157 research outputs found
Emission line activity in type 2 quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
We have compared the optical emission line ratios of type 2 quasars from
Zakamska et al. with standard AGN photoionization model predictions, Seyfert
2s, HII galaxies, and narrow line FRII radio galaxies. Moderate to high
ionization narrow line radio galaxies and Seyfert 2s are indistinguishable from
type 2 quasars based on their optical line ratios.
The standard AGN photoionization models, widely discussed for other type 2
AGNs, can reproduce successfully the loci and trends of type 2 quasars in some
of the main diagnostic diagrams. These models are not exempt of problems and
the discrepancies with the data are the same encountered for other type 2 AGNs.
As for these, realistic models must take into account a range of cloud
properties, as widely demonstrated in the literature.
We also study the possible impact of stellar photoionization.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 10 pages, 8 figure
Diálogos sobre transdisciplina: los investigadores y su objeto de estudio
A la transdisciplinariedad se le ha definido como “una feliz transgresión de las fronteras entre las disciplinas” y es en este tono en que se presenta esta obra, que recopila las experiencias y reflexiones, las discusiones y propuestas de una veintena de investigadores y académicos que hablan sobre o desde la transdisciplina acerca de los temas de su interés o especialidad.
La aproximación se da desde perspectivas académicas diversas y se adereza con expresiones estéticas que van desde la poesía hasta la pintura, a través de las cuales se busca ofrecer un espacio a las rutas posibles y limitaciones connaturales de acceder a la realidad para construir conocimiento “de frontera”, “en las fronteras”.
Los abordajes son fruto de la exploración, filiación, encantos y desencantos por parte de los autores con la entidad de su búsqueda, quienes buscan contestar, entre otras, las siguientes cuestiones: ¿Cómo establecer un acercamiento transdisciplinar al objeto de estudio? ¿Qué hace a un objeto de estudio transdisciplinar? ¿Cómo impacta la transdisciplinariedad la identidad del académico?
Una obra concebida desde una perspectiva más pedagógica que desde la doxa académica, con el interés de aportar una lectura amena para las reflexiones en torno a la trasgresión de las fronteras disciplinarias.ITESO, A.C
Aportaciones al diseño de actividades educativas con Realidad Aumentada
Es un libro enfocado a la enseñanza, aplicando tecnología.Este es un libro dirigido a profesores, formadores, investigadores y estudiantes en general interesados en el proceso enseñanza aprendizaje utilizando tecnología, en particular con una de las tecnologías emergentes de mayor auge, la Realidad Aumentada (RA). El objetivo de la obra es lograr una publicación que reúna diversas propuestas del uso de la realidad aumentada en diferentes ámbitos, que sirvan de reflexión para una orientación didáctica y para generar una línea de investigación. Por lo que encontraran propuestas de investigación acerca de la recursividad de los sistemas para abordar el desarrollo de aplicaciones con realidad aumentada, la aplicación de la realidad aumentada con fines turísticos y propuestas sobre el uso de la realidad aumentada en la formación profesional del diseñador industrial, experiencias en asignaturas de graficación y multimedios, y un acercamiento al concepto de límite de función real mediante una aplicación con realidad aumentada. Estas importantes reflexiones alrededor del diseño y el uso de la realidad aumentada nos muestran en cierto sentido un estado del arte, dado que diversifican las aplicaciones, además son un punto de partida para diversas investigaciones educativas que los lectores podrán realizar, esperamos una amplia acogida de este esfuerzo de divulgación científica.La publicación del libro estuvo financiada por la Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México, con el apoyo de la Secretaría de Educación Pública, por intermediación del Programa de
Fortalecimiento a la Calidad Educativa (PFCE) 2019
The [OIII] emission line luminosity function of optically selected type-2 AGN from zCOSMOS
We present a catalog of 213 type-2 AGN selected from the zCOSMOS survey. The
selected sample covers a wide redshift range (0.15<z<0.92) and is deeper than
any other previous study, encompassing the luminosity range 10^{5.5} < Lsun<
L[OIII] < 10^{9.1} Lsun. We explore the intrinsic properties of these AGN and
the relation to their X-ray emission (derived from the XMM-COSMOS
observations). We study their evolution by computing the [OIII]5007A line
luminosity function (LF) and we constrain the fraction of obscured AGN as a
function of luminosity and redshift. The sample was selected on the basis of
the optical emission line ratios, after applying a cut to the signal-to-noise
ratio (S/N) of the relevant lines. We used the standard diagnostic diagrams
[OIII]/Hbeta versus [NII]/Halpha and ([OIII]/Hbeta versus [SII]/Halpha) to
