186 research outputs found

    Prediction of thermal radiative properties (300–1000 K) of La2NiO4+δ ceramics.

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    A multiscale numerical model is developed to predict the thermal radiative properties (TRP) of rough La2NiO4+δ coatings. The model integrates intrinsic and extrinsic contributions related to the chemical composition and the texture, respectively. High-temperature infrared reflectivity and thermogravimetric measurements on a La2NiO4+δ single crystal make it possible to understand the role of the excess oxygen in the intrinsic TRP. We show that dense ceramics with thicknesses higher than 4 μm are optically thick, and that one can adjust the surface roughness parameters to predict their TRP

    Influence de l'altitude, de l'exposition et du climat sur la croissance du pin à crochets (Pinus uncinata Ram.) en Cerdagne (Pyrénées orientales françaises)

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    A dendroecological study was carried out on mountain Pine (Pinus uncinata Ram.) in the French Cerdagne (Pyrénées Orientales). It permits to analyze the influence of three environmental factors: the altitude, the exposure and the climate. 175 dominant trees were sampled between 1780 and 2120 meters on north and south slopes. At the same altitude, the pines on north facing slope are four meters higher than those growing on south slope. However, a detailed analysis of 12874 tree-rings demonstrates that the radial growth is faster on the south slope. On such exposure, the basal area of the hundred years old trees increases 43 % higher than on north slope. Both forests show a similar high mean sensitivity. However, slight differences appear on the climatical response. The rainfall plays a more important part on south exposure, whereas the snow reduces the growth on north slopes. Moreover, the influence of the temperatures is greater than those of the precipitations. Warm spring temperatures are more efficient in the South, while the North is more influenced by the temperatures in autumn.[fr] Une étude dendroécologique du Pin á crochets (Pinus uncinata Ram.) réalisée en Cerdagne française (Pyrénées Orientales) a permis de quantifier le rôle de trois facteurs stationnais sur sa croissance: l'altitude, l'exposition et le climat. 175 arbres dominants ont été échantillonnés entre 1780 et 2120 mètres d'altitude, sur deux versants exposés au Nord et au Sud encadrant le plateau de Cerdagne. A altitude égale, les Pins d'ubac mesurent en moyenne 4 mètres de plus. Cependant, l'analyse détaillée de 12874 largeurs de cernes prouve que la croissance radiale est plus rapide en adret, où la surface terrière a 100 ans augmente de 43 % plus vite qu'en ubac. Les forêts des deux versants présentent une sensibilité au climat manifeste et comparable. L'étude de la réponse au climat permet de nuancer ces résultats: en adret les précipitations ont un rôle bénéfique accru, tandis que l'impact négatif de la neige est spécifique a l'ubac. Quant aux températures, elles jouent un rôle nettement plus marqué que les précipitations. La chaleur printanière agit surtout en adret, tandis que le rôle des températures d'automne est plus manifeste en ubac. [es] Un estudio dendroecológico sobre el Pino negro (Pinus uncinata Ram.) en la Cerdaña francesa permite obtener resultados cuantitativos sobre la influencia de tres parámetros ecológicos que influyen en el crecimiento de los árboles: la altitud, la exposición y el clima. Se han muestreado 175 árboles entre 1780 y 2120 m de altitud, en dos laderas expuestas al Norte y al Sur en la Llanura de Cerdaña. A la misma altitud, los pinos son 4 metros más altos en la ladera Norte. Se han analizado también 12.874 espesores de anillos, que prueban que el crecimiento radial es más rápido en la exposición Sur. En anillos de cien años aumenta un 43% más en la exposición Sur que en la Norte. El estudio de la repuesta biológica al clima permite matizar los resultados. En la solana las precipitaciones son más beneficiosas, mientras que la nieve tiene un impacto negativo en las umbrías. La influencia de las temperaturas es más importante que la de las precipitaciones. El calor de primavera es más influyente en la solana, mientras que las temperaturas de otoño lo son en la umbría

    Relationships between mountain pine and climate in the French Pyrenees (Font-Romeu) studied using the radiodensitometrical method

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    A radiodensitometrical study was carried out on 46 Pinus uncinata (Ramond) in Font-Romeu (French Pyrenees). Correlation functions with monthly climatical data were calculated using separately the ring-widths, the earlywood and the latewood densities. The Mountain Pine shows narrow rings (1.5 mm) and a high sensitivity to climate (M.S. = 0.221), but it does not seem to suffer from drought despite the dryness of the climate (788 mm rainfall per year). This species is more sensitive to temperature than to precipitation, since temperature governs latewood formation. A hot spring and a mild autumn with maximum temperatures above threshold levels will extend the growing period. A warm autumn also increases the latewood density, whereas cold nights during the previous year's autumn are unfavourable to growth because they may affect the cambium and bud initiations.[es] Se ha llevado a cabo un trabajo densitométrico sobre 46 Pinus uncinata (Ramond) en Font-Romeu (Cerdaña francesa). Las funciones de correlación con el clima han sido calculadas sucesivamente con el espesor de los anillos de crecimiento, la densidad de la madera temprana y de la madera tardía. Esta especie produce anillos de crecimiento delgados (1.5 mm) y presenta una elevada sensibilidad con el clima (S.M. = 0.221) pero no parece afectada por la falta de lluvia aunque el clima es más xérico (788 mm/ año). La madera tardía parece muy sensible a las temperaturas. Una primavera cálida ejerce un efecto favorable y un otoño suave con temperaturas máximas superiores a límites críticos permite continuar su desarollo. De la misma manera un otoño caliente aumenta la densidad de la madera tardía aunque las noches frías durante el otoño precedente son desfavorables para el crecimiento porque pueden afectar al Inicio de las yemas y del cambium. [fr] Une étude radiodensitométrique de46 Pinus uncinata (Ramond) a été réalisée à Font-Romeu (Pyrénées Françaises). Les fonctions de corrélation avec le climat ont été calculées successivement avec les largeurs de cernes, les densités du bois initial et final. Cette espèce forme ici des cernes étroits (1.5 mm) et présente une forte sensibilité au climat (M.S. = 0.221), mais ne semble pas être affectée par le manque de pluie malgré la sécheresse du climat (788 mm de pluie par an). Le Pin à crochets est davantage sensible aux températures par l'intermédiaire du bois final, et préfère un printemps chaud ainsi qu'un automne doux avec des températures maximum supérieures à des seuils critiques afin de prolonger sa période de croissance. Un automne chaud augmente également la densité du bois final, tandis que des nuits froides durant l'automne précédent sont défavorables a la croissance, car elles peuvent affecter l'initiation des bourgeons et du cambium

    Expression profiling of rainbow trout testis development identifies evolutionary conserved genes involved in spermatogenesis.

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    Chantier qualité GAInternational audienceBACKGROUND: Spermatogenesis is a late developmental process that involves a coordinated expression program in germ cells and a permanent communication between the testicular somatic cells and the germ-line. Current knowledge regarding molecular factors driving male germ cell proliferation and differentiation in vertebrates is still limited and mainly based on existing data from rodents and human. Fish with a marked reproductive cycle and a germ cell development in synchronous cysts have proven to be choice models to study precise stages of the spermatogenetic development and the germ cell-somatic cell communication network. In this study we used 9K cDNA microarrays to investigate the expression profiles underlying testis maturation during the male reproductive cycle of the trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. RESULTS: Using total testis samples at various developmental stages and isolated spermatogonia, spermatocytes and spermatids, 3379 differentially expressed trout cDNAs were identified and their gene activation or repression patterns throughout the reproductive cycle were reported. We also performed a tissue-profiling analysis and highlighted many genes for which expression signals were restricted to the testes or gonads from both sexes. The search for orthologous genes in genome-sequenced fish species and the use of their mammalian orthologs allowed us to provide accurate annotations for trout cDNAs. The analysis of the GeneOntology terms therefore validated and broadened our interpretation of expression clusters by highlighting enriched functions that are consistent with known sequential events during male gametogenesis. Furthermore, we compared expression profiles of trout and mouse orthologs and identified a complement of genes for which expression during spermatogenesis was maintained throughout evolution. CONCLUSION: A comprehensive study of gene expression and associated functions during testis maturation and germ cell differentiation in the rainbow trout is presented. The study identifies new pathways involved during spermatogonia self-renewal or rapid proliferation, meiosis and gamete differentiation, in fish and potentially in all vertebrates. It also provides the necessary basis to further investigate the hormonal and molecular networks that trigger puberty and annual testicular recrudescence in seasonally breeding species

    Development of a natural ingredient – Natural preservative: A case study

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    AbstractLately, the cosmetic and personal care market has been more and more driven toward natural ingredients by the rising consumers' awareness about personal health and safety and their will for safer cosmetics free of harmful chemicals. Preservatives are no exception to the rule: evidence or suspicion of the toxicity of certain synthetic preservatives that have been around for decades pushed the cosmetic industry forward to seek for natural alternatives, as the selection of natural preservatives already available is quite limited. Sourcing active metabolites and developing new natural ingredients are long-term procedures that are thoroughly described in the present paper, via the example of the design of a natural preservative based on the Santolina chamaecyparissus extract, and of the assessments of its preservative effectiveness

    Water-loss dehydration and aging

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    This review defines water-loss and salt-loss dehydration. For older people serum osmolality appears the most appropriate gold standard for diagnosis of water-loss dehydration, but clear signs of early dehydration have not been developed. In older adults, lower muscle mass, reduced kidney function, physical and cognitive disabilities, blunted thirst, and polypharmacy all increase dehydration risk. Cross-sectional studies suggest a water-loss dehydration prevalence of 20-30% in this population. Water-loss dehydration is associated with higher mortality, morbidity and disability in older people, but evidence is still needed that this relationship is causal. There are a variety of ways we may be able to help older people reduce their risk of dehydration by recognising that they are not drinking enough, and being helped to drink more. Strategies to increase fluid intake in residential care homes include identifying and overcoming individual and institutional barriers to drinking, such as being worried about not reaching the toilet in time, physical inability to make or to reach drinks, and reduced social drinking and drinking pleasure. Research needs are discussed, some of which will be addressed by the FP7-funded NU-AGE (New dietary strategies addressing the specific needs of elderly population for a healthy ageing in Europe) trial

    The Validity and Structure of Culture-Level Personality Scores: Data From Ratings of Young Adolescents

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    We examined properties of culture-level personality traits in ratings of targets (N=5,109) ages 12 to 17 in 24 cultures. Aggregate scores were generalizable across gender, age, and relationship groups and showed convergence with culture-level scores from previous studies of self-reports and observer ratings of adults, but they were unrelated to national character stereotypes. Trait profiles also showed cross-study agreement within most cultures, 8 of which had not previously been studied. Multidimensional scaling showed that Western and non-Western cultures clustered along a dimension related to Extraversion. A culture-level factor analysis replicated earlier findings of a broad Extraversion factor but generally resembled the factor structure found in individuals. Continued analysis of aggregate personality scores is warranted. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.Fil: McCrae, Robert R.. National Institute on Ageing; CanadáFil: Terracciano, Antonio. National Institute on Ageing; CanadáFil: De Fruyt, Filip. University of Ghent; BélgicaFil: De Bolle, Marleen. University of Ghent; BélgicaFil: Gelfand, Michele J.. University of Maryland; Estados UnidosFil: Costa Jr., Paul T.. National Institute on Ageing; CanadáFil: Klinkosz, Waldemar. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; PoloniaFil: Knežević, Goran. Belgrade University; SerbiaFil: Leibovich de Figueroa, Nora. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Löckenhoff, Corinna E.. Cornell University; Estados UnidosFil: Martin, Thomas A.. Susquehanna University; Estados UnidosFil: Marušić, Iris. Institute for Social Research; CroaciaFil: Mastor, Khairul Anwar. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; MalasiaFil: Nakazato, Katsuharu. Iwate Prefectural University; AfganistánFil: Nansubuga, Florence. Makerere University; UgandaFil: Porrata, Jose. No especifíca;Fil: Purić, Danka. Belgrade University; SerbiaFil: Realo, aAnu. University of Tartu; EstoniaFil: Reátegui, Norma. Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia; PerúFil: Rolland, Jean Pierre. Universite Paris Ouest Nanterre la Defense; FranciaFil: Schmidt, Vanina Ines. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Psicología. Instituto de Investigaciones; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Sekowski, Andrzej. The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin; PoloniaFil: Shakespeare Finch, Jane. Queensland University of Technology; AustraliaFil: Shimonaka, Yoshiko. Bunkyo Gakuin University; JapónFil: Simonetti, Franco. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; ChileFil: Siuta, Jerzy. Jagiellonian University;Fil: Szmigielska, Barbara. Jagiellonian University;Fil: Vanno, Vitanya. Srinakharinwirot University; TailandiaFil: Wang, Lei. Peking University; ChinaFil: Yik, Michelle. The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology; Hong Kon

    International Perspectives on the Legal Environment for Selection

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    Perspectives from 22 countries on aspects of the legal environment for selection are presented in this article. Issues addressed include (a) whether there are racial/ethnic/religious subgroups viewed as "disadvantaged,” (b) whether research documents mean differences between groups on individual difference measures relevant to job performance, (c) whether there are laws prohibiting discrimination against specific groups, (d) the evidence required to make and refute a claim of discrimination, (e) the consequences of violation of the laws, (f) whether particular selection methods are limited or banned, (g) whether preferential treatment of members of disadvantaged groups is permitted, and (h) whether the practice of industrial and organizational psychology has been affected by the legal environmen
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