23 research outputs found

    Uma perspetiva de género

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    A presente dissertação analisa a relação entre mobilidade e género em meio rural. Pretende-se analisar sociologicamente as mobilidades físicas e geográficas, assumindo que estas diferem em contexto rural e sob uma perspetiva de género, problematizando as relações e as interinfluências entre as variáveis. Analisou-se a relação entre mobilidade em meio rural e género, colocando-se a hipótese geral de que as mulheres têm mais obstáculos à mobilidade do que os homens, bem como distintos padrões de mobilidade e acessibilidade. A abordagem metodológica selecionada foi o estudo de caso com recurso às técnicas de inquérito por questionário com administração direta e mobility mapping com recurso a SIG. Constatou-se estar perante uma composição social fortemente envelhecida e de muito baixas habilitações, em que a posse de carta de condução e de veículo automóvel particular é ainda um recurso díspar. Contudo, ao contrário do que seria de esperar, as mulheres não revelam mais obstáculos de mobilidade que os homens, porque apesar de serem mais elas quem não possui carta de condução ou veículo próprio/particular, são também quem mais frequentemente recorre a modalidades alternativas, entre as quais o recurso à sua rede social.This dissertation examines the relationship between mobility and gender in rural areas. It is intended to analyze sociologically the geographical mobility patterns assuming that they differ in a rural context and under a gender perspective and questioning the inter influences and relations between variables. We analyzed the relationship between gender and mobility in a rural area, based in the general hypothesis that women have more obstacles to mobility than men as well as distinct patterns of mobility and accessibility. The methodological approach selected was the case study using the techniques of survey with direct management and mobility mapping using GIS. What was found was a social composition shaped by some differences but were a high proportion of people are aged and with very low habilitations and were the possession of a driving license and a private car is still non usual resource. However, contrary to expectations, women reveal no more obstacles to mobility than men, because although not having driving license or private vehicle, they are also those who more frequently make use of alternative means such as their social network

    A relação entre a experiência de uma IVG e planeamento familiar, relações íntimas e mecanismos de coping : um ano depois

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    O presente estudo assume como objetivo geral compreender o impacto de uma Interrupção Voluntária da Gravidez (IVG) após um ano da sua vivência, mais concretamente no que se refere ao Planeamento Familiar, Relações Íntimas, Mecanismos de Coping e Suporte Social. A relação entre IVG e resultados de vida subsequentes é um dos mais discutidos (Casey, 2010), parecendo ainda existir uma lacuna na investigação acerca desta temática a nível nacional. Neste sentido, foram realizadas entrevistas, partindo de um guião semiestruturado, a 11 participantes que tivessem realizado uma IVG há um ano, procedendo-se posteriormente à análise semi-indutiva dos dados, seguindo, assim, uma metodologia qualitativa. Da análise do discurso das participantes emergiram como principais resultados da investigação as alterações na contraceção utilizada pelas mulheres após a IVG (quer no que concerne ao tipo como à forma de utilização) e a ambivalência em relação ao impacto nas Relações Íntimas, verificando-se que este estava mais dependente de problema prévios do que da experiência de IVG propriamente dita. A nível dos Mecanismos de Coping, foram identificadas diferentes estratégias utilizadas pelas participantes, destacando-se que a maioria considerou lidar bem com a experiência, ainda que descrevam igualmente diferentes reações emocionais de cariz negativo no período pós-IVG. É ainda possível relacionar este último aspeto com o Suporte Social, uma vez que este surgiu como essencial no discurso da maioria das participantes, no sentido de contribuir para um ajustamento adequado ao período pós-IVG. Assim, foi possível concluir que a IVG se constitui como um fenómeno complexo, capaz de causar impacto em diversas áreas de vida (com destaque para o Planeamento Familiar), mas sendo também o ajustamento influenciado por fatores externos presentes na vida das mulheres que experienciaram uma IVG (destacando-se aqui a relação com o companheiro, a sua capacidade de coping e o suporte social).The present study has the general objective of understanding the impact of an induced abortion after one year of its occurrence, more specifically regarding Family Planning, Intimate Relations, Coping Mechanisms and Social Support. The relation between induced abortion and subsequent life results is one of the most discussed (Casey, 2010), seeming that there is still a gap in the investigation of this theme nationally. Therefore, interviews were conducted, starting from a semi-structured script, to 11 participants that had made an induced abortion one year ago, proceeding afterwards to the semi inductive analysis of the data, following, thereby, a qualitative methodology. From the analysis of the participants speeches, emerged as main results the changes in contraception used by the women after the induced abortion (regarding both the type and how to use it) and the ambivalence towards the impact in Intimate Relations, verifying that this was more dependent of previous problems than the experience of induced abortion itself. At the level of Coping Mechanisms, different strategies used by participants were identified, highlighting that most of them considered to have coped well with the experience, though they also describe different negative emotional reactions in the period after the induced abortion. It is also possible to relate this last aspect to the Social Support, since this emerged as essential in the participants speech, once it was considered to contribute for an appropriate adjustment to the period after the induced abortion. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that the induced abortion constitutes itself as a complex phenomenon, able to cause impact in different areas of life (particularly in family planning), but also being influenced by external factors presents in the life of the women that had experienced induced abortion (highlighting here the relation with the partner, their coping ability and social support)

    Hemangiomas e malformações vasculares da cabeça e pescoço : artigo de revisão

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    Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2016As anomalias vasculares, nomeadamente os tumores e as malformações vasculares, afetam frequentemente a cabeça e pescoço. Os hemangiomas infantis são o tumor mais comum na infância. Os hemangiomas infantis são benignos e apresentam uma evolução clínica definida. O propanolol revolucionou o tratamento dos hemangiomas. As malformações vasculares resultam de um desenvolvimento anormal dos constituintes vasculares, presentes ao nascimento. As malformações vasculares são diagnosticadas através da história clinica e a imagiologia confirma o diagnóstico. Estas são incomuns e continuam a crescer ao longo do tempo e incluem malformações venosas, linfáticas, capilares e arteriovenosas. No tratamento das malformações vasculares, a colaboração com uma equipa multidisciplinar é frequente. Para as malformações venosas o tratamento pode ser difícil, contudo, a escleroterapia e a cirurgia são os principais tratamentos. O principal tratamento das malformações capilares é a terapia laser. A cirurgia é a principal abordagem nas malformações linfáticas embora a escleroterapia possa ter alguma importância. Os principais tratamentos nas malformações arteriovenosas são a embolização e a ressecção cirúrgica, estas são habitualmente usadas em combinação.Vascular anomalies, namely vascular tumors and malformations, frequently arise in the head and neck. Infantile hemangiomas are the most common tumors in infancy. Infantile hemangiomas are benign and they have a defined clinical course. Propanolol revolutionized the treatment of hemangiomas. Vascular malformations result from abnormal development of vascular elements, which are present at birth. Vascular malformations are diagnosed through history and imaging confirms the diagnosis. This are uncommon and which continue to enlarge over the time and includes venous malformation, lymphatic malformation, capillary malformaions and arteriovenous malformations. In treatment of vascular malformations the collaboration with a multidisciplinary team is usual. For venous malformations the treatment can be complicated, however sclerotherapy and surgery are the mainstream treatments. The main treatment of capillary malformation is laser therapy. Surgery used to be the mainstay for lymphatic malformations, however sclerotherapy has some importance. The mainstay treatments of arteriovenous malformations are embolization and surgical ressection, and are usually combined

    Conceção e implementação de adequações curriculares individuais para alunos com incapacidade intelectual: perspetivas dos professores do 2º CEB

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    O presente estudo assume como objetivo geral compreender o processo de conceção e implementação de Adequações Curriculares Individuais para alunos com Incapacidade Intelectual no 2ºCEB. As Adequações Curriculares Individuais são uma das possíveis e mais frequentes medidas educativas destinadas a alunos com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE), previstas no Decreto-Lei 3/2008, de 07 de janeiro. Apesar de largamente utilizada, nomeadamente para crianças com Incapacidade Intelectual (I.I.) ligeira, esta medida levanta muitas questões, dúvidas e dificuldades aos professores do Ensino Regular, que são os elementos responsáveis pela sua conceção e implementação. No sentido de identificar os constrangimentos com que estes agentes têm de lidar e quais as estratégias normalmente utilizadas foram realizadas entrevistas, partindo de um guião semiestruturado, a cinco professores do 2ºCEB que tivessem a experiência de aplicar ACI a alunos com Incapacidade Intelectual. Procedeu-se à análise semi-indutiva dos dados, seguindo, assim, uma metodologia qualitativa. Da análise do discurso dos participantes emergiram como principais resultados do estudo a presença de um elevado número de dificuldades e constrangimentos quer à conceção, quer à implementação desta medida. Na conceção destacam-se as dificuldades que ainda persistem na compreensão do que significa esta medida, verificando-se uma tendência para a redução de conteúdos e um facilitismo nos momentos de avaliação. Na dimensão da implementação, as dificuldades em responder simultaneamente aos alunos com ACI e aos restantes colegas da turma emerge como uma das mais referidas, verificando-se estratégias sobretudo baseadas em encontrar tarefas alternativas para o aluno com I.I., atentar à sua localização em sala de aula, procurando a ajuda também dos colegas de turma, fomentar a sua participação, entre outras. Os resultados apontam ainda para a necessidade de atentar à perceção dos professores acerca da Gestão Curricular, tendo-se constatado uma maior identificação dos participantes com uma visão uniformizadora do Currículo, e do Processo de Inclusão de alunos com NEE, emergindo a este nível a necessidade de uma maior aposta na formação nesta área. Assim, foi possível concluir que a conceção e implementação das ACI se encontram revestidas de dificuldades e dúvidas, sendo necessário encontrar formas de promover nos professores as competências e conhecimentos que garantam que a implementação da medida contribui efetivamente para o processo de ensino-aprendizagem das crianças e jovens com Incapacidade Intelectual.The present study has the general objective of understanding the process of conceiving and implementing Individual Curricular Adaptations for students with Intellectual Disability on the 5th and 6th grade on Portuguese schools. The Individual Curricular Adaptations are one of the potential and most frequently used education measures destined for students with Special Education Needs, stated by the Decree-Law 3/2008 of the 07 January. Despite being largely used, especially for children with Mild Intellectual Disability, this measure raises a lot of questions, doubts and difficulties for the regular school teachers, who are the responsible agents in its conception and implementation. In an effort to identify the constraints with which this agents have to deal and which are the strategies normally used, interviews were conducted, based on a semi-structured guide, to five 5th and 6th grade teachers that had had the experience of applying Individual Curricular Adaptations to students with Intellectual Disability. The semi-inductive analyses of the data was then conducted, following, therefore, a qualitative methodology. From the analyses of the participants’ speeches it has emerged as main finding of the study the presence of a high number of difficulties and constraints to both conception and implementation of the measure. On its conception, we may stand out the difficulties that still remain in understanding what this measure means, being verified a tendency to reduce the contents and facilitating the moments of evaluation. In the implementation, the difficulties in answering simultaneously to this students and the rest of the classmates stands out as one of the most mentioned, being verified strategies mainly based on finding different tasks for the student with Intellectual Disability, being careful with his location in the classroom, seeking help from the classmates, promote his participation, among others. The findings suggest the need to also be alert of teachers perception about Curricular Management, having been verified a greater identification of the participants with a uniformed vision of the school curriculum, and of the Inclusion Process of students with special needs, emerging here the need to invest in formation/training on this area. Therefore, it was possible to conclude that the conception and implementation of Individual Curricular Adaptations are coated with difficulties and doubts, being urgent to identify ways to promote the skills and knowledge that guarantee that the application of this measure will effectively contribute for the teaching-learning process of the children and youths with Intellectual Disabilit

