2,746 research outputs found

    The Effects of Learning Contexts on the Development of Reflective Thinking in University Education: Design and Validation of a Questionnaire

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    Reflective thinking is a key skill for constructing meaning in university. Its development requires appropriate learning contexts which can function as spaces for reflection, along with approaches, conditions and methods which can boost students' training in thinking, framed within their process of knowledge construction and their development of competencies and professional skills. This paper reports the development and testing of a questionnaire on the value of the learning contexts designed to foster reflective thinking. To ensure validity, the constructs measured were derived from the extensive literature on conditions for planning learning and teaching activities for reflective thinking based on narrative-based methods. The instrument was validated with a sample of students (n = 375) from five universities. The results obtained from the estimation of a 10-factor model offer appropriate goodness of fit and parsimony with acceptable and consistent indices of reliability. The results contribute to the evidence supporting the reliability and validity of the questionnaire and confirm the value of the model's components for devising higher education teaching activities to promote a reflective thinking process

    Método de Prospección y Caracterización de materias primas

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    Número de publicación: ES2341697 A1 (24.06.2010)También publicado como: ES2341697 B2 (26.04.2011)Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P200803674(23.12.2008)Método de prospección y caracterización geológica de materias primas. El método objeto de la invención consiste en el uso de un sistema SIG para la gestión y utilización de datos obtenidos previamente almacenados en medios de almacenamiento de datos conformando bases de datos independientes que son fusionadas y cuyo resultado es trasferido al sistema SIG para representar las localizaciones y materias primas que se encuentran en dicha ubicación elegida o viceversa.Universidad de Almerí

    Caracterización arqueométrica de pigmentos y soportes procedentes de pinturas murales góticas (s. XIII-XV)

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    A novel investigation on samples of gothic wall paintings (13-15th Centuries) has been carried out. They were found in some Churchs of Slovenia, being not yet studied using technics of materials analysis. One of them is selected: the Church of “Anunciación de María”, city of Crngrob, Slovenia. The scientific investigation of the Gothic wall painting samples was mainly based in the preparation of the so-called stratigraphic sections (cross-sections) from the original small samples. This procedure allows to study the different layers of mortar as support and the painting itself. Next, these preparations were examined using several instrumental techniques commonly applied in materials characterization at the ICMSE, for instance, digital photography, optical and electronic microscopies, IR spectroscopy and EDX for chemical analysis. Aditional information concerning pigments and mortars was obtained by IR transmision spectroscopy using KBr pellets, as well as using XRD. Samples studied at the ICMSE can be classified in two groups, which allows to appreciate two procedures or techniques of wall paintings performed at the Church of Crngrob. The first is typical of Gothic Italian paintings: technic of so-called fresco buono over several layers of mortars, using marble powder to get a white and smooth surface. The results of the present study have also allowed to characterize and identify the inorganic pigments and mortars used in these wall paintings. They were found to be the appropiate for this kind of technical work. For instance, they have been applied iron oxides to get the yellow, orange and even green colours, but surprisingly it has not been found neither malachite (copper pigment of green colour) nor copper compounds to get a green colour. In older layers of wall paintings, the pigment cinnabar was used to get the red colour. It is a mineral used typically in Italy. As revealed in this research, no aglutinant except the lime coming from the mortar as support were used in these Gothic wall paintings. Moreover, this feature, besides of cinnabar application, allows to establish the 1400-1410 wall paintings in the artistic Italian current named Trecento. The second procedure to paint is a typical of North Europe: one or two layer of mortar with a fine layer of lime. This is used to improve the strenght of lime as an aglutinant in the mortar. With this study, it is concluded that the Italian and North-European artistic currents met in Slovenian territory, which is appraisable as much stilistic (Art History) as scientific (Chemical and Physical analysis) point of views. This kind of investigation allows to know better the Central European Art and the Slovenian Art in the Adriatic zone, as well as the general map of European Art in the Middle Age.<br><br>El presente trabajo forma parte de una investigación más amplia sobre pinturas murales góticas (S. XIII-XV). En concreto, se han estudiado las que se encuentran en el interior de varias iglesias de Eslovenia y que no habían sido estudiadas, hasta la fecha, por medio de técnicas instrumentales de análisis de materiales. Una de ellas está situada en la ciudad de Crngrob (Eslovenia) y se ha seleccionado como objeto de este estudio (Iglesia de la Anunciación de María). El estudio científico de las muestras en el ICMSE se basó, principalmente, en la preparación de una serie de secciones estratigráficas a partir de los fragmentos pequeños de las mismas para analizar las diferentes capas de mortero soporte y de la propia pintura. Se examinaron dichas preparaciones por varias técnicas, como son fotografía digital, microscopías óptica y electrónica (MEB), espectroscopía IR (reflexión) y EDX. Una información adicional sobre pigmentos y morteros se obtuvo mediante IR (transmisión), preparando pastillas con KBr, además de DRX. Las muestras estudiadas pueden clasificarse en dos grupos que, a su vez, permiten apreciar dos formas de pintura mural. La primera es típica para pintura italiana gótica: fresco buono sobre varias capas de mortero, con empleo de polvo de mármol para hacerlo más liso y blanco. Los resultados obtenidos han permitido caracterizar e identificar los morteros y pigmentos inorgánicos empleados y que son apropiados para pinturas murales. A título de ejemplo, se han empleado óxidos de hierro para amarillo, naranja, rojo y verde, pero no se ha encontrado malaquita ni existen indicios de compuestos de cobre para el color verde. En capas más antiguas se ha encontrado cinabrio para el color rojo, típico de Italia. Las pinturas fueron realizadas sin emplear otro aglutinante que la propia cal procedente del mortero. Estas características y el empleo de cinabrio, sitúan las pinturas del 1400-1410 en la corriente artística italiana del Trecento. La segunda manera es típica del norte de Europa: técnica de una o dos capas de mortero, con una capa fina de cal superpuesta para dar mayor fuerza a la cal del mortero como aglutinante. Teniendo en cuenta los resultados obtenidos en este estudio sobre los dos tipos de muestras estudiadas, se concluye que las corrientes italiana y norteeuropea se encontraron en territorio esloveno, lo que se aprecia tanto desde el punto de vista estilístico como científicamente. Investigaciones en esta temática ayudan a conocer mejor tanto el Arte de Europa Central y el de Eslovenia con la zona adriática, como el mapa general del Arte Europeo en el tiempo de la Edad Media

    Monitoring changes of the tibialis anterior during dorsiflexion with electromyography, sonomyography, dynamometry and kinematic signals

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    Dorsiflexion (DF) of the foot plays an essential role in both controlling balance and human gait. Electromyography and Sonomyography can provide information on several aspects of muscle function. The aim was to describe a new method for real-time monitoring of muscular activity, as measured using EMG, muscular architecture, as measured using SMG, force, as measured using dynamometry, and kinematic parameters, as measured using IS during isometric and isotonic contractions of the foot DF. The present methodology may be clinically relevant because it involves a reproducible procedure which allows the function and structure of the foot DF to be monitored.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Seville; Spain; 25 September 2013 through 28 September 2013; Code 10172

    Deep Learning-Based Fault Detection and Isolation in Solar Plants for Highly Dynamic Days

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    ICCAD'22: 2022- 6th International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis, Lisbon, Portugal, July 13-15, 2022Solar plants are exposed to numerous agents that degrade and damage their components. Due to their large size and constant operation, it is not easy to access them constantly to analyze possible failures on-site. It is, therefore, necessary to use techniques that automatically detect faults. In addition, it is crucial to detect the fault and know its location to deal with it as quickly and effectively as possible. This work applies a fault detection and isolation method to parabolic trough collector plants. A characteristic of solar plants is that they are highly dependent on the sun and the existence of clouds throughout the day, so it is not easy to achieve methods that work well when disturbances are too variable and difficult to predict. This work proposes dynamic artificial neural networks (ANNs) that take into account past information and are not so sensitive to the variations of the plant at each moment. With this, three types of failures are distinguished: failures in the optical efficiency of the mirrors, flow rate, and thermal losses in the pipes. Different ANNs have been proposed and compared with a simple feedforward ANN, obtaining an accuracy of 73.35%.European Research Council 10.13039/50110000078

    A deep learning-based strategy for fault detection and isolation in parabolic-trough collectors

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    Solar plants are exposed to the appearance of faults in some of their components, as they are vulnerable to the action of external agents (wind, rain, dust, birds …) and internal defects. However, it is necessary to ensure a satisfactory operation when these factors affect the plant. Fault detection and diagnosis methods are essential to detecting and locating the faults, maintaining efficiency and safety in the plant. This work proposes a methodology for detecting and isolating faults in parabolic-trough plants. It is based on a three-layer methodology composed of a neural network to obtain a preliminary detection and classification between three types of fault, a second stage analyzing the flow rate dynamics, and a third stage defocusing the first collector to analyze thermal losses. The methodology has been applied by simulation to a model of the ACUREX plant, which was located at the Plataforma Solar de Almería. The confusion matrices have been obtained, with accuracies over 80% when using the three layers in a hierarchical structure. By forcing all the three layers, the accuracies exceed 90%.Unión Europea - Horizonte 2020 No 789 05

    Sistema de programación y control automático de un riego por goteo subterráneo en un cultivo de olivar

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    En esta comunicación se presenta un nuevo sistema de programación y control automático del riego por goteo subterráneo para un cultivo de olivar ecológico de una finca situada en el T.M. de Tabernas en Almería (España) y propiedad de la empresa Rafael Alonso Aguilera S.L. La finca se riega mediante un novedoso sistema de riego subterráneo patentado por esta empresa. El sistema de control propuesto está basado en el establecimiento de un balance hídrico diario en el en el sistema suelo-planta a partir de la estimación de las necesidades de riego del cultivo en tiempo real a partir de los datos climáticos medidos en tiempo real a partir de una estación agroclimática. Se presentan también los resultados de la evaluación del funcionamiento del sistema a lo largo de un periodo de 5 años y se analiza el ahorro de agua proporcionado por la combinación del sistema de control del riego y del método de riego subterráneo

    Estudio de senos craneales para la determinación del sexo

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    Se presenta un estudio sobre 106 cráneos pertenecientes a la Colección de la Escuela de Medicina Legal de Madrid, de población española actual y sexo conocido a fin de estudiar si existen diferencias en relación con el sexo en cuanto al número de lóbulos y el área en mm de los senos frontales. Se realiza estudio radiológico y de análisis de imagen concluyendo que no existen diferencias en varones y en mujeres en ninguno de los dos parámetros estudiados.We present a study about 106 crania which belong to the collection of the Legal Medicine School of Madrid, of current spanish population and known sex to study if there are diferences related with sex when it comes to talk about the number of lobes and the area in mm between the cranial sinus. A radiological and image analysis study is carried out concluding that there are no differences in male and female in both parametres studied