54 research outputs found

    Experiences of dementia and attitude towards prevention: a qualitative study among older adults participating in a prevention trial

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    Background A better insight into older adults’ understanding of and attitude towards cognitive disorders and their prevention, as well as expectations and reasons for participation in prevention trials, would help design, conduct, and implement effective preventive interventions. This qualitative study aimed at exploring the knowledge and perceptions of cognitive disorders and their prevention among participants in a prevention trial. Methods Semi-structured interviews were conducted among the participants of a multinational randomised controlled trial testing the efficacy of a lifestyle-based eHealth intervention in preventing cardiovascular disease or cognitive decline in community dwellers aged 65+. Participants were probed on their reasons for participation in the trial and their views on general health, cardiovascular disease, ageing, and prevention. The subset of data focusing on cognitive disorders (15 interviewees; all in Finland) was considered for this study. Data were analysed using content analysis. Results Participants’ knowledge of the cause and risk factors of cognitive disorders and prevention was limited and superficial, and a need for up-to-date, reliable, and practical information and advice was expressed. Cognitive disorders evoked fear and concern, and feelings of hopelessness and misery were frequently expressed, indicating a stigma. Strong heredity of cognitive disorders was a commonly held belief, and opinions on the possibility of prevention were doubtful, particularly in relation to primary prevention. Family history and/or indirect experiences of cognitive disorders was a recurrent theme and it showed to be linked to both the knowledge of and feelings associated with cognitive disorders, as well as attitude towards prevention. Indirect experiences were linked to increased awareness and knowledge, but also uncertainty about risk factors and possibility of prevention. Distinct fear and concerns, particularly over one’s own cognition/risk, and high motivation towards engaging in prevention and participating in a prevention trial were also identified in connection to this theme. Conclusions Family history and/or indirect experiences of cognitive disorders were linked to sensitivity and receptiveness to brain health and prevention potential. Our findings may be helpful in addressing older adults’ expectations in future prevention trials to improve recruitment, maximise adherence, and facilitate the successful implementation of interventions

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & NemĂ©sio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; NemĂ©sio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Human IRF1 governs macrophagic IFN-Îł immunity to mycobacteria

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    Inborn errors of human IFN-Îł-dependent macrophagic immunity underlie mycobacterial diseases, whereas inborn errors of IFN-α/ÎČ-dependent intrinsic immunity underlie viral diseases. Both types of IFNs induce the transcription factor IRF1. We describe unrelated children with inherited complete IRF1 deficiency and early-onset, multiple, life-threatening diseases caused by weakly virulent mycobacteria and related intramacrophagic pathogens. These children have no history of severe viral disease, despite exposure to many viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, which is life-threatening in individuals with impaired IFN-α/ÎČ immunity. In leukocytes or fibroblasts stimulated in vitro, IRF1-dependent responses to IFN-Îł are, both quantitatively and qualitatively, much stronger than those to IFN-α/ÎČ. Moreover, IRF1-deficient mononuclear phagocytes do not control mycobacteria and related pathogens normally when stimulated with IFN-Îł. By contrast, IFN-α/ÎČ-dependent intrinsic immunity to nine viruses, including SARS-CoV-2, is almost normal in IRF1-deficient fibroblasts. Human IRF1 is essential for IFN-Îł-dependent macrophagic immunity to mycobacteria, but largely redundant for IFN-α/ÎČ-dependent antiviral immunity

    La santé au prisme des sciences bio-sociales

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    Soulier A., "La santé au prisme des sciences bio-sociales". In Gefen A.(dir.) Un monde commun. Comprendre le monde pour mieux l'habiter ensemble : les savoirs des humanités et des sciences sociales, CNRS éditions. La santé, au prisme des sciences bio-sociales Le tournant bio-social, opéré en médecine au début du XXIÚme siÚcle, invite à considérer la santé comme le produit de l'adaptation d'un organisme à un environnement social. Ce tournant qui postule la nécessité d'appréhender la santé comme un phénomÚne complexe s'est opéré à la faveur de la rencontre entre sciences génomiques et sciences sociales. De nouvelles pratiques scientifiques qui vont à l'encontre des traditions de cloisonnement disciplinaire et qui alimentent la médecine et la santé publique sont ainsi développées qui requiÚrent un examen de leurs enjeux épistémologiques, éthiques et sociaux

    Rapport final du projet CELIA

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    “Genetic Load”: How the Architects of the Modern Synthesis Became Trapped in a Scientific Ideology

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    International audienceThe term "genetic load" first emerged in a paper written in 1950 by the geneticist H. Muller. It is a mathematical model based on biological, social, political and ethical arguments describing the dramatic accumulation of disadvantageous mutations in human populations that will occur in modern societies if eugenic measures are not taken. The model describes how the combined actions of medical and social progress will supposedly impede natural selection and make genes of inferior quality likely to spread across populations-a process which in fine loads their progress. Genetic load is based on optimal fitness and emerges from a "typo-logical view" of evolution. This model of evolution had previously, however, been invalidated by Robert Wright and Theodosius Dobzhansky who, as early as 1946, showed that polymor-phism was the rule in natural populations. The blooming and persistence of the concept of genetic load, after its theoretical basis had already expired, are a historical puzzle. This persistence reveals the intricacy of science and policy-making in eugenic matters. The Canguil-hemian concept of 'scientific ideology' (1988) is used along with the concept of 'immutable mobile' (Latour 1986) and compared with the concept of 'co-production' (Jasanoff 1998), to provide complementary perspectives on this complex phenomenon

    Rapport final du projet ADDEME

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    Anti-manuel Ă  l'usage des mĂšres ? La science des « effets maternels » Ă  l'Ă©preuve de la philosophie fĂ©ministe des sciences À propos de : Sarah Richardson Maternal Imprint, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2021, 376 pages.