    Redes Sociais da Família Multiproblemática ou Família Multidesafios

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    Esta investigação surge no âmbito do Mestrado de Psicologia Clínica – Família e Intervenção Sistémica, da Escola Superior de Altos Estudos, do Instituto Superior Miguel Torga. A dissertação de mestrado intitulada As Rede Sociais da Família Multiproblemática ou Família Multidesafios – Estudo Exploratório, trata-se de um estudo exploratório e versa sobre as principais características das redes sociais destas famílias, seus principais problemas e particularidades, contemplando uma leitura macrosistémica (Bronfenbrenner, 1986; Fuster & Ochoa, 2000; Navarro, 2004; Rojano, 2004; Rosello, 2004). Foram exploradas as características estruturais, as características funcionais e os atributos do vínculo das redes sociais (Guay, 1984; Guédon, 1984; Barrón, 1996; Sluzki, 1996, 2000, 2007; Guadalupe, 2003, 2009; Alarcão & Sousa, 2007) das famílias multiproblemáticas ou multidesafios, concluindo-se que estas possuem maioritariamente redes de tamanho reduzido, de densidade média (redes fragmentadas). Os quadrantes das relações familiares, das relações institucionais e das relações de amizade assumem um peso significativo. As redes sociais demonstram ser localizadas, nos quadrantes anteriormente mencionados e no quadrante das relações de trabalho ou estudo constatamos uma ausência de relações. Foram analisadas as características funcionais, como o apoio emocional, o apoio informativo, e o apoio material e instrumental, concluindo-se que o apoio é reconhecido de forma positiva, pelas famílias. Relativamente, aos atributos do vínculo, a totalidade da amostra percepciona trocas equitativas do apoio (reciprocidade) e ao nível da frequência de contactos, as famílias referem contactos frequentes. Ao tentarmos identificar os principais problemas das famílias (Costa, 1998; Sousa, Hespanha, Rodrigues & Grilo, 2007) concluímos que se encontram em diferentes áreas e são percepcionados de forma diferente por famílias e profissionais

    Biogeochemistry of household dust samples collected from private homes of a portuguese industrial city

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    The main objectives of the present study were to (i) investigate the effects of mineralogy and solid-phase distribution on element bioaccessibility and (ii) perform a risk assessment to calculate the risks to human health via the ingestion pathway. Multiple discriminant analysis showed that the dust chemistry discriminates between indoor and outdoor samples. The solid-phase distribution of the elements in indoor dust indicated that a large proportion of zinc, nickel, lead, copper, and cobalt is associated with an aluminum oxy-hydroxides component, formed by the weathering of aluminum silicates. This component, which seems to influence the mobility of many trace elements, was identified for a group of indoor dust samples that probably had a considerable contribution from outdoor dust. An iron oxide component consisted of the highest percentage of chromium, arsenic, antimony, and tin, indicating low mobility for these elements. The bioaccessible fraction in the stomach phase from the unified BARGE method was generally high in zinc, cadmium, and lead and low in nickel, cobalt, copper, chromium, and antimony. Unlike other potentially toxic elements, copper and nickel associated with aluminum oxy-hydroxides and calcium carbonates were not extracted by the stomach solutions. These trace elements possibly form stable complexes with gastric fluid constituents such as pepsin and amino acid. Lead had a hazard quotient >1, which indicates the risk of non-carcinogenic health effects, especially for children.This research was by funded the LabexDRIIHM,Frenchprogramme“Investissementsd’Avenir”(ANR‐11‐LABX‐0010) which is managed by the ANR, and co‐funded by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund, based on COMPETE 2020 (Programa Operacional da Competitividade e Internacionalização), projects ICT UIDB/04683/2020 and UIDP/04683/2020, project GeoBioTec (UID/GEO/04035/2019) and national funds provided by the FCT ‐ Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia,I.P

