107 research outputs found

    Network Analysis of Biochemical Logic for Noise Reduction and Stability: A System of Three Coupled Enzymatic AND Gates

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    We develop an approach aimed at optimizing the parameters of a network of biochemical logic gates for reduction of the "analog" noise buildup. Experiments for three coupled enzymatic AND gates are reported, illustrating our procedure. Specifically, starch - one of the controlled network inputs - is converted to maltose by beta-amylase. With the use of phosphate (another controlled input), maltose phosphorylase then produces glucose. Finally, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) - the third controlled input - is reduced under the action of glucose dehydrogenase to yield the optically detected signal. Network functioning is analyzed by varying selective inputs and fitting standardized few-parameters "response-surface" functions assumed for each gate. This allows a certain probe of the individual gate quality, but primarily yields information on the relative contribution of the gates to noise amplification. The derived information is then used to modify our experimental system to put it in a regime of a less noisy operation.Comment: 31 pages, PD

    ネパール デタールムラ ジュウミン ノ ケンコウ チョウサ ト シシュウ シッカン リカン ジョウキョウ ナラビニ シシュウビョウゲンサイキン ニ カンスル チョウサ

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    ネパール中央部カスキ郡・デタール村住民の生活習慣を含めた健康調査、歯科検診、歯周病原細菌に関して 調査し、以下の結果を得た。 1.う蝕罹患状況・未処置かつ重症化したう蝕歯をもつ者が多い。一人平均う蝕本数が加齢とともに増加していた。う蝕処置 をしている者が少なく、抜去している歯が多かった。 2.歯周疾患罹患状況・歯周組織検査ではCPI:0(健全)の者はどの年代でも少なく、加齢に伴い重症化していた。・喫煙者と非喫煙者の比較では、CPI値が喫煙者の方が高く、喫煙と歯周病の関連性が示唆された。・ブラッシングの回数は2回者が最も多く、回数が多い者ほどCPI値は低値を示した。 3.唾液潜血反応検査と歯周病原細菌検査・唾液潜血反応陽性者は95%だった。また、ブラッシング時出血自覚症状の有無と唾液潜血反応の結果は、ほぼ一致した。・歯肉に炎症ある者にPorphyromonas gingivalis ( Pg 菌)に対する血漿抗体価陽性の傾向が認められ、唾液潜血反応結果では潜血反応陽性者の Pg 菌に対する血漿抗体価は陰性の傾向が認められた。このことから、この地域の歯周病罹患率ならびにう蝕罹患率は高く、重症化していることが示唆された。A health check including an interview about life habits, dental checkup and investigation of periodontopathic bacteria of periodontal disease among the residents of Dhital village, Kaski District,Nepal was conducted. The results are as follows: 1.Prevalence of dental caries・There were many residents who had serious tooth decay resulting from lerving it untreated.The average number of tooth decay has increased with aging.There were not many people who treated their tooth decay,and many of their teeth were extracted. 2.Prevalence of periodontal disease・The survey of periodontal tissue showed that there were only a few people with CPI:0(healthy periodontal tissue)in every generation,and prevalence rate was rising with aging.・The comparison between smokers and non-smokers showed that the average CPI values of smokers were higher than that of non-smokers, and it suggested a correlation between smoking and progression of periodontal disease.・There were a large number of people who brushed their teeth twice a day. The more examination they brushed their teeth, the lower the value of average CPI became. 3.Salivary occult blood test and periodontopathic bacteria test・Positive persons of occdlt blood examination were 95%. The presence of the subjective symptom with respect to bleeding during brushing teeth almost agreed with the result of the salivary occult blood test.・A positive trend for plasma antibody value against Porphyromonas gingivalis was found among the people with gingival inflammation. As a result of reaction against salivary occult blood, there was a negative trend for the plasma antibody value against Porphyromonas gingivalis . From there results,it was suggested that among people living in thie district, prevalence of both periodontal disease and tooth decay were high,and their conditions were serious

    ネパール ノ Kaski チク ニ オケル セイカツスイ ノ ビョウゲンセイ ビセイブツ オセン ジッタイ チョウサ

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    Diarrheal disease is one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality particularly among children in the developing countries with poor water sanitation. In the rainy season of 2009, a study on enteropathogenic contamination was performed for the water supply in the Kaski District of Nepal. A total of 23 water samples, including 6 from Pokhara City (central city), 7 from Patneri Village (on the plain side), and 10 from Dhital Village (on the hill side) were investigated using a commercially available coliform bacilli kit, MPN Colilert (IDEXX Laboratories, USA). In total, 87% (20/23) water samples were positive for coliform bacilli (Escherichia coli) and 74% (17/23) for fecal coliform bacilli. All samples collected in Pokhara City and Dhital Village were positive for coliform bacilli while only 57% (4/7) of samples collected from Patneri Village were for coliform bacilli. With regard to fecal coliform bacilli, rates of positivity in these three locations were 100% (6/6), 80% (8/10), and 43% (3/7), respectively. Interestingly, water samples collected from schools at Dhital Village and Patneri Village showed both coliform bacilli and fecal coliform bacilli. These findings, particularly of fecal coliform contamination of water at schools, suggest the possibility of outbreaks of waterborne disease among children. We recommend effective sterilization of the water supply and improvement of knowledge of water safety in school children as well as people in general

    Control of Noise in Chemical and Biochemical Information Processing

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    We review models and approaches for error-control in order to prevent the buildup of noise when gates for digital chemical and biomolecular computing based on (bio)chemical reaction processes are utilized to realize stable, scalable networks for information processing. Solvable rate-equation models illustrate several recently developed methodologies for gate-function optimization. We also survey future challenges and possible new research avenues.Comment: 39 pages, 8 figures, PD

    地域住民の集団検診に於ける運動指導方法論のカリキュラム開発 : 食事・運動指導の方法論を学生教育に導入する事を目指して

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    In order to develop a new curriculum for students of dietitian course that contains a practical methodology in the prescription and teaching of physical exercise for middle aged local citizens, we arranged and opened health promotion classes for three years (2001-2003), gaining public favor, with many students voluntarily attending to the classes as a helping stuff to the participants. These activities are briefly summarized and a tentative curriculum was proposed