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    Maternal Imprint se situe Ă  la frontiĂšre de la philosophie fĂ©ministe des sciences, des Ă©tudes de sciences et des technologies, de l'Ă©pistĂ©mologie et de l'histoire de la mĂ©decine. C'est un livre documentĂ© et complexe qui montre en quoi il est scientifiquement, socialement et politiquement problĂ©matique que les sciences biomĂ©dicales qui cherchent actuellement Ă  expliquer l'origine dĂ©veloppementale de la santĂ© et de la maladie (Developmental Origins of Health and Disease ou DOHaD) se focalisent sur le comportement des mĂšres. Sarah Richardson, qui est Ă  la fois philosophe des sciences et spĂ©cialiste d'Ă©tudes de genre Ă  l'universitĂ© d'Harvard, y dĂ©veloppe une critique argumentĂ©e de ces travaux et y mĂšne une enquĂȘte gĂ©nĂ©alogique sur le sort qui a Ă©tĂ© fait, au cours de l'histoire de la biologie des trois derniers siĂšcles, Ă  la question de la contribution hĂ©rĂ©ditaire des pĂšres et des mĂšres Ă  la santĂ© des enfants

    Défis techniques, problÚmes éthiques : repenser l'éthique de la recherche en génomique humaine à l'Úre des infrastructures de recherche

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    In genomic research, as in other highly computerised scientific fields, databases and biobanks are today (re-)organised into infrastructures. This new organisational model should support the technical and collaborative effort needed to deal with Big Data, that is, data sets that are too large and too complex to be treated with conventional methods. Establishing these new environments is an actual technical challenge that requires, in order to be operational, appropriate regulatory frameworks that are both open to internationalisation and long-term prospects. But some of these changes are not consistent with current ethics procedures, including the informed consent process. The ethics of genomics research must therefore be reconsidered by asking whether it is in technology that we must draw new solutions for the governance of research or whether we must respond to these evolutions by proposing a political treatment to clarify what we value collectively. This work, which is based on a pragmatist approach, intends to cultivate a reflexive attitude on the changes being made in genomic research by describing situations of moral tension. This requires elucidating the role of biobanks and databases in the production, validation and publication of genomic research; accounting for the conflicts of values to which the development of these devices can give rise when they are incompatible with the current procedures and thus to examine whether the devices as conceived are desirable in the contexts where they are developed. This thesis is based on the analysis of concrete situations, resulting from research projects in which we have been involved or from studies of science in practices (philosophy, anthropology, sociology and history). During this examination, the regulatory idea of a person-member is proposed, in order to favor the consideration of the social and political affiliations of the subject of ethics to research in genomics.Dans le champ de la recherche en gĂ©nomique, comme dans d'autres domaines trĂšs informatisĂ©s, les bases de donnĂ©es et les biobanques sont organisĂ©es en infrastructures. Ce nouveau modĂšle organisationnel doit permettre de soutenir l'effort technique et collaboratif requis pour traiter des Big Data, c'est-Ă -dire des jeux de donnĂ©es trop volumineux et complexes pour ĂȘtre traitĂ©s en utilisant les mĂ©thodes classiques. L'Ă©tablissement de ces nouveaux environnements constitue un vĂ©ritable dĂ©fi technique et philosophique. Il requiert, pour ĂȘtre opĂ©rationnel, des cadres rĂ©glementaires adaptĂ©s, ouverts Ă  la fois Ă  l'internationalisation et Ă  des perspectives de long terme, mais certains de ces changements ne sont pas compatibles avec les procĂ©dures Ă©thiques courantes, notamment la procĂ©dure de consentement Ă©clairĂ©. L'Ă©thique de la recherche en gĂ©nomique doit donc ĂȘtre repensĂ©e. Faut-il puiser dans la technique les nouvelles solutions de gouvernance de la recherche ? Ou bien est-il plus juste de rĂ©pondre Ă  ces Ă©volutions en analysant les situations de tension morale suscitĂ©es par de nouveaux dĂ©veloppements et en dĂ©cidant de les traiter en fonction de ce Ă  quoi nous tenons collectivement ? L'enjeu de ce travail, qui relĂšve d'une approche pragmatiste, consiste Ă  cultiver une attitude rĂ©flexive Ă  propos des changements en cours dans la recherche en gĂ©nomique. Cette tĂąche suppose d'expliciter le rĂŽle des biobanques et des bases de donnĂ©es dans la production, la validation et la publication de la recherche gĂ©nomique. Il est Ă©galement nĂ©cessaire de rendre compte des tensions auxquelles le dĂ©veloppement de ces dispositifs donne lieu lorsqu'ils sont incompatibles avec les procĂ©dures actuelles. On peut alors examiner si les dispositifs tels qu'ils sont conçus sont dĂ©sirables dans les contextes oĂč ils sont dĂ©veloppĂ©s, soulignant ainsi la dimension politique de l'Ă©thique de la recherche. Cette thĂšse repose sur l'analyse de situations concrĂštes issues de projets de recherche dans lesquels nous avons Ă©tĂ© impliquĂ©e. Nous utilisons aussi plusieurs disciplines Ă©tudiant la science telle qu'elle se fait (philosophie, anthropologie, sociologie et histoire). Au cours de cet examen, l'idĂ©e rĂ©gulatrice de personne-membre est proposĂ©e, pour favoriser la prise en compte des appartenances sociales et politiques du sujet de l'Ă©thique de la recherche en gĂ©nomique
