51 research outputs found

    Zeitliche und räumliche Skalen der Fluss-Grundwasser-Interaktion: Ein multidimensionaler hydrogeologischer Untersuchungsansatz

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    Zusammenfassung: Die Prozesse der Fluss-Grundwasser-Interaktionen sind stark skalenabhängig und im Allgemeinen stark instationär. Einen für das Prozessverständnis wichtigen Aspekt betreffen die kleinräumigen Strömungsverhältnisse an der Grenzschicht zwischen Oberflächengewässer und Grundwasser im hyporheischen Interstitial. Dies betrifft insbesondere auch Fragestellungen zu Strömungsverhältnissen in Forellenlaichgruben kiesführender Flüsse. Exemplarisch für kleinere mit Sohlschwellen verbaute und kanalisierte Fließgewässer wurden am voralpinen Schweizer Fluss Enziwigger verschiedene Methoden entwickelt, getestet und kombiniert, die es erlauben die vier Dimensionen (drei räumliche und eine zeitliche) der Interaktion Oberflächengewässer-Interstitialraum-Grundwasser für einzelne Flussabschnitte zu erfassen. Der Aufbau eines Messnetzes sowie die Durchführung von Feldmessungen lieferten Grundlagen für eine Grundwasserströmungsmodellierung. Kontinuierliche Zeitreihen der Hydraulik, Temperatur und elektrischen Leitfähigkeit im Fließgewässer, an der Gewässersohle sowie im flussnahen Grundwasser dienten zudem der Identifizierung von Zonen mit signifikantem Fluss-Grundwasser-Austausch und von zeitlich instationären bevorzugten Fließpfaden im Grundwasser bei unterschiedlichen hydrologischen Randbedingungen. Die Resultate der Feldmessungen in Kombination mit der instationären Modellierung und Szenarienentwicklung illustrieren die Bedeutung von sich dynamisch verändernden Infiltrations- und Exfiltrationsmustern im Flussbet

    High-temporal resolution fluvial sediment source fingerprinting with uncertainty: a Bayesian approach

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    This contribution addresses two developing areas of sediment fingerprinting research. Specifically, how to improve the temporal resolution of source apportionment estimates whilst minimizing analytical costs and, secondly, how to consistently quantify all perceived uncertainties associated with the sediment mixing model procedure. This first matter is tackled by using direct X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRFS) and diffuse reflectance infrared Fourier transform spectroscopy (DRIFTS) analyses of suspended particulate matter (SPM) covered filter papers in conjunction with automatic water samplers. This method enables SPM geochemistry to be quickly, accurately, inexpensively and non-destructively monitored at high-temporal resolution throughout the progression of numerous precipitation events. We then employed a Bayesian mixing model procedure to provide full characterization of spatial geochemical variability, instrument precision and residual error to yield a realistic and coherent assessment of the uncertainties associated with source apportionment estimates. Applying these methods to SPM data from the River Wensum catchment, UK, we have been able to apportion, with uncertainty, sediment contributions from eroding arable topsoils, damaged road verges and combined subsurface channel bank and agricultural field drain sources at 60- and 120-minute resolution for the duration of five precipitation events. The results presented here demonstrate how combining Bayesian mixing models with the direct spectroscopic analysis of SPM-covered filter papers can produce high-temporal resolution source apportionment estimates that can assist with the appropriate targeting of sediment pollution mitigation measures at a catchment level

    Apportioning sources of organic matter in streambed sediments: An integrated molecular and compound-specific stable isotope approach

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    We present a novel application for quantitatively apportioning sources of organic matter in streambed sediments via a coupled molecular and compound-specific isotope analysis (CSIA) of long-chain leaf wax n-alkane biomarkers using a Bayesian mixing model. Leaf wax extracts of 13 plant species were collected from across two environments (aquatic and terrestrial) and four plant functional types (trees, herbaceous perennials, and C3 and C4 graminoids) from the agricultural River Wensum catchment, UK. Seven isotopic (δ13C27, δ13C29, δ13C31, δ13C27–31, δ2H27, δ2H29, and δ2H27–29) and two n-alkane ratio (average chain length (ACL), carbon preference index (CPI)) fingerprints were derived, which successfully differentiated 93% of individual plant specimens by plant functional type. The δ2H values were the strongest discriminators of plants originating from different functional groups, with trees (δ2H27–29 = − 208‰ to − 164‰) and C3 graminoids (δ2H27–29 = − 259‰ to − 221‰) providing the largest contrasts. The δ13C values provided strong discrimination between C3 (δ13C27–31 = − 37.5‰ to − 33.8‰) and C4 (δ13C27–31 = − 23.5‰ to − 23.1‰) plants, but neither δ13C nor δ2H values could uniquely differentiate aquatic and terrestrial species, emphasizing a stronger plant physiological/biochemical rather than environmental control over isotopic differences. ACL and CPI complemented isotopic discrimination, with significantly longer chain lengths recorded for trees and terrestrial plants compared with herbaceous perennials and aquatic species, respectively. Application of a comprehensive Bayesian mixing model for 18 streambed sediments collected between September 2013 and March 2014 revealed considerable temporal variability in the apportionment of organic matter sources. Median organic matter contributions ranged from 22% to 52% for trees, 29% to 50% for herbaceous perennials, 17% to 34% for C3 graminoids and 3% to 7% for C4 graminoids. The results presented here clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of an integrated molecular and stable isotope analysis for quantitatively apportioning, with uncertainty, plant-specific organic matter contributions to streambed sediments via a Bayesian mixing model approach

