99 research outputs found

    Weight gain in a sample of patients affected by overweight/obesity with and without a psychiatric diagnosis during the covid-19 lockdown

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    The present study aimed at identifying psychological and psychosocial variables that might predict weight gain during the COVID-19 lockdown in patients affected by overweight/obesity with and without a psychiatric diagnosis. An online survey was administered between 25 April and 10 May 2020, to investigate participants’ changes in dietary habits during the lockdown period. 110 participants were recruited and allocated to two groups, 63 patients had no psychiatric diagnosis; there were 47 patients with psychiatric diagnosis. ANOVA analyses compared the groups with respect to psychological distress levels, risk perception, social support, emotion regulation, and eating behaviors. For each group, a binary logistic regression analysis was conducted, including the factors that were found to significantly differ between groups. Weight gain during lockdown was reported by 31 of the participants affected by overweight/obesity without a psychiatric diagnosis and by 31 patients with a psychiatric diagnosis. Weight gain predictors were stress and low depression for patients without a psychiatric diagnosis and binge eating behaviors for patients with a psychiatric diagnosis. Of patients without a psychiatric diagnosis, 60% reported much more frequent night eating episodes. The risk of night eating syndrome in persons affected by overweight/obesity with no psychiatric diagnosis should be further investigated to inform the development of tailored medical, psychological, and psychosocial interventions

    Media e immagine del corpo. Un approccio interculturale.

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    Il presente studio analizza gli effetti degli spots pubblicitari sull’immagine corporea di giovani donne americane. Viene ipotizzato che le immagini pubblicitarie, in quanto porzione specifica delle diverse immagini mediatiche, abbiano un’influenza particolarmente forte sull’immagine corporea a causa del ricorso a corpi magri e sportivi, o riferimenti ad essi, nelle strategie di marketing dei prodotti. Sulla base delle evidenze emergenti dai lavori di Matacin (2005), secondo cui le donne italiane sembrano meno insoddisfatte del loro corpo rispetto alle donne americane, i partecipanti sono stati esposti ad un campione rappresentativo di pubblicità sia italiane che americane. Sono state trovate differenze significative nell’insoddisfazione corporea tra i soggetti che hanno visionato gli spots americani e quanti hanno visionato gli spots italiani.Questo studio supporta la prospettiva per cui l’immagine corporea è suscettibile di cambiamento, piuttosto che essere un costrutto stabile. Inoltre, evidenzia come le caratteristiche relative alla “specificità culturale” delle immagini mediatiche rivestano un ruolo causale nella insoddisfazione corporea.* Presentato dal Dipartimento di Psicologia e del Territorio

    Biological effects of a software-controlled voltage pulse generator (PhyBack PBK-2C) on the release of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)

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    Electrical stimulation (ES) may induce vascular permeability and physiological angiogenesis. ES of rat muscles significantly increases the microvessel density and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) protein levels. Thus, a pilot study was designed to analyze the effects of low-voltage electric impulses on VEGF levels in patients with dystrophic ulcers

    European cattle breed cluster accordingly to their meat quality parameters

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    The concept of breed is rather questionable and it's used more as a tool for "labelling" production systems than as a biological category. Here, production system is intended as a whole set of animal units, techniques, breeding schemes, marketing, etc. However, man has demonstrated to be very quick in capturing and disseminating good characteristics whence they appear in a breed by mutation or by selection. Therefore, it might be expected that breeds, nevertheless of recent origin, could bear distinguished productive characteristics. Due to the quan- titative nature of them, more characteristics should be measured in order to obtain a clear and statistically significant distinction. We have measured several meat characteristics in 15 European breeds (30 individuals for each breed), mostly with beef attitude, reared in similar conditions. This was accomplished to better reveal the genetic background of breeds. A canonical discriminant analysis showed a clear distinction among breeds. In particular lipid composition of meat was able to assign individuals to breeds with 57% and 63% of individuals correctly classified respectively for neutral and phospholipids. The classification is generally good for all breeds except for the Spanish ones,indicating probably some crossing in the past for these breeds. Neutral lipids can classify double muscled breeds with high precision (84% and 95% in Asturiana de los Valles and Piedmontese respectively). Tenderness related measures (collagen, µ-calpain, m-calpain, calpastatin, MFI) poorly assign indi- viduals to breeds (average 22%). The good classification of individuals to breeds for lipid composition suggests distinctive genetic features and encourages to look further to genetic determination of fat composition in the meat, as well as to exploit particular breeds to obtain products suitable for categories of consumers needing/searching for special components in their diet

