15 research outputs found

    Making Political Tourism As an Alternative Model for Hawaii Indigenous Development

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    The current tourism business model, which is visitor-centered, shows how tourism has strong negative impacts to the host and the place. It happens in many places in the world where tourism business is run by outsiders or with outside capital, and creating conflict with local population. Political tourism is an alternative to the current business model because it looks at the business from the other side: the host-place-centered. Political tourism can be seen as the first step in "indigenizing" capitalism based on local values. The proposed model addresses subsystems in tourism business components, i.e. the transaction, transfer, and treatment systems. It suggests several strategies to make political tourism happen with reference to Native Hawaiians tourism development. It offers some lessons that can be applicable to other places in Asia and the Pacific

    The Effect of Transport Infrastructure on Land-use Change: The Case of Toll Road and High-Speed Railway Development in West Java

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    The development of the Cipularang Toll Road and the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway (HSR) in West Java Province in Indonesia is expected to boost economic growth and provide equitable development, especially from Jakarta to the regencies and cities in West Java. Such large-scale infrastructure developments cause massive changes in land use in the surrounding areas. These impacts are often not anticipated in spatial planning. This study aimed to identify the effect of transport infrastructure development on land-use change in West Java by using cellular automata. It was found that transport infrastructure development has significant impact on the structure and spatial patterns that lead to the formation of a mega-urban region connecting the Jakarta Metropolitan Area and the Greater Bandung Metropolitan Area

    The Effect of Transport Infrastructure on Land-use Change: The Case of Toll Road and High-Speed Railway Development in West Java

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    The development of the Cipularang Toll Road and the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway (HSR) in West Java Province in Indonesia is expected to boost economic growth and provide equitable development, especially from Jakarta to the regencies and cities in West Java. Such large-scale infrastructure developments cause massive changes in land use in the surrounding areas. These impacts are often not anticipated in spatial planning. This study aimed to identify the effect of transport infrastructure development on land-use change in West Java by using cellular automata. It was found that transport infrastructure development has significant impact on the structure and spatial patterns that lead to the formation of a mega-urban region connecting the Jakarta Metropolitan Area and the Greater Bandung Metropolitan Area

    Struktur Ruang Wilayah Gerbangkertosusila Berdasarkan Teori Pusat-Pinggiran: Sebuah Kajian

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    Perkembangan suatu kota tidak dapat dipisahkan dari area sekitarnya, sehingga dalam sistem perkotaan, suatu kota akan memiliki efek saling ketergantungan dengan kota-kota terdekat di sekitarnya. Salah satu bentuk keterkaitan antar wilayah terjadi pada Kawasan Gerbangkertosusila, yang terbentuk dari gabungan kota dan kabupaten. Fenomena pusat-pinggiran ini dapat terjadi dalam bentuk keterkaitan antar sektor yang dihubungkan dengan jaringan jalan, industri, pekerjaan, dan ekonomi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji teori pusat-pinggiran dengan studi di Kawasan Gerbangkertosusila (GKS) dengan mengevaluasinya berdasarkan center-periphery model (CPM) dari John Friedmann. Hasil studi kepustakaan dilanjutkan dengan analisis deskriptif kualitatif dengan menerjemahkan teori dengan data yang diperoleh dari penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan saat ini dari 4 fase model CPM Friedmann, kawasan GKS berada pada fase 3 dimana pertumbuhan ekonomi menyebar ke seluruh wilayah dan menyebabkan munculnya pusat-pusat pertumbuhan lainnya. Pada wilayah GKS struktur kotanya mengalami perluasan, selain karena penduduk bermukim di pinggiran akibat urban sprawl, berkembang pusat- pusat industri baru di sekitar kota inti Surabaya yang terletak di perbatasan Surabaya-Gresik dan Surabaya-Sidoarjo

    "Entry Points" in Integrating Climate Risk and Adaptation Asessment into Development Planning: Reflections from Semarang and Tarakan City, Indonesia

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    One of the most challenging issues in adapting to the possible impact of climate change is whether government able to find and set an appropriate and balance policy between proposed adaptation actions and other development agenda; moreover about how to translate scientific findings into suitable policy. This paper aims to share experience from two cities in Indonesia which are trying to integrate the process and result of climate risk and adaptation assessment (scientific process) into the city spatial and non-spatial development planning system, i.e. Semarang City in Java Island and Tarakan City in Kalimantan Island. The experiences being shared here came from the involvement of authors in the action research for Tarakan City which aims to integrate adaptation actions to development plan and planning studio for Semarang Municipality which develops Local Action Plan on Climate Change Adaptation. By far, it can be concluded that local government on both cities still not entirely sure on considering the impact of climate change, even more there are still doubts and misconception about the climate change adaptation concept itself. However, basically local governments are open and welcome the rationale for integrating climate risk and adaptation assessment into their spatial and non-spatial development plan. In addition, each city has their own way to manage the interaction between scientific and policy realm; i.e. in Semarang City through mechanism called Shared Learning Dialogue (SLD) and in Tarakan City through closed collaborative works between researcher and government officials. Both strengths and weakness of each approach will be elaborated further in this paper. Finally, this paper will offer the entry points to integrate climate change adaptation into spatial and non-spatial plan development system in Indonesia, based on reflections from both cases, as well as how it may function elsewhere


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    Pesisir dan laut telah sejak kala mengalami tekanan aktivitas manusia sehingga mengancam keberlanjutan fungsi-fungsi ekosistem di dalamnya. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, perhatian terhadap masalah ini menjadi semakin besar dan melahirkan konsep-konsep keberlanjutan pada wilayah pesisir dan laut seperti Marine Spatial Planning (MSP). Tulisan berikut mengeksplorasi konsepsi MSP dan hambatan yang dihadapi dalam tinjauan prosedur perencanaan. Metode yang digunakan adalah systematic review dalam rangka mengidentifikasi, mengevaluasi dan menginterpretasi berbagai literatur atau hasil kajian terkait. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan adanya problematika empiris untuk diimplementasikan dalam tataran praktis. Idealisme MSP yang menggabungkan pendekatan komprehensif dan partisipatif akan menghadapi berbagai rintangan mulai dari ketiadaan data dan informasi, terbatasnya pengetahuan, keterikatan terhadap nilai dan budaya, sampai dengan isu dominasi kekuasaan atas suatu perencanaan yang bersifat kolaboratif. Penulis berargumentasi bahwa perencana perlu memberikan perhatian terhadap kekuasaan dan mampu mengontrol kekuasaan tersebut. Hal ini diperlukan agar kelemahan konsep MSP dapat tertutup dengan keberpihakan kekuasaan terhadap isuisu keberlanjutan. Title: Achieving Marine Ecosystem Sustainability Through Marine Spatial Planning (MSP): Is it possible?Since a long time ago, the coast and the sea have undergone hard pressure from human activities that threaten the sustainability of the ecosystem functions. As time goes by, the attention to this problem becomes greater and creates sustainability concepts in coastal and marine areas such as MSP. The following article explores MSP conceptions and its theoretical problems by reviewing the planning procedures. The method used in this study is a systematic review in order to identify, evaluate and interpret various literatures or results of related studies. The results indicate a theoretical weakness to be implemented. The idealism of MSP which combines a comprehensive and participatory approach will face various obstacles starting from the absence of data and information, limited knowledge, attachment to value   and culture, to the issue of domination of power over a collaborative plan. I argues that planners need to pay attention to power and take control of it. This is necessary so that the weakness of the MSP concept can be covered by the alignment of power towards sustainability issues.

    Understanding the position of urban spatial configuration on the feeling of insecurity from crime in public spaces

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    Introduction: Many studies have discussed crime and the feeling of insecurity in the public space. These studies produce diverse findings from various variables and different objects. However, the urban spatial configuration is still left unexplored in the study of insecurity from crime in the public space. The purpose of this study is to discuss the position of urban spatial configuration elements on the feeling of insecurity from crime in the public space evidenced by international literature.Methods: This study uses a systematic review method by evaluating studies published between 1970 and 2021.Results and Discussion: The results of this study state that studies on crime and feeling of insecurity in public spaces in urban planning and urban design context mainly evaluated the design features (crime prevention through environmental design) and Socio-demographics at micro–meso scale in the built environment. In contrast, urban spatial configuration variable or macro scale still underexplored. Studies have shown that issues will occur if policy-making and planning in urban areas ignore individual perceptions of feeling insecure regarding crime at macro scale. The findings of this study become a research gap for further studies. This study suggests that more researchers should evaluate the feelings of insecurity from crime in public spaces on a macro scale, namely the urban spatial configuration dimension, including city size, development type, the distribution pattern of population and job, degree of clustering, and landscape connectivity

    Urban Development and Rural Poverty in Java: A Challenge for Decentralized Local Government

