45 research outputs found

    The LithicUB project: A virtual lithotheque of siliceous rocks at the University of Barcelona

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    The LithicUB project began in 2009 with two main objectives. The first objective was to make available to the scientific community the description and classification of a set of siliceous rocks that had been recovered from different surveys. The second to make public the lithotheque as a useful tool for archaeological research, related to the procurement and management of lithic raw materials in Prehistory. Thanks to several research projects that have been carried out, the number of samples is steadily increasing and diversifying, including siliceous rocks collected in Spain, Portugal, France, Jordan and Israel

    Hortaliceras Mapuche, significados atribuidos a ocupaciones ancestrales: Mapuche hortaliceras, meanings attributed to ancestral occupations

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    Este estudio resalta una de las ocupaciones más significativas y tradicionales dentro del pueblo Mapuche, ser hortalicera en Temuco, Región de La Araucanía.   El análisis de la información se realizó a través de metodología cualitativa de tipo explorando como ocupaciones de tipo ancestral cobran sentido y tienen diversos significados dentro de la cosmovisión y territorio mapuche, empleando la teoría fenomenológica y paradigma interpretativo. Para la obtención de información se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada, cuyos tópicos fueron: formas ocupacionales, significados, propósitos y contextos. Los principales resultados encontrados indican que la ocupación de hortalicera es una práctica cultural del pueblo Mapuche, la cual está ligada a la naturaleza e influyen en ella los contextos culturales, familiares, institucionales, legales, entre otros. A modo de conclusión se evidencia que el significado que las mujeres hortaliceras mapuche le asignan a su ocupación se construye en base a la relación entre los componentes de su diario vivir, es decir, estos significados son influenciados por las formas ocupacionales, los propósitos y contextos, siendo relevante para la Terapia Ocupacional considerar estos aspectos para realizar intervenciones con sentido y pertinencia cultural.Resumen Este estudio resalta una de las ocupaciones más significativas y tradicionales dentro del pueblo Mapuche, ser hortalicera en Temuco, Región de La Araucanía.   El análisis de la información se realizó a través de metodología cualitativa de tipo explorando como ocupaciones de tipo ancestral cobran sentido y tienen diversos significados dentro de la cosmovisión y territorio mapuche, empleando la teoría fenomenológica y paradigma interpretativo. Para la obtención de información se aplicó una entrevista semiestructurada, cuyos tópicos fueron: formas ocupacionales, significados, propósitos y contextos. Los principales resultados encontrados indican que la ocupación de hortalicera es una práctica cultural del pueblo Mapuche, la cual está ligada a la naturaleza e influyen en ella los contextos culturales, familiares, institucionales, legales, entre otros. A modo de conclusión se evidencia que el significado que las mujeres hortaliceras mapuche le asignan a su ocupación se construye sobre la base de la relación entre los componentes de su diario vivir, es decir, estos significados son influenciados por las formas ocupacionales, los propósitos y contextos, siendo relevante para la Terapia Ocupacional considerar estos aspectos para realizar intervenciones con sentido y pertinencia cultural. Palabras clave: Mujeres mapuche. Hortaliceras. Ocupaciones. Pueblos Originarios. Ocupaciones ancestrales. Resumo Este estudo ressalta uma das ocupações mais significativas e tradicionais do povo mapuche: o cultivo de hortaliças em Temuco, região de Araucânia. A análise da informação foi realizada através de uma metodologia qualitativa, abordando como as ocupações do tipo ancestral fazem sentido e têm diferentes significados dentro da visão de mundo e do território Mapuche, usando a teoria fenomenológica e o paradigma interpretativo. Para obtenção das informações, foi aplicada uma entrevista semiestruturada, cujos temas foram: formas ocupacionais, significados, propósitos e contextos. Os principais resultados encontrados indicam que a ocupação da horta é uma prática cultural do povo mapuche, que está ligada à natureza e sofre influências de contextos culturais, familiares, institucionais, jurídicos, entre outros. Como conclusão, fica evidente que o sentido que as horticulturas mapuche atribuem à sua ocupação é construído a partir da relação entre os componentes de sua vida cotidiana, ou seja, esses significados são influenciados por formas, finalidades e contextos ocupacionais, sendo relevante para a Terapia Ocupacional considerar esses aspectos para realizar intervenções com significado e relevância cultural. Palavras-chave: Mulheres Mapuche. Hortaliceras. Ocupações. Povos nativos. Ocupações ancestrais. Abstract This study highlights one of the most significant and traditional occupations within the Mapuche people as a market gardener in Temuco, Araucanía Region.   The analysis of the information was carried out through a qualitative methodology exploring how ancestral occupations make sense and have diverse meanings within the Mapuche cosmovision and territory, using phenomenological theory and an interpretative paradigm. For data collection, semi-structured interviews were conducted on the following topics: sociodemographic characteristics, occupational forms, meanings, purposes, and contexts. The main results indicate that the occupation of hortalicera is a cultural practice of the Mapuche people, which is linked to nature and influenced by cultural, family, institutional, and legal contexts, among others. In conclusion, it is evident that the meaning that Mapuche horticultural women assign to their occupation is built on the basis of the relationship between the components of their daily life; that is, these meanings are influenced by occupational forms, purposes, and contexts, and are relevant for Occupational Therapy to consider these aspects to carry out interventions with meaning and cultural relevance. Key words: Mapuche women. Hortaliceras. Occupations. Native Peoples. Ancestral occupations

    Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: mapping the Milky Way, nearby galaxies, and the distant universe

