82 research outputs found

    Analise Citogenética de Três Casos de Tumor de Wilms da Infância

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    Relatamos os resultados da análise cito genética de três casos de tumor de Wilms em crianças. O estudo cromossômico foi realizado a partir do material obtido de cultura de curta duração de células tumorais. Observamos alterações numéricas e estruturais, incluindo aberrações estruturais do cromossomo 1 e trissomias dos cromossomos 8 e 12


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    This research analyzed the motivation for the physical activity in women practicing water-based exercise. The instrument used was the Inventory of Motivation to Practice Physical Activities (IMPRAF-54). The dimension with the highest average was "health", which is significantly different from the other dimensions. Aesthetics and competitiveness do not motivate the participants. With regard to motivation to practice water activities specifically, the highest score was observed for safety, closely followed by pleasure, climate and health. We conclude that the main reason for a physical activity practice for water-based activities practitioners is the health, and the safety inherent to the activity, as well as the pleasure and climate of the region are specific factors that are also relevant.Esta investigación analizó la motivación para practicar actividades físicas em mujeres que practican aeróbicos acuáticos. Se utilizó el Inventario de Motivación para la Práctica de Actividades Físicas (IMPRAF-54). La dimensión con mayor promedio fue “salud”, la cual se diferencia significativamente de las demás dimensiones. La estética y la competitividad no motivan a los participantes. En cuanto a la motivación para la práctica de actividades acuáticas en concreto, la mayor puntuación la obtuvo la seguridad, seguida de cerca por el placer, el clima y la salud. Se concluyó que el principal motivo de la práctica de actividad física en practicantes de hidrogimnasia fue la búsqueda de la salud, y la seguridad inherente a la actividad, así como el placer y el clima de la región son factores específicos que también son relevantes.Essa pesquisa analisou a motivação para a prática de atividades físicas em mulheres praticantes de hidroginástica. Foi utilizado Inventário de Motivação a Prática de Atividades Físicas (IMPRAF-54). A dimensão com maior média foi “saúde”, sendo essa significativamente diferente das demais dimensões. Estética e competitividade motivam pouco as participantes. No que diz respeito à motivação à prática de atividades aquáticas especificamente, a maior pontuação foi observada para a segurança, seguida de perto pelo prazer, clima e saúde. Concluiu-se que o principal motivo para a prática de atividade física em praticantes de hidroginástica foi a busca por saúde, sendo que a segurança inerente à atividade, bem como o prazer e o clima da região são fatores específicos que também são relevantes

    Efeito do fitofármaco Mentaliv® sobre funções de neutrófilos e eosinófilos

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    Mentha piperita L. has been studied by our group as a possible phytopharmacological drug for treatment of diseases that promote intense inflammatory responses mediated by eosinophils and neutrophils. Thus, the analysis of antioxidant effects and cytokine production by these cells is important to understand the effect of these compounds on the innate and effector phase of adaptive immune response. In this way, an essential oil from M. piperita (Mentaliv®) was used and the myeloperodase enzyme activity (MPO) in neutrophils was evaluated by luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assay (QLDLum) and lucigenin (QLDLuc). The levels of IL-4, IL-6 and TNF-α and QLDLum in eosinophils were also evaluated. Our results showed an inhibition of the production of superoxide anionic radicals and NADPH oxidase in neutrophils after the essential M. piperita oil treatment. However, IL-4 levels were increased after treatment. These data suggest that this phytopharmaceutical has anti-inflammatory activity, by controlling the secreted products during the inflammatory responses, mainly as can occur during infections and chronic inflammatory processes of several diseases, which present a strong tissue eosinophilia with significant presence of PMN in blood and tissue.A Mentha piperita L. tem sido estudada pelo nosso grupo como possível fitofármaco para tratamento de doenças que promovem respostas inflamatórias intensa, mediadas por eosinófilos e neutrofilos. Assim, analisar os efeitos antioxidantes e produção de citocinas por essas células é importante para entender o efeito desses compostos na resposta imune inata e efetora. Dessa forma, utilizou-se um fitofármaco proveniente da M piperita e avaliou a enzima MPO em neutrófilos por meio da quimiluminescência dependente de luminol (QLDLum) e da lucigenina. E os níveis de IL-4, IL-6 e TNF-α e a QLDLum em eosinófilos. Nossos resultados demonstraram que em neutrófilos houve inibição da produção de radical ânion superóxido e da NADPH oxidase após tratamento com o fitofármaco. Entretando, os níveis de IL-4 foi maior após o tratamento. Esses dados sugerem que esse fitofármaco apresenta atividade anti-inflamatória, por meio do controle dos produtos secretados durante as respostas inflamatórias, principalmente como pode ocorrer durante infecções e processos inflamatórios crônicos de diversas doenças, onde se observa uma acentuada eosinofilia tecidual, com presença significativa de PMN no sangue e no tecido.

    Schiff bases complexed with iron and their relation with the life cycle and infection by Schistosoma mansoni

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    Funding Information: This work was supported by the Support Foundation of São Paulo (FAPESP) [No. 2014/12568-4] and National Counsel of Technological and Scientific Development (CNPq) [No. 100763/2015-4] received by JV da Silva. Acknowledgments Publisher Copyright: Copyright © 2022 da Silva, Moreira, Montija, Feitosa, Correia, Domingues, Soares, Allegretti, Afonso and Anibal.Introduction: The trematode Schistosoma mansoni causes schistosomiasis, and this parasite’s life cycle depends on the mollusk Biomphalaria glabrata. The most effective treatment for infected people is administering a single dose of Praziquantel. However, there are naturally resistant to treatment. This work has developed, considering this parasite’s complex life cycle. Methods: The synthetics compound were evaluated: i) during the infection of B. glabrata, ii) during the infection of BALB/c mice, and iii) during the treatment of mice infected with S. mansoni. Results and Discussion: For the first objective, snails infected with miracidia treated with compounds C1 and C3 at concentrations of 25% IC50 and 50% IC50, after 80 days of infection, released fewer cercariae than the infected group without treatment. For the second objective, compounds C1 and C3 did not show significant results in the infected group without treatment. For the third objective, the mice treated with C3 and C1 reduced the global and differential cell count. The results suggest that although the evaluated compounds do not present schistosomicidal properties when placed in cercariae suspension, they can stimulate an immune reaction in snails and decrease mice’s inflammatory response. In general, we can conclude that compound C1 and C3 has an anti-schistosomicidal effect both in the larval phase (miracidia) and in the adult form of the parasite.publishersversionpublishe

