137 research outputs found

    Long-Range a-Synchronization as Control Signal for BCI: A Feasibility Study

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    First published February 7, 2023Shifts in spatial attention are associated with variations in α band (α, 8–14 Hz) activity, specifically in interhemispheric imbalance. The underlying mechanism is attributed to local α-synchronization, which regulates local inhibition of neural excitability, and frontoparietal synchronization reflecting long-range communication. The direction-specific nature of this neural correlate brings forward its potential as a control signal in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs). In the present study, we explored whether long-range α-synchronization presents lateralized patterns dependent on voluntary attention orienting and whether these neural patterns can be picked up at a single-trial level to provide a control signal for active BCI. We collected electroencephalography (EEG) data from a cohort of healthy adults (n = 10) while performing a covert visuospatial attention (CVSA) task. The data show a lateralized pattern of α-band phase coupling between frontal and parieto-occipital regions after target presentation, replicating previous findings. This pattern, however, was not evident during the cue-to-target orienting interval, the ideal time window for BCI. Furthermore, decoding the direction of attention trial-by-trial from cue-locked synchronization with support vector machines (SVMs) was at chance level. The present findings suggest EEG may not be capable of detecting long-range α-synchronization in attentional orienting on a single-trial basis and, thus, highlight the limitations of this metric as a reliable signal for BCI control.This research was supported by the Agència de Gestió d’Ajuts Universitaris i de Recerca Generalitat de Catalunya Grant 2017 SGR 1545. This project has been co-funded with 50% by the European Regional Development Fund under the framework of the FEDER Operative Programme for Catalunya 2014-2020 Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Ref: PID2019-108531GB-I00 AEI/FEDER)

    Conflict monitoring and attentional adjustment during binocular rivalry

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    First published: 06 December 2021To make sense of ambiguous and, at times, fragmentary sensory input, the brain must rely on a process of active interpretation. At any given moment, only one of several possible perceptual representations prevails in our conscious experience. Our hypothesis is that the competition between alternative representations induces a pattern of neural activation resembling cognitive conflict, eventually leading to fluctuations between different perceptual outcomes in the case of steep competition. To test this hypothesis, we probed changes in perceptual awareness between competing images using binocular rivalry. We drew our predictions from the conflict monitoring theory, which holds that cognitive control is invoked by the detection of conflict during information processing. Our results show that fronto-medial theta oscillations (5–7 Hz), an established electroencephalography (EEG) marker of conflict, increases right before perceptual alternations and decreases thereafter, suggesting that conflict monitoring occurs during perceptual competition. Furthermore, to investigate conflict resolution via attentional engagement, we looked for a neural marker of perceptual switches as by parieto-occipital alpha oscillations (8–12 Hz). The power of parieto-occipital alpha displayed an inverse pattern to that of fronto-medial theta, reflecting periods of high interocular inhibition during stable perception, and low inhibition around moments of perceptual change. Our findings aim to elucidate the relationship between conflict monitoring mechanisms and perceptual awareness.H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Grant/Award Number: 794649; Universitat Pompeu Fabra; FEDER Operative Programme for Catalunya 2014–2020; IkerBasque Research Fellowships; Ramon y Cajal, Grant/Award Number: RYC2019-027538-I; University Pompeu Fabra; AGAUR Generalitat de Catalunya, Grant/Award Numbers: 2017 SGR 1545, FI-DGR 2019; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovaci on, Grant/Award Number: PID2019-108531GB-I00 AEI/FEDE

    Causal evidence that intrinsic beta frequency is relevant for enhanced signal propagation in the motor system as shown through rhythmic TMS

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    Correlative evidence provides support for the idea that brain oscillations underpin neural computations. Recent work using rhythmic stimulation techniques in humans provide causal evidence but the interactions of these external signals with intrinsic rhythmicity remain unclear. Here, we show that sensorimotor cortex precisely follows externally applied rhythmic TMS (rTMS) stimulation in the beta-band but that the elicited responses are strongest at the intrinsic individual beta-peak-frequency. While these entrainment effects are of short duration, even subthreshold rTMS pulses propagate through the network and elicit significant cortico-spinal coupling, particularly when stimulated at the individual beta-frequency. Our results show that externally enforced rhythmicity interacts with intrinsic brain rhythms such that the individual peak frequency determines the effect of rTMS. The observed downstream spinal effect at the resonance frequency provides evidence for the causal role of brain rhythms for signal propagation

    THETA-rhythm makes the world go round:dissociative effects of TMS theta versus alpha entrainment of right pTPJ on embodied perspective transformations

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    Being able to imagine another person's experience and perspective of the world is a crucial human ability and recent reports suggest that humans "embody" another's viewpoint by mentally rotating their own body representation into the other's orientation. Our recent Magnetoencephalography (MEG) data further confirmed this notion of embodied perspective transformations and pinpointed the right posterior temporo-parietal junction (pTPJ) as the crucial hub in a distributed network oscillating at theta frequency (3-7 Hz). In a subsequent transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) experiment we interfered with right pTPJ processing and observed a modulation of the embodied aspects of perspective transformations. While these results corroborated the role of right pTPJ, the notion of theta oscillations being the crucial neural code remained a correlational observation based on our MEG data. In the current study we therefore set out to confirm the importance of theta oscillations directly by means of TMS entrainment. We compared entrainment of right pTPJ at 6 Hz vs. 10 Hz and confirmed that only 6 Hz entrainment facilitated embodied perspective transformations (at 160° angular disparity) while 10 Hz slowed it down. The reverse was true at low angular disparity (60° between egocentric and target perspective) where a perspective transformation was not strictly necessary. Our results further corroborate right pTPJ involvement in embodied perspective transformations and highlight theta oscillations as a crucial neural code

