2,200 research outputs found

    The development of a universal diagnostic probe system for Tokamak fusion test reactor

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    The Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR), the largest such facility in the U.S., is discussed with respect to instrumentation in general and mechanisms in particular. The design philosophy and detailed implementation of a universal probe mechanism for TFTR is discussed

    Externalidades fiscales interregionales en Argentina: Un análisis de equilibrio general computado

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    The aim of this paper is to analyze the spillover effects of national and local tax policies in Argentina. For this objective, we consider a static bi-regional general equilibrium model for the Buenos Aires City and the rest of Argentina. We analyze the impact of fiscal policies on welfare of private agents and the spillover effects  on the performance of the public sector of both regions using equal revenue tax increases simulations . As expected, the model shows that regional and national fiscal policies do have relevant effects on the activity level in the regions and on the welfare of their inhabitants. The paper presents a sensibility analysis, which considers changes in the rule of indexation of wages and in capital mobility. They are shown to be relevant for the quantitative results.El objetivo del trabajo es analizar las externalidades fiscales pecuniarias provocadas al cambiar políticas fiscales a nivel regional o nacional en Argentina. Para el análisis se utiliza un modelo de equilibrio general estático bi-regional para la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y el resto de Argentina. Se analiza el impacto de políticas fiscales sobre el bienestar de los agentes privados y públicos y los efectos "derrame" asociados, mediante la utilización de simulaciones que consideran idéntico monto nominal de incremento en los impuestos. Los resultados del modelo muestran que las políticas fiscales tienen efectos negativos relevantes en los niveles de actividad y en el bienestar de los agentes. Además, se presenta un análisis de sensibilidad para la regla de ajuste de los salarios y para la movilidad del capital dado que son factores fundamentales en la determinación de los resultados cuantitativos

    Piezoelectric Transducers Based on Aluminum Nitride and Polyimide for Tactile Applications

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    The development of micro systems with smart sensing capabilities is paving the way to progresses in the technology for humanoid robotics. The importance of sensory feedback has been recognized the enabler of a high degree of autonomy for robotic systems. In tactile applications, it can be exploited not only to avoid objects slipping during their manipulation but also to allow safe interaction with humans and unknown objects and environments. In order to ensure the minimal deformation of an object during subtle manipulation tasks, information not only on contact forces between the object and fingers but also on contact geometry and contact friction characteristics has to be provided. Touch, unlike other senses, is a critical component that plays a fundamental role in dexterous manipulation capabilities and in the evaluation of objects properties such as type of material, shape, texture, stiffness, which is not easily possible by vision alone. Understanding of unstructured environments is made possible by touch through the determination of stress distribution in the surrounding area of physical contact. To this aim, tactile sensing and pressure detection systems should be integrated as an artificial tactile system. As illustrated in the Chapter I, the role of external stimuli detection in humans is provided by a great number of sensorial receptors: they are specialized endings whose structure and location in the skin determine their specific signal transmission characteristics. Especially, mechanoreceptors are specialized in the conversion of the mechanical deformations caused by force, vibration or slip on skin into electrical nerve impulses which are processed and encoded by the central nervous system. Highly miniaturized systems based on MEMS technology seem to imitate properly the large number of fast responsive mechanoreceptors present in human skin. Moreover, an artificial electronic skin should be lightweight, flexible, soft and wearable and it should be fabricated with compliant materials. In this respect a big challenge of bio-inspired technologies is the efficient application of flexible active materials to convert the mechanical pressure or stress into a usable electric signal (voltage or current). In the emerging field of soft active materials, able of large deformation, piezoelectrics have been recognized as a really promising and attractive material in both sensing and actuation applications. As outlined in Chapter II, there is a wide choice of materials and material forms (ceramics: PZT; polycrystalline films: ZnO, AlN; polymers and copolymers: PVDF, PVDF-TrFe) which are actively piezoelectric and exhibit features more or less attractive. Among them, aluminum nitride is a promising piezoelectric material for flexible technology. It has moderate piezoelectric coefficient, when available in c-axis oriented polycrystalline columnar structure, but, at same time, it exhibits low dielectric constant, high temperature stability, large band gap, large electrical resistivity, high breakdown voltage and low dielectric loss which make it suitable for transducers and high thermal conductivity which implies low thermal drifts. The high chemical stability allows AlN to be used in humid environments. Moreover, all the above properties and its deposition method make AlN compatible with CMOS technology. Exploiting the features of the AlN, three-dimensional AlN dome-shaped cells, embedded between two metal electrodes, are proposed in this thesis. They are fabricated on general purpose Kapton™ substrate, exploiting the flexibility of the polymer and the electrical stability of the semiconductor at the same time. As matter of fact, the crystalline layers release a compressive stress over the polymer, generating three-dimensional structures with reduced stiffness, compared to the semiconductor materials. In Chapter III, a mathematical model to calculate the residual stresses which arise because of mismatch in coefficient of thermal expansion between layers and because of mismatch in lattice constants between the substrate and the epitaxially grown films is adopted. The theoretical equation is then used to evaluate the dependence of geometrical features of the fabricated three-dimensional structures on compressive residual stress. Moreover, FEM simulations and theoretical models analysis are developed in order to qualitative explore the operation principle of curved membranes, which are labelled dome-shaped diaphragm transducers (DSDT), both as sensors and as piezo-actuators and for the related design optimization. For the reliability of the proposed device as a force/pressure sensor and piezo-actuator, an exhaustive electromechanical characterization of the devices is carried out. A complete description of the microfabrication processes is also provided. As shown in Chapter IV, standard microfabrication techniques are employed to fabricate the array of DSDTs. The overall microfabrication process involves deposition of metal and piezoelectric films, photolithography and plasma-based dry and wet etching to pattern thin films with the desired features. The DSDT devices are designed and developed according to FEM and theoretical analysis and following the typical requirements of force/pressure systems for tactile applications. Experimental analyses are also accomplished to extract the relationship between the compressive residual stress due to the aluminum nitride and the geometries of the devices. They reveal different deformations, proving the dependence of the geometrical features of the three-dimensional structures on residual stress. Moreover, electrical characterization is performed to determine capacitance and impedance of the DSDTs and to experimentally calculate the relative dielectric constant of sputtered AlN piezoelectric film. In order to investigate the mechanical behaviour of the curved circular transducers, a characterization of the flexural deflection modes of the DSDT membranes is carried out. The natural frequency of vibrations and the corresponding displacements are measured by a Laser Doppler Vibrometer when a suitable oscillating voltage, with known amplitude, is applied to drive the piezo-DSDTs. Finally, being developed for tactile sensing purpose, the proposed technology is tested in order to explore the electromechanical response of the device when impulsive dynamic and/or long static forces are applied. The study on the impulsive dynamic and long static stimuli detection is then performed by using an ad hoc setup measuring both the applied loading forces and the corresponding generated voltage and capacitance variation. These measurements allow a thorough test of the sensing abilities of the AlN-based DSDT cells. Finally, as stated in Chapter V, the proposed technology exhibits an improved electromechanical coupling with higher mechanical deformation per unit energy compared with the conventional plate structures, when the devices are used as piezo-actuator. On the other hand, it is well suited to realize large area tactile sensors for robotics applications, opening up new perspectives to the development of latest generation biomimetic sensors and allowing the design and the fabrication of miniaturized devices

    Wie vernünftig entscheiden? : integrative Entscheidungslehre als Verfassung des interrationalen Diskurses

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    Es ist die Aufgabe der Wissenschaft, richtige, d.h. möglichst vernünftige Entscheidungen anzuleiten. Der wissenschaftliche Geltungsanspruch umfasst immer sowohl einen Wahrheits- wie einen Wert- und einen Gerechtigkeitsanspruch. Vernunft lässt sich nur in einem sowohl rationalen wie interrationalen Diskurs annähern: (1) Im rationalen Diskurs wird der Anspruch erhoben, innerhalb einer bestimmten Rationalität richtige Antworten auf ausgewählte Fragen zu finden (meist innerhalb der Grenzen bestimmter institutionalisierter Schulen oder Disziplinen). (2) Der interrationale Diskurs setzt bei der Relation zwischen verschiedenen Fragen mit unterschiedlicher Rationalität an und versucht, (a) zwischen diesen Fragen eine wechselseitige Verständigung herzustellen (Diskurs zur Verständlichkeit), bevor er (b) auf den Diskurs über die Richtigkeit von Antworten verschiedener Fragestellungen im Zusammenhang eintritt (materieller interrationaler Diskurs). Der interrationale Diskurs bedarf der Verfassung: (1) Formelle Verfassung des Diskurses (a) Institutionelle Strukturen und Prozesse (Gleichberechtigung aller Beteiligten, Symmetrie der Strukturen, z.B. die Tagesordnung einer Ratssitzung) (b) Methodische Argumentationsstrukturen und -abläufe (Wahrheit, Wert und Gerechtigkeit; Fragen- und Antwortdimension). (2) Materielle Verfassung: Inhaltliches Argumentarium guter Gründe im Diskurs (bewährte Argumente aus bisherigen Diskursen)

    Turismo sostenibile e tensioni urbane nel terzo millennio

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    Il processo di urbanizzazione è un fenomeno che, negli ultimi decenni, ha registrato notevoli cambiamenti, i quali hanno avuto delle ripercussioni sulla distribuzione della popolazione mondiale tra aree urbane e rurali. L’aumento di popolazione nei centri urbani sta già creando problemi relativi alla produzione e allo smaltimento dei rifiuti e alla disponibilità e qualità della risorsa idrica, come anche problemi di sicurezza sanitaria nelle periferie che continuano ad espandersi in assenza di infrastrutture e servizi. In relazione a ciò, il modello di sviluppo urbano sostenibile assume una valenza strategica in termini sociali, economici ed ambientali. Il turismo può, infatti, contribuire ad aumentare la vitalità economica delle città e a rafforzare il senso di identità urbana. Il turismo sostenibile contribuisce, inoltre, a mantenere l'integrità ambientale e culturale delle comunità, a conservare il patrimonio naturale e le zone ecologicamente sensibili. In questa Sessione dedicata al turismo è stata avviata una riflessione su ciò che il turismo può e deve fare per la sostenibilità del territorio, in maniera particolare di quello urbano. Diventa fondamentale comprendere in che modo il turismo può essere un elemento che può dare un contributo significativo allo sviluppo e all’innovazione sostenibile urbana, dato il suo impatto trasversale sulla società e le sue molteplici sfaccettature ambientali, economiche, sociali, culturali. In conclusione, sulla base degli spunti emersi è lecito affermare che il turismo rappresenti una opportunità di trasformazione delle città e dei territori circostanti, modificando gli equilibri sociali e culturali, economici e urbanistici, riuscendo persino a cambiare il modo di intendere e di vivere le città.Peer Reviewe

    Quita de subsidios a la energía en Argentina: análisis de bienestar mediante un MEGC

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    The paper estimates the effects on the argentine household welfare due to a partial subsidy cut on the energy sectors. In order to do so, a computable general equilibrium approach was chosen. This model presents a detailed disaggregation of the energy sectors and households. The results on welfare are ambiguous and depend heavily on the compensatory measure chosen by the government.El trabajo estima los efectos sobre el bienestar de los hogares frente a una quita del 20% de subsidios al sector energético argentino (aguas abajo) mediante el uso de un modelo de equilibrio general computado. El modelo presenta una detallada desagregación del sector energético y de los hogares. Los resultados sobre el bienestar resultan ambiguos y dependen fuertemente de la medida compensatoria que toma el gobierno con el gasto en el cual deja de incurrir

    SME Selection Criteria for External IS/IT Consultants, including Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences

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    Working PaperIt does not matter whether small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) have good, bad, or no IS/IT competencies. Almost all enlist the services of an external consultant at some point. External consultants can handle a wide range of tasks, from fixing an existing bug, to choosing new software or adapting a Business strategy in line with state-of-the-art technology. While there is some evidence that external assistance with IT projects is an effective course of action, so far no information has been available on what SMEs pay attention to when choosing their consultants. The aim of the preliminary study was therefore to establish SMEs’ selection criteria for hiring IS/IT consultants, to determine what competencies SMEs look for in their external consultants, and to find out if Swiss universities of applied sciences (UAS) are included in their selection process. For this purpose, interviews were conducted with 15 SMEs, most of which are based in the Swiss cantons of Zurich and Schaffhausen. Findings indicate that selection criteria vary considerably according to the size of the SMEs. The majority have never consulted a UAS

    A non-survey estimation for regional input-output tables. An application for Buenos Aires City.

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    The input output analysis is used by a lot of cities with the objective to study interregional trade problems. We focused our work on Argentina, and we present a model with two regions: Buenos Aires city and the rest of the country. Buenos Aires does not have an Input Output Tables or a regional account system, so we have to estimate the model with non-survey and calibration techniques. Non-survey techniques are commonly used to model intraregional trade in a region. We used the AFLQ location quotient to estimate the trade in each region. Then we must to compute the regional imports/exports, and for this we based our work on calibration techniques. Biproportional adjustment (RAS) and cross entropy were the calibration techniques used to build the interregional input output model. In the presented case the work find that cross entropy could reply exactly the national input output tables, because it enforce additional constraints. If we look the results, RAS technique overestimate the Buenos Aires technical coefficients compared with cross entropy. There are not substantial differences on technical coefficients between RAS and cross entropy in the other region.Matriz insumo-producto regional. RAS. Entropía. Coeficientes de localización

    Pharmacogenomics of neuroimmune interactions in human psychiatric disorders

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    There is bidirectional communication between the brain and the immune system. Overproduction of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) leads to systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS). The crucial role of IL-1β in inflammation has been highlighted by studies p