504 research outputs found

    Draft Genome Sequence of anEnterobacterSpecies Associated with Illnesses and Powdered Infant Formula

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    This is the first report of the draft genome sequence of an Enterobacter species that may have been transmitted from powdered infant formula (PIF) to infants, resulting in illness. Enterobacter spp. are currently permitted in PIF, but the transmission of this strain indicates that the microbiological criteria for PIF may need revision

    The Landscape of Realized Homologous Recombination in Pathogenic Bacteria

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    Recombination enhances the adaptive potential of organisms by allowing genetic variants to be tested on multiple genomic backgrounds. Its distribution in the genome can provide insight into the evolutionary forces that underlie traits, such as the emergence of pathogenicity. Here, we examined landscapes of realized homologous recombination of 500 genomes from ten bacterial species and found all species have “hot” regions with elevated rates relative to the genome average. We examined the size, gene content, and chromosomal features associated with these regions and the correlations between closely related species. The recombination landscape is variable and evolves rapidly. For example in Salmonella, only short regions of around 1 kb in length are hot whereas in the closely related species Escherichia coli, some hot regions exceed 100 kb, spanning many genes. Only Streptococcus pyogenes shows evidence for the positive correlation between GC content and recombination that has been reported for several eukaryotes. Genes with function related to the cell surface/membrane are often found in recombination hot regions but E. coli is the only species where genes annotated as “virulence associated” are consistently hotter. There is also evidence that some genes with “housekeeping” functions tend to be overrepresented in cold regions. For example, ribosomal proteins showed low recombination in all of the species. Among specific genes, transferrin-binding proteins are recombination hot in all three of the species in which they were found, and are subject to interspecies recombination

    Gene loss and lineage specific restriction-modification systems associated with niche differentiation in the Campylobacter jejuni Sequence Type 403 clonal complex

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    Campylobacter jejuni is a highly diverse species of bacteria commonly associated with infectious intestinal disease of humans and zoonotic carriage in poultry, cattle, pigs, and other animals. The species contains a large number of distinct clonal complexes that vary from host generalist lineages commonly found in poultry, livestock, and human disease cases to host-adapted specialized lineages primarily associated with livestock or poultry. Here, we present novel data on the ST403 clonal complex of C. jejuni, a lineage that has not been reported in avian hosts. Our data show that the lineage exhibits a distinctive pattern of intralineage recombination that is accompanied by the presence of lineage-specific restriction-modification systems. Furthermore, we show that the ST403 complex has undergone gene decay at a number of loci. Our data provide a putative link between the lack of association with avian hosts of C. jejuni ST403 and both gene gain and gene loss through nonsense mutations in coding sequences of genes, resulting in pseudogene formation

    Population-genomic insights into emergence, crop-adaptation, and dissemination of Pseudomonas syringae pathogens

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Many bacterial pathogens are well characterized but, in some cases, relatively little is known about the populations from which they emerged. This limits understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying disease. The crop pathogen Pseudomonas syringae sensu lato has been widely isolated from the environment, including wild plants and components of the water cycle, and causes disease in several economically important crops. Here, we compared genome sequences of 45 P. syringae crop pathogen outbreak strains with 69 closely related environmental isolates. Phylogenetic reconstruction revealed that crop pathogens emerged many times independently from environmental populations. Unexpectedly, differences in gene content between environmental populations and outbreak strains were minimal with most virulence genes present in both. However, a genome-wide association study identified a small number of genes, including the type III effector genes hopQ1 and hopD1, to be associated with crop pathogens, but not with environmental populations, suggesting that this small group of genes may play an important role in crop disease emergence. Intriguingly, genome-wide analysis of homologous recombination revealed that the locus Psyr 0346, predicted to encode a protein that confers antibiotic resistance, has been frequently exchanged among lineages and thus may contribute to pathogen fitness. Finally, we found that isolates from diseased crops and from components of the water cycle, collected during the same crop disease epidemic, form a single population. This provides the strongest evidence yet that precipitation and irrigation water are an overlooked inoculum source for disease epidemics caused by P. syringae.Caroline L. Monteil received support from INRA and the European Union, in the framework of the Marie-Curie FP7 COFUND People Programme, through the award of an AgreenSkills’ fellowship (under grant agreement n° 267196). Research in Boris A. Vinatzer’s laboratory and genome sequencing was funded by the National Science Foundation of the USA (grants IOS-1354215 and DEB-1241068). Funding for work in the Vinatzer laboratory was also provided in part by the Virginia Agricultural Experiment Station and the Hatch Program of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Work carried out in the Sheppard laboratory was supported by the Medical Research Council (MRC) grant MR/L015080/1, and the Wellcome Trust grant 088786/C/09/Z. GM was supported by a NISCHR Health Research Fellowship (HF-14-13)

    Signatures of selection in core and accessory genomes indicate different ecological drivers of diversification among Bacillus cereus clades (article)

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. Available on open access from Wiley via the DOI in this recordThe dataset associated with this article is available in ORE at: https://doi.org/10.24378/exe.3992Bacterial clades are often ecologically distinct, despite extensive horizontal gene transfer (HGT). How selection works on different parts of bacterial pan-genomes to drive and maintain the emergence of clades is unclear. Focussing on the three largest clades in the diverse and well-studied Bacillus cereus sensu lato group, we identified clade-specific core genes (present in all clade members) and then used clade-specific allelic diversity to identify genes under purifying and diversifying selection. Clade-specific accessory genes (present in a subset of strains within a clade) were characterized as being under selection using presence/absence in specific clades. Gene ontology analyses of genes under selection revealed that different core genes and gene functions were enriched in different clades. Furthermore, some gene functions were enriched only amongst clade-specific core or accessory genomes. Genes under purifying selection were often clade-specific, while genes under diversifying selection showed signs of frequent HGT. These patterns are consistent with different selection pressures acting on both the core and accessory genomes of different clades and can lead to ecological divergence in both cases. Examining variation in allelic diversity allows us to uncover genes under clade-specific selection, allowing ready identification of strains and their ecological niche.Biotechnology & Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC

    Climate warming, marine protected areas and the ocean-scale integrity of coral reef ecosystems

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    Coral reefs have emerged as one of the ecosystems most vulnerable to climate variation and change. While the contribution of a warming climate to the loss of live coral cover has been well documented across large spatial and temporal scales, the associated effects on fish have not. Here, we respond to recent and repeated calls to assess the importance of local management in conserving coral reefs in the context of global climate change. Such information is important, as coral reef fish assemblages are the most species dense vertebrate communities on earth, contributing critical ecosystem functions and providing crucial ecosystem services to human societies in tropical countries. Our assessment of the impacts of the 1998 mass bleaching event on coral cover, reef structural complexity, and reef associated fishes spans 7 countries, 66 sites and 26 degrees of latitude in the Indian Ocean. Using Bayesian meta-analysis we show that changes in the size structure, diversity and trophic composition of the reef fish community have followed coral declines. Although the ocean scale integrity of these coral reef ecosystems has been lost, it is positive to see the effects are spatially variable at multiple scales, with impacts and vulnerability affected by geography but not management regime. Existing no-take marine protected areas still support high biomass of fish, however they had no positive affect on the ecosystem response to large-scale disturbance. This suggests a need for future conservation and management efforts to identify and protect regional refugia, which should be integrated into existing management frameworks and combined with policies to improve system-wide resilience to climate variation and change

    Bacterial microevolution and the Pangenome

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    The comparison of multiple genome sequences sampled from a bacterial population reveals considerable diversity in both the core and the accessory parts of the pangenome. This diversity can be analysed in terms of microevolutionary events that took place since the genomes shared a common ancestor, especially deletion, duplication, and recombination. We review the basic modelling ingredients used implicitly or explicitly when performing such a pangenome analysis. In particular, we describe a basic neutral phylogenetic framework of bacterial pangenome microevolution, which is not incompatible with evaluating the role of natural selection. We survey the different ways in which pangenome data is summarised in order to be included in microevolutionary models, as well as the main methodological approaches that have been proposed to reconstruct pangenome microevolutionary history

    Using sequence data to identify alternative routes and risk of infection: a case-study of campylobacter in Scotland

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    <b>Background:</b> Genetic typing data are a potentially powerful resource for determining how infection is acquired. In this paper MLST typing was used to distinguish the routes and risks of infection of humans with Campylobacter jejuni from poultry and ruminant sources.<p></p> <b>Methods:</b> C. jejuni samples from animal and environmental sources and from reported human cases confirmed between June 2005 and September 2006 were typed using MLST. The STRUCTURE software was used to assign the specific sequence types of the sporadic human cases to a particular source. We then used mixed case-case logistic regression analysis to compare the risk factors for being infected with C. jejuni from different sources.<p></p> <b>Results:</b> A total of 1,599 (46.3%) cases were assigned to poultry, 1,070 (31.0%) to ruminant and 67 (1.9%) to wild bird sources; the remaining 715 (20.7%) did not have a source that could be assigned with a probability of greater than 0.95. Compared to ruminant sources, cases attributed to poultry sources were typically among adults (odds ratio (OR) = 1.497, 95% confidence intervals (CIs) = 1.211, 1.852), not among males (OR = 0.834, 95% CIs = 0.712, 0.977), in areas with population density of greater than 500 people/km(2) (OR = 1.213, 95% CIs = 1.030, 1.431), reported in the winter (OR = 1.272, 95% CIs = 1.067, 1.517) and had undertaken recent overseas travel (OR = 1.618, 95% CIs = 1.056, 2.481). The poultry assigned strains had a similar epidemiology to the unassigned strains, with the exception of a significantly higher likelihood of reporting overseas travel in unassigned strains.<p></p> <b>Conclusions:</b> Rather than estimate relative risks for acquiring infection, our analyses show that individuals acquire C. jejuni infection from different sources have different associated risk factors. By enhancing our ability to identify at-risk groups and the times at which these groups are likely to be at risk, this work allows public health messages to be targeted more effectively. The rapidly increasing capacity to conduct genetic typing of pathogens makes such traced epidemiological analysis more accessible and has the potential to substantially enhance epidemiological risk factor studies

    Stereoselective metabolism of chloramphenicol by bacteria isolated from wastewater, and the importance of stereochemistry in environmental risk assessments for antibiotics

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordWastewater treatment plants have been highlighted as a potential hotspot for the development and spread of antibiotic resistance. Although antibiotic resistant bacteria in wastewater present a public health threat, it is also possible that these bacteria play an important role in the bioremediation through the metabolism of antibiotics before they reach the wider environment. Here we address this possibility with a particular emphasis on stereochemistry using a combination of microbiology and analytical chemistry tools including the use of supercritical-fluid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry for chiral analysis and high-resolution mass spectrometry to investigate metabolites. Due to the complexities around chiral analysis the antibiotic chloramphenicol was used as a proof of concept to demonstrate stereoselective metabolism due to its relatively simple chemical structure and availability over the counter in the U.K. The results presented here demonstrate the chloramphenicol can be stereoselectively transformed by the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase enzyme with the orientation around the first stereocentre being key for this process, meaning that accumulation of two isomers may occur within the environment with potential impacts on ecotoxicity and emergence of bacterial antibiotic resistance within the environment.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC)Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)AstraZeneca Global Safety, Health and Environmen
