2,091 research outputs found

    Positional vertigo afterwards maxillary dental implant surgery with bone regeneration

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    Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is the most common form of vertigo. It is caused by loose otoconia from the utricle which, in certain positions, displaced the cupula of the posterior semicircular canal. BPPV most often is a result of aging. It also can occur after a blow to the head. Less common causes include a prolonged positioning on the back (supine) during some surgical procedures. Additionally one can include in this ethiopathogenesis the positioning required during the maxillary dental implant surgery with bone regeneration related to a forced head positioning and inner ear trauma induced by dental turbine noise working in the maxillary bone. Two cases of patients who suffered BPPV after undergoing maxillary dental implant with bone regeneration procedures are reported. Diagnosis and treatment are also described

    Factores De Deserción En Los Estudiantes De La Licenciatura En Derecho, Generación 2016-2020, En La Universidad Júarez Autónoma De Tabasco, División Académica Multidisciplinaria De Los Ríos

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    Las causas de la deserción escolar son multifactoriales, es decir, no se deben a un mismo factor. En éste trabajo se identificó cada uno de los factores de riesgo de deserción, en los alumnos que estudian la licenciatura en derecho a través de la aplicación técnico-documental, recopilando información de los estudiantes que desertan, basándose en los registros de inscripción y sistema de baja, y por otro lado contó con un enfoque cualitativo observando de esta forma los comportamientos y actitudes que tienen éstos. Los resultados demostraron que la deserción se da principalmente por: falta de recursos económicos y orientación vocacional, marginación en el contexto social, problemas en diferentes ámbitos (salud y familia). Profundizando más en la problemática, se puede inclusive hasta abordar el tema de la delincuencia, porque al no haber empleo los individuos buscarán por otro lado para satisfacer sus necesidades, si los jóvenes hoy en día no se preparan, en un futuro transitaran por muchas dificultades monetarias y no solo ellos sino también sus familiares. La deserción escolar es el fenómeno en el cual el estudiante deja de asistir a las aulas y queda fuera del sistema educativo sin recibir título de escolaridad, es un problema pedagógico que afecta al desarrollo de la sociedad. t The causes of school dropout are multifactorial, that is, they are not due to same factor. This paper focuses on identifying each risk factors of dropout in law students through the application of technical documentation. It involves the process of collecting information from students who drop out based on registration records and school control system. It has a qualitative focus and it aims to ascertain the behaviors and attitudes of deserter students. The results show that students drop out of school mainly due to low economic resources, bad vocational orientation, marginalization in social context, and problems in different areas like health and family. Delving deep into this problem, it can result to crime because in the absence of employment, an individual will search for other ways to meet his needs. If the young people of today don´t prepare, they will go through a lot monetary difficulties in the future alongside their relatives. The school dropout is a phenomenon in which students stop attending classes and finally quit the educational system without receiving a school degree. This is basically a pedagogical problem that affects the development of a society

    Teleformación: enfoques pedagógicos críticos frente a modelos de mercado

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    Este artículo profundiza en la concepción de los procesos de teleformación desde la disciplina didáctica y cuestiona el actual e insuficiente enfoque psicologicista conferido a esta modalidad de formación en línea. La ausencia de un análisis didáctico sobre los componentes que intervienen en estos procesos contrasta con la fabricación de discursos encaminados a sobrevalorar la importancia de otros elementos que integran estas nuevas experiencias educativas (plataformas, estándares, etc.) y que no pueden garantizar el éxito de una acción formativa. Con la intención de entender qué factores intervienen en esta nueva modalidad de formación a distancia, realizamos un proyecto de investigación, empleando la metodología del estudio de caso, sobre un curso de teleformación. Así, recopilamos y analizamos aquellos datos que nos pudieran ofrecer información sobre el comportamiento de docentes y discentes durante ese proceso: correos, chats y foros. En base a los resultados obtenidos intentamos dirimir cuáles son las verdaderas innovaciones y ventajas que, hasta este momento, experimentan los actores y actrices de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en las experiencias de teleformación. A la luz de las conclusiones extraídas realizamos algunas propuestas encaminadas a introducir mejoras en los cursos de formación en línea.This article analyze the conception of the e‐learning processes from the point of view of didactic discipline and call into question the present and insufficient psychologist approach to this training modality. The lack of a didactical analysis of the components that take part in these processes is in contrasts with the exposition of speeches that overvalue the importance of other elements of these new educative experiences (platforms, standards, etc.) and that can not ensure the success of the training process. With the final aim to understand what are the critical factors that take part in this “new” modality of open learning, we developed an investigation project, leaned against on the case study methodology, in concrete, in an e‐learning course. Thus, we collected and we analyzed those data that could offer information about the behaviour of teachers (etutors) and learners (etrainees) along the process: mails, chats and forums. On the basis of the collected results, we tried to deduce which are the actual innovations and advantages that, until this moment, experiment the process actors and actresses of the e‐learning experience. These conclusions made us able to elaborate some proposals to introduce improvements in the e‐learning courses

    Media training for future education professionals: a study of the Spanish context

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    This article presents the results of research aimed at finding out how training in media education is being developing in Spanish Universities. From a methodological perspective, this work is part of what can be considered a mixed research paradigm. In the first phase, the content of 179 study guides from 83 Spanish universities was analysed using a thematic coding system to analyse the data. In the second phase, 13 in-depth interviews were conducted with university teachers in charge of teaching subjects related to media education in order to understand how they were developing these experiences (methodologies used, systems of assessment, etc.). The results show that the presence of dimensions of media education in curricula is unequal and that teachers are using a wide range of teaching methods and evaluation tools. This study suggests that the education authorities and university teachers should rethink training for future teachers and include contents that facilitate understanding the functioning of the media as a way of accessing diverse cultural representations.This study was funded by: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain). Grant number: EDU2015- 64015-C3-2-R. U. Pompeu Fabr

    Continuous harmonic analysis and power quality measurements in three-phase systems

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    A virtual instrument, named Power Quality Meter, is presented for (a) measuring power consumption and harmonics in three-phase systems, under non-sinusoidal and imbalance conditions (b) detecting, classifying and organizes power disturbance events. Measurement of the power consumption follows the formulation proposed by the members of the IEEE Working Group on Nonsinusoidal Situations (1996). So, definitions are based on the analysis of functions in the frequency domain, separating the fundamental terms from the harmonic terms of the Fourier series. The virtual instrument has been developed too for monitoring and measuring power disturbances, which are automatically classified and organized in a database while they are being recorded. Software tools use the database structure to present summaries of power disturbances and locate an event by severity or time of occurrence. Records of actual measurements are included to demonstrate the versatility of the instrument

    Critical Audiovisual Literacy in the Information Society. An On-going Training Expericnce

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    Este artículo describe una experiencia de alfabetización audiovisual crítica dirigida a los trabajadores de la administración pública (del ámbito de la salud, educación, etc.) de una Comunidad Autónoma española. Entendiendo que la formación para el trabajo puede abarcar otras vertientes que la de la mera especialización en un puesto laboral, se desarrolló un proceso de educación virtual dirigido a descifrar cómo se construyen los mensajes audiovisuales en los medios de comunicación de masas, desvelando así su intención fundamental de crear identidades de ciudadanía ligadas fundamentalmente al consumo excesivo de diferentes productos.This article describes an experience in critical audiovisual literacy aimed at public administration workers (in the area of health, education, and so on) in a Spanish Autonomous Community. With the understanding that training for work can develop angles other than the simple specialization required for a work post, we set in motion an elearning process aimed at deciphering how audiovisual messages in the mass media are constructed, revealing in this way that their basic intention is to create citizenship identities fundamentally linked to the excessive consumption of different products

    Curricular integration of an online platform for the learning of mathematics in primary education

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    Presentamos el método Smartick para el aprendizaje de las matemáticas online, explicando cómo se ha integrado en el entorno escolar, en 11 colegios de educación primaria, dentro y fuera del horario de la clase de matemáticas. En el apartado principal del trabajo, explicamos cómo las actividades de la plataforma Smartick favorecen el desarrollo de las capacidades matemáticas fundamentales (en el modelo de PISA 2012) que contribuyen al desarrollo de la competencia matemática. La adopción de este modelo de capacidades está orientada a la integración curricular de este método de aprendizaje, haciendo que esté alineado con las iniciativas internacionales curriculares más recientes. Tras varios años de experimentación, análisis retrospectivos de resultados, y reflexiones sobre la práctica y desde la literatura, finalizamos el artículo con implicaciones para la teoría en el ámbito de la didáctica de las matemáticasWe present the Smartick method for the learning of mathematics online, explaining how it has been integrated into the school environment, in 11 primary schools, within and outside the hours of math class. In the main section of the paper, we explain how the activities of the Smartick platform favor the development of basic math capabilities (following the model of PISA 2012) that contribute to the development of mathematical competence. The adoption of this model of capabilities is oriented to the integration of this method of learning with curriculum, so that the method is aligned with most recent international curricular initiatives. After testing the method for several years, retrospective analysis of results, and reflections on practice and from literature, we finish the article with some implications for theory in the field of mathematics educatio