    Measuring CMB spectral distortions from Antarctica with COSMO: blackbody calibrator design and performance forecast

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    COSMO is a ground-based instrument to measure the spectral distortions (SD) of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). In this paper, we present preliminary results of electromagnetic simulations of its reference blackbody calibrator. HFSS simulations provide a calibrator reflection coefficient of R∼ 10 - 6, corresponding to an emissivity ϵ= 1 - R= 0.999999. We also provide a forecast for the instrument performance by using an ILC-based simulation. We show that COSMO can extract the isotropic Comptonization parameter (modeled as | y| = 1.77 · 10 - 6) as | y| = (1.79 ± 0.19) · 10 - 6, in the presence of the main Galactic foreground (thermal dust) and of CMB anisotropies, and assuming perfect atmospheric emission removal

    A second generation radiation hybrid map to aid the assembly of the bovine genome sequence

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    BACKGROUND: Several approaches can be used to determine the order of loci on chromosomes and hence develop maps of the genome. However, all mapping approaches are prone to errors either arising from technical deficiencies or lack of statistical support to distinguish between alternative orders of loci. The accuracy of the genome maps could be improved, in principle, if information from different sources was combined to produce integrated maps. The publicly available bovine genomic sequence assembly with 6× coverage (Btau_2.0) is based on whole genome shotgun sequence data and limited mapping data however, it is recognised that this assembly is a draft that contains errors. Correcting the sequence assembly requires extensive additional mapping information to improve the reliability of the ordering of sequence scaffolds on chromosomes. The radiation hybrid (RH) map described here has been contributed to the international sequencing project to aid this process. RESULTS: An RH map for the 30 bovine chromosomes is presented. The map was built using the Roslin 3000-rad RH panel (BovGen RH map) and contains 3966 markers including 2473 new loci in addition to 262 amplified fragment-length polymorphisms (AFLP) and 1231 markers previously published with the first generation RH map. Sequences of the mapped loci were aligned with published bovine genome maps to identify inconsistencies. In addition to differences in the order of loci, several cases were observed where the chromosomal assignment of loci differed between maps. All the chromosome maps were aligned with the current 6× bovine assembly (Btau_2.0) and 2898 loci were unambiguously located in the bovine sequence. The order of loci on the RH map for BTA 5, 7, 16, 22, 25 and 29 differed substantially from the assembled bovine sequence. From the 2898 loci unambiguously identified in the bovine sequence assembly, 131 mapped to different chromosomes in the BovGen RH map. CONCLUSION: Alignment of the BovGen RH map with other published RH and genetic maps showed higher consistency in marker order and chromosome assignment than with the current 6× sequence assembly. This suggests that the bovine sequence assembly could be significantly improved by incorporating additional independent mapping information

    The COSmic Monopole Observer (COSMO)

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    The COSmic Monopole Observer (COSMO) is an experiment to measure low-level spectral distortions in the isotropic component of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). Deviations from a pure blackbody spectrum are expected at low level (< 1 ppm) due to several astrophysical and cosmological phenomena, and promise to provide important independent information on the early and late phases of the universe. They have not been detected yet, due to the extreme accuracy required, the best upper limits being still those from the COBE-FIRAS mission. COSMO is based on a cryogenic differential Fourier Transform Spectrometer, measuring the spectral brightness difference between the sky and an accurate cryogenic blackbody. The first implementation of COSMO, funded by the Italian PRIN and PNRA programs, will operate from the Concordia station at Dome-C, in Antarctica, and will take advantage of a fast sky-dip technique to get rid of atmospheric emission and its fluctuations, separating them from the monopole component of the sky brightness. Here we describe the instrument design, its capabilities, the current status. We also discuss its subsequent implementation in a balloon-flight, which has been studied within the COSMOS program of the Italian Space Agency

    Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19-Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study.

