133 research outputs found

    Strengthening the Academic Department Through Empowerment of Faculty and Staff

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    Empowerment of employees has been a primary concern of business for many decades, under the premise that involvement of employees in decision making leads to superior performance and results. Acceptance of the practical value of empowerment by colleges and universities is more recent and more rare, despite the centrality of ideas such as faculty governance and recognition of the faculty’s essential role in the academic enterprise. Empowerment in academe is defined as the process whereby stakeholders are encouraged and supported in utilizing their knowledge, skills, and creativity to embrace ownership and accountability for the well being of their department and institution. The process requires stakeholders to collaborate in order to establish clear goals and expectations focused on the institution’s vision and mission but within agreed-upon boundaries. This alignment of departmental and institutional goals is a key ingredient of empowerment, one that Black (1987) calls ”enacting the vision” in organizations

    Texture-specific Si isotope variations in Barberton Greenstone Belt cherts record low temperature fractionations in early Archean seawater

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    Sedimentary cherts are unusually abundant in early Archean (pre-3.0 Ga) sequences, suggesting a silica cycle that was profoundly different than the modern system. Previously applied for the purpose of paleothermometry, Si isotopes in ancient cherts can offer broader insight into mass fluxes and mechanisms associated with silica concentration, precipitation, diagenesis, and metamorphism. Early Archean cherts contain a rich suite of sedimentological and petrographic textures that document a history of silica deposition, cementation, silicification, and recrystallization. To add a new layer of insight into the chemistry of early cherts, we have used wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy and then secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) to produce elemental and Si and O isotope ratio data from banded black-and-white cherts from the Onverwacht Group of the Barberton Greenstone Belt, South Africa. This geochemical data is then interpreted in the framework of depositional and diagenetic timing of silica precipitation provided by geological observations. SIMS allows the comparison of Si and O isotope ratios of distinct silica phases, including black carbonaceous chert beds and bands (many including well-defined sedimentary grains), white relatively pure chert bands including primary silica granules, early cavity-filling cements, and later quartz-filled veins. Including all chert types and textures analyzed, the δ^(30)Si dataset spans a range from −4.78‰ to +3.74‰, with overall mean 0.20‰, median 0.51‰, and standard deviation 1.30‰ (n = 1087). Most samples have broadly similar δ^(30)Si distributions, but systematic texture-specific δ^(30)Si differences are observed between white chert bands (mean +0.60‰, n = 750), which contain textures that represent primary and earliest diagenetic silica phases, and later cavity-filling cements (mean −1.41‰, n = 198). We observed variations at a ∼100 μm scale indicating a lack of Si isotope homogenization at this scale during diagenesis and metamorphism, although fractionations during diagenetic phase transformations may have affected certain textures. We interpret these systematic variations to reflect fractionation during silica precipitation as well as isotopically distinct fluids from which later phases originated. SIMS δ^(18)O values fall in a range from 16.39‰ to 23.39‰ (n = 381), similar to previously published data from bulk gas source mass spectrometry of Onverwacht cherts. We observed only limited examples of texture-related variation in δ^(18)O and did not observe correlation of δ^(18)O with δ^(30)Si trends. This is consistent with hypotheses that Si isotope ratios are more resistant to alteration under conditions of rock-buffered diagenesis (Marin-Carbonne et al., 2011). Our results indicate that low temperature processes fractionated silicon isotopes in early Archean marine basins, a behavior that probably precludes the application of chert δ^(30)Si as a robust paleothermometer. The values we observe for facies that sedimentological and petrographic observations indicate formed as primary and earliest diagenetic silica precipitates from seawater are more ^(30)Si-rich than that expected for bulk silicate Earth. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the silicon isotope budget is balanced by the coeval deposition of ^(30)Si-enriched cherts and ^(30)Si-depleted iron formation lithologies. Precipitation of authigenic clay minerals in both terrestrial and marine settings may have also comprised a large ^(30)Si-depleted sink, with the corollary of an important non-carbonate alkalinity sink consuming cations released by silicate weathering

    The evaluation of alternatives of enterprise expansion based on Life-Cycle Costing