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    The Government of Indonesia has pursued the strategy of dispersed development to address the issue of environmental degradation, to reduce the concentration of development in one major center, in order to achieve a sustainable urban form. The effectiveness of this strategy is being questioned, since the "deconcentration" of development fails to achieve its objective due to the absence of sound implementation tools and the market forces. The expansion of urban areas not only has characterized the development of Java in the last couple decades, bitt at the same time the decrease of rural areas and rural lives are also taking place, that spurs the physical integration process of major urban centers, especially on the northern coast of Java. The consequence of this process to the larger area, that is the rural hinterland, highlights the mega urban region hypothesis. Meanwhile, the issue of poverty also highlights the condition of rural Java, where spatially it has corresponding patterns with the formation of extended metropolitan regions. Recognizing the dual ism of development trajectory and the uneven spatial distribution of development in Java, this paper would argue that the focus of local government policies ought to be directed towards the promotion of rural regional development in order to achieve a balanced development towards its lagging regions. A new strategy needs to be invented along with its implementation framework, with a goal to achieve sustainability in both urban and rural areas. The new form of decentralized local governments could be the basis for promoting the regional network strategy as the framework for sustainable regional development.Keywords:  decentralization policy, urban development, rural povert

    Seeking Prosperity Through Village Proliferation: An Evidence of the Implementation of Village Funds (Dana Desa) in Indonesia

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    Abstract. Through Law No. 6 of 2014 concerning Villages, the government of Indonesia carries out a significant evolution by giving higher authority to the lowest level of regional government, namely the village level. This law also serves as a legal basis for the government of Indonesia to allocate village funds (dana desa) sourced from the Indonesian national budget (APBN) that are intended for villages to finance governance, development, community development, and village community empowerment. After almost five years of implementing this policy, the great euphoria over the high amount of village funds provided (approximately 1 billion rupiahs per village) caused a harsh polemic about the increasing rate of village proliferation in Indonesia. This proliferation at the micro-level not only increases the burden on the central government but also its shows that the welfare of many communities at the regional level is still questionable. Therefore, using spatial analysis and descriptive statistics, this study aimed to identify patterns of village proliferation in Indonesia from the perspective of the number of villages, the amount of village funding, poverty levels, and village development, and their impact on regional development. The results showed that 60.56% of regions that experienced village proliferation were able to reduce poverty levels in their area, but not all of these regions were able to reduce the percentage of underdeveloped villages and increase development at the village level. Then, related to village funding, 25.35% of regions that experienced proliferation got a significant rise in village funding, but were still unable to reduce poverty rates. Abstrak. Melalui Undang-Undang Nomor 6 Tahun 2014 tentang Desa, Pemerintah Indonesia melakukan evolusi yang signifikan dengan memberikan otoritas yang lebih tinggi ke tingkat terendah pemerintah daerah, yaitu di tingkat desa. Undang-undang ini juga berfungsi sebagai dasar hukum bagi Pemerintah Indonesia untuk mengalokasikan dana desa (dana desa) yang bersumber dari Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja Negara (APBN), yang dimaksudkan bagi desa untuk membiayai pemerintahan, pembangunan, pengembangan masyarakat, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat desa. Setelah hampir lima tahun menerapkan kebijakan ini, euforia besar dari jumlah dana desa yang disediakan mencapai sekitar 1 miliar rupiah per desa, menyebabkan polemik yang keras tentang peningkatan laju pemekaran desa di Indonesia. Pemekaran di tingkat mikro ini tidak hanya meningkatkan beban pemerintah pusat tetapi juga pengaruhnya terhadap kesejahteraan masyarakat di tingkat daerah masih dipertanyakan. Oleh karena itu, dengan menggunakan analisis spasial dan statistik deskriptif, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi pola-pola pemekaran desa di Indonesia dari perspektif jumlah desa, jumlah dana desa, tingkat kemiskinan, dan pembangunan desa, dan dampaknya terhadap pembangunan daerah. Hasilnya adalah 60,56% daerah yang mengalami pemekaran desa mampu mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan di wilayah mereka, tetapi tidak semua daerah ini mampu mengurangi persentase desa tertinggal dan mampu meningkatkan pembangunan di tingkat desa. Kemudian, terkait dengan dana desa, 25,35% daerah yang mengalami proliferasi mendapatkan kenaikan yang signifikan dalam dana desa, tetapi mereka masih melumpuhkan untuk mengurangi tingkat kemiskinan.Kata kunci. Kemakmuran, dana desa, pemekaran

    Jakarta's 'Great Garuda' project : profits for re-emerging elites in the name of climate change

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