1,742 research outputs found

    Effects of irrigation and time of application on the yield and quality of cv. Cabernet sauvignon in a warm climate

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    Mediterranean climate is characterized by hot summer, high evapotranspiration rates, and scarce precipitations (400 mm per year) during grapevine cycle. These extremely dry conditions affect vineyard productivity and sustainability. Supplementary irrigation is a needed practice in order to maintain yield and quality. Almost all Spanish grape growing regions are characterized by these within this context, especially in the center region, where this study was performed. The main objective of this work was to study the influence of irrigation on yield and quality. For this aim, we applied different levels of irrigation (mm of water applied) during different stages of growth and berry maturity. Four experimental treatments were applied considering the amount of water and the moment of the application: T1: Water irrigation (420 mm) applied from bloom to maturity. T2: Corresponded to the traditional irrigation scheduling, from preveraison to maturity (154 mm). T3: Water irrigation from bloom to preveraison, and water deficit from veraison to maturity (312 mm). T4: Irrigation applied from preveraison to maturity (230 mm) Experimental vineyard, cv. Cabernet Sauvignon, was located in a commercial vineyard (Bodegas Licinia S.L.) in the hot region of Morata de Tajuña (Madrid). The trial was performed during 2010 and 2011 seasons. Our results showed that yield increased from 2010 to 2011 in the treatments with a higher amount of water appli ed, T1 and T3 (24 and 10 % of yield increase respectively). This was mainly due to an increase in bud fertility (nº of bunches per shoot). Furthermore, sugar content was higher in T3 (27.3 ºBrix), followed by T2 (27 ºBrix). By contrast, T4 (irrigation from veraison) presented the lowest solid soluble concentration and the highest acidity. These results suggest that grapevine has an intrinsic capacity to adapt to its environment. However, this adaptation capacity should be evaluated considering the sensibility of quality parameters during the maturity period (acidity, pH, aroma, color...) and its impact on yield. Here, we demonstrated that a higher amount of water irrigation applied was no linked to a negative effect on quality

    Estudio tomográfico e histológico comparativo de dos biomateriales para preservación del reborde alveolar

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    [Objetivo] Este estudio evalúa los cambios dimensionales tomográficos y cambios histológicos posexodoncia con el uso de dos materiales de injerto: xenoinjerto Bio-Oss® y membrana colágena reabsorbible Bio-Gide® y aloinjerto Puros® y membrana de colágeno reabsorbible Biomed Extend® en la preservación del reborde alveolar.  [Materiales y Métodos] Estudio experimental en el que se realizaron 20 extracciones de diente único, y se comparan dos biomateriales diferentes repartidos aleatoriamente en dos grupos. Al grupo A se le colocó material tipo xenoinjerto (Bio-Oss y Bio-Gide®) y al grupo B se le colocó material tipo aloinjerto (Puros y Biomed®).  Se realizaron medidas tomográficas al día 0 y al día 210 después de la extracción.  En el día 210 se tomaron muestras de tejido para análisis histológico.  [Resultados] Las medidas tomográficas no mostraron variaciones estadísticamente significativas excepto en la amplitud máxima del reborde óseo, siendo esta menor en el grupo del aloinjerto en el día 210 con valor de p<0.05.  En los resultados histológicos se observa similitud entre los dos grupos en la respuesta celular, tejido osteoide y hueso nuevo mineralizado.  Se observaron diferencias en la cantidad de material remanente, presentando mayor presencia de material el grupo del xenoinjerto. [Conclusión] Este estudio presentó resultados similares a los encontrados en la literatura y se observa un comportamiento adecuado de la preservación del reborde óseo posterior a una extracción cuando se colocan materiales sustitutos óseos del tipo xenoinjerto o aloinjerto para las dimensiones de altura y amplitud, con cambios muy leves en el tiempo de evaluación

    Mastitis subclínica en hatos lecheros medianos del Cantón Babahoyo provincia de Los Ríos

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    Using the California Mastitis Test (CMT), 736 quarters corresponding to 184 animals from 3 farms with medium milk production in the province of Los Ríos, randomly chosen, were evaluated. From the positive quarters (reactions from traces to very positive cases) a milk sample was taken to perform the test (CMT). 52.17% were positive, according to the intensity of the reaction, 30.89% were very positive (+++), 75.97% were positive (++), 49.43% were slightly positive (+) and 13.87% traces. The risk factors were evaluated with the Guide of Good Livestock Milk Production Practices. Agrocality. 2012, chapters IX, X and XI with the respective literals. 55.88% was compliance with regulations, followed by 26.47 % and 17.64% of the farms evaluated. The estimated economic losses of US 8,174inthethreeherds,correspondingtoUS 8,174 in the three herds, corresponding to US 96 per cow and US 0.31percow/day.Compliancewiththeregulationswouldreducetheincidenceofsubclinicalmastitisonfarmswithmediumandsmallscaledairyproductionsystems.MediantelapruebadeCaliforniaMastitisTest(CMT),seevaluaron736cuartoscorrespondientesa184animalesde3fincasdemedianaproduccioˊndelecheenlaprovinciadeLosRıˊos,escogidasaleatoriamente.Deloscuartospositivos(reaccionesdesdetrazashastacasosmuypositivos)setomoˊunamuestradelechepararealizareltest(CMT).El52,17 0.31 per cow / day. Compliance with the regulations would reduce the incidence of subclinical mastitis on farms with medium and small-scale dairy production systems.Mediante la prueba de California Mastitis Test (CMT), se evaluaron 736 cuartos correspondientes a 184 animales de 3 fincas de mediana producción de leche en la provincia de Los Ríos, escogidas aleatoriamente. De los cuartos positivos (reacciones desde trazas hasta casos muy positivos) se tomó una muestra de leche para realizar el test (CMT). El 52,17 % resultó positivo, según la intensidad de la reacción el 30,89 % fue muy positivo (+++), el 75,97 % positivo (++), el 49,43 % ligeramente positivo (+) y el 13,87 % trazas. Los factores de riesgo se evaluaron con la Guía De Buenas Practicas Pecuarias De Producción De Leche. Agrocalidad. 2012, capítulos IX, X y XI con los literales respectivos. El 55,88 % fue el cumplimiento de la normativa, seguido del 26,47% y 17,64 % de las fincas evaluadas. La estimación de las pérdidas económicas de US 8174 en los tres hatos, correspondiendo a US96porvacayaUS 96 por vaca y a US 0,31 por vaca/día. Con el cumplimiento de la normativa se reduciría la incidencia de mastitis subclínica en las fincas con sistemas de producción de mediano y pequeño nivel de producción láctea

    A Power-Line Communication System Governed by Loop Resonance for Photovoltaic Plant Monitoring

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    Within this paper, a PLC system that takes advantage of the loop resonance of an entire DC-PV string configured as a circular signal path is developed and implemented. Low cost and extremely simple transceivers intended to be installed within each PV module of a string have been designed and successfully tested. In addition, an anti-saturation coil has been conceived to avoid saturation of the core when the entire DC current of the string flows through it. Bi-directional half-duplex communication was successfully executed with up to a 1 MHz carrier frequency (150 kbps bitrate), using a simple ASK modulation scheme. The transmission and reception performance are presented, along with the overall system cost in comparison to the previous literatureThis research was funded by the Universidad dee Valladolid with the predoctoral contracts of 2020 cofunded by Santander Bank. This study was also supported by the Universidad dee Valladolid with ERASMUS+ KA-107. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    Behavioural intervention to reduce disruptive behaviours in adult day care centres users: A randomizsed clinical trial (PROCENDIAS study)

