7 research outputs found

    Medical genetics in developing countries in the Asia-Pacific region: challenges and opportunities

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    Advances in genetic and genomic technology changed health-care services rapidly in low and middle income countries (LMICs) in the Asia-Pacific region. While genetic services were initially focused on population-based disease prevention strategies, they have evolved into clinic-based and therapeutics-oriented service. Many LMICs struggled with these noncommunicable diseases and were unprepared for the needs of a clinical genetic service. The emergence of a middle class population, the lack of regulatory oversight, and weak capacity-building in medical genetics expertise and genetic counseling services led to a range of genetic services of variable quality with minimal ethical oversight. Some of the current shortcomings faced include the lack of awareness of cultural values in genetic health care, the variable stages of socioeconomic development and educational background that led to increased demand and abuse of genetics, the role of women in society and the crisis of gender selection, the lack of preventive and care services for genetic and birth defects, the issues of gene ethics in medicine, and the lack of understanding of some religious controversies. These challenges provide opportunities for both developing and developed nations to work together to reduce the inequalities and to ensure a caring, inclusive, ethical, and cost-effective genetic service in the region

    Mass Democracy in a Postfactual Market Society: Citizens United and the Role of Corporate Political Speech

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    This paper addresses Citizens United v. FEC, 130 S. Ct. 876 (2010). Part I discusses political speech within a context defined by three factors: (1) electorates that are so large that speech must address them largely by using “mass media;” (2) a postfactual culture where analysis and debate often rely on deliberate distortions, misstatements, or fabrications of factual matters; and (3) a market society where political speech depends largely upon having the financial ability to use mass media.After discussing the legal fiction of corporate personhood, Part II argues first, that Citizens United has a reasoned basis and second, that critics allow their concern about the role of wealth in politics to divert them from addressing both the basis of the decision and other avenues of reform.Part III discusses measures to limit the role of money in politics and the problem that, in a market society, speech will always be, to some extent, for sale

    Finite element analysis of the amputated lower limb: a systematic review and recommendations

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    The care and rehabilitation of individuals after lower limb amputation presents a substantial and growing socioeconomic challenge. Clinical outcome is closely linked to successful functional rehabilitation with a prosthetic limb, which depends upon comfortable prosthetic limb – residual limb load transfer. Despite early interest in the 1980s, the amputated limb has received considerably less attention in computational biomechanical analysis than other subjects, such as arthroplasty. This systematic literature review investigates the state of the art in residual limb finite element analysis published since 2000. The identified studies were grouped into the following categories: (1) residuum-prosthesis interface mechanics; (2) residuum soft tissue internal mechanics; (3) identification of residuum tissue characteristics; (4) proposals for incorporating FEA into the prosthesis fitting process; (5) analysis of the influence of prosthetic componentry concepts to improve load transfer to the residuum, such as the monolimb and structural socket compliance; and (6) analysis of osseointegrated (OI) prostheses. The state of the art is critically appraised in order to form recommendations for future modelling studies in terms of geometry, material properties, boundary conditions interface models, and relevant but un-investigated issues. Finally, the practical implementation of these approaches is discussed