    ¿Qué facilita y dificulta el aprendizaje? La perspectiva de los adolescentes

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    Este estudo qualitativo teve como objetivo analisar as perceções de alunos adolescentes acerca dos aspetos que facilitam e dificultam a sua aprendizagem. O conhecimento das perceções dos alunos sobre a sua aprendizagem permite melhorar a qualidade dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem. A partir de um guião semiestruturado, foram realizados cinco grupos focais, em cinco escolas privadas do Norte de Portugal, tendo participado 32 alunos selecionados aleatoriamente. Os participantes eram alunos do 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico (7º, 8º e 9º anos), com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 15 anos. A análise dos dados seguiu um processo semi-indutivo de codificação descritiva. Os resultados realçam o papel fundamental do professor na aprendizagem; a importância da ação vs passividade dos alunos na sala de aula; a relevância da dimensão emocional e relacional para o envolvimento do aluno; e a relevância das estratégias de autorregulação da aprendizagem. Como implicações sugere-se a concretização de ações junto de professores e alunos assente nos dados recolhidos e analisados, que sejam promotoras da metacognição de ambos.This qualitative study aimed to understand the perceptions of adolescent students about what facilitates and hinders their learning. The knowledge of students’ perceptions about their learning allows to improve the quality of the learning processes quality. Five focus groups were conducted, with a semi-structured script, in five different private schools from the North of Portugal, having participated in 32 students randomly selected. Participants were students from 7th, 8th and 9th grades, with ages between 12 and 15 years old. The data analysis followed a semi-inductive process and descriptive coding of data. The results highlighted the key role of teachers in students’ learning; the importance of students´ action versus passivity in the classroom; the relevance of emotional and relational dimension to enhance students’ engagement, and the relevance of learning self-regulation strategies. As for implications, it is suggested that actions be carried out with teachers and students based on the data collected and analyzed, in order to promote metacognition of both.Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo analizar las percepciones de alumnos adolescentes acerca de los aspectos que facilitan y dificultan su aprendizaje. El conocimiento de las percepciones de los alumnos sobre su aprendizaje permite mejorar la calidad de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje. A partir de un guión semiestructurado, cinco discusiones en grupos focales se llevaron a cabo en cinco escuelas privadas en el Norte de Portugal, que han participado 32 estudiantes seleccionados aleatoriamente. Los participantes eran alumnos del 3º ciclo de la Enseñanza Básica (7º, 8º y 9º años), con edades comprendidas entre los 12 y los 15 años. El análisis de los datos siguió un proceso semi-inductivo de codificación descriptiva. Los resultados subrayan el papel fundamental del profesor para el aprendizaje; la importancia de la acción de los alumnos en el aula versus pasividad; la relevancia de la dimensión emocional y relacional para la participación del alumno y de las estrategias de autorregulación del aprendizaje. Como implicaciones se sugiere la concreción de acciones junto a profesores y alumnos acerca de los datos recogidos y analizados, que sean promotores de la metacognición de ambos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Multiplexed cellular profiling identifies an organoselenium compound as an inhibitor of CRM1-mediated nuclear export

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    Chromosomal region maintenance 1 (CRM1 also known as Xpo1 and exportin-1) is the receptor for the nuclear export controlling the intracellular localization and function of many cellular and viral proteins that play a crucial role in viral infections and cancer. The inhibition of CRM1 has emerged as a promising therapeutic approach to interfere with the lifecycle of many viruses, for the treatment of cancer, and to overcome therapy resistance. Recently, selinexor has been approved as the first CRM1 inhibitor for the treatment of multiple myeloma, providing proof of concept for this therapeutic option with a new mode of action. However, selinexor is associated with dose-limiting toxicity and hence, the discovery of alternative small molecule leads that could be developed as less toxic anticancer and antiviral therapeutics will have a significant impact in the clinic. Here, we report a CRM1 inhibitor discovery platform. The development of this platform includes reporter cell lines that monitor CRM1 activity by using red fluorescent protein or green fluorescent protein-labeled HIV-1 Rev protein with a strong heterologous nuclear export signal. Simultaneously, the intracellular localization of other proteins, to be interrogated for their capacity to undergo CRM1-mediated export, can be followed by co-culturing stable cell lines expressing fluorescent fusion proteins. We used this platform to interrogate the mode of nuclear export of several proteins, including PDK1, p110α, STAT5A, FOXO1, 3, 4 and TRIB2, and to screen a compound collection. We show that while p110α partially relies on CRM1-dependent nuclear export, TRIB2 is exported from the nucleus in a CRM1-independent manner. Compound screening revealed the striking activity of an organoselenium compound on the CRM1 nuclear export receptorThis article is based upon work from COST Action STRATAGEM, CA17104, supported by COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) (www.cost.eu, accessed in March 2022). Romano Silvestri is indebted to AIRC, IG 2020, code no. 24703. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities through Grant RTI2018-094629-B-I00 to Wolfgang Link. Miguel Machuqueiro thanks Fundaçao para a Ciência e Tecnologia ˜ (Portugal) for CEECIND/02300/2017 (grant), UIDB/04046/2020 and UIDP/04046/2020 (projects

    Knowledge in Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Translation to Portuguese, Validation, and Clinical Application of the IBD-KNOW Questionnaire

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    Background/Aims: Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)-related knowledge empowers patients, providing the development of adaptative coping strategies. Recently, a more comprehensive questionnaire for evaluating IBD-related knowledge was developed, the IBD-KNOW. The main aim of our study was to translate to Portuguese and validate the IBD-KNOW questionnaire. We also explored the predictors of high scores of disease-related knowledge and the effect of knowledge on health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and therapeutic adherence. Methods: This is an observational, unicentric, and cross-sectional study. We translated and adapted the original English version of the IBD-KNOW questionnaire into Portuguese. Afterwards, IBD patients in the outpatient clinics were invited to fill out a multimodal form including the Portuguese version of IBD-KNOW, a visual analogue scale (VAS) of self-perceived knowledge, the Portuguese version of Short IBD Questionnaire (SIBDQ) and the Portuguese version of Morisky Adherence Scale 8-item (MMAS-8). Demographic and disease characteristics were collected. We assessed validity (through discriminate validity among non-IBD volunteers and correlation between IBD-KNOW and VAS) and reliability (through internal consistency, test-retest, and intraclass correlation). Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 25.0. Results: The mean IBD-KNOW score was significantly different among non-IBD validation group (doctors: 23, nurses: 18, and non-medical volunteers: 12, p < 0.001). IBD-KNOW showed a high internal consistency (Cronbach’s α 0.78) and intraclass correlation (0.90). As expected, the IBD-KNOW score was positively correlated with VAS for self-perceived knowledge (r = 0.45, p < 0.001). One hundred and one patients with IBD (54 with ulcerative colitis and 47 with Crohn’s disease) completed the questionnaire at baseline. Multivariate analyses showed that a high IBD-KNOW score was associated with longer disease duration (OR: 2.59 [CI 1.11–5.74]; p = 0.04), previous hospitalization (OR: 3.63 [CI 1.301–9.96]; p = 0.01), current biologic treatment (OR: 3.37 [CI 1.31–8.65]; p = 0.02), and higher educational level (OR: 4.66 [CI 1.74–10.21]; p = 0.02). Moreover, there was no significant correlation between overall IBD-KNOW and SIBDQ, nor between IBD treatment adherence (MMAS-8 = 8) and a higher mean IBD-KNOW score (p = 0.552). Conclusion: The Portuguese version of IBD-KNOW is a simple, valid, and reliable tool for assessing IBD-related knowledge. Longer disease duration, hospitalization, use of biologics, and higher educational level are associated with higher levels of knowledge. Higher patient knowledge was not associated with higher HRQoL and adherence to therapy

    Portuguese Results of the ETICC Study: Impact of the Pandemic COVID-19 in the Diagnosis and Management of Colorectal Cancer in 2020 in Portuguese Hospitals

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    Introduction: The outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) had affected clinical practice in several ways, including the restriction of nonessential endoscopic procedures. Therefore, our aim was to evaluate how colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnosis and management was affected during the first year of pandemics in Portugal. Methods: This is a Portuguese substudy of the French retrospective multicentric study ETICC (Etude de l’Impact de la pandémie COVID-19 sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge du Cancer Colorectal). We compared patients’ characteristics, clinical manifestations, CRC staging at diagnosis, delay to first medical appointment, histological diagnosis, surgical and medical treatments between the year previous to the pandemics (control) and the first year of pandemics. Results: We included 766 patients: 496 in the control group and 270 in the COVID group. There was no significant difference in CRC staging at diagnosis between both groups, with 21% being diagnosed as metastatic in the control group and 22% in the first year of pandemics (p = 0.770). Contrary to what happened in France, there was a significant decrease in CRC diagnosis in asymptomatic patients (25–8.4%; p < 0.001) and after a positive fecal immunochemical test (20.8–11.3%; p = 0.002) during the pandemics. Although the increase in the overall complication rate at diagnosis was nonsignificant, in Portugal, there was a significant increase in diagnosis of abdominal occlusion (12.1–18.1%; p = 0.033). In Portugal, time between the beginning of symptoms and the first medical appointment significantly increased from a median of 50 days to 64 days during COVID (p < 0.001). On the contrary, time between histological diagnosis and tumor resection had significantly decreased from a median of 65 to 39 days (p < 0.001). Time between histological diagnosis and neoadjuvant treatment was not statistically different (median of 64–67 days; p = 0.590), as was time between histological diagnosis and palliative chemotherapy (median of 50–51 days; p = 1.000). Time from CRC resection and adjuvant treatment has significantly decreased from a median of 54 to 43 days (p = 0.001). Discussion: We found a significant impact in CRC diagnosis in the first year of pandemics, more pronounced than what was found in France. These are likely related not only with the closing of endoscopy units but also with the difficulties patients had in finding an appointment with their general practitioners. On the other hand, both in France and Portugal, the first year of pandemics did not worsen CRC staging at diagnosis and did not significantly affect medical and surgical treatments once the diagnosis was made