178 research outputs found

    Locating primary somatosensory cortex in human brain stimulation studies: systematic review and meta-analytic evidence

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) over human primary somatosensory cortex (S1), unlike over primary motor cortex (M1), does not produce an immediate, objective output. Researchers must therefore rely on one or more indirect methods to position the TMS coil over S1. The “gold standard” method of TMS coil positioning is to use individual functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging (f/sMRI) alongside a stereotactic navigation system. In the absence of these facilities, however, one common method used to locate S1 is to find the scalp location that produces twitches in a hand muscle (e.g., the first dorsal interosseus, M1-FDI) and then move the coil posteriorly to target S1. There has been no systematic assessment of whether this commonly reported method of finding the hand area of S1 is optimal. To do this, we systematically reviewed 124 TMS studies targeting the S1 hand area and 95 fMRI studies involving passive finger and hand stimulation. Ninety-six TMS studies reported the scalp location assumed to correspond to S1-hand, which was on average 1.5–2 cm posterior to the functionally defined M1-hand area. Using our own scalp measurements combined with similar data from MRI and TMS studies of M1-hand, we provide the estimated scalp locations targeted in these TMS studies of the S1-hand. We also provide a summary of reported S1 coordinates for passive finger and hand stimulation in fMRI studies. We conclude that S1-hand is more lateral to M1-hand than assumed by the majority of TMS studies

    Hand Posture Alters Perceived Finger Numerosity

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    Patients with posterior parietal lesions commonly fail in identifying their fingers, a condition known as finger agnosia. Recent research has shown that healthy people may also perform poorly in certain tasks of finger identification. Here, we investigated whether the representations of finger numerosity is modulated by the spatial relationships between the fingers. We used the ‘in between’ test, a classical measure of finger agnosia, in which participants estimate the number of unstimulated fingers between two touched fingers. Stimulation consisted of pairs of mechanical tactile stimuli delivered on the back of the second phalanx of the fingers of one hand. Across blocks, the fingers were placed in three postures: (1) with fingers touching each other, (2) fingers separated by one centimetre, or (3) fingers spread to the maximum comfortable splay. Participants judged the number of unstimulated fingers ‘in between’ the two touches and responded vocally as quickly and accurately as possible. Critically, participants gave larger numerosity estimates when the fingers were positioned far apart compared to when they were close together or touching. Our results demonstrate that increasing the spatial distance between the fingers makes participants experience the fingers as more numerous

    More than skin-deep: integration of skin-based and musculo-skeletal reference frames in localisation of touch

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    The skin of the forearm is, in one sense, a flat 2D sheet, but in another sense approximately cylindrical, mirroring the 3D volumetric shape of the arm. The role of frames of reference based on the skin as a 2D sheet versus based on the musculo-skeletal structure of the arm remains unclear. When we rotate the forearm from a pronated to a supinated posture, the skin on its surface is displaced. Thus, a marked location will slide with the skin across the underlying flesh, and the touch perceived at this location should follow this displacement if it is localised within a skin-based reference frame. We investigated, however, if the perceived tactile locations were also affected by the rearrangement in underlying musculo-skeletal structure, i.e. displaced medially and laterally on a pronated and supinated forearm, respectively. Participants pointed to perceived touches (Experiment 1), or marked them on a three-dimensional size-matched forearm on a computer screen (Experiment 2). The perceived locations were indeed displaced medially after forearm pronation in both response modalities. This misperception was reduced (Experiment 1), or absent altogether (Experiment 2) in the supinated posture when the actual stimulus grid moved laterally with the displaced skin. The grid was perceptually stretched at medial-lateral axis, and it was displaced distally, which suggest the influence of skin-based factors. Our study extends the tactile localisation literature focused on the skin-based reference frame and on the effects of spatial positions of body parts by implicating the musculo-skeletal factors in localisation of touch on the body

    L’integrazione somatosensoriale e sensomotoria tra i due emisferi cerebrali

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    Early Integration of Bilateral Touch in the Primary Somatosensory Cortex