    A antropologia forense como triagem para as análises da genética forense

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    A Genética Forense hoje é uma das principais ferramentas utilizadas em casos de identificação humana. Esta emprega as técnicas da biologia molecular para auxiliar na elucidação de crimes, principalmente na determinação da autoria deste. Contudo é sabido que a análise do DNA ainda é um exame de alto custo e que muitas vezes, em centros que não possuem um laboratório para esse fim, os mesmos têm que enviar as suas amostras para serem analisadas em outros locais, o que pode demorar meses até a obtenção do resultado. Como uma técnica aliada para a identificação humana, podemos incluir a Antropologia Forense, que vem a ser uma área de conhecimento que aplica os métodos da antropologia física e arqueologia para coleta e análise de evidências legais, buscando estabelecer a identidade de um ser humano. O exame antropológico forense consiste em traçar um perfil bioantropológico da vítima, incluindo: sexo, ancestralidade, idade, estatura, mão dominante (lateralidade), características dentárias, anomalias ósseas, patologias ósseas e características individuais. Com isso espera-se reduzir o número de análises de DNA forense, uma vez que a análise antropológica forense fornece dados que permite o direcionamento e a aplicação do exame de DNA para um indivíduo ou um grupo específico de pessoas. Com isto, também é possível a redução dos gastos de um laboratório de Genética Forense, pois também há a otimização dos resultados. A aplicação do protocolo para análise de ossadas do Laboratório de Antropologia Forense (LAF) serve como triagem para o exame de DNA forense. Este protocolo já é utilizado na Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP/USP) e foi criado em 2005, em um projeto entre a University of Sheffield (UK) e o Centro de Medicina Legal (CEMEL) da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo (FMRP/USP). Com os resultados bioantropológicos de um exame de antropologia forense é possível reduzir o número de amostras para que seja feito um exame de DNA, sendo possível reduzir o tempo e o custo de um exame dessa natureza. Isso é demonstrado na análise de caso apresentada aqui.Nowadays, Forensic Genetics is one of the main tools used is the main tool used in cases of human identification. It uses molecular biology techniques to help in crime clarification, especially in the determination of the perpetrators. However, it is known that DNA analysis is still a high priced exam and that many times it is necessary for centers that don’t have a laboratory for this purpose to send their samples to be analyzed to other places, which can take months to get the results. As an adjunct technique to human identification, we can include the Forensic Anthropology, which is a field that applies physical anthropological and archeological methods for collecting and analyzing legal evidence, in order to to establish the identification of a human being. The anthropological forensic exam consists of tracing the bio-anthropological profile of the victim, including: sex, ancestry, age, stature, handedness, dental characteristics, bone abnormalities, bone diseases and individual characteristics. Whereby, it is hoped that the number of forensic DNA analyses will be reduced, once the forensic anthropological analysis shows data that make it possible to directly apply the DNA exam to a specific person or group of people. As a result, it is also possible to reduce the costs of a Genetic Forensic laboratory because there is also optimization of results. The protocol application to the bones analyzes of the Anthropological Forensic Laboratory (LAF) serves as a screening process prior to the forensic DNA exam. This protocol is already used in the Ribeirão Preto Medical School, University of São Paulo (FMRP/USP) and it was created in 2005, in a joint project of the University of Sheffield (UK) and the Legal Medicine Center (CEMEL) of Medicine College of São Paulo University at Ribeirão Preto (FMRP/USP). With the bio-anthropological results of an anthropological forensic exam, it is possible to reduce the sample number of the DNA exam to be done, making it possible to reduce the time and the cost of these nature exams. This is demonstrated in the case report submitted here


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    Nowadays, environmental services related to agroforestry systems are based on qualitative status. However, to occur the consolidation of payment of environmental services (PSE), factors that conditioning SAFs must be characterized. This study was carried out to evaluate if the individual biomass of coffee plants is affect by AFs characterized by distinctive management and design of Arabic coffee plants and grevilleas, in addition to checking the possibility of adjustment of allometric equations to estimate coffee dried biomass. The assay was carried out at coffee fields (Coffea arabica L.) associated with grevilleas (Grevillea robusta A. Cunn.) under conventional and organic management, situated at Planalto da Conquista and Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. From the biomass determination by destructive method of simple separation, estimation equations of individual biomass of coffee plants were established. It was concluded that the management system conventional or organic have minor impact to carbon and biomass accumulation when compared to coffee plants density and grevillea arrangement. The lower coffee plant density is a factor that determine the superiority of individual biomass stocks. Coffee plants density and grevillea arrangement are factor that determine different allometric models to coffee plants biomass estimation.Atualmente, os serviços ambientais relativos aos sistemas agroflorestais (SAFs) estão fundamentados em aspectos qualitativos. Entretanto, para que ocorra a consolidação do pagamentos por tais serviços, os diversos fatores que condicionam os SAFs necessitam ser caracterizados. Este estudo teve comoobjetivos analisar se o estoque de biomassa individual de cafeeiros é afetado porSAFs caracterizados por manejo e arranjos distintos dos cafeeiros arábica e das grevíleas, além de verificar se haveria possibilidade de ajuste de equações alométricas para estimar a biomassa seca dos cafeeiros.O experimento foi conduzido em sistemas de cultivo de café (Coffea arabica L.) sob manejo orgânico e convencional arborizado por grevíleas (Grevillea robusta A. Cunn.), localizados nas regiões do Planalto da Conquista e Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. A partir da determinação da biomassa pelo método destrutivo da simples separação, foram estabelecidas equações de estimativa do estoque de biomassa individual dos cafeeiros. Concluiu-se que o sistema de manejo orgânico e convencional são fatores de menor impacto para o acúmulo de biomassa e carbono em relação à fatores como a densidade de cafeeiros e o arranjo das grevíleas. O menor adensamento de cafeeiros é fator que determina a superioridade dos estoques de biomassa individual.A densidade de cafeeiros e arranjo das grevíleas são fatores que determinam modelos alométricos diferenciados para a estimativa de biomassa dos cafeeiros

    Systematic review of interventions for treating or preventing antipsychotic-induced tardive dyskinesia

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    Background: Antipsychotic medication can cause tardive dyskinesia (TD) – late-onset, involuntary, repetitive movements, often involving the face and tongue. TD occurs in > 20% of adults taking antipsychotic medication (first-generation antipsychotics for > 3 months), with this proportion increasing by 5% per year among those who continue to use these drugs. The incidence of TD among those taking newer antipsychotics is not different from the rate in people who have used older-generation drugs in moderate doses. Studies of TD have previously been found to be limited, with no treatment approach shown to be effective. Objectives: To summarise the clinical effectiveness and safety of treatments for TD by updating past Cochrane reviews with new evidence and improved methods; to undertake public consultation to gauge the importance of the topic for people living with TD/the risk of TD; and to make available all data from relevant trials. Data sources: All relevant randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies. Review methods: Cochrane review methods, network meta-analysis (NMA). Design: Systematic reviews, patient and public involvement consultation and NMA. Setting: Any setting, inpatient or outpatient. Participants: For systematic reviews, adults with TD who have been taking a stable antipsychotic drug dose for > 3 months. Interventions: Any, with emphasis on those relevant to UK NHS practice. Main outcome measures: Any measure of TD, global assessments and adverse effects/events. Results: We included 112 studies (nine Cochrane reviews). Overall, risk of bias showed little sign of improvement over two decades. Taking the outcome of ‘TD symptoms improved to a clinically important extent’, we identified two trials investigating reduction of antipsychotic dose [n = 17, risk ratio (RR) 0.42, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.17 to 1.04; very low quality]. Switching was investigated twice in trials that could not be combined (switching to risperidone vs. antipsychotic withdrawal: one RCT, n = 42, RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.23 to 0.89; low quality; switching to quetiapine vs. haloperidol: one RCT, n = 45, RR 0.80, 95% CI 0.52 to 1.22; low quality). In addition to RCTs, six observational studies compared antipsychotic discontinuation with decreased or increased dosage, and there was no clear evidence that any of these strategies had a beneficial effect on TD symptoms (very low-quality evidence). We evaluated the addition to standard antipsychotic care of several treatments, but not anticholinergic treatments, for which we identified no trials. We found no clear effect of the addition of either benzodiazepines (two RCTs, n = 32, RR 1.12, 95% CI 0.6 to 2.09; very low quality) or vitamin E (six RCTs, n = 264, RR 0.95, 95% CI 0.89 to 1.01; low quality). Buspirone as an adjunctive treatment did have some effect in one small study (n = 42, RR 0.53, 95% CI 0.33 to 0.84; low quality), as did hypnosis and relaxation (one RCT, n = 15, RR 0.45, 95% CI 0.21 to 0.94; very low quality). We identified no studies focusing on TD in people with dementia. The NMA model found indirect estimates to be imprecise and failed to produce useful summaries on relative effects of interventions or interpretable results for decision-making. Consultation with people with/at risk of TD highlighted that management of TD remains a concern, and found that people are deeply disappointed at the length of time it has taken researchers to address the issue. Limitations: Most studies remain small and poorly reported. Conclusions: Clinicians, policy-makers and people with/at risk of TD are little better informed than they were decades ago. Underpowered trials of limited quality repeatedly fail to provide answers. Future work: TD reviews have data from current trials extracted, tabulated and traceable to source. The NMA highlights one context in which support for this technique is ill advised. All relevant trials, even if not primarily addressing the issue of TD, should report appropriate binary outcomes on groups of people with this problem. Randomised trials of treatments for people with established TD are indicated. These should be large (> 800 participants), necessitating accrual through accurate local/national registers, including an intervention with acceptable treatments and recording outcomes used in clinical practice. Study registration: This study is registered as PROSPERO CRD4201502045. Funding: The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme