A Power-Line Communication System Governed by Loop Resonance for Photovoltaic Plant Monitoring


Within this paper, a PLC system that takes advantage of the loop resonance of an entire DC-PV string configured as a circular signal path is developed and implemented. Low cost and extremely simple transceivers intended to be installed within each PV module of a string have been designed and successfully tested. In addition, an anti-saturation coil has been conceived to avoid saturation of the core when the entire DC current of the string flows through it. Bi-directional half-duplex communication was successfully executed with up to a 1 MHz carrier frequency (150 kbps bitrate), using a simple ASK modulation scheme. The transmission and reception performance are presented, along with the overall system cost in comparison to the previous literatureThis research was funded by the Universidad dee Valladolid with the predoctoral contracts of 2020 cofunded by Santander Bank. This study was also supported by the Universidad dee Valladolid with ERASMUS+ KA-107. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

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