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    Animal, as well as behavioural and neuroimaging studies in humans have documented integration of bilateral tactile information at the level of primary somatosensory cortex (SI). However, it is still debated whether integration in SI occurs early or late during tactile processing, and whether it is somatotopically organized. To address both the spatial and temporal aspects of bilateral tactile processing we used magnetoencephalography in a tactile repetition-suppression paradigm. We examined somatosensory evoked-responses produced by probe stimuli preceded by an adaptor, as a function of the relative position of adaptor and probe (probe always at the left index finger; adaptor at the index or middle finger of the left or right hand) and as a function of the delay between adaptor and probe (0, 25, or 125 ms). Percentage of response-amplitude suppression was computed by comparing paired (adaptor1probe) with single stimulations of adaptor and probe. Results show that response suppression varies differentially in SI and SII as a function of both spatial and temporal features of the stimuli. Remarkably, repetition suppression of SI activity emerged early in time, regardless of whether the adaptor stimulus was presented on the same and the opposite body side with respect to the probe. These novel findings support the notion of an early and somatotopically organized inter-hemispheric integration of tactile information in SI

    Neural correlates of finger gnosis

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    Neuropsychological studies have described patients with a selective impairment of finger identification in association with posterior parietal lesions. However, evidence of the role of these areas in finger gnosis from studies of the healthy human brain is still scarce. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to identify the brain network engaged in a novel finger gnosis task, the intermanual in-between task (IIBT), in healthy participants. Several brain regions exhibited a stronger blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) response in IIBT than in a control task that did not explicitly rely on finger gnosis but used identical stimuli and motor responses as the IIBT. The IIBT involved stronger signal in the left inferior parietal lobule (IPL), bilateral precuneus (PCN), bilateral premotor cortex, and left inferior frontal gyrus. In all regions, stimulation of nonhomologous fingers of the two hands elicited higher BOLD signal than stimulation of homologous fingers. Only in the left anteromedial IPL (a-mIPL) and left PCN did signal strength decrease parametrically from nonhomology, through partial homology, to total homology with stimulation delivered synchronously to the two hands. With asynchronous stimulation, the signal was stronger in the left a-mIPL than in any other region, possibly indicating retention of task-relevant information. We suggest that the left PCN may contribute a supporting visuospatial representation via its functional connection to the right PCN. The a-mIPL may instead provide the core substrate of an explicit bilateral body structure representation for the fingers that when disrupted can produce the typical symptoms of finger agnosia

    Spatial Distortion in Perception and Cognition

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    Prof Matthew Longo gave his inaugural lecture about “Spatial Distortions in Perception and Cognition” on June 4th. He has been a lecturer in the Department of Psychological Sciences at Birkbeck, University of London, since 2010, and has recently been appointed Professor of Cognitive Neuroscience in the same Department.This post was contributed by Elena Azañón and Luigi Tamè, postdoctoral fellows in Birkbeck’s BodyLab

    Fingers hold spatial information that toes do not

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    Fingers have preferential associations with relative spatial locations. Tactile localisation is faster when the fingers are in these locations, such as when the index finger is in a relatively higher spatial position, and the thumb in a relatively lower position. However, it is unclear whether these associations are related to hands specifically, or are a more general characteristic of limbs. The present study therefore investigated whether toes have similar spatial associations. If these associations reflect the statistics of natural limb usage, very different patterns of association would be expected for the fingers and toes, given their different functional roles in daily behaviour. We measured reaction time (RT) and error rates of responses to tactile stimuli applied to the middle finger/toe or thumb/big toe, when they were positioned in a relative upper or lower location. We replicated the finding that fingers have preferential associations that facilitates localisation – RT and error rate were lower when the index finger was in the top position, and the thumb in the bottom position. We found that toes do not hold the same spatial information, though it remains unclear whether toes hold different spatial information or none at all. These results demonstrate spatial information held by the fingers is stronger and more reliable than for the toes, so is not a general characteristic of limbs, but possibly related to hand use
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