170 research outputs found

    Does Improvisation Help or Hinder Planning in Determining Export Success? Decision Theory Applied to Exporting

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    Exporting enables organizations to diversify risk and generate multiple income streams. In turn, the ability to make good export decisions is purported to be a main determinant of performance. Although substantive export decisions are well researched, little is known about how export decisions should be made in practice and whether different decision-making approaches should be combined. This study addresses this gap using decision theory; the authors assess the interaction of planning and improvisation and examine the impact of these approaches on export responsiveness and export performance. They develop a conceptual model through exploratory research and test it through structural equation modeling. The authors seek insights into the results through post hoc in-depth interviews and conclude that improvisation has multiple dimensions (spontaneity, creativity, and action orientation) and that there is no one “best way” for export managers to make decisions. Furthermore, export planning can enhance economic performance but detract from customer performance. In addition, improvisation improves responsiveness, whereas action orientation leads to greater customer performance and results in greater responsiveness with regard to planning. However, export managers should be wary of spontaneity and creativity, because they detract from planning outcomes

    Les modèles numériques des microhabitats des passons : application et nouveaux développements

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    L'estimation des stocks de poissons que peut abriter un secteur de cours d'eau non pollué nécessite le calcul de sa capacité d'accueil en terme d'espace et de nourriture. Le premier volet a donné lieu aux Etats-Unis à la mise en place de modèles de comportement de différentes espèces de poissons en fonction de variables physiques et de modèles hydrauliques décrivant l'évolution temporelle de ces variables.Les hypothèses sous-jacentes sont discutées. Une modification du calcul de la perte de charge linéaire est préconisée pour le modèle hydraulique dans le cas des rivières à truites, et l'utilisation de méthodes multivariées est proposée pour décrire avec une meilleure fiabilité les relations entre densités de poissons et variables physiques des cours d'eau.Quelques cas d'application illustrent l'intérêt de cette démarche pour répondre à des questions posées par les gestionnaires, tant en matière de prévision des impacts piscicoles des aménagements que d'optimisation des repeuplements.When evaluating the potential fish stock that an unpolluted reach of a stream can accomodate, the load capacity with regard to space and food available must be assessed. It is for this purpose that the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology has been developed in the United States.The assumptions on which behavioural and hydraulic models are based are discussed and modifications are suggested to improve the efficiency of this methodology.The use of the Manning equation to compute the energy loss is misleading in the case of trout streams and results from simulation are more reliable when using resistance equations designed for mountain rivers.For biological monitoring, multivariate data analysis is an interesting alternative to drawing one-dimensional preference curves. Qualitative variables can be used and redundancy or dependence between parameters no longer distorts the results. The relations between physical variables of streams and a probability of the presence of fish are estimated with greater accuracy.Examples of the application of this methodology are presented with a view to assessing the effects of water abstraction on fish populations and to optimizing the restocking of trout streams

    Asymptomatic anterior shoulder dislocation of 24-year duration

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    A 73-year-old woman presented with a very long-standing anterior dislocation of her right shoulder. She had no pain, mild impairment of active shoulder motion and clinical features suggesting no tear of the rotator cuff. CT 3D reconstructions showed a newly formed glenoid cavity below the coracoid process. This case indicates that an anterior shoulder dislocation lasting even decades may be compatible with an almost normal shoulder function

    Planetary science and exploration in the deep subsurface: results from the MINAR Program, Boulby Mine, UK

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    The subsurface exploration of other planetary bodies can be used to unravel their geological history and assess their habitability. On Mars in particular, present-day habitable conditions may be restricted to the subsurface. Using a deep subsurface mine, we carried out a program of extraterrestrial analog research – MINe Analog Research (MINAR). MINAR aims to carry out the scientific study of the deep subsurface and test instrumentation designed for planetary surface exploration by investigating deep subsurface geology, whilst establishing the potential this technology has to be transferred into the mining industry. An integrated multi-instrument suite was used to investigate samples of representative evaporite minerals from a subsurface Permian evaporite sequence, in particular to assess mineral and elemental variations which provide small-scale regions of enhanced habitability. The instruments used were the Panoramic Camera emulator, Close-Up Imager, Raman spectrometer, Small Planetary Linear Impulse Tool, Ultrasonic drill and handheld X-ray diffraction (XRD). We present science results from the analog research and show that these instruments can be used to investigate in situ the geological context and mineralogical variations of a deep subsurface environment, and thus habitability, from millimetre to metre scales. We also show that these instruments are complementary. For example, the identification of primary evaporite minerals such as NaCl and KCl, which are difficult to detect by portable Raman spectrometers, can be accomplished with XRD. By contrast, Raman is highly effective at locating and detecting mineral inclusions in primary evaporite minerals. MINAR demonstrates the effective use of a deep subsurface environment for planetary instrument development, understanding the habitability of extreme deep subsurface environments on Earth and other planetary bodies, and advancing the use of space technology in economic mining

