22 research outputs found

    An inability to exclude visual noise in migraine

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    - Purpose: People with migraine are relatively poor at judging the direction of motion of coherently moving signal dots when interspersed with noise dots drifting in random directions, a task known as motion coherence. Although this has been taken as evidence of impoverished global pooling of motion signals, it could also arise from unreliable coding of local direction (of each dot), or an inability to segment signal from noise (noise-exclusion). The aim of this study was to determine how these putative limits contribute to impoverished motion processing in migraine. - Methods: Twenty-two participants with migraine (mean age, 34.7 ± 8.3 years; 16 female) and 22 age- and sex-matched controls (mean age, 34.4 ± 6.2 years) performed a motion-coherence task and a motion-equivalent noise task, the latter quantifying local and global limits on motion processing. In addition, participants were tested on analogous equivalent noise paradigms involving judgments of orientation and size, so that the specificity of any findings (to visual dimension) could be ascertained. - Results: Participants with migraine exhibited higher motion-coherence thresholds than controls (P = 0.01, independent t-test). However, this difference could not be attributed to deficits in either local or global processing since they performed normally on all equivalent noise tasks (P > 0.05, multivariate ANOVA). - Conclusions: These findings indicate that motion perception in the participants with migraine was limited by an inability to exclude visual noise. We suggest that this is a defining characteristic of visual dysfunction in migraine, a theory that has the potential to integrate a wide range of findings in the literature

    Guidelines for postoperative care in gynecologic/oncology surgery: Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERASÂź) Society recommendations - Part II.

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    This article is freely available via Open Access. Click on the 'Additional Link' above to access the full-text via the publisher's site.Published (Open Access

    Detection of bilateral symmetry using spatial filters

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    When bilaterally symmetric images are spatially filtered and thresholded, a subset of the resultant 'blobs' cluster around the axis of symmetry. Consequently, a quantitative measure of blob alignment can be used to code the degree of symmetry and to locate the axis of symmetry. Four alternative models were tested to examine which components of this scheme might be involved in human detection of symmetry. Two used a blob-alignment measure, operating on the output of either isotropic or oriented filters. The other two used similar filtering schemes, but measured symmetry by calculating the correlation of one half of the pattern with a reflection of the other. Simulations compared the effect of spatial jitter, proportion of matched to unmatched dots and width or location of embedded symmetrical regions, on models' detection of symmetry. Only the performance of the oriented filter + blob-alignment model was consistent with human performance in all conditions. It is concluded that the degree of feature co-alignment in the output of oriented filters is the cue used by human vision to perform these tasks. The broader computational role that feature alignment detection could play in early vision is discussed, particularly for object detection and image segmentation. In this framework, symmetry is a consequence of a more general-purpose grouping scheme

    "Man kan ju inte pysa allt". Fem svensklÀrares erfarenheter av bedömning och betygssÀttning av gymnasieelever med hörselnedsÀttningar

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    Syfte: Syftet med studien Ă€r att undersöka hur gymnasielĂ€rare i Svenska 1 arbetar med betygssĂ€ttning och bedömning av elever med hörselnedsĂ€ttningar, bĂ„de i vanliga skolor sĂ„vĂ€l som i hörsel-/specialklasser. Undersökningen tar Ă€ven upp undantagsbestĂ€mmelsen, den sĂ„ kallade pysparagrafen, samt belyser hur denna tillĂ€mpas och/eller om lĂ€rare istĂ€llet anpassar undervisningen under kursens gĂ„ng. Studien lyfter Ă€ven skillnader och likheter mellan skolformerna avseende bedömning, betygssĂ€ttning och tillĂ€mpning av pysparagrafen. Teori: Studien bottnar i det sociokulturella perspektivet dĂ€r lĂ€rande sker i sociala sammanhang tillsammans med andra. Men dĂ„ fokus Ă€r riktat mot specialpedagogiska frĂ„gor om hur man bedömer och betygssĂ€tter elever med funktionsnedsĂ€ttningar blir delaktighet och kommunikation av stor betydelse för hur eleverna ska lyckas i skolan. Det kommunikativa relationsinriktade perspektivet, KoRP, har dĂ€rmed valts som studiens teoretiska ram. Metod: Undersökningen har genomförts med hjĂ€lp av kvalitativa intervjuer av halvstrukturerad art. Urvalet bestĂ„r av fem gymnasielĂ€rare som alla nĂ„gon gĂ„ng har betygssatt och undervisat elever med hörselnedsĂ€ttningar i kursen Svenska 1 alternativt Svenska A. I gruppen finns representanter bĂ„de frĂ„n praktiskt och teoretiskt program samt frĂ„n vanliga gymnasieskolan, hörselklass och specialklasser. Intervjuerna genomfördes med hjĂ€lp av en intervjuguide vilken utvecklades eller frĂ„ngicks vid behov beroende av hur samtalen fortlöpte. Tolkning och analys har gjorts med ad-hoc metod dĂ€r mönster och kategorier skapats utifrĂ„n studiens syfte och frĂ„gestĂ€llningar. KoRP-perspektivet har anvĂ€nts som analytiskt verktyg för att förstĂ„ hur kommunikation, relationer samt delaktighet pĂ„verkar elever med hörselnedsĂ€ttningar att lyckas i sitt lĂ€rande. Resultat: I studien framkom det att de lĂ€rare som hade stor erfarenhet av att undervisa elever med funktionsnedsĂ€ttningar, till exempel hörselnedsĂ€ttningar, var mer bekanta eller till och med visade sig vara vĂ€l förtrogna med undantagsbestĂ€mmelsen. De lĂ€rare som hade mindre erfarenhet av denna elevkategori och i större omfattning undervisade vanliga klasser pĂ„ teoretiska eller praktiska program kĂ€nde till undantagsparagrafen mer flyktigt. NĂ„got som Ă„terkom i intervjuerna var att ju bĂ€ttre kommunikationen Ă€r mellan eleven och lĂ€raren, desto lĂ€ttare blir det att anpassa undervisningen för att möta elevens behov pĂ„ bĂ€sta möjliga sĂ€tt. Graden av hörselnedsĂ€ttning visade sig vara en avgörande faktor för huruvida undantagsbestĂ€mmelsen eller anpassningar av undervisningen behövdes eller ej. Samtliga lĂ€rare i undersökningen tillĂ€mpade eller strĂ€vade efter att tillĂ€mpa formativ bedömning. Det framkom Ă€ven att alla fem lĂ€rarna ansĂ„g att specialskolor behövs som komplement till en inkluderad skola ”för alla”