68 research outputs found

    Fenología y variaciones estacionales de nutrientes en fanerófitos mediterráneos

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    Resumen de Tesis Doctoral; Universidad de Zaragoza (realizada en el Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología); Enero de 2005; Dirección: P. Castro Díez, M. Maestro Martínez y G. Montserrat Martí

    Side-Effects of Domestication: Cultivated Legume Seeds Contain Similar Tocopherols and Fatty Acids but Less Carotenoids than Their Wild Counterparts

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    BACKGROUND: Lipophilic antioxidants play dual key roles in edible seeds (i) as preservatives of cell integrity and seed viability by preventing the oxidation of fats, and (ii) as essential nutrients for human and animal life stock. It has been well documented that plant domestication and post-domestication evolution frequently resulted in increased seed size and palatability, and reduced seed dormancy. Nevertheless, and surprisingly, it is poorly understood how agricultural selection and cultivation affected the physiological fitness and the nutritional quality of seeds. Fabaceae have the greatest number of crop species of all plant families, and most of them are cultivated for their highly nutritious edible seeds. Here, we evaluate whether evolution of plants under cultivation has altered the integrated system formed by membranes (fatty acids) and lipophilic antioxidants (carotenoids and tocopherols), in the ten most economically important grain legumes and their closest wild relatives, i.e.: Arachis (peanut), Cicer (chickpea), Glycine (soybean), Lathyrus(vetch), Lens (lentil), Lupinus (lupin), Phaseolus (bean), Pisum (pea), Vicia (faba bean) and Vigna (cowpea). RESULTS: Unexpectedly, we found that following domestication, the contents of carotenoids, including lutein and zeaxanthin, decreased in all ten species (total carotenoid content decreased 48% in average). Furthermore, the composition of carotenoids changed, whereby some carotenoids were lost in most of the crops. An undirected change in the contents of tocopherols and fatty acids was found, with contents increasing in some species and decreasing in others, independently of the changes in carotenoids. In some species, polyunsaturated fatty acids (linolenic acid especially), alpha-tocopherol and gamma-tocopherol decreased following domestication. CONCLUSIONS: The changes in carotenoids, tocopherols and fatty acids are likely side-effects of the selection for other desired traits such as the loss of seed dormancy and dispersal mechanisms, and selection for seed storability and taste. This work may serve as baseline to broaden our knowledge on the integrated changes on crop fitness and nutritional quality following domestication.BFM received two postdoctoral fellowships from the Research Vice-Rectorate of the UPV/EHU and a Marie Curie IEF grant (328370 MELISSA) from the European FP7-PEOPLE. This work was also funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science [BFU 2010–15021], the Basque Government [UPV/EHU-GV IT-299-07], the Madrid Regional Government (grant REMEDINAL-2) and the MINECO-Spain (grants AGL2010-10935-E, CGL2011-28778, FPI fellowship to NMR)

    Pore size regulates operating stomatal conductance, while stomatal densities drive the partitioning of conductance between leaf sides

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    Leaf gas exchange is influenced by stomatal size, density, distribution between the leaf adaxial and abaxial sides, as well as by pore dimensions. This study aims to quantify which of these traits mainly underlie genetic differences in operating stomatal conductance (gs) and addresses possible links between anatomical traits and regulation of pore width. Stomatal responsiveness to desiccation, gs-related anatomical traits of each leaf side and estimated gs (based on these traits) were determined for 54 introgression lines (ILs) generated by introgressing segments of Solanum pennelli into the S. lycopersicum ‘M82’. A quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis for stomatal traits was also performed. A wide genetic variation in stomatal responsiveness to desiccation was observed, a large part of which was explained by stomatal length. Operating gs ranged over a factor of five between ILs. The pore area per stomatal area varied 8-fold among ILs (2–16 %), and was the main determinant of differences in operating gs between ILs. Operating gs was primarily positioned on the abaxial surface (60–83 %), due to higher abaxial stomatal density and, secondarily, to larger abaxial pore area. An analysis revealed 64 QTLs for stomatal traits in the ILs, most of which were in the direction of S. pennellii. The data indicate that operating and maximum gs of non-stressed leaves maintained under stable conditions deviate considerably (by 45–91 %), because stomatal size inadequately reflects operating pore area (R2 = 0·46). Furthermore, it was found that variation between ILs in both stomatal sensitivity to desiccation and operating gs is associated with features of individual stoma. In contrast, genotypic variation in gs partitioning depends on the distribution of stomata between the leaf adaxial and abaxial epidermis

