16 research outputs found

    Evaluation of the Effect of Chemical or Enzymatic Synthesis Methods on Biodegradability of Polyesters

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    International audienceThis work compares the biodegradability of polyesters produced by an esterification reaction between glycerol and oleic di-acid (D 18:1) issued from green chemical pathways, via either classical thermo-chemical methods, or an enzymatic method using the immobilized lipase of Candida antartica B (Novozym 435). An elastomeric polymer synthesized by enzymatic catalysis is more biodegradable than an elastomeric thermo-chemical polyester synthesized by a standard chemical procedure. This difference lies in percentage of the dendritic motifs, in values of the degree of substitution, and certainly in cross-links inducing an hyper-branched structure less accessible to the lipolytic enzymes in a waste treatment plant. However, when the elastomeric polymer synthesized by enzymatic catalysis is processed at high temperature as required for certain industrial applications, it presents an identical rate of biodegradation than the chemical polyester. The advantages of the thermo-chemical methods are greater speed and lower cost. Enzymatic synthesis appears be suited to producing polyesters, devoid of metallic catalysts, which must be used without processing at high temperature to keep a high biodegradability

    Valuation of bio-based monomers applied to the synthesis of new polyesters

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    L’industrie des matĂ©riaux plastiques, tout comme la majoritĂ© des secteurs d’activitĂ©, connaĂźt aujourd’hui un nouvel engouement pour les matiĂšres premiĂšres d’origine renouvelable. Cette tendance s’inscrit dans une dĂ©marche de dĂ©veloppement durable, aspirant Ă  la fois Ă  trouver des alternatives aux ressources d’origine fossile, mais aussi Ă  concevoir des produits plus respectueux de l’environnement. Parmi les composĂ©s issus du monde vĂ©gĂ©tal, il existe non seulement des biopolymĂšres, mais Ă©galement de nombreuses molĂ©cules pouvant ĂȘtre mises Ă  profit en tant que monomĂšres. C’est dans ce contexte de valorisation de la biomasse que se positionne ce travail de thĂšse. De nouveaux polyesters bio-sourcĂ©s ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s Ă  partir d’un diacide carboxylique d’origine naturelle : l’acide (Z)-octadĂ©c-9-ĂšnedioĂŻque (D18:1). Cette molĂ©cule est obtenue par oxydation enzymatique de l’extrĂ©mitĂ© alkyle de l’acide olĂ©ique. Afin de mettre en application certains principes de la chimie verte, les polymĂ©risations ont Ă©tĂ© menĂ©es parpolycondensation en masse et catalysĂ©es par des composĂ©s organomĂ©talliques. Divers diols ont Ă©tĂ© polymĂ©risĂ©s avec le D18:1, notamment des diols aliphatiques, aromatiques, phĂ©noliques ou encore certains dianhydrohexitols bio-sourcĂ©s. De plus, la modification chimique du D18:1 a permis de complĂ©ter cette Ă©tude par la synthĂšse de polyesters linĂ©aires entiĂšrement issus de l’acide olĂ©ique. L’évaluation des caractĂ©ristiques physicochimiques des ces nouveaux matĂ©riaux a Ă©tĂ© effectuĂ©e, notamment en termes de masse molaire, de propriĂ©tĂ©s thermiques et rhĂ©ologiques. Des tests prĂ©liminaires de biodĂ©gradation ont permis de dĂ©gager une tendance positive. Cette propriĂ©tĂ© est un atout qui permettrait de substituer certains plastiques issus de la pĂ©trochimie.Nowadays, plastic industry is infatuated with renewable raw materials, as the majority of the business sectors. This trend is in line with the approach of sustainable development, by trying to find alternatives for fossil resources, and by designing more environmentally friendly products. Among compounds coming from vegetable source, there are not only biopolymers, but also numerous molecules which can be used as monomers. This PhD work takes position in this context of biomass valuation. Newbio-based polyesters were developed from a natural carboxylic diacid: the (Z)-octadec-9-enedioic acid(D18:1). This molecule is obtained by enzymatic oxidation of the alkyl end of oleic acid. To apply some green chemistry principles, polymers were synthesized by bulk step-growth polymerization, with organometallic catalysts. Miscellaneous diols were polymerized with D18:1, specifically aliphatic, aromatic and phenolic diols or some bio-based dianhydrohexitols. Furthermore, chemical modifications of D18:1allowed to synthesize linear polyesters entirely based on oleic acid. This new materials were chemically and physically characterized, in terms of molar mass, thermal and rheological properties. The main interest of most of synthesized polyesters is their biodegradability. This advantage could allow these materials to substitute those coming from petrochemistry, in some specific fields of application