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    We describe the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV), a project encompassing three major spectroscopic programs. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 (APOGEE-2) is observing hundreds of thousands of Milky Way stars at high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratios in the near-infrared. The Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey is obtaining spatially resolved spectroscopy for thousands of nearby galaxies (median ). The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) is mapping the galaxy, quasar, and neutral gas distributions between and 3.5 to constrain cosmology using baryon acoustic oscillations, redshift space distortions, and the shape of the power spectrum. Within eBOSS, we are conducting two major subprograms: the SPectroscopic IDentification of eROSITA Sources (SPIDERS), investigating X-ray AGNs and galaxies in X-ray clusters, and the Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey (TDSS), obtaining spectra of variable sources. All programs use the 2.5 m Sloan Foundation Telescope at the Apache Point Observatory; observations there began in Summer 2014. APOGEE-2 also operates a second near-infrared spectrograph at the 2.5 m du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, with observations beginning in early 2017. Observations at both facilities are scheduled to continue through 2020. In keeping with previous SDSS policy, SDSS-IV provides regularly scheduled public data releases; the first one, Data Release 13, was made available in 2016 July

    Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: Mapping the Milky Way, Nearby Galaxies, and the Distant Universe

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    We describe the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV), a project encompassing three major spectroscopic programs. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 (APOGEE-2) is observing hundreds of thousands of Milky Way stars at high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratios in the near-infrared. The Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey is obtaining spatially resolved spectroscopy for thousands of nearby galaxies (median z0.03z\sim 0.03). The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) is mapping the galaxy, quasar, and neutral gas distributions between z0.6z\sim 0.6 and 3.5 to constrain cosmology using baryon acoustic oscillations, redshift space distortions, and the shape of the power spectrum. Within eBOSS, we are conducting two major subprograms: the SPectroscopic IDentification of eROSITA Sources (SPIDERS), investigating X-ray AGNs and galaxies in X-ray clusters, and the Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey (TDSS), obtaining spectra of variable sources. All programs use the 2.5 m Sloan Foundation Telescope at the Apache Point Observatory; observations there began in Summer 2014. APOGEE-2 also operates a second near-infrared spectrograph at the 2.5 m du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, with observations beginning in early 2017. Observations at both facilities are scheduled to continue through 2020. In keeping with previous SDSS policy, SDSS-IV provides regularly scheduled public data releases; the first one, Data Release 13, was made available in 2016 July

    Voluntariado en Acción Catálogo de iniciativas de voluntariado Centros de Educación para el Desarrollo.

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    Este catálogo compila todas las iniciativas de voluntariado que enmarcan y orientan las acciones de más de dos mil voluntarios anuales que aportan con su tiempo y conocimiento al fortalecimiento de las comunidades, sus organizaciones sociales y comunitarias que trabajan decididamente para construir una mejor sociedad. Durante los últimos tres años hemos apostado por el fortalecimiento de esta estrategia generando nuevas modalidades, diversos escenarios para el desarrollo del voluntariado, capacitando a los 19 líderes y los voluntarios en las sedes, siempre bajo la profunda convicción de que el mundo se puede cambiar cuando mucha gente pequeña, en lugares pequeños, haciendo cosas pequeñas, logran tocar la vida de las personas que más lo necesitan

    Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV : mapping the Milky Way, nearby galaxies, and the distant universe

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    We describe the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV), a project encompassing three major spectroscopic programs. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 (APOGEE-2) is observing hundreds of thousands of Milky Way stars at high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratios in the near-infrared. The Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey is obtaining spatially resolved spectroscopy for thousands of nearby galaxies (median z ~ 0.03). The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) is mapping the galaxy, quasar, and neutral gas distributions between z ~ 0.6 and 3.5 to constrain cosmology using baryon acoustic oscillations, redshift space distortions, and the shape of the power spectrum. Within eBOSS, we are conducting two major subprograms: the SPectroscopic IDentification of eROSITA Sources (SPIDERS), investigating X-ray AGNs and galaxies in X-ray clusters, and the Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey (TDSS), obtaining spectra of variable sources. All programs use the 2.5 m Sloan Foundation Telescope at the Apache Point Observatory; observations there began in Summer 2014. APOGEE-2 also operates a second near-infrared spectrograph at the 2.5 m du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, with observations beginning in early 2017. Observations at both facilities are scheduled to continue through 2020. In keeping with previous SDSS policy, SDSS-IV provides regularly scheduled public data releases; the first one, Data Release 13, was made available in 2016 July

    Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV: mapping the Milky Way, nearby galaxies, and the distant universe

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    We describe the Sloan Digital Sky Survey IV (SDSS-IV), a project encompassing three major spectroscopic programs. The Apache Point Observatory Galactic Evolution Experiment 2 (APOGEE-2) is observing hundreds of thousands of Milky Way stars at high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratios in the near-infrared. The Mapping Nearby Galaxies at Apache Point Observatory (MaNGA) survey is obtaining spatially resolved spectroscopy for thousands of nearby galaxies (median ). The extended Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (eBOSS) is mapping the galaxy, quasar, and neutral gas distributions between and 3.5 to constrain cosmology using baryon acoustic oscillations, redshift space distortions, and the shape of the power spectrum. Within eBOSS, we are conducting two major subprograms: the SPectroscopic IDentification of eROSITA Sources (SPIDERS), investigating X-ray AGNs and galaxies in X-ray clusters, and the Time Domain Spectroscopic Survey (TDSS), obtaining spectra of variable sources. All programs use the 2.5 m Sloan Foundation Telescope at the Apache Point Observatory; observations there began in Summer 2014. APOGEE-2 also operates a second near-infrared spectrograph at the 2.5 m du Pont Telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, with observations beginning in early 2017. Observations at both facilities are scheduled to continue through 2020. In keeping with previous SDSS policy, SDSS-IV provides regularly scheduled public data releases; the first one, Data Release 13, was made available in 2016 July