isolate AGN in the redshift range 0.15<z<0.45 and the diagnostic diagram
[OIII]/Hbeta versus [OII]/Hbeta to extend the selection to higher redshift
(0.5<z<0.92). Combining our sample with one drawn from SDSS, we found that the
best description of the evolution of type-2 AGN is a luminosity-dependent
density evolution model. Moreover, using the type-1 AGN LF we were able to
constrain the fraction of type-2 AGN to the total (type-1 + type-2) AGN
population. We found that the type-2 fraction decreases with luminosity, in
agreement with the most recent results, and shows signs of a slight increase
with redshift. However, the trend with luminosity is visible only after
combining the SDSS+zCOSMOS samples. From the COSMOS data points alone, the
type-2 fraction seems to be quite constant with luminosity.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and
Muticenter spanish study for perioperative stroke risk prediction after isolated coronary artery bypass surgery: The PACK2 score
[ES] Objetivos: Desarrollar un modelo predictivo multivariante del accidente cerebrovascular (ACV) intrahospitalario tras cirugía de bypass coronario. Métodos: Veintiséis mil trescientos cuarenta y siete pacientes incluidos en el estudio procedentes de 21 bases de datos de hospitales españoles. El análisis de regresión logística fue utilizado para predecir el riesgo de ACV perioperatorio (ictus o accidente isquémico transitorio). El modelo predictivo fue desarrollado a partir de un subgrupo de datos «de prueba» y validado en otro subgrupo independiente, ambos seleccionados aleatoriamente del total de la muestra. La capacidad predictiva del modelo se relacionó con el área bajo la curva ROC (ABC). Las variables consideradas fueron: preoperatorias (edad, sexo, diabetes mellitus, hipertensión arterial, ACV previo, insuficiencia cardiaca y/o fracción de eyección del ventrículo izquierdo < 40%, prioridad de la intervención no electiva, arteriopatía extracardiaca, insuficiencia renal crónica y/o creatininemia ≥ 2 mg/dl y fibrilación auricular) e intraoperatorias (cirugía coronaria con/sin circulación extracorpórea). Resultados: Incidencia global de ACV perioperatorio 1,38%. La prioridad no electiva de la cirugía (priority; OR = 2,32), arteriopatía extracardiaca (arteriopathy; OR = 1,37), insuficiencia cardiaca (cardiac; OR = 3.64) e insuficiencia renal crónica (kidney; OR = 6,78) fueron identificados como factores de riesgo independientes de ACV perioperatorio en los modelos uni y multivariante en el subgrupo de prueba; p < 0,0001; ABC = 0,77, IC del 95%, 0,73-0,82. El modelo PACK2 de ACV perioperatorio tras cirugía de bypass coronario se estableció con 1 punto para cada ítem, excepto para la insuficiencia renal crónica que se le otorgaron 2 puntos (rango 0-5 puntos); ABC = 0,76, IC del 95%, 0,72-0,80. En pacientes con puntuación PACK2 ≥ 2 puntos, la cirugía coronaria sin circulación extracorpórea redujo la incidencia de ACV en un 2,3% cuando se comparó con el grupo con cirugía realizada con circulación extracorpórea. Conclusiones: La escala de riesgo PACK2 muestra una buena capacidad predictiva en los datos analizados y podría ser útil en la toma de decisiones y selección de pacientes de la práctica clínica.[EN] Objectives: To develop a multivariate predictive risk score of perioperative in-hospital stroke after coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) surgery. Methods: A total of 26,347 patients were enrolled from 21 Spanish hospital databases. Logistic regression analysis was used to predict the risk of perioperative stroke (stroke or transient ischaemic attack). The predictive scale was developed from a training set of data and validated by an independent test set, both selected randomly from the global sample. The assessment of the accuracy of prediction was related to the area under the ROC curve (AUC). The variables considered were: preoperative (age, gender, diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, previous stroke, cardiac failure and/or left ventricular ejection fraction < 40%, non-elective priority of surgery, extracardiac arteriopathy, chronic kidney failure and/or serum creatinine ≥2 mg/dl, and atrial fibrillation) and intra-operative (on/off-pump). Results: The overall perioperative stroke incidence was 1.38%. Non-elective priority of surgery (priority; OR = 2.32), vascular disease (arteriopathy; OR = 1.37), heart failure (cardiac; OR = 3.64), and chronic kidney failure (kidney; OR = 6.78) were found to be independent risk factors for perioperative stroke in uni- and multivariate models in the training set of data; P < .0001; AUC = 0.77, 95% CI 0.73–0.82. The PACK2 stroke CABG score was established with 1 point for each item, except for chronic kidney failure with 2 points (range 0–5 points); AUC = 0.76, 95% CI 0.72–0.80. In patients with PACK2 score ≥2 points, off-pump reduced perioperative stoke incidence by 2.3% when compared with on-pump CABG. Conclusions: PACK2 risk scale shows good predictive accuracy in the data analysed and could be useful in clinical practice for decision making and patient selection.Martín, E.; Hornero, F.; Rodríguez, R.; Castellà, M.; Porras, C.; Romero, B.; Maroto, L.... (2014). Estudio multicéntrico español para la predicción del riesgo perioperatorio de accidente cerebrovascular tras cirugía de bypass coronario aislada: el modelo PACK2. Cirugia Cardiovascular. 21(3):175-180. doi:10.1016/j.circv.2014.02.009S17518021
