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    6809 research outputs found

    Metoda Sederhana untuk Memperbaiki Kinerja Motor Listrik 3 Fasa berdasarkan Insulation Resistance Test

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    In the electrical energy conversion laboratory, the stable operation of the induction motor is one of the most important factors. Failure of induction motor operation can be fatal in research activities in energy conversion laboratories. Prevention is needed so that the performance of induction motors remains optimal. this paper was created as an alternative for laboratory users of electrical energy conversion in maintaining the performance of induction motors. Based on a survey conducted by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the main cause of electric motor operation failure is generally caused by insulation failure, so electric motor testing is generally dominated by insulation testing. Many insulation testing methods such as Insulation Resistance (IR) testing, Polarization Index (PI), Delta tangent, and other tests. In this paper, IR-based testing is proposed, because it is relatively cheap and easy to implement. The IR testing process is carried out using direct voltage from the Insulation Tester to the sample to be tested using the IEEE 43TM-2013 Standard. The test results show the IR value of the sample motor is good. This condition is categorized as safe to operate, so research activities that use induction motors can run well and safely

    Pengaruh Asam dan High Energy Milling serta Karakterisasi Zeolit Alam Termodifikasi Mn

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    Telah dilakukan penelitian pengaruh zeolit alam dengan perlakuan asam dan high enrgy milling serta mengetahui karakter dari zeolit alam termodifikasi Mn. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh zeolit alam termodifikasi Mn dan mengetahui karakter akibat perlakuan asam dan high energy milling. Zeolit yang lolos ukuran 230 mesh dibagi menjadi dua bagian, pertama diberi perlakuan milling sedangkan yang kedua tanpa perlakuan milling. Kedua zeolit diaktivasi dengan HF 1% dan HCl 6M, selanjutnya ditambahkan MnCl2.4H2O 0,5M. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan adanya Mn pada kedua kerangka zeolit. Karakterisasi dengan FT-IR mengindikasikan terjadi dealuminasi ditandai dengan pergeseran bilangan gelombang dari 1049,78 cm-1 menjadi 1095,57 cm-1 dan 1080,14 cm-1 pada masing-masing zeolit dengan perlakuan  milling dan  tanpa milling. Analisis SEM diperoleh morfologi permukaan zeolit berbentuk bulat tak beraturan. Data SAA diketahui luas permukaan, volume pori dan diameter pori zeolit dengan perlakuan milling adalah 80,043 m2/g, 0,165 cc/g, dan 2,882 nm sedangkan zeolit tanpa perlakuan milling berturut-turut 141,946 m2/g, 0,170 cc/g, dan 2,693 nm

    Amoniak-nitrogen (NH3-N) pada sistem kokultur hewan akuatik dan tanaman padi di air payau

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    Amonia (NH3-N) adalah nitrogen terlarut yang paling berbahaya dari limbah akuakultur. Sebuah eksperimen telah dilakukan untuk mengevaluasi sistem kokultur yang efisien dalam mereduksi NH3-N. Sebanyak 4 spesies hewan akuaktik, yaitu ikan nila (Oreochromis niloticus), udang windu (Penaeus monodon), kerang darah (Tegillarca granosa), dan teripang pasir (Holothuria scabra), serta tanaman padi (Oryza sativa) dikombinasikan pada beberapa sistem akuakultur. Enam perlakuan dan masing-masing dengan tiga ulangan dirancang menggunakan rancangan acak lengkap (RAL). Benih hewan akuatik diaklimatisasi secara bertahap selama 30 hari. Benih padi disemai di air payau, selanjutnya ditebar menggunakan metode apung. Selama 28 hari eksperimen, ikan nila dan udang windu diberi pakan 4 kali sehari dengan feeding rate sebesar 10% bobot biomas, sedangkan kerang darah dan teripang pasar tidak diberikan pakan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa efisiensi reduksi nutrien (ERN) NH3-N di dua sistem monokultur bernilai negatif, sementara empat sistem kokultur bernilai positif. Nilai ERN dua perlakuan sistem polikultur tidak berbeda (P>0,05). Sementara itu, nilai ERN pada sistem IMTA lebih tinggi dari sistem monokultur maupun polikultur (P<0,05). Temuan ini mengarah pada pemanfaatan keanekaragaman spesies untuk akuakultur berkelanjutan di air payau. Hal ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa sistem akuakultur yang paling efisien dalam mereduksi NH3-N adalah sistem IMTA-padi dengan nilai ERN sebesar 43,3±1,7%. Nilai ini lebih tinggi (P<0,05) dari semua sistem akuakultur lainny

    The Problem of Malaria and Its Eradication System in Tanjungpinang During The Dutch Colonial Era

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    Malaria outbreaks are a health problem that is not easy to overcome. Its spread and prevention have been an important issue ever since the Dutch colonial period. This article explains how the malaria outbreak became an important issue during the colonial period in the Tanjung Pinang area, one of the areas where the endemic spread and was quite worrying due to the large number of fatalities. This article also explains how this endemic occurred and was overcome by the Chinese population in Tanjung Pinang, as well as the handling of the colonial government. This article uses existing historical sources to describe the problem of endemic diseases and efforts to eradicate them during the Dutch colonial period. The main aim of this paper is to examine the seriousness of endemic issues and their causes in the region and describe how the colonial government resolved them. There has been significant progress in malaria eradication, and the understanding of the causes of malaria and the selected eradication methods reflect scientific advances and economic considerations.

    Sintesis dan Karakterisasi Hidroksiapatit dengan Metode Sol-Gel Sebagai Bahan Dasar Adsorben

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    Adsorben berbasis hidroksiapatit (HA, Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2) mulai dikembangkan, khususnya untuk menyerap logam berat karena strukturnya memungkinkan terjadinya pertukaran ion. Pada penelitian ini HA disintesis dengan metode sol-gel menggunakan Ca(NO3).4H2O dan KH2PO4 sebagai prekursor kalsium dan fosfat. Karakterisasi dengan FTIR menunjukkan adanya puncak-puncak vibrasi yang spesifik gugus fosfat (PO43-) dan hidroksil (-OH) milik HA. Difaktogram XRD menunjukkan hasil sintesis merupakan HA murni dengan kristalinitas tinggi. Analisi morfologi dengan SEM memperlihatkan partikel HA memiliki bentuk tidak beraturan dan ukurannya beragam (10 μm). Ruang antar partikel yang luas menyebabkan HA memiliki peluang untuk digunakan sebagai adsorben.


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    In this paper, the researchers conducted the research to determine the relationship between satisfaction and job motivation. It was done by based on the partially or simultaneously on the performance of agricultural extension workers. That research was done in several Regencies in East Java, such as Lamongan, Nganjuk, and Pacitan. The type of research had used ex post facto, such as like a form of research in which can be assessed events. It has happened in the assessments of factual conditions in the field. The method in this research was used by doing several surveys. It had done by through interviews and filling out questionnaires. The research had taken parts to the location of research. The population was taken to all agricultural extension agents. It is totaling 215 people from these regencies as the object research. The location are such as Lamongan, Nganjuk and Pacitan district agriculture offices. The data was analyzed to get information from distributing questionnaires to agricultural extension workers from the three regencies using SPSS 26. The hypothesis analysis was carried out by using multiple linear regression analysis. The results of hypothesis testing shown that the job satisfaction has significant effect on the performance of agricultural extension workers. The jobs motivation have a positive and significant effect on the performance of the instructor; simultaneously job satisfaction and performancing have a positive significant effect on the performance of agricultural extension workers

    Perilaku Sedentary pada Remaja Akhir Berdasarkan Banyaknya Akun Media Sosial yang Dimiliki

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    Non-communicable diseases including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer are the number 1 killers in the world. According to the Indonesian Ministry of Health, the incidence of non-communicable diseases in Indonesia increase every year. One of the main factors causing non-communicable diseases is sedentary lifestyle. Sedentary lifestyle are activities that all types of activities need very little caloric (< 1.5 METs). Currently, the use of social media among adolescents is massive. This study aims to identify sedentary behavior in late adolescents based on the amount of social media they have. This research was a correlational analytical research with a cross sectional approach. The sample were 193 students of the Faculty of Health in Kediri. The data were collected using snowball sampling. The instrument used in this study was a modified Sedentary Behaviour Questionary (SBQ). The data obtained were analyzed using the Spearman Rank Test. The results of this study showed that 49.7% performed high sedentary behavior. 42% of late adolescences have 4/more social media accounts, 90.7% of late adolescences use social media daily. The results of the Spearman rank test obtained p-value: 0.031 so there was a relationship between the amount of social media and sedentary behavior, and also p-value: 0.036, Correlation Coefficient: 0.615 so that there was a strong relationship between frequent use of social media with sedentary behavior. From the results of the study, it is recommended to reduce the intensity of social media, so that sedentary behavior can also be minimized, and prevent non-communicable diseases

    Profil Hematologi Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) setelah Pemberian Turmeric Gummy Candy

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    Gummy candy merupakan suatu produk kembang gula yang bertekstur kenyal karena mengandung komponen pembentuk gel. Gummy candy dengan formulasi bahan herbal dapat menjadi salah satu alternatif agar obat herbal dapat dikonsumsi secara praktis dalam bentuk permen, yaitu dengan penambahan turmeric yang disebut sebagai turmeric gummy candy (TGC). Kurkumin yang terkandung dalam kunyit merupakan antioksidan yang berperan dalam pencegahan oksidasi pada sel, termasuk pada sel darah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis profil hematologi tikus putih setelah pemberian TGC. Penelitian ini menggunakan 24 ekor tikus putih betina yang dibagi menjadi tiga kelompok perlakuan, yaitu G0 sebagai kontrol, G1 sebagai kelompok yang diberi TGC dengan ekstrak turmeric sebanyak 5 g, dan G2 sebagai kelompok yang diberi TGC dengan ekstrak turmeric sebanyak 10 g. Data hematologi yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji ANOVA pada taraf kepercayaan 95%. Hasil analisis data jumlah eritrosit, kadar hemoglobin, dan jumlah leukosit tikus putih setelah pemberian TGC menunjukkan berbeda tidak nyata (P>0,05). Kesimpulan pada penelitian ini adalah turmeric gummy candy mampu mempengaruhi profil hematologi tikus putih dalam kadar yang normal. Gummy candy is a confectionery product that has a chewy texture because it contains gelling components. Gummy candy with herbal formulations can be an alternative so that herbal medicine can be consumed practically in the form of candy, namely with the addition of turmeric which is called turmeric gummy candy (TGC. Curcumin contained in turmeric is an antioxidant that plays a role in preventing oxidation in cells, including blood cells. The purpose of this study was to analyze the hematological profile of white rats after TGC administration. This candy is then expected to provide nutritional value and have a good effect on the hematological profile for its consumption. Curcumin contained in turmeric is an antioxidant that plays a role in preventing oxidation in cells, including blood cells. The purpose of this study was to analyze the hematological profile of white rats after TGC administration. This study used 24 female white rats divided into three treatment groups, namely G0 as a control, G1 as a group given TGC with turmeric extract as much as 5 g, and G2 as a group given TGC with turmeric extract as much as 10 g. The hematology data obtained were analyzed by ANOVA test at a 95% confidence level. The results of data analysis of erythrocyte count, hemoglobin level, and leukocyte count of white rats after TGC administration showed no real difference (P>0.05). The conclusion in this study is that turmeric gummy candy can affect the hematological profile of white rats in normal levels


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    Business incubators are seen as crucial enablers of innovation, offering mentoring and other support to the budding entrepreneurs and enterprises. Numerous investments have been made by the Governments and other agencies to support the growth of business incubators, including those in the infrastructure, finance, human resources and communication technologies. Using cross-section data from 156 representatives of MSMES in the City of Kediri (East Java Province of Indonesia), this study examines how business incubator capability is perceived to affect the innovation performance of regional MSMEs. Data has been analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling - Partial Least Squares techniques. Service Capacity, Financial Strength and Incubation Capacity has been identified as three important characteristics of the business incubators to support the innovation capability of MSMEs. Additionally, this study found that communication infrastructure in business incubators plays a significant moderating role to influence the innovation performance of MSMEs being incubated. In order to assist the growth of domestic technology entrepreneurs and innovation performance, this study supports the idea that developing economies should prioritize free knowledge transfer platforms through the over business incubators

    Gambaran Lifestyle Behavior, Strategi Koping dan Subjective Well-being Remaja Selama Pandemi Covid-19 di Kota Banda Aceh

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    Introduction: Adaptation to new situations caused by the Covid-19 pandemic limits adolescents' spaces in performing daily routines. This limitation also impacts their subjective well-being. Subjective well-being relates to lifestyle behavior and coping strategies. Therefore it is essential to assess in defining appropriate nursing interventions for adolescents. This study aimed to describe lifestyle behavior, coping strategies, and subjective well-being during the Covid-19 pandemic in Banda Aceh City. Methods: This study employed a descriptive exploratory design with a cross-sectional approach, involving 168 adolescents selected by snowball sampling. Data was collected by using a self-report questionnaire distributed by google form.Results: The study findings show that most of the adolescents tried to obey the regulations during the Covid-19 pandemic (63.1%); few of the respondents planned their daily routines (19.0%); were involved in different activities (10.7%), and only a few who do physical activity regularly (21.4%). Adolescents often shared their feelings (31.5%) and reviewed their relationships with their families (38.7-42.3%). In terms of social and school interactions, adolescents maintained contact with their friends and teachers (35.1-43.5%). The adolescents maintained school obligations at home (49.4%),  and this period did not affect their educational path (50.0%). In addition, most adolescents reported slight changes in subjective well-being (41.1%) and mild anxiety (38.1%). Discussion/Suggestion: This study highlights several conditions that need consideration from relevant stakeholders, including community health nurses or school health nurses, in designing interventions to prevent poor lifestyle behaviors and improve adolescents' adaptive coping and subjective well-being. Consequently, nurses should collaborate with families, school boards, public health centers, district health offices, and other government sectors in implementing health promotion programs for adolescents during the Covid-19 pandemic, particularly in improving lifestyle behaviors, adaptive coping, and subjective well-being


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