    Intestinal intraepithelial lymphocyte derived angiotensin converting enzyme modulates epithelial cell apoptosis

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    Background & Aims : Intestinal adaptation in short bowel syndrome (SBS) consists of increased epithelial cell (EC) proliferation as well as apoptosis. Previous microarray analyses of intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) gene expression after SBS showed an increased expression of angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE). Because ACE has been shown to promote alveolar EC apoptosis, we examined if IEL-derived ACE plays a role in intestinal EC apoptosis.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/44361/1/10495_2005_Article_2138.pd

    The impact of fine sediments in small rivers : method development and effects on brown trout redds

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    Native brown trout populations are declining in Swiss rivers. This could be due, among other reasons, to a clogged riverbed caused by fine sediment deposition, leading to a decrease in interstitial flow and therefore in a reduced oxygen supply to the salmonid embryos. Furthermore, suspended sediment (SS) could directly harm health and fitness of free swimming fish. The aim of this dissertation was to develop and apply methods to measure SS and the effects of weekly fine sediment infiltration and net fine sediment accumulation over the entire egg incubation season on oxygen concentrations in artificial redds and the survival of the implemented brown trout eggs. Furthermore, the effects of riverbed structure, redd morphology and hydrological and hydrogeological conditions on interstitial oxygen and egg survival was assessed. In addition, source areas of SS and organic matter were assessed by C/N atomic ratio, 13Ctot, 13Corg and 15N isotopes. The study was conducted at three sites named A, B and C, from up- to downstream along the canalized and partly stabilized river Enziwigger in the Swiss Plateau. Data were collected weekly or measured continuously during two spawning seasons (2009/10 and 2010/11) from November to March in a total of 36 redds. Weekly fine sediment infiltration rates in redds were relatively high and generally increased with higher SS concentrations. Both, infiltrated sediments and SS showed strong temporal variations between low flow and peak discharge conditions. Fine sediment infiltration was at maximum during high flow events with sediments mainly in the size of sand (0.063 - 2 mm). These sediments originated for the most part in the upper watershed. Small amounts of fine sediments infiltrated during base flow periods with particles mainly in the size of silt and clay (< 63 Âľm) and with increasing organic matter concentrations. Organic matter was generally of allochthonous origin and major sediment source areas were pasture and arable land during those low flow periods. Less fine sediment accumulated over the entire egg incubation period in upwelling zones on the local scale and within areas of higher mean water levels due to corresponding flushing of fine sediments. Even though SS and bedloads increased from up- to downstream, less fine sediment accumulated downstream. Higher flushing of fine sediments and generally increased sediment dynamics downstream due to higher water levels are probably the reasons for this observation. Increased sediment dynamics also caused remarkably scouring of redds: 50% of the redds in the two downstream sites were excavated or buried during high flow events in early winter due to sediment movements. Redd loss at the upstream site A was substantially lower (8%). The high permeability of the redd substratum and the typical pit-tail structure of redds led to high dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations in redds shortly after redd construction. Specific infiltration rates q decreased substantially within one month due to riverbed sediment displacements and fine sediment infiltration. This resulted in lower DO concentrations in redds. In individual redds, DO concentration decreased temporally to almost 0%, leading to a depleted redd environment unfavorable for embryo survival. Interstitial DO concentration and q generally increased during high flows. In contrast they decreased during the falling limb of the water level, likely indicating exfiltration of depleted ground- or interstitial water. Similarly, DO concentrations decreased under prolonged base flow conditions. This paralleled the higher percentage of silt and clay particles in the infiltrated sediment, probably triggering riverbed clogging and therefore reducing q. Even though organic matter in SS increased from up- to downstream due to an increase of pasture and arable land downstream of the river, egg survival was better at the downstream sites. Organic matter concentrations were with means between 5.1% at site A and 6.5% at site C relatively low. The low egg survival at site A was likely due to the high fine sediment accumulation at the site, triggering low specific infiltration rates and consequently decreased DO concentrations. This was especially true at spots with low mean water levels, where flushing of fines is inhibited. Enhanced soil erosion processes on pasture and arable land are expected with increasing heavy rain events and less snow during winter seasons due to climate change. Consequently, SS and organic matter in the river will increase, which will possibly affect brown trout negatively. Furthermore, a higher frequency of high flows in the future could potentially enhance scouring of redds especially in the downstream sites, which could further reduce egg survival rates

    Measurement of spatial and temporal fine sediment dynamics in a small river

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    Empirical measurements on fine sediment dynamics and fine sediment infiltration and accumulation have been conducted worldwide, but it is difficult to compare the results because the applied methods differ widely. We compared common methods to capture temporal and spatial dynamics of suspended sediment (SS), fine sediment infiltration and accumulation and tested them for their suitability in a small, canalized river of the Swiss Plateau. Measurement suitability was assessed by data comparison, relation to hydrological data and in the context of previously published data. SS concentration and load were assessed by optical backscatter (OBS) sensors and SS samplers. The former exhibit a better temporal resolution, but were associated with calibration problems. Due to the relatively low cost and easy mounting of SS samplers, they can provide a higher spatial distribution in the river’s cross section. The latter resulted in a better correlation between sediment infiltration and SS load assessed by SS samplers than SS concentrations measured with OBS sensors. Sediment infiltration baskets and bed loadtraps capture the temporal and spatial distribution of fine sediment infiltration. Data obtained by both methods were positively correlated with water level and SS. In contrast, accumulation baskets do not assess the temporal behaviour offine sediment, but the net accumulation over a certain time period. Less fine sediment accumulated in upwelling zonesand within areas of higher mean water level due to scouring of fine sediments. Even though SS and sediment infiltration assessed with the bedload traps increased from up- to downstream, less fine sediment accumulated downstream. This is probably also attributable to more scouring downstream

    Organic matter dynamics and stable isotopes for tracing sources of suspended sediment

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    Suspended sediment (SS) and organic matter in rivers can harm brown trout Salmo trutta by impact on health and fitness of free swimming fish and siltation of the riverbed. The later results in a decrease of hydraulic conductivity and therefore smaller oxygen supply to the salmonid embryos. Additionally, oxygen demand within riverbeds will increase as the pool of organic matter increases. We assessed the temporal and spatial dynamics of sediment, carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) during the brown trout spawning season and used C isotopes as well as the C/N atomic ratio to distinguish autochthonous and allochthonous sources of organic matter in SS loads. The visual basic program IsoSource with 13Ctot and 15N as input isotopes was used to quantify the sources of SS in respect of time and space. Organic matter fractions in the infiltrated and suspended sediment were highest during low flow periods with small sediment loads and lowest during high flow periods with high sediment loads. Peak values in nitrate and dissolved organic C were measured during high flow and precipitation probably due to leaching from pasture and arable land. The organic matter was of allochthonous sources as indicated by the C/N atomic ratio and δ13Corg. Organic matter in SS increased from up- to downstream due to pasture and arable land. The fraction of SS originating from upper watershed riverbed sediment increased at all sites during high flow. Its mean fraction decreased from up- to downstream. During base flow conditions, the major sources of SS are pasture and arable land. The later increased during rainy and warmer periods probably due to snow melting and erosion processes. These modeling results support the measured increased DOC and NO3 concentrations during high flow

    Organic matter dynamics and stable isotope signature as tracers of the sources of suspended sediment

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    Suspended sediment (SS) and organic matter in rivers can harm brown trout &lt;I&gt;Salmo trutta&lt;/I&gt; by affecting the health and fitness of free swimming fish and by causing siltation of the riverbed. The temporal and spatial dynamics of sediment, carbon (C), and nitrogen (N) during the brown trout spawning season in a small river of the Swiss Plateau were assessed and C isotopes as well as the C/N atomic ratio were used to distinguish autochthonous and allochthonous sources of organic matter in SS loads. The visual basic program &lt;I&gt;IsoSource&lt;/I&gt; with &lt;sup&gt;13&lt;/sup&gt;C&lt;sub&gt;tot&lt;/sub&gt; and &lt;sup&gt;15&lt;/sup&gt;N as input isotopes was used to quantify the temporal and spatial sources of SS. Organic matter concentrations in the infiltrated and suspended sediment were highest during low flow periods with small sediment loads and lowest during high flow periods with high sediment loads. Peak values in nitrate and dissolved organic C were measured during high flow and high rainfall, probably due to leaching from pasture and arable land. The organic matter was of allochthonous sources as indicated by the C/N atomic ratio and &amp;delta;&lt;sup&gt;13&lt;/sup&gt;C&lt;sub&gt;org&lt;/sub&gt;. Organic matter in SS increased from up- to downstream due to an increase of pasture and arable land downstream of the river. The mean fraction of SS originating from upper watershed riverbed sediment decreased from up to downstream and increased during high flow at all measuring sites along the course of the river. During base flow conditions, the major sources of SS are pasture, forest and arable land. The latter increased during rainy and warmer winter periods, most likely because both triggered snow melt and thus erosion. The measured increase in DOC and nitrate concentrations during high flow support these modeling results. Enhanced soil erosion processes on pasture and arable land are expected with increasing heavy rain events and less snow during winter seasons due to climate change. Consequently, SS and organic matter in the river will increase, which will possibly affect brown trout negatively
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