    Planetary science and exploration in the deep subsurface: results from the MINAR Program, Boulby Mine, UK

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    The subsurface exploration of other planetary bodies can be used to unravel their geological history and assess their habitability. On Mars in particular, present-day habitable conditions may be restricted to the subsurface. Using a deep subsurface mine, we carried out a program of extraterrestrial analog research – MINe Analog Research (MINAR). MINAR aims to carry out the scientific study of the deep subsurface and test instrumentation designed for planetary surface exploration by investigating deep subsurface geology, whilst establishing the potential this technology has to be transferred into the mining industry. An integrated multi-instrument suite was used to investigate samples of representative evaporite minerals from a subsurface Permian evaporite sequence, in particular to assess mineral and elemental variations which provide small-scale regions of enhanced habitability. The instruments used were the Panoramic Camera emulator, Close-Up Imager, Raman spectrometer, Small Planetary Linear Impulse Tool, Ultrasonic drill and handheld X-ray diffraction (XRD). We present science results from the analog research and show that these instruments can be used to investigate in situ the geological context and mineralogical variations of a deep subsurface environment, and thus habitability, from millimetre to metre scales. We also show that these instruments are complementary. For example, the identification of primary evaporite minerals such as NaCl and KCl, which are difficult to detect by portable Raman spectrometers, can be accomplished with XRD. By contrast, Raman is highly effective at locating and detecting mineral inclusions in primary evaporite minerals. MINAR demonstrates the effective use of a deep subsurface environment for planetary instrument development, understanding the habitability of extreme deep subsurface environments on Earth and other planetary bodies, and advancing the use of space technology in economic mining

    SPICAV on Venus Express: Three spectrometers to study the global structure and composition of the Venus atmosphere

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    Spectroscopy for the investigation of the characteristics of the atmosphere of Venus (SPICAV) is a suite of three spectrometers in the UV and IR range with a total mass of 13.9 kg flying on the Venus Express (VEX) orbiter, dedicated to the study of the atmosphere of Venus from ground level to the outermost hydrogen corona at more than 40,000 km. It is derived from the SPICAM instrument already flying on board Mars Express (MEX) with great success, with the addition of a new IR high-resolution spectrometer, solar occultation IR (SOIR), working in the solar occultation mode. The instrument consists of three spectrometers and a simple data processing unit providing the interface of these channels with the spacecraft. A UV spectrometer (118-320 nm, resolution 1. 5 nm) is identical to the MEX version. It is dedicated to nadir viewing, limb viewing and vertical profiling by stellar and solar occultation. In nadir orientation, SPICAV UV will analyse the albedo spectrum (solar light scattered back from the clouds) to retrieve SO2, and the distribution of the UV-blue absorber (of still unknown origin) on the dayside with implications for cloud structure and atmospheric dynamics. On the nightside, 7 and 6 bands of NO will be studied, as well as emissions produced by electron precipitations. In the stellar occultation mode the UV sensor will measure the vertical profiles of CO2, temperature, SO2, SO, clouds and aerosols. The density/temperature profiles obtained with SPlCAV will constrain and aid in the development of dynamical atmospheric models, from cloud top (similar to 60 km) to 160 km in the atmosphere. This is essential for future missions that would rely on aerocapture and acrobraking. UV observations of the upper atmosphere will allow studies of the ionosphere through the emissions of CO, CO+, and CO2+, and its direct interaction with the solar wind. It will study the H corona, with its two different scale heights, and it will allow a better understanding of escape mechanisms and estimates of their magnitude, crucial for insight into the long-term evolution of the atmosphere. The SPICAV VIS-IR sensor (0.7-1.7 mu m, resolution 0.5-1.2 nm) employs a pioneering technology: an acousto-optical tunable filter (AOTF). On the nightside, it will study the thermal emission peeping through the clouds, complementing the observations of both VIRTIS and Planetary Fourier Spectrometer (PFS) on VEX. In solar occultation mode this channel will study the vertical structure of H2O, CO2, and aerosols. The SOIR spectrometer is a new solar occultation IR spectrometer in the range lambda=2.2-4.3 mu m, with a spectral resolution lambda/Delta lambda > 15,000, the highest on board VEX. This new concept includes a combination of an echelle grating and an AOTF crystal to sort out one order at a time. The main objective is to measure HDO and H2O in solar occultation, in order to characterize the escape of D atoms from the upper atmosphere and give more insight about the evolution of water on Venus. It will also study isotopes of CO2 and minor species, and provides a sensitive search for new species in the upper atmosphere of Venus. It will attempt to measure also the nightside emission, which would allow a sensitive measurement of HDO in the lower atmosphere, to be compared to the ratio in the upper atmosphere, and possibly discover new minor atmospheric constituents. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Improving diaper design to address incontinence associated dermatitis

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Incontinence associated dermatitis (IAD) is an inflammatory skin disease mainly triggered by prolonged skin contact with urine, feces but also liberal detergent use when cleansing the skin. To minimize the epidermal barrier challenge we optimized the design of adult incontinence briefs. In the fluid absorption area we interposed a special type of acidic, curled-type of cellulose between the top sheet in contact with the skin and the absorption core beneath containing the polyacrylate superabsorber. The intention was to minimize disturbance of the already weak acid mantle of aged skin. We also employed air-permeable side panels to minimize skin occlusion and swelling of the stratum corneum.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The surface pH of diapers was measured after repeated wetting with a urine substitute fluid at the level of the top sheet. Occlusive effects and hydration of the stratum corneum were measured after a 4 hour application of different side panel materials by corneometry on human volunteers. Finally, we evaluated skin symptoms in 12 patients with preexisting IAD for 21 days following the institutional switch to the optimized diaper design. Local skin care protocols remained in place unchanged.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The improved design created a surface pH of 4.6 which was stable even after repeated wetting throughout a 5 hour period. The "standard design" briefs had values of 7.1, which is alkaline compared to the acidic surface of normal skin. Side panels made from non-woven material with an air-permeability of more than 1200 l/m<sup>2</sup>/s avoided excessive hydration of the stratum corneum when compared to the commonly employed air-impermeable plastic films. Resolution of pre-existing IAD skin lesions was noted in 8 out of 12 patients after the switch to the optimized brief design.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>An improved design of adult-type briefs can create an acidic pH on the surface and breathable side panels avoid over-hydration of the stratum corneum and occlusion. This may support the epidermal barrier function and may help to reduce the occurrence of IAD.</p

    Exploring the impact of the level of absorptive capacity in technology development firms

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    Absorptive capacity (ACAP) is widely recognized as an effective means of obtaining and sustaining a competitive advantage. Although ACAP was globally introduced decades ago, researchers from Central and Eastern Europe have since underestimated its importance. The research objective of this paper is to answer the following questions: how does the level of ACAP influence the performances of technology-driven firms, and how does it catalyse their innovation outputs? Furthermore, we argue that exporting technology-driven firms possess even higher levels of ACAP than those who are weak or not-at-all exporters. ACAP measured value is examined alongside the innovation outputs of firms and their business performance, with an extended focus on exporters. A selected population of >600 Croatian firms were asked to fill in the questionnaire. Out of the 103 firms that completed the survey, 45 were recognized as intensive technology development performers, and 34 were identified as large exporters. Both populations were tested against formulated hypotheses, ultimately proving that higher levels of ACAP can be seen to positively drive innovation performance which, notably, can be seen most clearly with exporters

    Lessons from prospective longitudinal follow-up of a French APECED cohort

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    Background Autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy syndrome is a rare disease caused by biallelic mutations of the AIRE gene, usually presenting with the triad hypoparathyroidism-adrenal failure-chronic mucocutaneous candidiasis (CMC) and nonendocrine manifestations. The aim of this study was to determine the molecular profile of the AIRE gene, the prevalence of rare manifestations, and to characterize immunological disturbances in a French cohort. Patients and Methods A national, multicenter prospective observational study to collect genetic, clinical, biological, and immunological data (NCT03751683). Results Twenty-five patients (23 families) were enrolled. Eleven distinct AIRE variants were identified, 2 of which were not previously reported: an intronic variant, c.653-70G > A, and a c.1066del (p.Arg356GlyfsX22) variant (exon 9). The most common was the Finnish variant c.769C > T (16 alleles), followed by the variant c.967_979del13 (15 alleles), which seemed associated with a less severe phenotype. Seventeen out of 25 patients were homozygote. The median number of clinical manifestations was 7; 19/25 patients presented with the hypoparathyroidism-adrenal failure-CMC triad, 8/13 showed pulmonary involvement, 20/25 had ectodermal dystrophy, 8/25 had malabsorption, and 6/23 had asplenia. Fifteen out of 19 patients had natural killer cell lymphopenia with an increase in CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes and an age-dependent alteration of B lymphocyte homeostasis compared with matched controls (P < .001), related to the severity of the disease. All tested sera (n = 18) were positive for anti-interferon-α, 15/18 for anti-IL-22 antibodies, and 13/18 for anti-IL-17F antibodies, without clear phenotypic correlation other than with CMC. Conclusion This first prospective cohort showed a high AIRE genotype variability, with 2 new gene variants. The prevalence of potentially life-threatening nonendocrine manifestations was higher with systematic screening. These manifestations could, along with age-dependent B-cell lymphopenia, contribute to disease severity. Systematic screening for all the manifestations of the syndrome would allow earlier diagnosis, supporting vaccination and targeted therapeutic approaches