    Linguistique et enseignement du français : recherches au niveau du premier cycle (1969-70 - 1970-71)

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    Ce recueil est un travail d'Ă©quipe pour une Ă©quipe, un instrument d'Ă©changes et de communications entre des enseignants unis par le dĂ©sir de changer renseignement du français ; et sans doute, parce qu'il a circulĂ© entre des gens qui se connaissent, qui se sont unis — ou affrontĂ©s —, qui se sont peu Ă  peu forgĂ© une problĂ©matique commune, sans doute parle-t-il souvent Ă  demi-mot, par allusions. Nous aurions pu refaire, rĂ©Ă©crire, polir ; les auteurs de ce livret ont prĂ©fĂ©rĂ© garder une forme un peu brute. Et, Ă  mon sens, ils ont bien fait. Car ce qui est ici prĂ©sentĂ© est un texte inscrit dans une pratique, la pratique de l'enseignant du premier cycle ; ce qui est mis en cause, c'est un certain modĂšle pĂ©dagogique ; ce Ă  quoi nous ne nous rĂ©signons pas, c'est Ă  Ă©changer une machine abstraite imposĂ©e contre une autre machine abstraite imposĂ©e, un formalisme contre un autre formalisme, fĂ»t-il parĂ© des plumes des techniques modernes les plus avancĂ©es. Pour paraphraser un rĂ©cent et remarquable article de FrĂ©dĂ©ric Gaussen (Le Monde, 7-8 novembre 1971) : introduire des mathĂ©matiques nouvelles, une linguistique moderne, certes : « mais qu'y auxa-t-il de profondĂ©ment modifiĂ© si l'enseignement continue d'ĂȘtre dogmatique ? » Nous voulons que l'enfant manipule, apprivoise, critique — sans relĂąche — son langage, celui de ses proches, de la sociĂ©tĂ© dans laquelle il vit, dĂ©couvre, seul, avec le maĂźtre, avec le mouvement scientifique contemporain, des hypothĂšses de fonctionnement, soit renvoyĂ© aux faits, aux manipulations et par lĂ , constamment, Ă  la sociĂ©tĂ© qui l'entoure. Entreprise scandaleuse Ă  beaucoup : l'enseignement du français Ă©tant depuis son introduction dans l'enseignement (c'est-Ă dire depuis Port-Royal) extrĂȘmement politisĂ©, lieu privilĂ©giĂ© de toutes les idĂ©ologies, y toucher, c'est toucher Ă  tous les tabous. Entreprise harassante : la pĂ©dagogie ayant Ă©tĂ© toujours soigneusement mise Ă  l'Ă©cart du Second DegrĂ©, Ă  l'UniversitĂ©, dans les concours, partout, rendue objet de dĂ©rision pour plus de sĂ»retĂ© ; chaque enseignant, nous tous, avons eu tout Ă  apprendre. Mais entreprise passionnante : la thĂ©orie des linguistes se fait modĂšle pĂ©dagogique, se fait tout autre selon les milieux, les impĂ©ratifs sociaux ; elle modifie, elle est modifiĂ©e ; elle est comme un rĂ©vĂ©lateur et, en mĂȘme temps, elle instruit. Entreprise enfin qui ne quitte jamais la pratique d'un pas ; l'enseignant use de la thĂ©orie, construit des modĂšles, analyse, certes ; mais encore plus, il a en charge soixante enfants qu'il doit suivre jour aprĂšs jour, qu'il doit faire rĂ©ussir Ă  des examens souvent absurdes, qu'il doit faire progresser, comme on dit. Il ne risque pas de se perdre dans la rĂȘverie.165 page

    Novel aliphatic polyesters from an oleic acid based monomer. Synthesis, epoxidation, cross-linking and biodegradation

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    The synthesis of polymeric materials based on monomers from renewable feedstocks is a steadily growing field. New aliphatic polyesters derived from the 1,18-(Z)-octadec-9-enedioic acid (D18:1), a high oleic sunflower oil fatty acid derivative, and aliphatic diols of different molecular weight (from 1,3-propanediol to 1,12-dodecanediol) have been synthesized and characterized. The polymerization was undertaken by direct bulk polycondensation of a diacid with a diol, with or without a metal catalyst, leading to viscous liquid to solid semi-crystalline polyesters at room temperature, depending on the diol type. The molecular weights of polyesters ranged between 7000 and 20,000 g mol−1. The main attractive aspects of these polyesters are the renewable biomass origin of the diacid and the presence of double bonds on the polymer backbone (oleic acid derivative) allowing subsequent chemical modifications. The epoxidation of these double bonds was undertaken on the macromolecular chains to induce the photochemical cross-linking of the epoxide functions. Transparent and homogeneous cross-linked films were made by photo-polymerization of the epoxy units with less than 5% of extractible products. Enzymatic degradation of these polyesters (cross-linked) was poor over 8 weeks

    Strategies for synthesis of epoxy resins from oleic acid derived from food wastes

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    The use of biomass-sourced chemical feedstocks creates a conflict over land use between food and fuel/chemical production. Such conflict could be reduced by making use of the annual 1.3 Pg food waste resource. Oleic acid is available from seed oils such as pumpkin, grape, avocado and mango. Its esterification with diols 1,3-propanediol, resorcinol and orcinol was used to form diesters and the naturally occurring norspermidine was used to prepare a diamide, all under ambient conditions. These compounds were then epoxidized and polymerized. When esterification was followed by epoxidation and subsequent curing at elevated temperature with p-phenylenediamine or diethylenetriamine, hard insoluble resins were formed. When the sequence was changed such that the epoxidized oleic acid was first reacted with cis-1,2-cyclohexanedicarboxylic anhydride and then esterified with orcinol and resorcinol, insoluble crosslinked polymers were also obtained

    Chemical Sensors Based on New Polyamides Biobased on (Z) Octadec-9-Enedioic Acid and ÎČ-Cyclodextrin

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    International audienceThe synthesis of new biobased polyamides from different ÎČ-cyclodextrin monomers and the (Z) octadec-9-enedioic acid is investigated. The aim of this study is to design different sensors, having different sensibilities and selectivities to a set of various volatile organic compounds (VOC) relevant in the early detection of lung cancer. The sensors are obtained from the synthesized polyamides, using multiwalled carbon nanotubes as conductive nanofillers and a layer by layer process. The conductive polymer nanocomposites (CPC) designed from the heptakis-6-amino ÎČ-cyclodextrin and 6A,6D diamino ÎČ-cyclodextrin have a high affinity for polar protic solvents, while the CPC having a matrix based on 6A,6D diamino 2A-G,3A-G,6B,6C,6E,6F,6G nonadeca-O-benzyl-ÎČ-cyclodextrin develops hydrophobic interactions with nonpolar solvents. Due to a higher accessibility of cyclodextrin, the chemoresistive response of the hydrophilic linear polyamide CPC is larger than one of the hydrophilic branched polyamide CPC. As required, the VOC diffusion/desorption phenomenon is reversible for all the sensors