58 research outputs found

    Differentiated type II pneumocytes can be reprogrammed by ectopic Sox2 expression

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    The adult lung contains several distinct stem cells, although their properties and full potential are still being sorted out. We previously showed that ectopic Sox2 expression in the developing lung manipulated the fate of differentiating cells. Here, we addressed the question whether fully differentiated cells could be redirected towards another cell type. Therefore, we used transgenic mice to express an inducible Sox2 construct in type II pneumocytes, which are situated in the distal, respiratory areas of the lung. Within three days after the induction of the transgene, the type II cells start to proliferate and form clusters of cuboidal cells. Prolonged Sox2 expression resulted in the reversal of the type II cell towards a more embryonic, precursor-like cell, being positive for the stem cell markers Sca1 and Ssea1. Moreover, the cells started to co-express Spc and Cc10, characteristics of bronchioalveolar stem cells. We demonstrated that Sox2 directly regulates the expression of Sca1. Subsequently, these cells expressed Trp63, a marker for basal cells of the trachea. So, we show that the expression of one transcription factor in fully differentiated, distal lung cells changes their fate towards proximal cells through intermediate cell types. This may have implications for regenerative medicine, and repair of diseased and damaged lungs

    Depletion of key protein components of the RISC pathway impairs pre-ribosomal RNA processing

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    Little is known about whether components of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC) mediate the biogenesis of RNAs other than miRNA. Here, we show that depletion of key proteins of the RISC pathway by antisense oligonucleotides significantly impairs pre-rRNA processing in human cells. In cells depleted of Drosha or Dicer, different precursors to 5.8S rRNA strongly accumulated, without affecting normal endonucleolytic cleavages. Moderate yet distinct processing defects were also observed in Ago2-depleted cells. Physical links between pre-rRNA and these proteins were identified by co-immunoprecipitation analyses. Interestingly, simultaneous depletion of Dicer and Drosha led to a different processing defect, causing slower production of 28S rRNA and its precursor. Both Dicer and Ago2 were detected in the nuclear fraction, and reduction of Dicer altered the structure of the nucleolus, where pre-rRNA processing occurs. Together, these results suggest that Drosha and Dicer are implicated in rRNA biogenesis

    Integrated 3D Acid Fracturing Model for Carbonate Reservoir Stimulation

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    Acid fracturing is one of the stimulation methods used in carbonate formations and has been proved effective and economical. Because of the stochastic nature of acidizing in carbonate formation, designing and optimizing acid fracture treatment today still remain challenging. In the past, a simple acid fracture conductivity correlation was usually considered sufficient to estimate the overall average fracture conductivity in the formation, leading to the computation of the productivity index for fractured well performance. However, the nature of heterogeneity could not be included in the modeling. Understanding the important role of heterogeneity to stimulation performance becomes a crucial step in design and optimization of acid fracture jobs. In order to study the effect of this stochastic nature on acid fracturing, a fully 3D acid reaction model was developed based on the geostatistical parameters of the formation. It is possible to describe local conductivity distribution related to acid transport and reaction process. In this study, we have developed a new interactive workflow allowing the model of the fracture propagation process, the acid etching process and the well production interactively. This thesis presents the novel approach in integrating fracture propagation, acid transport and dissolution, and well performance models in a seamless fashion for acid fracturing design. In this new approach, the fracture geometry data of a hydraulic fracture is first obtained from commercial models of hydraulic fracture propagation, and then the 3D acid fracture model simulates acid etching and transport from the fracture propagation model using the width distribution as the initial condition. We then calculate the fracture conductivity distribution along the created fracture considering the geostatistical parameters such as permeability correlation length and standard deviation in permeability of the formation. The final step of the approach is to predict well performance after stimulation with a reservoir flow simulator. The significant improvements of the new approach are two folds: (1) capturing the geostatistical effect of the formation; and (2) modeling the acid etching and transport more accurately. The thesis explains the methodology and illustrates the application of the approach with examples. The results from this study show that the new model can successfully design and optimize acid fracturing treatments

    Evidence for core exosome independent function of the nuclear exoribonuclease Rrp6p

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    The RNA exosome processes and degrades RNAs in archaeal and eukaryotic cells. Exosomes from yeast and humans contain two active exoribonuclease components, Rrp6p and Dis3p/Rrp44p. Rrp6p is concentrated in the nucleus and the dependence of its function on the nine-subunit core exosome and Dis3p remains unclear. We found that cells lacking Rrp6p accumulate poly(A)+ rRNA degradation intermediates distinct from those found in cells depleted of Dis3p, or the core exosome component Rrp43p. Depletion of Dis3p in the absence of Rrp6p causes a synergistic increase in the levels of degradation substrates common to the core exosome and Rrp6p, but has no effect on Rrp6p-specific substrates. Rrp6p lacking a portion of its C-terminal domain no longer co-purifies with the core exosome, but continues to carry out RNA 3′-end processing of 5.8S rRNA and snoRNAs, as well as the degradation of certain truncated Rrp6-specific rRNA intermediates. However, disruption of Rrp6p–core exosome interaction results in the inability of the cell to efficiently degrade certain poly(A)+ rRNA processing products that require the combined activities of Dis3p and Rrp6p. These findings indicate that Rrp6p may carry out some of its critical functions without physical association with the core exosome

    Rapid Depletion of DIS3, EXOSC10, or XRN2 Reveals the Immediate Impact of Exoribonucleolysis on Nuclear RNA Metabolism and Transcriptional Control

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordData and Software Availability: The accession number for the RNA-seq (EXOSC10-AID and DIS3-AID cells) and iCLIP (EXOSC10CAT) data reported in this paper is Gene Expression Omnibus: GSE120574.Cell-based studies of human ribonucleases traditionally rely on methods that deplete proteins slowly. We engineered cells in which the 3′→5′ exoribonucleases of the exosome complex, DIS3 and EXOSC10, can be rapidly eliminated to assess their immediate roles in nuclear RNA biology. The loss of DIS3 has the greatest impact, causing the substantial accumulation of thousands of transcripts within 60 min. These transcripts include enhancer RNAs, promoter upstream transcripts (PROMPTs), and products of premature cleavage and polyadenylation (PCPA). These transcripts are unaffected by the rapid loss of EXOSC10, suggesting that they are rarely targeted to it. More direct detection of EXOSC10-bound transcripts revealed its substrates to prominently include short 3′ extended ribosomal and small nucleolar RNAs. Finally, the 5′→3′ exoribonuclease, XRN2, has little activity on exosome substrates, but its elimination uncovers different mechanisms for the early termination of transcription from protein-coding gene promoters.Lister Institute of Preventative MedicineWellcome TrustMedical Research Council (MRC

    Microarray analysis of peripheral blood lymphocytes from ALS patients and the SAFE detection of the KEGG ALS pathway

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (sALS) is a motor neuron disease with poorly understood etiology. Results of gene expression profiling studies of whole blood from ALS patients have not been validated and are difficult to relate to ALS pathogenesis because gene expression profiles depend on the relative abundance of the different cell types present in whole blood. We conducted microarray analyses using Agilent Human Whole Genome 4 × 44k Arrays on a more homogeneous cell population, namely purified peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBLs), from ALS patients and healthy controls to identify molecular signatures possibly relevant to ALS pathogenesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Differentially expressed genes were determined by LIMMA (Linear Models for MicroArray) and SAM (Significance Analysis of Microarrays) analyses. The SAFE (Significance Analysis of Function and Expression) procedure was used to identify molecular pathway perturbations. Proteasome inhibition assays were conducted on cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from ALS patients to confirm alteration of the Ubiquitin/Proteasome System (UPS).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>For the first time, using SAFE in a global gene ontology analysis (gene set size 5-100), we show significant perturbation of the KEGG (Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) ALS pathway of motor neuron degeneration in PBLs from ALS patients. This was the only KEGG disease pathway significantly upregulated among 25, and contributing genes, including <it>SOD1</it>, represented 54% of the encoded proteins or protein complexes of the KEGG ALS pathway. Further SAFE analysis, including gene set sizes >100, showed that only neurodegenerative diseases (4 out of 34 disease pathways) including ALS were significantly upregulated. Changes in <it>UBR2 </it>expression correlated inversely with time since onset of disease and directly with ALSFRS-R, implying that <it>UBR2 </it>was increased early in the course of ALS. Cultured PBMCs from ALS patients accumulated more ubiquitinated proteins than PBMCs from healthy controls in a serum-dependent manner confirming changes in this pathway.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our study indicates that PBLs from sALS patients are strong responders to systemic signals or local signals acquired by cell trafficking, representing changes in gene expression similar to those present in brain and spinal cord of sALS patients. PBLs may provide a useful means to study ALS pathogenesis.</p