    Creando valor con Datos & Analítica 4.0 en la industria de acero

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    SIDERPERU es una empresa siderúrgica que inició su operación en 1956 en Chimbote – Perú, actualmente pertenece al grupo brasileño GERDAU. SIDERPERU produce y comercializa productos de acero tanto para el mercado peruano como para el extranjero. Sus productos atienden a los sectores de construcción civil, industria y minería. SIDERPERU tiene una participación alrededor del 42% en el mercado peruano, su principal competidor es el otro fabricante local, Corporación Aceros Arequipa S.A. Estos dos fabricantes locales junto con empresas importadoras atienden la demanda del mercado peruano

    Plataforma digital para la venta de arreglos florales

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    El confinamiento obligatorio producto de la pandemia COVID-19, generó un cambio en el comportamiento del consumidor, acelerando la transición de sus actividades presenciales a las actividades online, siendo las compras una de sus actividades más impactadas. El presente modelo de negocio “Todoflores.com”, una plataforma online multilateral, que ofrece el servicio de venta de arreglos florales, ha sido diseñado respondiendo a las necesidades identificadas en el segmento estudiado, con una propuesta de valor centrada en el cliente, ofreciéndole productos de calidad a un precio justo, facilitándole al cliente el proceso de compra y brindándole seguridad. La plataforma de venta de flores Todoflores.com tendrá como uno de sus socios claves a los floristas de los diversos mercados de abastos de Lima Metropolitana, quienes proveerán los arreglos florales y se beneficiarán con el incremento de sus ingresos. En cuanto a la gestión operativa, Todoflores.com, seguirá políticas de calidad, seguridad, cumplimiento, transparencia y de experiencia al consumidor. El negocio financieramente, será sostenible, debido a su fuente de ingresos que se obtendrá por el cobro de una comisión para el proveedor y para el cliente, por cada transacción realizada en la plataforma. Con una inversión de S/ 165,059.00, se realizó la evaluación financiera considerando un horizonte de cinco años. Se hallaron el costo de capital 13.9 % y el Valor presente Neto del proyecto, se calculó la Tasa Interna de Retorno, la cual es mayor al costo de capital; por lo que se considera que es un proyecto viable y que generará valor al inversionista.The mandatory confinement product of the COVID-19 pandemic, generated a change in consumer behavior, accelerating the transition from their face-to-face activities to online activities, with purchases being one of the activities that it was most affected. The present business model “Todoflores.com”, a multilateral online platform, which offers the sale service of floral arrangements, has been designed in response to the needs identified in the segment studied, with a value proposition centered on the customer, offering products of quality at a fair price, facilitating the customer's purchase process and providing security. The Todoflores.com flower sales platform will have as one of its key partners the home florists of markets of metropolitan Lima, who will be the suppliers of the flower arrangements and who will benefit from the increase in their income through of online sales. Regarding operational management, Todoflores.com will follow policies of quality, security, compliance, transparency and consumer experience. The business model will be financially sustainable, due to the source of income that will be obtained from the collection of a commission for the provider and for the client, for each transaction carried out on the platform. With an investment of S / 165,059.00, the financial evaluation was carried out considering a five-year horizon. The cost of capital 13.9% and the Net Present Value of the project were found, the Internal Rate of Return was calculated, which is larger than the cost of capital. Therefore, it is considered a viable project that will generate value for the investor's capital.Trabajo de investigació

    Trabeculated Myocardium in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy: Clinical Consequences

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    Aims: Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is often accompanied by increased trabeculated myocardium (TM)-which clinical relevance is unknown. We aim to measure the left ventricular (LV) mass and proportion of trabeculation in an HCM population and to analyze its clinical implication. Methods and Results: We evaluated 211 patients with HCM (mean age 47.8 +/- 16.3 years, 73.0% males) with cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) studies. LV trabecular and compacted mass were measured using dedicated software for automatic delineation of borders. Mean compacted myocardium (CM) was 160.0 +/- 62.0 g and trabecular myocardium (TM) 55.5 +/- 18.7 g. The percentage of trabeculated myocardium (TM%) was 26.7% +/- 6.4%. Females had significantly increased TM% compared to males (29.7 +/- 7.2 vs. 25.6 +/- 5.8, p < 0.0001). Patients with LVEF < 50% had significantly higher values of TM% (30.2% +/- 6.0% vs. 26.6% +/- 6.4%, p = 0.02). Multivariable analysis showed that female gender and neutral pattern of hypertrophy were directly associated with TM%, while dynamic obstruction, maximal wall thickness and LVEF% were inversely associated with TM%. There was no association between TM% with arterial hypertension, physical activity, or symptoms. Atrial fibrillation and severity of hypertrophy were the only variables associated with cardiovascular death. Multivariable analysis failed to demonstrate any correlation between TM% and arrhythmias. Conclusions: Approximately 25% of myocardium appears non-compacted and can automatically be measured in HCM series. Proportion of non-compacted myocardium is increased in female, non-obstructives, and in those with lower contractility. The amount of trabeculation might help to identify HCM patients prone to systolic heart failure

    Functional rarity and evenness are key facets of biodiversity to boost multifunctionality

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    The functional traits of organisms within multispecies assemblages regulate biodiversity effects on ecosystem functioning. Yet how traits should assemble to boost multiple ecosystem functions simultaneously (multifunctionality) remains poorly explored. In a multibiome litter experiment covering most of the global variation in leaf trait spectra, we showed that three dimensions of functional diversity (dispersion, rarity, and evenness) explained up to 66% of variations in multifunctionality, although the dominant species and their traits remained an important predictor. While high dispersion impeded multifunctionality, increasing the evenness among functionally dissimilar species was a key dimension to promote higher multifunctionality and to reduce the abundance of plant pathogens. Because too-dissimilar species could have negative effects on ecosystems, our results highlight the need for not only diverse but also functionally even assemblages to promote multifunctionality. The effect of functionally rare species strongly shifted from positive to negative depending on their trait differences with the dominant species. Simultaneously managing the dispersion, evenness, and rarity in multispecies assemblages could be used to design assemblages aimed at maximizing multifunctionality independently of the biome, the identity of dominant species, or the range of trait values considered. Functional evenness and rarity offer promise to improve the management of terrestrial ecosystems and to limit plant disease risks.This work was funded by the British Ecological Society (SR17\1297 grant, PI: P.G.-P.) and by the European Research Council (ERC Grant Agreement #647038, BIODESERT, PI: F.T.M.). Y.L.B.-P. was supported by a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship within the European Program Horizon 2020 (DRYFUN Project #656035). H.S. was supported by a Juan de la Cierva-Formación grant from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (FJCI-2015-26782). F.T.M. and S.A. were supported from the Generalitat Valenciana (CIDEGENT/2018/041). M.D. was supported by a Formación del Profesorado Universitario (FPU) fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports (FPU-15/00392). S.A. was supported by the Spanish MINECO for financial support via the DIGGING_DEEPER project through the 2015 to 2016 BiodivERsA3/FACCE‐JPI joint call for research proposals. B.K.S. research on biodiversity-ecosystem functions was supported by the Australian Research Council (DP170104634 and DP190103714). P.G.-P. was supported by a Ramón y Cajal grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RYC2018-024766-I). R.M. was supported by MINECO (Grants CGL2014-56567-R and CGL2017-83855-R)

    The abundant fraction of soil microbiomes regulates the rhizosphere function in crop wild progenitors

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    The rhizosphere influence on the soil microbiome and function of crop wild progenitors (CWPs) remains virtually unknown, despite its relevance to develop microbiome-oriented tools in sustainable agriculture. Here, we quantified the rhizosphere influence—a comparison between rhizosphere and bulk soil samples—on bacterial, fungal, protists and invertebrate communities and on soil multifunctionality across nine CWPs at their sites of origin. Overall, rhizosphere influence was higher for abundant taxa across the four microbial groups and had a positive influence on rhizosphere soil organic C and nutrient contents compared to bulk soils. The rhizosphere influence on abundant soil microbiomes was more important for soil multifunctionality than rare taxa and environmental conditions. Our results are a starting point towards the use of CWPs for rhizosphere engineering in modern cropsMinisterio de Universidades; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Grant/Award Number: PID2021-122296NB-100 and PID2020-113021RA-I00; Fundación BBV

    Objetivos ambientales de la agricultura española: recomendaciones científicas para su implementacion efectiva según la nueva política agraria común 2023-2030

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    [EN]: The next reform ofthe EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) for the period 2021-2027 (currently extended to 2023-2030) requires the approval by the European Commission of a Strategic Plan with environmental objectives for each Member State. Here we use the best available scientific evidence on the relationships between agricultural practices and biodiversity to delineate specific recommendations for the development of the Spanish Strategic Plan. Scientific evidence shows that Spain should (1) identify clear regional biodiversity targets and the landscape-level measures needed to achieve them; (2) define ambitious and complementary criteria across the three environmental instruments (enhanced conditionality, eco-schemes, and agri-environmental and climate measures) of the CAP’s Green Architecture, especially in simple and complex landscapes; (3) ensure that other CAP instruments (areas of nature constraints, organic farming and protection of endangered livestock breeds and crop varieties) really support biodiversity; (4) improve farmers’ knowledge and adjust measures to real world constraints; and (5) invest in biodiversity and ecosystem service monitoring in order to evaluate how the Plan achieves regional and national targets andto improve measures if targets are not met. We conclude that direct assessments of environmental objectives are technically and economi- cally feasible, can be attractive to farmers, and are socially fair and of great interest for improving the environmental effectiveness of CAP measures. The explicit and rigorous association of assessments and monitoring, relating specific environmental indicators to regional objectives, should be the main criterion for the approval of the Strategic Plan in an environmentally-focused CAP2023-2030.[ES]: La reforma de la Política Agraria Común (PAC) para el periodo 2021-2027 (extendido en la actualidad a 2023-2030) exige que la Comisión Europea apruebe un Plan Estratégico por cada Estado Miembro con claros objetivos ambientales. En este trabajo desarrollamos recomendaciones específicas para la elaboración del Plan Estratégico para los sistemas agrícolas españoles, basadas en la mejor evidencia científica disponible sobre las relaciones entre la gestión agrícola y los componentes de la biodiversidad. La evidencia científica muestra que España debe 1) identificar objetivos regionales claros relativos a la biodiversidad de los medios agrarios y las medidas a nivel paisajístico necesarias para alcanzarlas; 2) definir criterios ambiciosos y complementarios para los tres instrumentos ambientales (condicionalidad extendida, eco-esquemas y medidas agroambientales y climáticas) de la Arquitectura Verde de la PAC, especialmente en paisajes sencillos y complejos; 3) garantizar que otros instrumentos de la PAC (zonas desfavorecidas, agricultura ecológica y protección de razas ganaderas y variedades de cultivos en peligro de extinción) favorecen realmente la diversidad biológica; 4) mejorar el conocimiento de los agricultores y ajustar las medidas a las limitaciones del mundo real; y 5) invertir en seguimiento de la biodiversidad y sus servicios ecosistémicos asociados con el fin de evaluar si el Plan alcanza los objetivos regionales y nacionales y mejorarlos adaptativamente si no lo consigue. Concluimos que la evaluación directa de los objetivos ambientales es técnica y económicamente viable, puede ser atractiva para los agricultores, es socialmente justa y de gran utilidad en la mejora de la efectividad de las medidas de la PAC. Una combinación rigurosa de seguimiento y evaluación de medidas y objetivos adaptados regionalmente mediante indicadores ambientales directos y claros debería ser el criterio que guíe la aprobación del Plan Estratégico para una PAC 2023-2030 centrada en el medio ambiente y orientada a la conservación de la biodiversidad.Peer reviewe

    TRY plant trait database – enhanced coverage and open access

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    Plant traits - the morphological, anatomical, physiological, biochemical and phenological characteristics of plants - determine how plants respond to environmental factors, affect other trophic levels, and influence ecosystem properties and their benefits and detriments to people. Plant trait data thus represent the basis for a vast area of research spanning from evolutionary biology, community and functional ecology, to biodiversity conservation, ecosystem and landscape management, restoration, biogeography and earth system modelling. Since its foundation in 2007, the TRY database of plant traits has grown continuously. It now provides unprecedented data coverage under an open access data policy and is the main plant trait database used by the research community worldwide. Increasingly, the TRY database also supports new frontiers of trait‐based plant research, including the identification of data gaps and the subsequent mobilization or measurement of new data. To support this development, in this article we evaluate the extent of the trait data compiled in TRY and analyse emerging patterns of data coverage and representativeness. Best species coverage is achieved for categorical traits - almost complete coverage for ‘plant growth form’. However, most traits relevant for ecology and vegetation modelling are characterized by continuous intraspecific variation and trait–environmental relationships. These traits have to be measured on individual plants in their respective environment. Despite unprecedented data coverage, we observe a humbling lack of completeness and representativeness of these continuous traits in many aspects. We, therefore, conclude that reducing data gaps and biases in the TRY database remains a key challenge and requires a coordinated approach to data mobilization and trait measurements. This can only be achieved in collaboration with other initiatives