5 research outputs found

    Взаємозв’язки особистих цінностей: аналіз змодерованої медіації за гендерною та віковою ознаками

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    The present study describes ten personal values expressed by men and women from two countries, and it explores the relationships between two opposing values, Achievement and Benevolence, specifying Stimulation as a mediator between them. It is further explored whether such a mediation model could be further qualified by age and Gender as moderators. The 40-item Portraits Values Questionnaire (PVQ), measuring ten basic values, was administered to 1,000 young adults from two countries. Hierarchical regression methods were applied to examine mediation and moderation mechanisms.Minor gender and country differences emerged for some of the ten basic values. An indirect relationship among the three selected values was identified. Stimulation was found to operate as a mediator between achievement and benevolence. A conditional process model was established with Gender moderating the Achievement – Stimulation path (men had a steeper slope than women), whereas age moderated the Stimulation – Benevolence path (younger individuals had a steeper slope than older ones). Gender also moderated the Achievement – Benevolence path (men had a steeper slope than women). For men, the association between achievement and stimulation was stronger than for women. For the younger persons, the association between stimulation and benevolence was stronger than for older ones. For women, the level of benevolence was independent of their achievement level. The present analyses shed new light on indirect and differential associations among personal values, adding a novel perspective to research on cognitive mechanisms involved in the ten basic values’ becoming. Дослідження описує десять особистих цінностей, виражених чоловіками та жінками з двох країн, а також взаємозв’язок між двома протилежними цінностями: досягненням і доброзичливістю, визначаючи стимуляцію як медіатора між ними. Автор з’ясовує, чи може така модель медіації ще більше кваліфікуватись за віком та гендером як модераторами. Для вимірювання десяти основних цінностей 1000 молодих людей із двох країн використано Опитувальник портретів цінностей із 40 пунктів (PVQ). Для перевірки механізмів медіації та модерації застосовано ієрархічні регресійні методи. Менші гендерні та національні відмінності виникли за деякими з десяти основних цінностей. Виявлено непрямий зв’язок між трьома вибраними цінностями. Установлено, що стимуляція діє як медіатор між досягненнями та доброзичливістю. Модель умовного процесу була встановлена з гендером, що моделювала зв’язки досягнення–стимуляція (чоловіки мали міцніші звязки, ніж жінки), тоді як вік модерував шлях стимуляції–доброзичливості (у молодших людей виявлено міцніший зв’язок, ніж у старших). Гендер також моделював зв’язок досягнення–доброзичливість (чоловіки мали міцніші зв’язки, ніж жінки). Для чоловіків зв’язок між досягненням та стимуляцією був більш значущий, ніж для жінок. Для молодших людей зв’язок між стимуляцією та доброзичливістю був більш значущий, ніж для старших. Для жінок рівень доброзичливості виявився незалежним від рівня досягнень. Здійснений аналіз проливає нове світло на непрямі та диференційовані асоціації серед особистих цінностей, додаючи нову перспективу для дослідження когнітивних механізмів, задіяних у становленні десяти основних цінностей

    Universal Patterns in Color-Emotion Associations Are Further Shaped by Linguistic and Geographic Proximity

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    Many of us "see red," "feel blue," or "turn green with envy." Are such color-emotion associations fundamental to our shared cognitive architecture, or are they cultural creations learned through our languages and traditions? To answer these questions, we tested emotional associations of colors in 4,598 participants from 30 nations speaking 22 native languages. Participants associated 20 emotion concepts with 12 color terms. Pattern-similarity analyses revealed universal color-emotion associations (average similarity coefficientr= .88). However, local differences were also apparent. A machine-learning algorithm revealed that nation predicted color-emotion associations above and beyond those observed universally. Similarity was greater when nations were linguistically or geographically close. This study highlights robust universal color-emotion associations, further modulated by linguistic and geographic factors. These results pose further theoretical and empirical questions about the affective properties of color and may inform practice in applied domains, such as well-being and design.Peer reviewe

    The sun is no fun without rain : Physical environments affect how we feel about yellow across 55 countries

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    Across cultures, people associate colours with emotions. Here, we test the hypothesis that one driver of this cross-modal correspondence is the physical environment we live in. We focus on a prime example – the association of yellow with joy, – which conceivably arises because yellow is reminiscent of life-sustaining sunshine and pleasant weather. If so, this association should be especially strong in countries where sunny weather is a rare occurrence. We analysed yellow-joy associations of 6625 participants from 55 countries to investigate how yellow-joy associations varied geographically, climatologically, and seasonally. We assessed the distance to the equator, sunshine, precipitation, and daytime hours. Consistent with our hypotheses, participants who live further away from the equator and in rainier countries are more likely to associate yellow with joy. We did not find associations with seasonal variations. Our findings support a role for the physical environment in shaping the affective meaning of colour.Peer reviewe

    The efficiency of waste hot water utilisation to improve the temperature conditions for growing plants

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    One of the rational ways of energy saving is to use the heat of wastewater from energy companies for open ground heating and cultivation crops. The most significant sources of heat are thermal and nuclear power plants that produce low-thermal waters of 28-35°C. Heating of the ground with the use of circulating warm water allows to increase temperature at all points of the soil profile. The maximum thermal effect from heating ground is observed at the depth of pipe heaters (7.3- 11.1°C). Ground heating allows to extend the growing season for crops by 3-4 weeks, which can expedite harvesting and thus maximise the harvest. In natural moisture conditions, ground heating does not lead to significant reduction of moisture reserves in the active layer throughout the growing period. There is a redistribution of moisture in a soil profile. It decreases in the zone of pipe heaters and redistributes toward the top. The formation of the nutrient regime changes, the content of mobile phosphorus and potassium, and nitrate nitrogen increases, whereas the content of ammonia nitrogen is reduced. Ground heating is a new special heat reclamation technique. It allows not only to control temperature of the agricultural crop environment, but also to dissipate heat in the ground, and promote the utilisation of waste heat and the stabilisation of the environment