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    PURPOSE: As cancer surgery restarts after the first COVID-19 wave, health care providers urgently require data to determine where elective surgery is best performed. This study aimed to determine whether COVID-19-free surgical pathways were associated with lower postoperative pulmonary complication rates compared with hospitals with no defined pathway. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This international, multicenter cohort study included patients who underwent elective surgery for 10 solid cancer types without preoperative suspicion of SARS-CoV-2. Participating hospitals included patients from local emergence of SARS-CoV-2 until April 19, 2020. At the time of surgery, hospitals were defined as having a COVID-19-free surgical pathway (complete segregation of the operating theater, critical care, and inpatient ward areas) or no defined pathway (incomplete or no segregation, areas shared with patients with COVID-19). The primary outcome was 30-day postoperative pulmonary complications (pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, unexpected ventilation). RESULTS: Of 9,171 patients from 447 hospitals in 55 countries, 2,481 were operated on in COVID-19-free surgical pathways. Patients who underwent surgery within COVID-19-free surgical pathways were younger with fewer comorbidities than those in hospitals with no defined pathway but with similar proportions of major surgery. After adjustment, pulmonary complication rates were lower with COVID-19-free surgical pathways (2.2% v 4.9%; adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.62; 95% CI, 0.44 to 0.86). This was consistent in sensitivity analyses for low-risk patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists grade 1/2), propensity score-matched models, and patients with negative SARS-CoV-2 preoperative tests. The postoperative SARS-CoV-2 infection rate was also lower in COVID-19-free surgical pathways (2.1% v 3.6%; aOR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.36 to 0.76). CONCLUSION: Within available resources, dedicated COVID-19-free surgical pathways should be established to provide safe elective cancer surgery during current and before future SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks

    Elective cancer surgery in COVID-19-free surgical pathways during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: An international, multicenter, comparative cohort study

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    PURPOSE As cancer surgery restarts after the first COVID-19 wave, health care providers urgently require data to determine where elective surgery is best performed. This study aimed to determine whether COVID-19–free surgical pathways were associated with lower postoperative pulmonary complication rates compared with hospitals with no defined pathway. PATIENTS AND METHODS This international, multicenter cohort study included patients who underwent elective surgery for 10 solid cancer types without preoperative suspicion of SARS-CoV-2. Participating hospitals included patients from local emergence of SARS-CoV-2 until April 19, 2020. At the time of surgery, hospitals were defined as having a COVID-19–free surgical pathway (complete segregation of the operating theater, critical care, and inpatient ward areas) or no defined pathway (incomplete or no segregation, areas shared with patients with COVID-19). The primary outcome was 30-day postoperative pulmonary complications (pneumonia, acute respiratory distress syndrome, unexpected ventilation). RESULTS Of 9,171 patients from 447 hospitals in 55 countries, 2,481 were operated on in COVID-19–free surgical pathways. Patients who underwent surgery within COVID-19–free surgical pathways were younger with fewer comorbidities than those in hospitals with no defined pathway but with similar proportions of major surgery. After adjustment, pulmonary complication rates were lower with COVID-19–free surgical pathways (2.2% v 4.9%; adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.62; 95% CI, 0.44 to 0.86). This was consistent in sensitivity analyses for low-risk patients (American Society of Anesthesiologists grade 1/2), propensity score–matched models, and patients with negative SARS-CoV-2 preoperative tests. The postoperative SARS-CoV-2 infection rate was also lower in COVID-19–free surgical pathways (2.1% v 3.6%; aOR, 0.53; 95% CI, 0.36 to 0.76). CONCLUSION Within available resources, dedicated COVID-19–free surgical pathways should be established to provide safe elective cancer surgery during current and before future SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks