56 research outputs found

    Simultaneous determination of shikimic acid, salicylic acid and jasmonic acid in wild and transgenic Nicotiana langsdorffii plants exposed to abiotic stresses

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    The presence and relative concentration of phytohormones may be regarded as a good indicator of an organism's physiological state. The integration of the roIC gene from Agrobacterium rhizogenes and of the rat glucocorticoid receptor (gr) in Nicotiana langsdorffii Weinmann plants has shown to determine various physiological and metabolic effects. The analysis of wild and transgenic N. langsdorffii plants, exposed to different abiotic stresses (high temperature, water deficit, and high chromium concentrations) was conducted, in order to investigate the metabolic effects of the inserted genes in response to the applied stresses. The development of a new analytical procedure was necessary, in order to assure the simultaneous determination of analytes and to obtain an adequately low limit of quantification. For the first time, a sensitive HPLC-HRMS quantitative method for the simultaneous determination of salicylic acid, jasmonic acid and shikimic acid was developed and validated. The method was applied to 80 plant samples, permitting the evaluation of plant stress responses and highlighting some metabolic mechanisms. Salicylic, jasmonic and shikimic acids proved to be suitable for the comprehension of plant stress responses. Chemical and heat stresses showed to induce the highest changes in plant hormonal status, differently affecting plant response. The potential of each genetic modification toward the applied stresses was marked and particularly the resistance of the gr modified plants was evidenced. This work provides new information in the study of N. langsdorffii and transgenic organisms, which could be useful for the further application of these transgenes. (C) 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved

    Effects of Water Deficit and Heat Stress on Nicotiana langsdorffii Metabolomic Pattern Modified by Insertion of rolD Gene from Agrobacterium rhizogenes

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    Abiotic stresses are major factors that negatively affect plant growth and productivity. Plants have developed complex strategies to ensure their survival and reproduction under adverse conditions, activating mechanisms that involve changes at different metabolic levels. In order to select stress-resistant species, research has focused on molecular studies and genetic engineering, showing promising results. In this work, the insertion of the rolD gene from Agrobacterium rhizogenes into Nicotiana langsdorffii plants is investigated, in order to assess the potential of this genetic modification towards mitigating water and heat stresses. Different approaches were combined: a high-throughput metabolomics and ionomics study was performed, together with the determination of important plant phytohormones. The aim was to identify the influence of abiotic stresses on plants and to highlight the effects of the rolD genetic modification on plant stress response. The most relevant compounds for each kind of stress were identified, belonging mainly to the classes of lipids, acyl sugars, glycosides, and amino acid derivatives. Water stress (WS) determined a decrease of elements and secondary metabolites, while amino acids and their derivatives increased, proving to be key molecules in this type of stress. RolD plants exposed to high temperature stress (HS) presented higher dry weight levels than controls, as well as increased amounts of K and adenosine and lower levels of damage-associated metabolites, suggesting the increased resistance of rolD-modified plants toward HS.Abiotic stresses are major factors that negatively affect plant growth and productivity. Plants have developed complex strategies to ensure their survival and reproduction under adverse conditions, activating mechanisms that involve changes at different metabolic levels. In order to select stress-resistant species, research has focused on molecular studies and genetic engineering, showing promising results. In this work, the insertion of therolDgene fromAgrobacterium rhizogenesintoNicotiana langsdorffiiplants is investigated, in order to assess the potential of this genetic modification towards mitigating water and heat stresses. Different approaches were combined: a high-throughput metabolomics and ionomics study was performed, together with the determination of important plant phytohormones. The aim was to identify the influence of abiotic stresses on plants and to highlight the effects of therolDgenetic modification on plant stress response. The most relevant compounds for each kind of stress were identified, belonging mainly to the classes of lipids, acyl sugars, glycosides, and amino acid derivatives. Water stress (WS) determined a decrease of elements and secondary metabolites, while amino acids and their derivatives increased, proving to be key molecules in this type of stress. RolD plants exposed to high temperature stress (HS) presented higher dry weight levels than controls, as well as increased amounts of K and adenosine and lower levels of damage-associated metabolites, suggesting the increased resistance ofrolD-modified plants toward HS

    Characterization of botanical origin of Italian honey by carbohydrate composition and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs)

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    Honey is a natural sweetener constituted by numerous macro- and micronutrients. Carbohydrates are the most representative, with glucose and fructose being the most abundant. Minor honey components like volatile organic compounds (VOCs), minerals, vitamins, amino acids are able to confer honey-specific properties and are useful to characterize and differentiate between honey varieties according to the botanical origin. The present work describes the chemical characterization of honeys of different botanical origin (multifloral, acacia, apple-dandelion, rhododendron, honeydew, and chestnut) produced and collected by beekeepers in the Trentino Alto-Adige region (Italy). Melissopalynological analysis was conducted to verify the botanical origin of samples and determine the frequency of different pollen families. The carbohydrate composition (fourteen sugars) and the profile of VOCs were evaluated permitting to investigate the relationship between pollen composition and the chemical profile of honey. Statistical analysis, particularly partial least squares discriminant analysis (PLS-DA), demonstrates the importance of classifying honey botanical origin on the basis of effective pollen composition, which directly influences honey's biochemistry, in order to correctly define properties and value of honeys

    Development and evaluation of a 9K SNP array for peach by internationally coordinated SNP detection and validation in breeding germplasm

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    Although a large number of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers covering the entire genome are needed to enable molecular breeding efforts such as genome wide association studies, fine mapping, genomic selection and marker-assisted selection in peach [Prunus persica (L.) Batsch] and related Prunus species, only a limited number of genetic markers, including simple sequence repeats (SSRs), have been available to date. To address this need, an international consortium (The International Peach SNP Consortium; IPSC) has pursued a coordinated effort to perform genome-scale SNP discovery in peach using next generation sequencing platforms to develop and characterize a high-throughput Illumina Infinium® SNP genotyping array platform. We performed whole genome re-sequencing of 56 peach breeding accessions using the Illumina and Roche/454 sequencing technologies. Polymorphism detection algorithms identified a total of 1,022,354 SNPs. Validation with the Illumina GoldenGate® assay was performed on a subset of the predicted SNPs, verifying ∼75% of genic (exonic and intronic) SNPs, whereas only about a third of intergenic SNPs were verified. Conservative filtering was applied to arrive at a set of 8,144 SNPs that were included on the IPSC peach SNP array v1, distributed over all eight peach chromosomes with an average spacing of 26.7 kb between SNPs. Use of this platform to screen a total of 709 accessions of peach in two separate evaluation panels identified a total of 6,869 (84.3%) polymorphic SNPs.The almost 7,000 SNPs verified as polymorphic through extensive empirical evaluation represent an excellent source of markers for future studies in genetic relatedness, genetic mapping, and dissecting the genetic architecture of complex agricultural traits. The IPSC peach SNP array v1 is commercially available and we expect that it will be used worldwide for genetic studies in peach and related stone fruit and nut species

    Five primary sources of organic aerosols in the urban atmosphere of Belgrade (Serbia)

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    Biomass burning and primary biological aerosol particles (PBAPs) represent important primary sources of organic compounds in the atmosphere. These particles and compounds are able to affect climate and human health. In the present work, using HPLC-orbitrapMS, we determined the atmospheric concentrations of molecular markers such as anhydrosugars and phenolic compounds that are specific for biomass burning, as well as the concentrations of sugars, alcohol sugars and D- and L-amino acids (D-AAs and L-AAs) for studying PBAPs in Belgrade (Serbia) aerosols collected in September-December 2008. In these samples, high levels of all these biomarkers were observed in October. Relative percentages of vanillic (V), syringic compounds (S) and p-coumaric acid (PA), as well as levoglucosan/mannosan (L/M) ratios, helped us discriminate between open fire events and wood combustion for domestic heating during the winter. L-AAs and D-AAs (1% of the total) were observed in Belgrade aerosols mainly in September-October. During open fire events, mean D-AA/L-AA (D/L) ratio values of aspartic acid, threonine, phenylalanine, alanine were significantly higher than mean D/L values of samples unaffected by open fire. High levels of AAs were observed for open biomass burning events.Thanks to four different statistical approaches, we demonstrated that Belgrade aerosols are affected by five sources: a natural source, a source related to fungi spores and degraded material and three other sources linked to biomass burning: biomass combustion in open fields, the combustion of grass and agricultural waste and the combustion of biomass in stoves and industrial plants. The approach employed in this work, involving the determination of specific organic tracers and statistical analysis, proved useful to discriminate among different types of biomass burning events. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved