillation is decreasing along the CoRoT survey. The Blazhko modulation is one of the smallest observed in RR Lyrae stars. Moreover, the additional modes f1=3.630 and f2=3.159 c/d are detected. Taking its ratio with the fundamental radial mode into account, the term f1 could be the identified as the second radial overtone. Detecting of these modes in horizontal branch stars is a new result obtained by CoRoT.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figures, 2 long tables. Accepted for publication in A&

    The MACHO Project 9 Million Star Color-Magnitude Diagram of the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We present a 9 million star color-magnitude diagram (9M CMD) of the LMC bar. The 9M CMD reveals a complex superposition of different age and metallicity stellar populations, with important stellar evolutionary phases occurring over 3 orders of magnitude in number density. First, we count the non-variable supergiants, the associated Cepheids, and measure the effective temperatures defining the instability strip. Lifetime predictions of stellar evolution theory are tested, with implications for the origin of low-luminosity Cepheids. The highly-evolved AGB stars have a bimodal distribution in brightness, which we interpret as discrete old populations (>1 Gyr). The faint AGB may be metal-poor and very old. We identify the clusters NGC 411 and M3 as templates for the admixture of old stellar populations. However, there are indications that the old and metal-poor field population has a red HB morphology: the RR Lyraes lie on the red edge of the instability strip, the AGB-bump is very red, and the ratio of AGB-bump stars to RR Lyraes is quite large. If the HB second parameter is age, the old and metal-poor field population likely formed after the oldest clusters. Lifetime predictions of stellar evolution theory lead us to associate a significant fraction of the red HB clump giants with the same old and metal-poor population producing the RR Lyraes and the AGB-bump. In this case, compared to the age-dependent luminosity predictions of stellar evolution theory, the red HB clump is too bright relative to the RR Lyraes and AGB-bump. Last, the surface density profile of RR Lyraes is fit by an exponential, favoring a disk-like rather than spheroidal distribution. We conclude that the age of the LMC disk is probably similar to the age of the Galactic disk. (ABRIDGED)Comment: to appear in the Astronomical Journal, 49 pages, 12 figures, aaspp4.st

    Period and light curve fluctuations of the Kepler Cepheid V1154 Cyg

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    We present a detailed period analysis of the bright Cepheid-type variable star V1154 Cygni (V =9.1 mag, P~4.9 d) based on almost 600 days of continuous observations by the Kepler space telescope. The data reveal significant cycle-to-cycle fluctuations in the pulsation period, indicating that classical Cepheids may not be as accurate astrophysical clocks as commonly believed: regardless of the specific points used to determine the O-C values, the cycle lengths show a scatter of 0.015-0.02 days over the 120 cycles covered by the observations. A very slight correlation between the individual Fourier parameters and the O-C values was found, suggesting that the O - C variations might be due to the instability of the light curve shape. Random fluctuation tests revealed a linear trend up to a cycle difference 15, but for long term, the period remains around the mean value. We compare the measurements with simulated light curves that were constructed to mimic V1154 Cyg as a perfect pulsator modulated only by the light travel time effect caused by low-mass companions. We show that the observed period jitter in V1154 Cyg represents a serious limitation in the search for binary companions. While the Kepler data are accurate enough to allow the detection of planetary bodies in close orbits around a Cepheid, the astrophysical noise can easily hide the signal of the light-time effect.Comment: published in MNRAS: 8 pages, 7 figure

    An extensive photometric study of the Blazhko RR Lyrae star MW Lyr: I. Light curve solution

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    We have obtained the most extensive and most accurate photometric data of a Blazhko variable MW Lyr during the 2006-2007 observing seasons. The data within each 0.05 phase bin of the modulation period (P_m=1/f_m) cover the entire light cycle of the primary pulsation period (P_0=1/f_0), making possible a very rigorous and complete analysis. The modulation period is found to be 16.5462 d, which is about half of that was reported earlier from visual observations. Previously unknown features of the modulation have been detected. Besides the main modulation frequency f_m, sidelobe modulation frequencies around the pulsation frequency and its harmonics appear at +/- 2 f_m, +/- 4 f_m, and +/- 12.5 f_m separations as well. Residual signals in the prewhitened light curve larger than the observational noise appear at the minimum-rising branch-maximum phase of the pulsation, which most probably arise from some stochastic/chaotic behaviour of the pulsation/modulation. The Fourier parameters of the mean light curve differ significantly from the averages of the Fourier parameters of the observed light curves in the different phases of the Blazhko cycle. Consequently, the mean light curve of MW Lyrae never matches its actual light variation. The Phi_21, Phi_31 phase differences in different phases of the modulation show unexpected stability during the Blazhko cycle. A new phenomenological description of the light curve variation is defined that separates the amplitude and phase (period) modulations utilising the phase coherency of the lower order Fourier phases.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 15 pages, 14 figures, and 7 printed tables (2 of them available in electronic form

    Amorphous alumina in the extended atmosphere of Alpha Orionis

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    In this paper we study the extended atmosphere of the late-type supergiant Alpha Orionis. Infrared spectroscopy of red supergiants reveals strong molecular bands, some of which do not originate in the photosphere but in a cooler layer of molecular material above it. Lately, these layers have been spatially resolved by near and mid-IR interferometry. In this paper, we try to reconcile the IR interferometric and ISO-SWS spectroscopic results on Alpha Orionis with a thorough modelling of the photosphere, molecular layer(s) and dust shell. From the ISO and near-IR interferometric observations, we find that Alpha Orionis has only a very low density water layer close above the photosphere. However, mid-IR interferometric observations and a narrow-slit N-band spectrum suggest much larger extra-photospheric opacity close to the photosphere at those wavelengths, even when taking into account the detached dust shell. We argue that this cannot be due to the water layer, and that another source of mid-IR opacity must be present. We show that this opacity source is probably neither molecular nor chromospheric. Rather, we present amorphous alumina (Al2O3) as the best candidate and discuss this hypothesis in the framework of dust-condensation scenarios.Comment: 15 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in A&