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    [ENG]Aim: This study assesses the effect of an intervention to reduce the disruptive behaviours (DB) presented by care recipient users of adult day care centres (ADCC), thereby reducing caregiver overload. While ADCC offer beneficial respite for family caregivers, the DB that many care recipients show promote resistance to attending these centres, which can be a great burden on their family caregivers. Design: Randomized controlled clinical trial. Methods: The study was carried out with 130 family caregivers of people attending seven ADCC in the municipality of Salamanca (Spain), randomly distributed into intervention and control groups. The intervention was applied across eight sessions, one per week, in groups of 8–10 people where caregivers were trained in the Antecedent- Behavior-Consequence (ABC) model of functional behaviour analysis. The primary outcome was the reduction of DB measured with the Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist (RMBPC). Results: An average reduction in the RMBPC of 4.34 points was obtained in the intervention group after applying the intervention (p < 0.01 (U de Mann–Whitney); Cohen d = 1.00); furthermore, differences were found in the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) (U = −2.67; p = 0.008; Cohen d = 0.50) and in the Short Zarit Burden Interview (Short ZBI) (t = −4.10; p < 0.01; Cohen d = 0.98). Conclusion: The results obtained suggest that the implementation of this intervention could reduce both the frequency of DB occurrence and the reaction of the caregiver to their appearance. Improvement was also noted in the results regarding overload and emotional state of the family caregiver. Impact: To our knowledge, this is the first randomized clinical trial to show that an intervention based on the ABC model could reduce the frequency and reaction of DB of care recipients in ADCC increasing their quality of life, and improving the mental health and overload of their family caregivers

    A Resonant Ring Topology Approach to Power Line Communication Systems within Photovoltaic Plants

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    Within this study, single-cable propagation facilitated by PV strings’ wiring characteristics is considered for an adapted design of PLC electronics. We propose to close the communications signal path, resulting in a ring topology where a resonance condition could be implemented. A PLC topology using the resulting circular closed-loop path of a PV series string as its physical communication support is designed and leveraged for practical use. When the path length or the number of transceivers is changed, the resonance properties that come with the circular path as the physical support are affected but are shown to be preserved with the application of automatic adjustable tuning. This automatic tuning guarantees that the resonance improves propagation parameters and reverts the system to its optimal values at the chosen carrier frequency.This study was supported by the Universidad of Valladolid with the predoctoral contracts of 2020 cofunded by Santander Bank. This study was supported by the Universidad of Valladolid with ERASMUS+ KA-107. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    SMARCA4 deficient tumours are vulnerable to KDM6A/UTX and KDM6B/JMJD3 blockade

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    The authors thank Isabel Bartolessis (Cancer Genetics Group) at IJC for technical assistance. This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and CompetitivityMINECO (grant number SAF-2017-82186R, to M.S.-C., and grant PI19/01320 to A. Villanueva) and from the Fundacion Cientifica of the Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer (AECC) (grant number GCB14142170MONT) to M.S.-C. A. Villanueva is also funded by the Department of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya (2014SGR364). O.A. R. received a Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral contract (grant No. IJCI-2016-28201, until November 2019) and an AECC research contract (INVES19045ROME from December 2019). A. Vilarrubi, P.L. and A.A. are supported by pre-doctoral contracts from the Spanish MINECO (FPI-fellowship: PRE2018-084624, BES-2015-072204 and FPU17/00067). M.S. was supported by a Rio Hortega contract from the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CM17/00180). L.F. received a European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions grant agreement, number 799850.Despite the genetic inactivation of SMARCA4, a core component of the SWI/SNF-complex commonly found in cancer, there are no therapies that effectively target SMARCA4-deficient tumours. Here, we show that, unlike the cells with activated MYC oncogene, cells with SMARCA4 inactivation are refractory to the histone deacetylase inhibitor, SAHA, leading to the aberrant accumulation of H3K27me3. SMARCA4-mutant cells also show an impaired transactivation and significantly reduced levels of the histone demethylases KDM6A/UTX and KDM6B/JMJD3, and a strong dependency on these histone demethylases, so that its inhibition compromises cell viability. Administering the KDM6 inhibitor GSK-J4 to mice orthotopically implanted with SMARCA4-mutant lung cancer cells or primary small cell carcinoma of the ovary, hypercalcaemic type (SCCOHT), had strong anti-tumour effects. In this work we highlight the vulnerability of KDM6 inhibitors as a characteristic that could be exploited for treating SMARCA4-mutant cancer patients.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity-MINECO SAF-2017-82186R PI19/01320Fundacion Cientifica of the Asociacion Espanola Contra el Cancer (AECC) GCB14142170MONTDepartment of Health of the Generalitat de Catalunya 2014SGR364Juan de la Cierva postdoctoral contract IJCI-2016-28201AECC research contract INVES19045ROMESpanish MINECO PRE2018-084624 BES-2015-072204 FPU17/00067Instituto de Salud Carlos III European Commission CM17/00180European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions grant agreement 79985

