83 research outputs found

    Militarización de la escuela chilena a principios del siglo XX. El modelo alemán Bávaro en tierras Mapuches

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    ResumenEste artículo busca comprender la actuación pedagógica de los misioneros capuchinos bávaros y el disciplinamiento que ejercieron a través de las escuelas misionales e internados de los cuerpos de niños mapuches. La investigación es de carácter exploratoria-descriptiva y analiza fuentes primarias, escritas y visuales, encontradas en archivos en Chile y Alemania. Los resultados del estudio evidencian rasgos militares en ideario formativo capuchino, lo que se evidencia en las vestimentas y modos de disposición del cuerpo a las que fueron obligados a practicar niños mapuches en la primera mitad del siglo XX en la región de la Araucanía en Chile. Palabras clave: educación militarizada-capuchinos alemanes- niños mapuche- disciplinamiento del cuerpoSumárioEste artigo procura investigar a prática pedagógica dos missionários capuchinhos da Baviera e a disciplina que exerceram nos corpos das crianças mapuche, dentro das escolas missionárias e internatos. A pesquisa é exploratória e descritiva e analisa as principais fontes escritas e visuais encontradas em arquivos no Chile e na Alemanha. Os resultados do estudo mostram características militares na ideologia formativa capuchinha, evidenciadas pelas maneiras pelas quais as crianças mapuche foram forçadas a viver na primeira metade do século XX na região de Araucanía, no Chile.Palavras-chave: educação militarizada-capuchinhos alemães- crianças mapuche- disciplina corporalAbstractThis article aims to understand the pedagogical performance of the Bavarian Capuchin missionaries and the discipline they exercised of the bodies of Mapuche children through the missionary and school boardings. The research is exploratory-descriptive and analyzes primary sources, written and visual, found in archives in Chile and Germany. The results of the study show military features in a Capuchin formative ideology, which is evidenced in the clothing and body disposition modes to which Mapuche children were forced to practice in the first half of the 20th century in the Araucanía region of Chile.Keywords: militarized education-German Capuchins- Mapuche children- Body disciplin

    Prevalence of haemosporidians in a Neotropical endemic bird area

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    ABSTRACT: Haemosporidians are vector-transmitted intracellular parasites that occur in many bird species worldwide and may have important implications for wild bird populations. Surveys of haemosporidians have traditionally focused on Europe and North America, and only recently have they been carried out in the Neotropics, where the prevalence and impacts of the disease have been less studied and are not well understood. In this study we carried out a survey in the endemic bird area of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (SNSM), an isolated coastal massif in northern Colombia that contains a large number of biomes and that is experiencing high rates of habitat loss. We sampled birds from 25 species at 2 different altitudes (1640 and 2100 m asl) and determined avian haemosporidian infection by polymerase chain reaction and sequencing a portion of the cytochrome b (cyt b) gene of the parasite. From the sampled birds, 32.1% were infected by at least 1 of 12 unique cyt b lineages of haemosporidian genera: Plasmodium, Leucocytozoon, Haemoproteus, and subgenus Parahaemoproteus. We found a higher prevalence of avian haemosporidians at low altitudes (1640 m asl). All endemic bird species we sampled had at least one individual infected with avian haemosporidians. We also found evidence of higher overall prevalence among endemic rather than nonendemic birds, suggesting higher susceptibility in endemic birds. Overall, our findings suggest a high haemosporidian species richness in the bird community of the SNSM. Considering the rate of habitat loss that this area is experiencing, it is important to understand how avian haemosporidians affect bird populations; furthermore, more exhaustive sampling is required to fully comprehend the extent of avian haemosporidian infection in the area

    Internados y alteración del bienestar del pueblo mapuche la araucanía postreduccional en Chile 1881-1930

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    Funding text Por otra parte, el trabajo de campo también implicó revisión y análisis de fuentes primarias en fondos documentales del Archivo Nacional de Chile, Archivo Regional de la Araucanía (Temuko), Biblioteca Nacional de Chile (Santiago) y Biblioteca Galo Sepúlveda (Temuko), Archivo de las Hermanas Misioneras Franciscanas de Purulón, Archivo del Obispado de Villarrica, Archivo Fotográfico de la Katholische Universität Eichstätt-Ingolstadt y el Archivo de la Abadía de los Capuchinos en Altötting, estos últimos en Baviera, Alemania. La microfilmación de diversos fondos documentales incluyó decretos de los fondos de la Intendencia de Cautín y gobernaciones del periodo estudiado, comunicaciones recibidas, oficios despachados, telegramas e informes, libros, epistolarios. Asimismo, se revisó literatura especializada respecto de la relación entre enseñanza monocultural, mundo mapuche e instalación del Estado de Chile en la Frontera en el periodo post ocupación/invasión de la Araucanía histórica

    Bird community effects on avian malaria infections

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    In community assembly processes, interspecific interactions play an important role in shaping community diversity, especially at the local scale. Changes in species richness or abundance can modify local infectious disease dynamics, either reducing or increasing the risk of transmission within the community. This study evaluates the effects of bird community on avian haemosporidians infections in a Neotropical region. Bird samples were collected from areas surrounding three dams, and molecular analysis were performed to identify blood-parasitic haemosporidia infecting the birds. Generalized linear models were used to analyze the relationships between the bird community and the prevalence, number of infections, and richness of avian haemosporidian lineages. Non-significant effects of bird community dominance and richness on the prevalence of avian parasites and the number of infections of Haemoproteus were found. However, there was evidence of an amplification effect. Host dominance was associated with the total number of infections, the number Plasmodium infections and the expected richness of Plasmodium lineages, while the expected richness of Haemoproteus lineages was associated with the richness of bird species. These findings highlight the role of host community dominance and richness in the dynamics of parasite infections, potentially influenced by the availability of competent hosts. This study contributes significantly to our understanding of blood parasite diversity in tropical birds within a relatively understudied region of South America.This research was funded by Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM) and the Universidad de Antioquia through the cooperation Grant CT-2017–001714. JMP was financed by the grant PID2020-118205GB-I00 from MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation

    Internados y Alteración del Bienestar del Pueblo Mapuche la Araucanía Postreduccional en Chile 1881-1930

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    The installation of missionary internships in mapuche territory in the late nineteenth century, culturally stressed the way of being and being of the mapuche people. The understanding of the current intercultural conflicts that are manifested between mapuche knowledge and knowledge typical of Western society, are understood from the way the Chilean school and the boarding schools in the Araucanía were installed and projected at the end of the 19th century. This article presents empirical samples of photographs and interviews made to people living in mapuche communities on the coast of the Araucanía region, who have kept the memory of their parents and grandparents about this process. The analysis of the narratives introduces us to the codes that reveal that regardless of the intense and extensive intercultural contact, symbolically and factually, the mapuche people maintain the ethos that constitutes them as one of the peoples most anchored to the earth.La instalación de internados misionales en territorio mapuche a fines del siglo XIX, tensionó culturalmente el modo de ser y de estar del pueblo mapuche. La comprensión de los actuales conflictos interculturales que se manifiestan entre los conocimientos mapuches y saberes propios de la sociedad occidental, se entienden a partir del modo como se instaló y proyectó la escuela chilena y los internados en la Araucanía a fines del siglo XIX. En este artículo se exponen muestras empíricas de fotografías y entrevistas realizadas a personas que viven en comunidades mapuches de la costa de la región de la Araucanía, quienes han mantenido la memoria de sus padres y abuelos sobre este proceso de. El análisis de las narraciones nos introduce en los códigos que develan que independientemente del intenso y extenso contacto intercultural violento simbólica y fácticamente, los mapuches mantienen el ethos que los constituye como uno de los pueblos más anclados a la tierra.La instalación de internados misionales en territorio mapuche a fines del siglo XIX, tensionó culturalmente el modo de ser y de estar del pueblo mapuche. La comprensión de los actuales conflictos interculturales que se manifiestan entre los conocimientos mapuches y saberes propios de la sociedad occidental, se entienden a partir del modo como se instaló y proyectó la escuela chilena y los internados en la Araucanía a fines del siglo XIX. En este artículo se exponen muestras empíricas de fotografías y entrevistas realizadas a personas que viven en comunidades mapuches de la costa de la región de la Araucanía, quienes han mantenido la memoria de sus padres y abuelos sobre este proceso de. El análisis de las narraciones nos introduce en los códigos que develan que independientemente del intenso y extenso contacto intercultural violento simbólica y fácticamente, los mapuches mantienen el ethos que los constituye como uno de los pueblos más anclados a la tierra

    Caracterización de las prácticas docentes universitarias: desafíos para la cualificación docente en la Facultad de Educación de UNIMINUTO.

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    El desarrollo de la experiencia investigativa, aquí registrada, se convierte en la primera fase de un proyecto de cualificación de las prácticas docentes de la Facultad de Educación (FEDU), liderado por la Decanatura, como parte de su direccionamiento estratégico. El propósito de esta publicación es socializar los resultados de investigación obtenidos, con el fin de promover los procesos de mejoramiento continuo, coherente con la identidad institucional marcada por el enfoque praxeológico. Es importante resaltar que este libro esta dirigido tanto a la comunidad de la Facultad de Educación de la Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, interesada en indagar y profundizar en las prácticas de sus docentes; como a todas las Facultades de Educación de las Instituciones de Educación Superior, comprometidas con la calidad educativa, a través del fortalecimiento de las prácticas docentes, desde un acto auto-reflexivo; que redunde en beneficio de la formación de los futuros maestros

    Effectiveness of an intervention for improving drug prescription in primary care patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy:Study protocol of a cluster randomized clinical trial (Multi-PAP project)

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    This study was funded by the Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias ISCIII (Grant Numbers PI15/00276, PI15/00572, PI15/00996), REDISSEC (Project Numbers RD12/0001/0012, RD16/0001/0005), and the European Regional Development Fund ("A way to build Europe").Background: Multimorbidity is associated with negative effects both on people's health and on healthcare systems. A key problem linked to multimorbidity is polypharmacy, which in turn is associated with increased risk of partly preventable adverse effects, including mortality. The Ariadne principles describe a model of care based on a thorough assessment of diseases, treatments (and potential interactions), clinical status, context and preferences of patients with multimorbidity, with the aim of prioritizing and sharing realistic treatment goals that guide an individualized management. The aim of this study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a complex intervention that implements the Ariadne principles in a population of young-old patients with multimorbidity and polypharmacy. The intervention seeks to improve the appropriateness of prescribing in primary care (PC), as measured by the medication appropriateness index (MAI) score at 6 and 12months, as compared with usual care. Methods/Design: Design:pragmatic cluster randomized clinical trial. Unit of randomization: family physician (FP). Unit of analysis: patient. Scope: PC health centres in three autonomous communities: Aragon, Madrid, and Andalusia (Spain). Population: patients aged 65-74years with multimorbidity (≥3 chronic diseases) and polypharmacy (≥5 drugs prescribed in ≥3months). Sample size: n=400 (200 per study arm). Intervention: complex intervention based on the implementation of the Ariadne principles with two components: (1) FP training and (2) FP-patient interview. Outcomes: MAI score, health services use, quality of life (Euroqol 5D-5L), pharmacotherapy and adherence to treatment (Morisky-Green, Haynes-Sackett), and clinical and socio-demographic variables. Statistical analysis: primary outcome is the difference in MAI score between T0 and T1 and corresponding 95% confidence interval. Adjustment for confounding factors will be performed by multilevel analysis. All analyses will be carried out in accordance with the intention-to-treat principle. Discussion: It is essential to provide evidence concerning interventions on PC patients with polypharmacy and multimorbidity, conducted in the context of routine clinical practice, and involving young-old patients with significant potential for preventing negative health outcomes. Trial registration: Clinicaltrials.gov, NCT02866799Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    RICORS2040 : The need for collaborative research in chronic kidney disease

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    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a silent and poorly known killer. The current concept of CKD is relatively young and uptake by the public, physicians and health authorities is not widespread. Physicians still confuse CKD with chronic kidney insufficiency or failure. For the wider public and health authorities, CKD evokes kidney replacement therapy (KRT). In Spain, the prevalence of KRT is 0.13%. Thus health authorities may consider CKD a non-issue: very few persons eventually need KRT and, for those in whom kidneys fail, the problem is 'solved' by dialysis or kidney transplantation. However, KRT is the tip of the iceberg in the burden of CKD. The main burden of CKD is accelerated ageing and premature death. The cut-off points for kidney function and kidney damage indexes that define CKD also mark an increased risk for all-cause premature death. CKD is the most prevalent risk factor for lethal coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and the factor that most increases the risk of death in COVID-19, after old age. Men and women undergoing KRT still have an annual mortality that is 10- to 100-fold higher than similar-age peers, and life expectancy is shortened by ~40 years for young persons on dialysis and by 15 years for young persons with a functioning kidney graft. CKD is expected to become the fifth greatest global cause of death by 2040 and the second greatest cause of death in Spain before the end of the century, a time when one in four Spaniards will have CKD. However, by 2022, CKD will become the only top-15 global predicted cause of death that is not supported by a dedicated well-funded Centres for Biomedical Research (CIBER) network structure in Spain. Realizing the underestimation of the CKD burden of disease by health authorities, the Decade of the Kidney initiative for 2020-2030 was launched by the American Association of Kidney Patients and the European Kidney Health Alliance. Leading Spanish kidney researchers grouped in the kidney collaborative research network Red de Investigación Renal have now applied for the Redes de Investigación Cooperativa Orientadas a Resultados en Salud (RICORS) call for collaborative research in Spain with the support of the Spanish Society of Nephrology, Federación Nacional de Asociaciones para la Lucha Contra las Enfermedades del Riñón and ONT: RICORS2040 aims to prevent the dire predictions for the global 2040 burden of CKD from becoming true

    Recommendations for treatment with recombinant human growth hormone in pediatric patients in Colombia

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    En Colombia, actualmente no existen parámetros claros para el diagnóstico de pacientes con talla baja, ni sobre el tratamiento de esta población con hormona de crecimiento recombinante humana (somatropina), lo cual se ve favorecido por la diversidad de programas de formación de profesionales en endocrinología pediátrica. En respuesta a esta problemática se realizó el primer acuerdo colombiano de expertos en talla baja liderado por la Asociación Colegio Colombiana de Endocrinología Pediátrica (ACCEP); este trabajo contó con la participación y el aval de expertos clínicos de importantes instituciones de salud públicas y privadas del país, además de expertos metodológicos del instituto Keralty, quienes garantizaron la estandarización del uso de la somatropina. Después de realizar una minuciosa revisión de la literatura, se propone la unificación de definiciones, un algoritmo diagnóstico, los parámetros de referencia de las pruebas bioquímicas y dinámicas, una descripción de las consideraciones de uso de la somatropina para el tratamiento de las patologías con aprobación por la entidad regulatoria de medicamentos y alimentos en Colombia y, por último, un formato de consentimiento informado y de ficha técnica del medicamento.In Colombia there are no guidelines for diagnosis and management of patients with short stature and for the use of recombinanthuman growth hormone, mainly caused by the diversity of training centers in pediatric endocrinology. In response to this situation,the Asociación Colegio Colombiana de Endocrinología Pediátrica leds the first colombian short stature expert committee in order tostandardize the use of human recombinant growth hormone. This work had the participation and endorsement of a consortium ofclinical experts representing the Sociedad Colombiana de Pediatría, Secretaría Distrital de Salud de Bogotá- Subred Integrada deServicios de Salud Suroccidente, Fundación Universitaria Sanitas, Universidad de los Andes and some public and private healthinstitutions in the country, in addition to the participation of methodological experts from the Instituto Global de Excelencia ClínicaKeralty. By reviewing the literature and with the best available evidence, we proposed to unify definitions, a diagnostic algorithm,biochemical and dynamic tests with their reference parameters, a description of the considerations about growth hormone use amongthe indications approved by regulatory agency for medications and food in Colombia and finally a proposal for an informed consentand a medication fact sheet available for parents and patients.https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7856-7213https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2241-7854Revista Nacional - Indexad