81 research outputs found
Effect of varying injection rates of a saline chaser on aortic enhancement in CT angiography: phantom study
The effect of varying injection rates of a saline chaser on aortic enhancement in computed tomography (CT) angiography was determined. Single-level, dynamic CT images of a physiological flow phantom were acquired between 0 and 50 s after initiation of contrast medium injection. Four injection protocols were applied with identical contrast medium administration (150ml injected at 5ml/s). For baseline protocol A, no saline chaser was applied. For protocols B, C, and D, 50ml of saline was injected at 2.5ml/s, 5ml/s, and 10ml/s, respectively. Injecting the saline chaser at twice the rate as the contrast medium yielded significantly higher peak aortic enhancement values than injecting the saline at half or at the same rate as the contrast medium (Pââ0.05). In CT angiography, saline chaser injected at twice the rate as the contrast medium leads to increased peak aortic enhancement and saline chaser injected at half the rate tends towards prolonging peak aortic enhancement platea
Evaluation verfĂŒgbarer Visual Analytics Toolkits anhand von Benchmark-DatensĂ€tzen
Diese Arbeit dokumentiert die Analyse und Bewertung der drei Tools Spotfire, Tableau und QlikView. Diese sollten dabei im allgemeinen in Bezug auf ihre Eigenschaften als Datenanalysetools und im speziellen als Werkzeuge zur Analyse der VAST-Challenges 2008 und 2009 bewertet werden. Der Umfang der Datenarten teilt sich dabei in Geo-Daten, Social Networks und Text Analyse auf. Die Analyse der drei Tools anhand des entwickelten Bewertungskataloges konnte dabei Tableau im Sinne der Analyseparameter als geeignetstes Datenanalysetool bestimmen. Mit nur geringem Abstand in der gewichteten Bewertung, ist Spotfire ein ebenfalls gute geeignetes Tool zur Analyse der gegebenen DatensĂ€tze. QlikView schnitt im Gegensatz dazu in allen Kategorien unterdurchschnittlich ab. In der Benutzerfreundlichkeit liegen Tableau und Spotfire durch Usablity-Features wie Warnmeldungen und Redo/Undo, eine einfache Erlernbarkeit und ein intuitives Bedienkonzept im sehr guten Bereich. QlikView ist besonders als Einsteiger nur mit Hilfe des Tutorials effizient nutzbar. Zudem ist zum Einlesen und analysieren von Daten immer wieder eine Skriptsprache notwendig. Zwar sind allgemeine Usability Features auch hier umgesetzt, doch leider nicht durchgĂ€ngig in den verschiedenen AnwendungsfĂ€llen. Im Bereich der Kollaborationsmöglichkeiten haben alle Tools nur mittelmĂ€Ăig abgeschnitten. Rollenverteilungen, Ănderungshistorie und das einfĂŒgen von Kommentaren waren nur selten, oder ĂŒber Umwege zugĂ€nglich. Die Laufzeitumgebung der Tools wurde grundsĂ€tzlich auf den Desktop beschrĂ€nkt. QlikView und Tableau verfĂŒgen zusĂ€tzlich um funktionsfĂ€hige Webviewer. Spotfire schnitt aufgrund einer notwendigen Internetverbindung zum Starten der Desktopversion und dem fehlenden Webviewer schlechter ab. Im Bereich der Automatisierung der Importe oder der Analyse ĂŒber Makros lagen alle drei Tools im schlechten Bereich. Die Belastbarkeit war in allen Analysen sehr gut. Ladezeiten wurden nicht bemerkt und auch die Analysen waren in Bezug auf Anzahl der Visualisierungen, Platz bedarf und Ă€hnliche Kriterien nicht beschrĂ€nkt. GröĂere DatensĂ€tze als die zu untersuchenden Challenges wurde nicht getestet. Im Bereich der Textanalyse haben alle drei Tool keinerlei Features geboten. QlikView konnte ĂŒber eine Erweiterung Tag-Clouds erstellen, doch abgesehen davon wurden unstrukturierte DatensĂ€tze nicht unterstĂŒtzt. Trotz der vielversprechenden Kooperation von Attivio mit QlikView und Spotfire, war eine Einbindung von Attivio als Erweiterung in die beiden Tools nicht möglich. In der Analyse von Geodaten bieten alle drei Tools die Möglichkeit ĂŒber Scatterplots bekannte KartendatensĂ€tze einzubinden. Allein Tableau verfĂŒgt ĂŒber eine integrierte Kartensammlung, welche die Geoanalyse um einiges vereinfacht. Dadurch wird eine verstĂ€rkte Interaktion mit der Visualisierung möglich und Parameter wie die Höhenlage zugĂ€nglich. Auf QlikView ist das Kartenmaterial ĂŒber die Erweiterung CloudMadeMaps integrierbar. In der Analyse von Netzwerken bietet nur Spotfire eine Möglichkeit zur Visualisierung von Graphen. In QlikView und Tableau können solche DatensĂ€tze nur ĂŒber Tabellen und Filter analysiert werden. Auch die Umsetzung in Spotfire bietet nur eine EingeschrĂ€nkte Graph- Visualisierung von Netzwerkdaten. Es besteht nirgends die Möglichkeit zur Erstellung von Treemaps oder anderen parametrisierten Graph-Visualisierungen. Im Bereich der allgemeinen statistischen Visualisierungen bieten alle Tools die meisten Visualisierungstypen. Im Bereich der Multivariaten Daten sind alle Tools weniger gut ausgestattet, aber auch hier sind Basis-Visualisierungen möglich. Die Importmöglichkeiten sind bei Tableau durch den möglichen Anschluss an Datenbanksysteme zusĂ€tzlich zu den gĂ€ngigen Datensatzfiles am ausgeprĂ€gtesten. In Spotfire werden alle gĂ€ngigen File-Typen unterstĂŒtzt, wĂ€hrend QlikView auf Excel-Dokumente beschrĂ€nkt ist. Die Interaktionsmöglichkeiten innerhalb des Tools sind sowohl bei Spotfire, als auch bei Tableau sehr gut ausgearbeitet. QlikView bietet hingegen nur sehr eingeschrĂ€nkte Interaktionen und löst die meisten Eingaben ĂŒber MenĂŒfelder. Der Export ist in allen Tools gleichermaĂen eingeschrĂ€nkt. Bilder, PDFs und die allgemeine Speicherung des Dokumentes werden von allen unterstĂŒtzt. Tableau bietet zusĂ€tzlich den Export als interaktives HTML-Dokument. Insgesamt ist keines der Tools zu einer vollstĂ€ndigen Analyse der drei Challenges in der Lage. Oftmals muss auf externe Tools zurĂŒckgegriffen werden. Dennoch ist ein erster Ăberblick ĂŒber die DatensĂ€tze mit den drei Tools schnell erreichbar und auch erste Ergebnisse können so schnell vorweg gegriffen werden
Carnegie Mellon Team Tartan: Mission-level Robustness with Rapidly Deployed Autonomous Aerial Vehicles in the MBZIRC 2020
For robotics systems to be used in high risk, real-world situations, they
have to be quickly deployable and robust to environmental changes,
under-performing hardware, and mission subtask failures. Robots are often
designed to consider a single sequence of mission events, with complex
algorithms lowering individual subtask failure rates under some critical
constraints. Our approach is to leverage common techniques in vision and
control and encode robustness into mission structure through outcome monitoring
and recovery strategies, aided by a system infrastructure that allows for quick
mission deployments under tight time constraints and no central communication.
We also detail lessons in rapid field robotics development and testing. Systems
were developed and evaluated through real-robot experiments at an outdoor test
site in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, as well as in the 2020 Mohamed Bin Zayed
International Robotics Challenge. All competition trials were completed in
fully autonomous mode without RTK-GPS. Our system led to 4th place in Challenge
2 and 7th place in the Grand Challenge, and achievements like popping five
balloons (Challenge 1), successfully picking and placing a block (Challenge 2),
and dispensing the most water autonomously with a UAV of all teams onto an
outdoor, real fire (Challenge 3).Comment: 28 pages, 26 figures. To appear in Field Robotics, Special Issues on
A Population Based Regional Dynamic Microsimulation of Germany: The MikroSim Model
Microsimulation models are widely used to evaluate the potential effects of different policies on social indicators. Most microsimulation models in use operate on a national level, disregarding regional variations. We describe the construction of a national microsimulation model for Germany, accounting for local variations in each of the more than 10,000 communities in Germany. The database used and the mechanisms implementing the population dynamics are described. Finally, the further development of the database and microsimulation programs are outlined, which will contribute towards a research lab that will be made available to the wider scientific community
Multipotency of Adult Hippocampal NSCs In Vivo Is Restricted by Drosha/NFIB
Adult neural stem cells (NSCs) are defined by their inherent capacity to self-renew and give rise to neurons, astrocytes, and oligodendrocytes. In vivo, however, hippocampal NSCs do not generate oligodendrocytes for reasons that have remained enigmatic. Here, we report that deletion of Drosha in adult dentate gyrus NSCs activates oligodendrogenesis and reduces neurogenesis at the expense of gliogenesis. We further find that Drosha directly targets NFIB to repress its expression independently of Dicer and microRNAs. Knockdown of NFIB in Drosha-deficient hippocampal NSCs restores neurogenesis, suggesting that the Drosha/NFIB mechanism robustly prevents oligodendrocyte fate acquisition in vivo. Taken together, our findings establish that adult hippocampal NSCs inherently possess multilineage potential but that Drosha functions as a molecular barrier preventing oligodendrogenesis
Cdk5 Regulates Accurate Maturation of Newborn Granule Cells in the Adult Hippocampus
Newborn granule cells become functionally integrated into the synaptic circuitry of the adult dentate gyrus after a morphological and electrophysiological maturation process. The molecular mechanisms by which immature neurons and the neurites extending from them find their appropriate position and target area remain largely unknown. Here we show that single-cellâspecific knockdown of cyclin-dependent kinase 5 (cdk5) activity in newborn cells using a retrovirus-based strategy leads to aberrant growth of dendritic processes, which is associated with an altered migration pattern of newborn cells. Even though spine formation and maturation are reduced in cdk5-deficient cells, aberrant dendrites form ectopic synapses onto hilar neurons. These observations identify cdk5 to be critically involved in the maturation and dendrite extension of newborn neurons in the course of adult neurogenesis. The data presented here also suggest a mechanistic dissociation between accurate dendritic targeting and subsequent synapse formation
Hedgehog Signaling Antagonist Promotes Regression of Both Liver Fibrosis and Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Murine Model of Primary Liver Cancer
Chronic fibrosing liver injury is a major risk factor for hepatocarcinogenesis in humans. Mice with targeted deletion of Mdr2 (the murine ortholog of MDR3) develop chronic fibrosing liver injury. Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) emerges spontaneously in such mice by 50â60 weeks of age, providing a model of fibrosis-associated hepatocarcinogenesis. We used Mdr2â/â mice to investigate the hypothesis that activation of the hedgehog (Hh) signaling pathway promotes development of both liver fibrosis and HCC
Resistive Oxygen Gas Sensors for Harsh Environments
Resistive oxygen sensors are an inexpensive alternative to the classical potentiometric zirconia oxygen sensor, especially for use in harsh environments and at temperatures of several hundred °C or even higher. This device-oriented paper gives a historical overview on the development of these sensor materials. It focuses especially on approaches to obtain a temperature independent behavior. It is shown that although in the past 40 years there have always been several research groups working concurrently with resistive oxygen sensors, novel ideas continue to emerge today with respect to improvements of the sensor response time, the temperature dependence, the long-term stability or the manufacture of the devices themselves using novel techniques for the sensitive films. Materials that are the focus of this review are metal oxides; especially titania, titanates, and ceria-based formulations
Isolation and Mutagenesis of a Capsule-Like Complex (CLC) from Francisella tularensis, and Contribution of the CLC to F. tularensis Virulence in Mice
BACKGROUND: Francisella tularensis is a category-A select agent and is responsible for tularemia in humans and animals. The surface components of F. tularensis that contribute to virulence are not well characterized. An electron-dense capsule has been postulated to be present around F. tularensis based primarily on electron microscopy, but this specific antigen has not been isolated or characterized. METHODS AND FINDINGS: A capsule-like complex (CLC) was effectively extracted from the cell surface of an F. tularensis live vaccine strain (LVS) lacking O-antigen with 0.5% phenol after 10 passages in defined medium broth and growth on defined medium agar for 5 days at 32°C in 7% COâ. The large molecular size CLC was extracted by enzyme digestion, ethanol precipitation, and ultracentrifugation, and consisted of glucose, galactose, mannose, and Proteinase K-resistant protein. Quantitative reverse transcriptase PCR showed that expression of genes in a putative polysaccharide locus in the LVS genome (FTL_1432 through FTL_1421) was upregulated when CLC expression was enhanced. Open reading frames FTL_1423 and FLT_1422, which have homology to genes encoding for glycosyl transferases, were deleted by allelic exchange, and the resulting mutant after passage in broth (LVSÎ1423/1422_P10) lacked most or all of the CLC, as determined by electron microscopy, and CLC isolation and analysis. Complementation of LVSÎ1423/1422 and subsequent passage in broth restored CLC expression. LVSÎ1423/1422_P10 was attenuated in BALB/c mice inoculated intranasally (IN) and intraperitoneally with greater than 80 times and 270 times the LVS LDâ
â, respectively. Following immunization, mice challenged IN with over 700 times the LDâ
â of LVS remained healthy and asymptomatic. CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicated that the CLC may be a glycoprotein, FTL_1422 and -FTL_1423 were involved in CLC biosynthesis, the CLC contributed to the virulence of F. tularensis LVS, and a CLC-deficient mutant of LVS can protect mice against challenge with the parent strain
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