    Hand distance modulates the electrophysiological correlates of target selection during a tactile search task

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    This study investigated whether the N140cc ERP component, described as a possible electrophysiological marker of target selection in touch, was modulated by body posture. Participants performed a tactile search task in which they had to localize a tactile target, presented to the left or right hand, while a simultaneous distractor was delivered to the opposite hand. Importantly, the distance between target and distractor (hands separation) was manipulated in different experimental conditions (near vs. far hands). Results showed reduced errors and enhanced amplitudes of the late N140cc when the hands were far apart than in close proximity. This suggests that the competition between target and distractor is stronger when the hands are close together in the near condition, resulting in a degraded selection process. These findings confirm that the N140cc reflects target selection during the simultaneous presentation of competing stimuli and demonstrate for the first time that the attentional mechanisms indexed by this ERP component are based at least in part on postural representations of the body

    Information-Based Approaches of Noninvasive Transcranial Brain Stimulation

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    Progress in cognitive neuroscience relies on methodological developments to increase the specificity of knowledge obtained regarding brain function. For example, in functional neuroimaging the current trend is to study the type of information carried by brain regions rather than simply compare activation levels induced by task manipulations. In this context noninvasive transcranial brain stimulation (NTBS) in the study of cognitive functions may appear coarse and old fashioned in its conventional uses. However, in their multitude of parameters, and by coupling them with behavioral manipulations, NTBS protocols can reach the specificity of imaging techniques. Here we review the different paradigms that have aimed to accomplish this in both basic science and clinical settings and follow the general philosophy of information-based approach

    External coding and salience in the tactile Simon effect

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    Previous studies have demonstrated a tactile Simon effect in which stimulus codes are generated based on the stimulated hand, not on limb position in external space (the somatotopic Simon effect). However, given evidence from visual Simon effect studies demonstrating that multiple stimulus codes can be generated for a single stimulus, we examined whether multiple stimulus codes can be generated for tactile stimuli as well. In our first experiment using four stimulators (two on each side of the hand), we found novel evidence for a hand-centered Simon effect, along with the typical somatotopic Simon effect. Next, we examined whether the potential salience of these somatotopic codes could be reduced, by testing only one hand with two stimulators attached. In Experiments 2\u20134, we found a strong hand-centered Simon effect with a diminished somatotopic Simon effect, providing evidence that stimulus salience can change the weighting of somatosensory stimulus coding. Finally, we also found novel evidence that the hand-centered Simon effect is coded in external, not somatotopic, coordinates. Furthermore, the diminished somatotopic Simon effect when testing on one hand only provides evidence that salience is an important factor in modulating the tactile Simon effect

    Common framework for “virtual lesion” and state-dependent TMS: the facilitatory/suppressive range model of online TMS effects on behavior Journal: Brain and Cognition

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    The behavioral effects of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) are often nonlinear; factors such as stimulation intensity and brain state can modulate the impact of TMS on observable behavior in qualitatively different manner. Here we propose a theoretical framework to account for these effects. In this model, there are distinct intensity ranges for facilitatory and suppressive effects of TMS – low intensities facilitate neural activity and behavior whereas high intensities induce suppression. The key feature of the model is that these ranges are shifted by changes in neural excitability: consequently, a TMS intensity, which normally induces suppression, can have a facilitatory effect if the stimulated neurons are being inhibited by ongoing task-related processes or preconditioning. For example, adaptation reduces excitability of adapted neurons; the outcome is that TMS intensities which inhibit non-adapted neurons induce a facilitation on adapted neural representations, leading to reversal of adaptation effects. In conventional “virtual lesion” paradigms, similar effects occur because neurons not involved in task-related processes are inhibited by the ongoing task. The resulting reduction in excitability can turn high intensity “inhibitory” TMS to low intensity “facilitatory” TMS for these neurons, and as task-related neuronal representations are in the inhibitory range, the outcome is a reduction in signal-to-noise ratio and behavioral impairment

    Accurate and Rapid Estimation of Phosphene Thresholds (REPT)

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    To calibrate the intensity of transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) at the occipital pole, the phosphene threshold is used as a measure of cortical excitability. The phosphene threshold (PT) refers to the intensity of magnetic stimulation that induces illusory flashes of light (phosphenes) on a proportion of trials. The existing PT estimation procedures lack the accuracy and mathematical rigour of modern threshold estimation methods. We present an improved and automatic procedure for estimating the PT which is based on the well-established Ψ Bayesian adaptive staircase approach. To validate the new procedure, we compared it with another commonly used procedure for estimating the PT. We found that our procedure is more accurate, reliable, and rapid when compared with an existing PT measurement procedure. The new procedure is implemented in Matlab and works automatically with the Magstim Rapid2 stimulator using a convenient graphical user interface. The Matlab program is freely available for download