516 research outputs found

    Examining the Use of Engineering Internship Workplace Competency Assessments for Continuous Improvement

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    This study explored how workplace competency assessment data from internship studentsand their supervisors, collected by College of Engineering programs between fall 2001 throughfall 2011 are applied toward continuous improvement practices. The continuous improvementprocess is integral to the accreditation and evaluation of the engineering curriculum. This mixedmethods study examined three separate practices using internship workplace competencyassessment ratings in the continuous improvement process. The study examined how assessmentrankings of the internship students’ workplace competency strengths and weakness have changedfrom the 2001-05 assessment terms in the past accreditation cycle, to the 2006-11 assessmentterms of the most recent accreditation cycle. In addition, this study examined competencyachievement percentages related to the ABET Criterion 3 (a-k) outcomes across the sametimeline. The third part of the study investigated how workplace competency assessment data areused to support continuous improvement for program curricula in the College of Engineering.The intent of the study was to gain better understanding of how the workplace competencyassessment data has benefited the continuous improvement process that enhances studentlearning. The results can also provide suggestions to programs in the early stages of developingnew program evaluation techniques

    High resolution HLA analysis reveals independent class I haplotypes and amino-acid motifs protective for multiple sclerosis.

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    We investigated association between HLA class I and class II alleles and haplotypes, and KIR loci and their HLA class I ligands, with multiple sclerosis (MS) in 412 European American MS patients and 419 ethnically matched controls, using next-generation sequencing. The DRB1*15:01~DQB1*06:02 haplotype was highly predisposing (odds ratio (OR) = 3.98; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 3-5.31; p-value (p) = 2.22E-16), as was DRB1*03:01~DQB1*02:01 (OR = 1.63; CI = 1.19-2.24; p = 1.41E-03). Hardy-Weinberg (HW) analysis in MS patients revealed a significant DRB1*03:01~DQB1*02:01 homozyote excess (15 observed; 8.6 expected; p = 0.016). The OR for this genotype (5.27; CI = 1.47-28.52; p = 0.0036) suggests a recessive MS risk model. Controls displayed no HW deviations. The C*03:04~B*40:01 haplotype (OR = 0.27; CI = 0.14-0.51; p = 6.76E-06) was highly protective for MS, especially in haplotypes with A*02:01 (OR = 0.15; CI = 0.04-0.45; p = 6.51E-05). By itself, A*02:01 is moderately protective, (OR = 0.69; CI = 0.54-0.87; p = 1.46E-03), and haplotypes of A*02:01 with the HLA-B Thr80 Bw4 variant (Bw4T) more so (OR = 0.53; CI = 0.35-0.78; p = 7.55E-04). Protective associations with the Bw4 KIR ligand resulted from linkage disequilibrium (LD) with DRB1*15:01, but the Bw4T variant was protective (OR = 0.64; CI = 0.49-0.82; p = 3.37-04) independent of LD with DRB1*15:01. The Bw4I variant was not associated with MS. Overall, we find specific class I HLA polymorphisms to be protective for MS, independent of the strong predisposition conferred by DRB1*15:01

    Ly6cLo non-classical monocytes promote resolution of rhesus rotavirus-mediated perinatal hepatic infammation

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    Perinatal hepatic inflammation can have devastating consequences. Monocytes play an important role in the initiation and resolution of inflammation, and their diverse functions can be attributed to specific cellular subsets: pro-inflammatory or classical monocytes (Ly6c(Hi)) and pro-reparative or non-classical monocytes (Ly6c(Lo)). We hypothesized that inherent differences in Ly6c(Hi) classical monocytes and Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocytes determine susceptibility to perinatal hepatic inflammation in late gestation fetuses and neonates. We found an anti-inflammatory transcriptional profile expressed by Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocytes, and a physiologic abundance of these cells in the late gestation fetal liver. Unlike neonatal pups, late gestation fetuses proved to be resistant to rhesus rotavirus (RRV) mediated liver inflammation. Furthermore, neonatal pups were rendered resistant to RRV-mediated liver injury when Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocytes were expanded. Pharmacologic inhibition of Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocytes in this setting restored susceptibility to RRV-mediated disease. These data demonstrate that Ly6c(Lo) monocytes promote resolution of perinatal liver inflammation in the late gestation fetus, where there is a physiologic expansion of non-classical monocytes, and in the neonatal liver upon experimental expansion of these cells. Therapeutic strategies directed towards enhancing Ly6c(Lo) non-classical monocyte function may mitigate the detrimental effects of perinatal liver inflammation

    Femtometer Toroidal Structures in Nuclei

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    The two-nucleon density distributions in states with isospin T=0T=0, spin SS=1 and projection MSM_S=0 and ±\pm1 are studied in 2^2H, 3,4^{3,4}He, 6,7^{6,7}Li and 16^{16}O. The equidensity surfaces for MSM_S=0 distributions are found to be toroidal in shape, while those of MSM_S=±\pm1 have dumbbell shapes at large density. The dumbbell shapes are generated by rotating tori. The toroidal shapes indicate that the tensor correlations have near maximal strength at r<2r<2 fm in all these nuclei. They provide new insights and simple explanations of the structure and electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron, the quasi-deuteron model, and the dpdp, dddd and αd\alpha d LL=2 (DD-wave) components in 3^3He, 4^4He and 6^6Li. The toroidal distribution has a maximum-density diameter of \sim1 fm and a half-maximum density thickness of \sim0.9 fm. Many realistic models of nuclear forces predict these values, which are supported by the observed electromagnetic form factors of the deuteron, and also predicted by classical Skyrme effective Lagrangians, related to QCD in the limit of infinite colors. Due to the rather small size of this structure, it could have a revealing relation to certain aspects of QCD.Comment: 35 pages in REVTeX, 25 PostScript figure

    A universal probe set for targeted sequencing of 353 nuclear genes from any flowering plant designed using k-medoids clustering

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    Sequencing of target-enriched libraries is an efficient and cost-effective method for obtaining DNA sequence data from hundreds of nuclear loci for phylogeny reconstruction. Much of the cost of developing targeted sequencing approaches is associated with the generation of preliminary data needed for the identification of orthologous loci for probe design. In plants, identifying orthologous loci has proven difficult due to a large number of whole-genome duplication events, especially in the angiosperms (flowering plants).We used multiple sequence alignments from over 600 angiosperms for 353 putatively single-copy protein-coding genes identified by the One Thousand Plant Transcriptomes Initiative to design a set of targeted sequencing probes for phylogenetic studies of any angiosperm group. To maximize the phylogenetic potential of the probes, while minimizing the cost of production, we introduce a k-medoids clustering approach to identify the minimum number of sequences necessary to represent each coding sequence in the final probe set. Using this method, 5–15 representative sequences were selected per orthologous locus, representing the sequence diversity of angiosperms more efficiently than if probes were designed using available sequenced genomes alone. To test our approximately 80,000 probes, we hybridized libraries from 42 species spanning all higher-order groups of angiosperms, with a focus on taxa not present in the sequence alignments used to design the probes. Out of a possible 353 coding sequences, we recovered an average of 283 per species and at least 100 in all species. Differences among taxa in sequence recovery could not be explained by relatedness to the representative taxa selected for probe design, suggesting that there is no phylogenetic bias in the probe set. Our probe set, which targeted 260 kbp of coding sequence, achieved a median recovery of 137 kbp per taxon in coding regions, a maximum recovery of 250 kbp, and an additional median of 212 kbp per taxon in flanking non-coding regions across all species. These results suggest that the Angiosperms353 probe set described here is effective for any group of flowering plants and would be useful for phylogenetic studies from the species level to higher-order groups, including the entire angiosperm clade itself

    Genomic heterogeneity underlies multidrug resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: A population-level analysis beyond susceptibility testing.

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    BACKGROUND: Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a persistent and difficult-to-treat pathogen in many patients, especially those with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Herein, we describe a longitudinal analysis of a series of multidrug resistant (MDR) P. aeruginosa isolates recovered in a 17-month period, from a young female CF patient who underwent double lung transplantation. Our goal was to understand the genetic basis of the observed resistance phenotypes, establish the genomic population diversity, and define the nature of sequence evolution over time. METHODS: Twenty-two sequential P. aeruginosa isolates were obtained within a 17-month period, before and after a double-lung transplant. At the end of the study period, antimicrobial susceptibility testing, whole genome sequencing (WGS), phylogenetic analyses and RNAseq were performed in order to understand the genetic basis of the observed resistance phenotypes, establish the genomic population diversity, and define the nature of sequence changes over time. RESULTS: The majority of isolates were resistant to almost all tested antibiotics. A phylogenetic reconstruction revealed 3 major clades representing a genotypically and phenotypically heterogeneous population. The pattern of mutation accumulation and variation of gene expression suggested that a group of closely related strains was present in the patient prior to transplantation and continued to change throughout the course of treatment. A trend toward accumulation of mutations over time was observed. Different mutations in the DNA mismatch repair gene mutL consistent with a hypermutator phenotype were observed in two clades. RNAseq performed on 12 representative isolates revealed substantial differences in the expression of genes associated with antibiotic resistance and virulence traits. CONCLUSIONS: The overwhelming current practice in the clinical laboratories setting relies on obtaining a pure culture and reporting the antibiogram from a few isolated colonies to inform therapy decisions. Our analyses revealed significant underlying genomic heterogeneity and unpredictable evolutionary patterns that were independent of prior antibiotic treatment, highlighting the need for comprehensive sampling and population-level analysis when gathering microbiological data in the context of CF P. aeruginosa chronic infection. Our findings challenge the applicability of antimicrobial stewardship programs based on single-isolate resistance profiles for the selection of antibiotic regimens in chronic infections such as CF

    Reconstructing Disturbances and Their Biogeochemical Consequences over Multiple Timescales

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    Ongoing changes in disturbance regimes are predicted to cause acute changes in ecosystem structure and function in the coming decades, but many aspects of these predictions are uncertain. A key challenge is to improve the predictability of postdisturbance biogeochemical trajectories at the ecosystem level. Ecosystem ecologists and paleoecologists have generated complementary data sets about disturbance (type, severity, frequency) and ecosystem response (net primary productivity, nutrient cycling) spanning decadal to millennial timescales. Here, we take the first steps toward a full integration of these data sets by reviewing how disturbances are reconstructed using dendrochronological and sedimentary archives and by summarizing the conceptual frameworks for carbon, nitrogen, and hydrologic responses to disturbances. Key research priorities include further development of paleoecological techniques that reconstruct both disturbances and terrestrial ecosystem dynamics. In addition, mechanistic detail from disturbance experiments, long-term observations, and chronosequences can help increase the understanding of ecosystem resilience

    Reconstructing Disturbances and Their Biogeochemical Consequences over Multiple Timescales

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    Ongoing changes in disturbance regimes are predicted to cause acute changes in ecosystem structure and function in the coming decades, but many aspects of these predictions are uncertain. A key challenge is to improve the predictability of postdisturbance biogeochemical trajectories at the ecosystem level. Ecosystem ecologists and paleoecologists have generated complementary data sets about disturbance (type, severity, frequency) and ecosystem response (net primary productivity, nutrient cycling) spanning decadal to millennial timescales. Here, we take the first steps toward a full integration of these data sets by reviewing how disturbances are reconstructed using dendrochronological and sedimentary archives and by summarizing the conceptual frameworks for carbon, nitrogen, and hydrologic responses to disturbances. Key research priorities include further development of paleoecological techniques that reconstruct both disturbances and terrestrial ecosystem dynamics. In addition, mechanistic detail from disturbance experiments, long-term observations, and chronosequences can help increase the understanding of ecosystem resilienc