9 research outputs found

    Galaxy groups in the COSMOS survey

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    CFHTLenS: the relation between galaxy dark matter haloes and baryons from weak gravitational lensing

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    We present a study of the relation between dark matter halo mass and the baryonic content of their host galaxies, quantified through galaxy luminosity and stellar mass. Our investigation uses 154 deg^2 of Canada–France–Hawaii Telescope Lensing Survey (CFHTLenS) lensing and photometric data, obtained from the CFHT Legacy Survey. To interpret the weak lensing signal around our galaxies, we employ a galaxy–galaxy lensing halo model which allows us to constrain the halo mass and the satellite fraction. Our analysis is limited to lenses at redshifts between 0.2 and 0.4, split into a red and a blue sample. We express the relationship between dark matter halo mass and baryonic observable as a power law with pivot points of 10^(11)h^(−2)_(70)L_⊙ and 2×10^(11)h^(−2)_(70)M_⊙ for luminosity and stellar mass, respectively. For the luminosity–halo mass relation, we find a slope of 1.32 ± 0.06 and a normalization of 1.19^(+0.06)_(−0.07)×10^(13)h^(−1)_(70)M_⊙ for red galaxies, while for blue galaxies the best-fitting slope is 1.09^(+0.20)_(−0.13) and the normalization is 0.18^(+0.04)_(−0.05)×10^(13)h^(−1)_(70)M_⊙. Similarly, we find a best-fitting slope of 1.36^(+0.06)_(−0.07) and a normalization of 1.43^(+0.11)_(−0.08)×10^(13)h^(−1)70M_⊙ for the stellar mass–halo mass relation of red galaxies, while for blue galaxies the corresponding values are 0.98^(+0.08)_(−0.07) and 0.84^(+0.20)_(−0.16)×10^(13)h^(−1)70M_⊙. All numbers convey the 68 per cent confidence limit. For red lenses, the fraction which are satellites inside a larger halo tends to decrease with luminosity and stellar mass, with the sample being nearly all satellites for a stellar mass of 2×10^(9)h^(−2)70M_⊙. The satellite fractions are generally close to zero for blue lenses, irrespective of luminosity or stellar mass. This, together with the shallower relation between halo mass and baryonic tracer, is a direct confirmation from galaxy–galaxy lensing that blue galaxies reside in less clustered environments than red galaxies. We also find that the halo model, while matching the lensing signal around red lenses well, is prone to overpredicting the large-scale signal for faint and less massive blue lenses. This could be a further indication that these galaxies tend to be more isolated than assumed

    Clinical validity of a DPYD-based pharmacogenetic test to predict severe toxicity to fluoropyrimidines

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    Pre-therapeutic DPYD pharmacogenetic test to prevent fluoropyrimidines (FL)-related toxicities is not yet common practice in medical oncology. We aimed at investigating the clinical validity of DPYD genetic analysis in a large series of oncological patients. Six hundred three cancer patients, treated with FL, have been retrospectively tested for eight DPYD polymorphisms (DPYD-rs3918290, DPYD-rs55886062, DPYD-rs67376798, DPYD-rs2297595, DPYD-rs1801160, DPYD-rs1801158, DPYD-rs1801159, DPYD-rs17376848) for association with Grade 653 toxicity, developed within the first three cycles of therapy. DPYD-rs3918290 and DPYD-rs67376798 were associated to Grade 653 toxicity after bootstrap validation and Bonferroni correction (p\u2009=\u20090.003, p\u2009=\u20090.048). DPYD-rs55886062 was not significant likely due to its low allelic frequency, nonetheless one out of two heterozygous patients (compound heterozygous with DPYD-rs3918290) died from toxicity after one cycle. Test specificity for the analysis of DPYD-rs3918290, DPYD-rs55886062 and DPYD-rs67376798 was assessed to 99%. Among the seven patients carrying one variant DPYD-rs3918290, DPYD-rs55886062 or DPYD-rs67376798 allele, not developing Grade 653 toxicity, 57% needed a FL dose or schedule modification for moderate chronic toxicity. No other DPYD polymorphism was associated with Grade 653 toxicity. Our data demonstrate the clinical validity and specificity of the DPYD-rs3918290, DPYD-rs55886062, DPYD-rs67376798 genotyping test to prevent FL-related Grade 653 toxicity and to preserve treatment compliance, and support its introduction in the clinical practice

    Direct observational evidence for a large transient galaxy population in groups at 0.85 < z < 1

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    (abridged) We introduce our survey of galaxy groups at 0.85<z<1, as an extension of the Group Environment and Evolution Collaboration (GEEC). Here we present the first results, based on Gemini GMOS-S nod-and-shuffle spectroscopy of seven galaxy groups selected from spectroscopically confirmed, extended XMM detections in COSMOS. In total we have over 100 confirmed group members, and four of the groups have >15 members. The dynamical mass estimates are in good agreement with the masses estimated from the X-ray luminosity, with most of the groups having 13<log(Mdyn/Msun)<14. Our spectroscopic sample is statistically complete for all galaxies with Mstar>1E10.1 Msun, and for blue galaxies we sample masses as low as Mstar=1E8.8 Msun. Like lower-redshift groups, these systems are dominated by red galaxies, at all stellar masses Mstar>1E10.1 Msun. Few group galaxies inhabit the "blue cloud" that dominates the surrounding field; instead, we find a large and possibly distinct population of galaxies with intermediate colours. The "green valley" that exists at low redshift is instead well-populated in these groups, containing ~30 per cent of galaxies. These do not appear to be exceptionally dusty galaxies, and about half show prominent Balmer-absorption lines. Furthermore, their HST morphologies appear to be intermediate between those of red-sequence and blue-cloud galaxies of the same stellar mass. We postulate that these are a transient population, migrating from the blue cloud to the red sequence, with a star formation rate that declines with an exponential timescale 0.6 Gyr< tau < 2 Gyr. Their prominence among the group galaxy population, and the marked lack of blue, star-forming galaxies, provides evidence that the group environment either directly reduces star formation in member galaxies, or at least prevents its rejuvenation during the normal cycle of galaxy evolution.Comment: MNRAS, in press. Minor revisions and updated references to match published versio

    A weak lensing study of X-ray groups in the COSMOS survey : form and evolution of the mass-luminosity relation

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    Measurements of X-ray scaling laws are critical for improving cosmological constraints derived with the halo mass function and for understanding the physical processes that govern the heating and cooling of the intracluster medium. In this paper, we use a sample of 206 X-ray-selected galaxy groups to investigate the scaling relation between X-ray luminosity (L X) and halo mass (M 200) where M 200 is derived via stacked weak gravitational lensing. This work draws upon a broad array of multi-wavelength COSMOS observations including 1.64 degrees2 of contiguous imaging with the Advanced Camera for Surveys to a limiting magnitude of I F814W = 26.5 and deep XMM-Newton/Chandra imaging to a limiting flux of 1.0 × 10–15 erg cm–2 s–1 in the 0.5-2 keV band. The combined depth of these two data sets allows us to probe the lensing signals of X-ray-detected structures at both higher redshifts and lower masses than previously explored. Weak lensing profiles and halo masses are derived for nine sub-samples, narrowly binned in luminosity and redshift. The COSMOS data alone are well fit by a power law, M 200 vprop (L X)α, with a slope of α = 0.66 ± 0.14. These results significantly extend the dynamic range for which the halo masses of X-ray-selected structures have been measured with weak gravitational lensing. As a result, tight constraints are obtained for the slope of the M-L X relation. The combination of our group data with previously published cluster data demonstrates that the M-L X relation is well described by a single power law, α = 0.64 ± 0.03, over two decades in mass, M 200 ~ 1013.5-1015.5 h –1 72 M ☉. These results are inconsistent at the 3.7σ level with the self-similar prediction of α = 0.75. We examine the redshift dependence of the M-L X relation and find little evidence for evolution beyond the rate predicted by self-similarity from z ~ 0.25 to z ~ 0.8

    Mass Profiles of Galaxy Clusters from X-ray Analysis

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