    Lipoprotein(A) Concentrations In Rheumatoid Arthritis On Biologic Therapy: Results From The Cardiovascular In Rheumatology [Carma] Study Project

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    Background Plasma concentrations of lipoprotein (a) (Lp(a)), a lipoprotein with atherogenic and thrombogenic properties, have a strong genetic basis, although high concentrations of Lp(a) have also been reported in the context of inflammation, as in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Few studies evaluate the impact of biologic therapies (BT) on Lp(a) in RA, taking into account that with these new therapies a better control of inflammation is achieved. Objective The aim of the study was to evaluate the plasma concentrations of Lp(a) in Spanish RA patients on BT attending rheumatology outpatient clinics. Methods Baseline analysis of the CARdiovascular in rheuMAtology project, a 10-year prospective study, evaluating the risk of cardiovascular events in RA and other forms of inflammatory arthritis. RA patients were classified according to treatment: no biologic, anti-tumor necrosis factor, anti-interleukin-6 receptor tocilizumab (TCZ), and other biologic (rituximab or abatacept). A model of linear multivariate regression was built in which the dependent variable was Lp(a) concentration and the explanatory variable was BT. The model was adjusted for confounding factors. Results Seven hundred and seventy-five RA patients were analyzed. Plasma concentrations of total cholesterol and triglyceride were significantly higher in TCZ-treated patients. Nevertheless, no significant difference in the atherogenic index between TCZ-treated patients and patients without BT was found. After adjusting for confounding factors, patients with BT had lower concentrations of Lp(a) than those without BT; however, only TCZ-treated patients achieved statistically significant differences (?: ?0.303, 95% confidence interval: ?0.558 to ?0.047; P = .02). Conclusions RA patients treated with TCZ show lower plasma concentrations of Lp(a) compared with patients without BT.This project has been supported by an unrestricted grant from Abbvie, Spain. The design, analysis, interpretation of results, and preparation of the article have been done independently of Abbvie. Dr González-Gay's studies have been supported by grants from “Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias” PI06/0024, PS09/00748, and PI12/00060 and RD12/0009/0013 (RIER) from “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (ISCIII) (Spain)

    Clostridium difficile outbreak caused by NAP1/BI/027 strain and non-027 strains in a Mexican hospital

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    Background: Clostridium difficile infections caused by the NAP1/B1/027 strain are more severe, difficult to treat, and frequently associated with relapses. Methods: A case–control study was designed to examine a C. difficile infection (CDI) outbreak over a 12-month period in a Mexican hospital. The diagnosis of toxigenic CDI was confirmed by real-time polymerase chain reaction, PCR (Cepheid Xpert C. difficile/Epi). Results: During the study period, 288 adult patients were evaluated and 79 (27.4%) patients had confirmed CDI (PCR positive). C. difficile strain NAP1/B1/027 was identified in 31 (39%) of the patients with confirmed CDI (240 controls were included). Significant risk factors for CDI included any underlying disease (p < 0.001), prior hospitalization (p < 0.001), and antibiotic (p < 0.050) or steroid (p < 0.001) use. Laboratory abnormalities included leukocytosis (p < 0.001) and low serum albumin levels (p < 0.002). Attributable mortality was 5%. Relapses occurred in 10% of patients. Risk factors for C. difficile NAP1/B1/027 strain infections included prior use of quinolones (p < 0.03). Risk factors for CDI caused by non-027 strains included chronic cardiac disease (p < 0.05), chronic renal disease (p < 0.009), and elevated serum creatinine levels (p < 0.003). Deaths and relapses were most frequent in the 027 group (10% and 19%, respectively). Conclusions: C. difficile NAP1/BI/027 strain and non-027 strains are established pathogens in our hospital. Accordingly, surveillance of C. difficile infections is now part of our nosocomial prevention program