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    V diplomové práci s názvem "Hodnocení variant rozšíření podniku na základě nákladů životního cyklu" je vytvořeno porovnání čtyř variant možného přesunu společnosti zabývající se kovovýrobou s využitím metody nákladů životního cyklu stavby. Účelem tohoto porovnání je poskytnutí ucelených informací a dat, které podpoří nebo naopak zavrhnou předpokládanou variantu přesunu, kterou je výstavba nového areálu. Jednotlivé varianty a data do nich vstupující byly konzultovány s vedením společnosti. Stejně tak byl ve spolupráci s vedením společnosti navržen i systém hodnocení jednotlivých variant. Diplomová práce je rovněž tvořena teoretickou částí, která je zaměřena na problematiku metodiky nákladů životního cyklu a na s ní související témata. Popisuje vybrané evropské normy a standardy, fáze životního cyklu, obecné principy plánování životnosti a dělení nákladů životního cyklu. V práci je dále uvedena metodika analýzy nákladů životního cyklu, která popisuje základní body nutné pro její sestavení. Okrajově je práce doplněná kapitolou o facility managementu a rovněž kapitolou věnující se metodice hodnocení kvality budov. Teoretická část je poté uzavřena kapitolou popisující evropské a tuzemské dotační programy, které jsou využity v praktické části práce.In the thesis entitled "The evaluation of alternatives of enterprise expansion based on Life-Cycle Costing", a comparison of the four variants of a possible transfer of the metalworking company using the Life Cycle Cost Method of the Building is made. The purpose of this comparison is to provide comprehensive information and data to support or, on the contrary, to reject the variant of the transfer which includes a construction of a new compound of the company. Individual variants and their data were consulted with the company's management. In the same way, a system of evaluation of individual variants was designed in cooperation with the company management. The thesis includes also a theoretical part, which is focused on the issue of life cycle cost methodology and its related topics. It describes selected European standards, life cycle phases, general life planning principles and life cycle cost breakdown. The thesis also presents the methodology of life cycle cost analysis, which describes the basic points necessary for its compilation. On the margins is mentioned the chapter about facility management and also the chapter dealing with the methodology of building quality assessment. The theoretical part is then completed by a chapter describing the European and Czech grand programs, which is used in the practical part of the thesis

    Optimization of conditions for transportation of ores

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    Complexes of myrmecophytes and ants on the 3 research areas located in different types of forests in the Ukrainian Carpathians are analyzed. 24 species of myrmecophytes and were found for F. rufa and 26 for F. polyctena in coniferous forest; in deciduous - 13 and 16 respectively; in the mixed - 2 and 16 species of myrmecophytes

    Understanding the Philosophical Positions of Classical and Neo Pragmatists for Mixed Methods Research

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    Pragmatism is the most popular philosophy/paradigm in the international field of mixed methods research (MMR). This article therefore introduces, describes, and contrasts the philosophies of the most well known pragmatists, including the three most important classical pragmatists (Charles Sanders Peirce, William James and John Dewey) and two neopragmatists (Richard Rorty and Susan Haack). It is shown that Rorty and James fit well with qualitatively driven MMR (i. e., MMR where the qualitative component of the study is primary); Peirce fits well with quantitatively driven MMR (i. e., MMR where the quantitative component is primary); and Dewey fits well with MMR that attempts to treat qualitative and quantitative research/philosophy equally (i. e., equal-status mixed methods research). Importantly, it is shown here that pragmatism offers a way out of many philosophy of science quagmires facing social researchers and it offers a promising philosophy for mixed methods research practice

    Trauma-Informed Supervision: The Supervisory Needs of Mental Health Therapists Engaged in Trauma-Related Work

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    We present the need for therapists who engage in trauma-specific work to receive trauma-informed supervision or consultation. This is based on the findings that the emotional labor required of trauma-specific work is high and increases a therapist’s risk for experiencing negative impacts from their work such as vicarious trauma, compassion fatigue, unhelpful transference/countertransference, reminders of their own trauma, and burnout. Further, clients incur risks of receiving iatrogenic care when therapists engaged in trauma-related work are not given appropriate job related resources and/or receive ineffective supervision. We discuss a model for trauma-informed supervision, including supporting theory and initial guidelines for supervisors’ competence and activities. Specifically, we outline the knowledge and activities necessary for trauma supervisors to engage effectively in the clinical supervision of trauma sensitive cases and as advocates for therapists who engage in trauma sensitive work. We provide specific suggestions for supervisory intervention to reduce therapists’ negative experiences with trauma work and increase positive ones. Areas for future exploration conclude this initial dialogue, which is intended to be a catalyst for crafting an evolving framework for trauma-informed supervision

    Гуцульська порода коней – аборигенна порода українських Карпат

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    Hutsul horses are the oldest Ukrainian breed and belong to the local and endangered breeds of farm animals in Ukraine. The formation and preservation of the Hutsul horse breed took place in Ukrainian lands. Proof of this are built: the state factory stable in the village. Drohobych in the Lviv region in 1822, a horse-breeding station for Hutsul horses in the Luchina meadow in Southern Bukovina (1877), in the Galician Hutsul region two stables of  Hutsul cucumbers: in Kosovo (1891) and in the village of Zhabye (1895). State Herd of Cucumbers in Sudova Vyshna (1907) in Lviv Region. Of the 6 genealogical lines of prominent Hutsul stallions, 3 ogres were born in the Ukrainian lands – Goral, Gurul and Polyan. Measures for the conservation and development of Hutsul horses are held in the Hutsul and Verkhovyna National Nature Parks in international cooperation within the framework of the Poland-Belarus-Ukraine cross-border cooperation program. Hutsulshchyna National Nature Park in 2015 took part in the project “Creation of the Polish-Ukrainian Center for Breeding and Promotion of Hutsul Breed Horses”, and Verkhovynsky National Nature Park in 2020 takes part in the international Ukrainian-Polish project “Knowledge of  Nature and Wealth Carpathians with a Hutsul horse”. According to the State Breeding Register 2011–2017, in Ukraine there is an annual reduction in the number of breeding farms, the total and breeding stock of Hutsul horses. Today, only 2 farms (NGO “Plemkonecentr” and FG “Polonynske farm”) for breeding Hutsul horses have the status of breeders. According to calculations, in accordance with the FAO recommendations, these animals are at critical risk status, and according to the assessment system of the European Livestock Association, Hutsul horse breed is at high risk of losing the gene pool of the breed. To preserve the Hutsul horse breed, the joint cooperation of owners (breeding and private farms) of purebred and the most typical herd of  Hutsul horses, scientists and specialists is necessary.Гуцульські коні є найстарішою українською породою і належать до локальних та зникаючих порід сільськогосподарських тварин в Україні. Формування та збереження породи гуцульських коней відбувалося на українських землях. Доказом цього є побудовані: державна заводська конюшня в с. Дроговиж на Львівщині у 1822 році, станція конярства расових гуцульських коней на полонині Лучині в Південній Буковині (1877 р.), у Галицькій Гуцульщині дві стайні гуцульських огирів: у Косові (1891 р.) та в селищі Жаб’є  (1895 р.), Державна стаднина огирів у Судовій Вишні (1907 р.) на Львівщині. Із 6 генеалогічних ліній видатних жеребців-плідників гуцульської породи 3 огирі народжені на українських землях – Горал, Гурул та Полян. Заходи щодо збереження та розвитку коней гуцульської породи проводяться в Національних природних парках “Гуцульщина” та “Верховинський” у міжнародній співпраці в рамках програми транскордонного співробітництва Польща–Білорусь–Україна. Національний природний парк “Гуцульщина” в 2015 році взяв участь в проекті “Створення Польсько-Українського центру розведення та популяризації коней гуцульської породи”, а Національний природний парк “Верховинський” у 2020 році бере участь у міжнародному українсько-польському проекті “Пізнання природи і багатства Карпат з гуцульським конем”. За даними Державного племінного реєстру 2011–2017 років, в Україні спостерігається щорічне скорочення кількості племінних господарств, загального й маточного поголів’я коней гуцульської породи. На сьогодні тільки 2 господарства (НВА “Племконецентр” та ФГ “Полонинське господарство”) з розведення гуцульської породи коней мають статус племрепродуктора. За проведеними розрахунками, відповідно до рекомендацій FAO, ці тварини перебувають за статусом ризику в критичному стані, а за системою оцінки Європейської асоціації з тваринництва, гуцульська порода коней перебуває в сильній небезпеці втрати генофонду породи. Для збереження гуцульської породи коней необхідна об’єднана співпраця власників (племінні та приватні господарства) чистопородного і найбільш типового поголів’я гуцульських коней, науковців та фахівців

    A morphogram for silica-witherite biomorphs and its application to microfossil identification in the early earth rock record

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    Archean hydrothermal environments formed a likely site for the origin and early evolution of life. These are also the settings, however, were complex abiologic structures can form. Low-temperature serpentinization of ultramafic crust can generate alkaline, silica-saturated fluids in which carbonate–silica crystalline aggregates with life-like morphologies can self-assemble. These “biomorphs” could have adsorbed hydrocarbons from Fischer–Tropsch type synthesis processes, leading to metamorphosed structures that resemble carbonaceous microfossils. Although this abiogenic process has been extensively cited in the literature and has generated important controversy, so far only one specific biomorph type with a filamentous shape has been discussed for the interpretation of Archean microfossils. It is therefore critical to precisely determine the full distribution in morphology and size of these biomorphs, and to study the range of plausible geochemical conditions under which these microstructures can form. Here, a set of witherite-silica biomorph synthesis experiments in silica-saturated solutions is presented, for a range of pH values (from 9 to 11.5) and barium ion concentrations (from 0.6 to 40 mmol/L BaCl2). Under these varying conditions, a wide range of life-like structures is found, from fractal dendrites to complex shapes with continuous curvature. The size, spatial concentration, and morphology of the biomorphs are strongly controlled by environmental parameters, among which pH is the most important. This potentially limits the diversity of environments in which the growth of biomorphs could have occurred on Early Earth. Given the variety of the observed biomorph morphologies, our results show that the morphology of an individual microstructure is a poor criterion for biogenicity. However, biomorphs may be distinguished from actual populations of cellular microfossils by their wide, unimodal size distribution. Biomorphs grown by diffusion in silica gel can be differentiated by their continuous gradient in size, spatial density, and morphology along the direction of diffusion.This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement nº 646894) and under the ERC Seventh Framework Programme FP7/2007-2013 (grant agreement n° 340863). JMG-R also acknowledges the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad of Spain through the project CGL2016-78971-P. We acknowledge the analytical platform PARI and Stefan Borenstazjn for SEM imaging. Prof. Y. Tsukii and The Protist Information Server (http://protist.i.hosei.ac.jp/) are acknowledged for the use of pictures of cyanobacteria. This is IPGP contribution n° 3912. We are grateful to two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments