55 research outputs found

    La educaci?n musical como estrategia pedag?gica para fortalecer actividades motoras en los ni?os de 4 a 5 a?os de edad.

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    92 Recurso Electr?nicoNuestro proyecto de investigaci?n llamado la educaci?n musical como estrategia pedag?gica para favorecer las actividades que estimulan la motricidad gruesa en los ni?os y ni?as de 4 a?os del centro desarrollo infantil (CDI) galan. Fue estructurado pensando en las necesidades de los ni?os y ni?as como tambi?n concienciar a los docentes sobre la importancia de crear estrategias que estimulen y fomenten el desarrollo de dimensiones motrices por medio de la m?sica, creando situaciones, momentos , espacios adecuados , los cuales los ni?os y las ni?as hayan afianzado sus habilidades motoras y falencias encontradas , trabajando actividades de coordinando, rondas interpretaci?n de cuentos y juegos de roles en nuestra practica pedag?gica. De acuerdo a lo anterior y relacion?ndolo con en el desarrollo integral del ni?o y ni?a podemos decir que las consecuencias por la falta de estimulaci?n musical y la danza en los ni?os, originan la preferencia por la m?sica y baile de los adultos, poco desarrollo auditivo, problemas de aprendizaje, falta de atenci?n y concentraci?n, problemas de tipo emocional. Y el buen desarrollo corporal, Respecto a este tema, se le atribuye a que la familia no posee un conocimiento b?sico acerca de la importancia de ofrecer a sus hijos un est?mulo a su desarrollo musical, como tampoco la comunidad y el entorno que lo rodea ayudan al ni?o en este proceso; para consolidar el concepto de familia la funci?n y su rol dentro del desarrollo del menor, citamos a Echeverri ligia, quien expone: ?la funci?n de la familia con el individuo es hist?rica y culturalmente variable porque el n?mero de elementos que la conforman varia as? como el grado de parentesco entre ellos y modela al individuo hasta que este madura o se convierte en adulto. Palabras Claves: m?sica, educaci?n, desarrollo, espacios, integral, motricidad, necesidades, estrategias, ni?os, ni?as, dimensiones, rondas, juegos, actividades, familias, emociones, falencias.Our research project called musical education as a pedagogical strategy to favor the activities that stimulate the gross motor skills in the children of 4 years of the child development center (CDI) galan. It was structured taking into account the needs of children and also to make teachers aware of the importance of creating strategies that stimulate and encourage the development of motor dimensions through music, creating situations, moments, adequate spaces, which children And the girls have strengthened their motor skills and found shortcomings, working coordinating activities, story interpretation rounds and role plays in our pedagogical practice. According to the above and relating it with the integral development of the boy and girl we can say that the consequences due to the lack of musical stimulation and dance in the children, originate the preference for the music and dance of the adults, little auditory development, Problems of learning, lack of attention and concentration, emotional problems. And the good body development. With regard to this issue, it is attributed to the family does not have a basic knowledge about the importance of offering their children a stimulus to their musical development, as neither the community and the surrounding environment help The child in this process; To consolidate the concept of family function and its role in the development of the child, we quote Echeverri Ligia, who states: "The family's role with the individual is historically and culturally variable because the number of elements that make up it varies as well The degree of kinship between them and models the individual until it matures or becomes adult. Keyworks: m?sica, educaci?n, desarrollo, espacios, integral, motricidad, necesidades, estrategias, ni?os, ni?as, dimensiones, rondas, juegos, actividades, familias, emociones, falencias

    Sexual Size Dimorphism and Body Condition in the Australasian Gannet

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    Funding: The research was financially supported by the Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment. Acknowledgments We thank the Victorian Marine Science Consortium, Sea All Dolphin Swim, Parks Victoria, and the Point Danger Management Committee for logistical support. We are grateful for the assistance of the many field volunteers involved in the study.Peer reviewedPublisher PD

    Antimalarial Activity and Mechanisms of Action of Two Novel 4-Aminoquinolines against Chloroquine-Resistant Parasites

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    Chloroquine (CQ) is a cost effective antimalarial drug with a relatively good safety profile (or therapeutic index). However, CQ is no longer used alone to treat patients with Plasmodium falciparum due to the emergence and spread of CQ-resistant strains, also reported for P. vivax. Despite CQ resistance, novel drug candidates based on the structure of CQ continue to be considered, as in the present work. One CQ analog was synthesized as monoquinoline (MAQ) and compared with a previously synthesized bisquinoline (BAQ), both tested against P. falciparum in vitro and against P. berghei in mice, then evaluated in vitro for their cytotoxicity and ability to inhibit hemozoin formation. Their interactions with residues present in the NADH binding site of P falciparum lactate dehydrogenase were evaluated using docking analysis software. Both compounds were active in the nanomolar range evaluated through the HRPII and hypoxanthine tests. MAQ and BAQ derivatives were not toxic, and both compounds significantly inhibited hemozoin formation, in a dose-dependent manner. MAQ had a higher selectivity index than BAQ and both compounds were weak PfLDH inhibitors, a result previously reported also for CQ. Taken together, the two CQ analogues represent promising molecules which seem to act in a crucial point for the parasite, inhibiting hemozoin formation

    Integrating micro-algae into wastewater treatment: A review

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