44 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic Modeling of Surface Plasmon Enhanced Photon Induced Current in a Gold Grating

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    The current induced by incident photons on an gold grating slab is investigated numerically and experimentally. A semi-classical electrodynamic model is developed under the weak nonlinearity approximation. Electrons in the conduction band are treated as an electron gas in the presence of a self-consistent electromagnetic field. The model is solved by the finite element method and compared with measurements. The calculated current density as a function of incident angle and wavelength is found to be in qualitative agreement with the experimental measurements. The results show that increasing surface plasmon spatial variation enhances photon induced current

    Propagated infra-slow intrinsic brain activity reorganizes across wake and slow wave sleep

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    Propagation of slow intrinsic brain activity has been widely observed in electrophysiogical studies of slow wave sleep (SWS). However, in human resting state fMRI (rs-fMRI), intrinsic activity has been understood predominantly in terms of zero-lag temporal synchrony (functional connectivity) within systems known as resting state networks (RSNs). Prior rs-fMRI studies have found that RSNs are generally preserved across wake and sleep. Here, we use a recently developed analysis technique to study propagation of infra-slow intrinsic blood oxygen level dependent (BOLD) signals in normal adults during wake and SWS. This analysis reveals marked changes in propagation patterns in SWS vs. wake. Broadly, ordered propagation is preserved within traditionally defined RSNs but lost between RSNs. Additionally, propagation between cerebral cortex and subcortical structures reverses directions, and intra-cortical propagation becomes reorganized, especially in visual and sensorimotor cortices. These findings show that propagated rs-fMRI activity informs theoretical accounts of the neural functions of sleep

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    Spontaneous slow oscillation-associated slow wave activity represents an internally generated state which is characterized by alternations of network quiescence and stereotypical episodes of neuronal activity - slow wave events. However, it remains unclear which macroscopic signal is related to these active periods of the slow wave rhythm. We used optic fiber-based calcium recordings of local neural populations in cortex and thalamus to detect neurophysiologically defined slow calcium waves in isoflurane anesthetized rats. The individual slow wave events were used for an event-related analysis of simultaneously acquired whole-brain BOLD fMRI. We identified BOLD responses directly related to onsets of slow calcium waves, revealing a cortex-wide BOLD correlate: the entire cortex was engaged in this specific type of slow wave activity. These findings demonstrate a direct relation of defined neurophysiological events to a specific BOLD activity pattern and were confirmed for ongoing slow wave activity by independent component and seed-based analyses

    Synaptic Origin of Early Sensory-evoked Oscillations in the Immature Thalamus

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    Respiration organizes gamma synchrony in the prefronto-thalamic network

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    Abstract Multiple cognitive operations are associated with the emergence of gamma oscillations in the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) although little is known about the mechanisms that control this rhythm. Using local field potential recordings from cats, we show that periodic bursts of gamma recur with 1 Hz regularity in the wake mPFC and are locked to the exhalation phase of the respiratory cycle. Respiration organizes long-range coherence in the gamma band between the mPFC and the nucleus reuniens the thalamus (Reu), linking the prefrontal cortex and the hippocampus. In vivo intracellular recordings of the mouse thalamus reveal that respiration timing is propagated by synaptic activity in Reu and likely underlies the emergence of gamma bursts in the prefrontal cortex. Our findings highlight breathing as an important substrate for long-range neuronal synchronization across the prefrontal circuit, a key network for cognitive operations