She\u27s So Bubbly
We introduce the Automatic Learning for the Rapid Classification of Events (ALeRCE) broker, an astronomical alert broker designed to provide a rapid and self-consistent classification of large etendue telescope alert streams, such as that provided by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF) and, in the future, the Vera C. Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST). ALeRCE is a Chilean-led broker run by an interdisciplinary team of astronomers and engineers working to become intermediaries between survey and follow-up facilities. ALeRCE uses a pipeline that includes the real-time ingestion, aggregation, cross-matching, machine-learning (ML) classification, and visualization of the ZTF alert stream. We use two classifiers: a stamp-based classifier, designed for rapid classification, and a light curve–based classifier, which uses the multiband flux evolution to achieve a more refined classification. We describe in detail our pipeline, data products, tools, and services, which are made public for the community (see https://alerce.science). Since we began operating our real-time ML classification of the ZTF alert stream in early 2019, we have grown a large community of active users around the globe. We describe our results to date, including the real-time processing of 1.5 × 10⁸ alerts, the stamp classification of 3.4 × 10⁷ objects, the light-curve classification of 1.1 × 10⁶ objects, the report of 6162 supernova candidates, and different experiments using LSST-like alert streams. Finally, we discuss the challenges ahead in going from a single stream of alerts such as ZTF to a multistream ecosystem dominated by LSST
The Spanish Infrared Camera onboard the EUSO-BALLOON (CNES) flight on August 24, 2014
The EUSO-Balloon (CNES) campaign was held during Summer 2014 with a launch on August
24. In the gondola, next to the Photo Detector Module (PDM), a completely isolated Infrared
camera was allocated. Also, a helicopter which shooted flashers flew below the balloon. We have
retrieved the Cloud Top Height (CTH) with the IR camera, and also the optical depth of the nonclear atmosphere have been inferred with two approaches: The first one is with the comparison of the brightness temperature of the cloud and the real temperature obtained after the pertinent
corrections. The second one is by measuring the detected signal from the helicopter flashers by the IR Camera, considering the energy of the flashers and the location of the helicopter
The atmospheric science of JEM-EUSO
An Atmospheric Monitoring System (AMS) is critical suite of instruments for JEM-EUSO whose aim is to detect Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR) and (EHECR) from Space. The AMS
comprises an advanced space qualified infrared camera and a LIDAR with cross checks provided by a ground-based and airborne Global Light System Stations. Moreover the Slow Data Mode of JEM-EUSO has been proven crucial for the UV background analysis by comparing the UV and IR images. It will also contribute to the investigation of atmospheric effects seen in the data from the GLS or even to our understanding of Space Weather
Kinematic analysis of the daily activity of drinking from a glass in a population with cervical spinal cord injury
Three-dimensional kinematic analysis equipment is a valuable instrument for studying the execution of movement during functional activities of the upper limbs. The aim of this study was to analyze the kinematic differences in the execution of a daily activity such as drinking from a glass between two groups of patients with tetraplegia and a control group.
A total of 24 people were separated into three groups for analysis: 8 subjects with metameric level C6 tetraplegia, 8 subjects with metameric level C7 tetraplegia and 8 control subjects (CG). A set of active markers that emit infrared light were positioned on the upper limb. Two scanning units were used to record the sessions. The activity of drinking from a glass was broken down into a series of clearly identifiable phases to facilitate analysis. Movement times, velocities, and the joint angles of the shoulder, elbow and wrist in the three spatial planes were the variables analyzed.
The most relevant differences between the three groups were in the wrist. Wrist palmar flexion during the back transport phase was greater in the patients with C6 and C7 tetraplegia than in the CG, whereas the highest wrist dorsal flexion values were in forward transport in the subjects with C6 or C7 tetraplegia, who required complete activation of the tenodesis effect to complete grasping.
A detailed description was made of the three-dimensional kinematic analysis of the task of drinking from a glass in healthy subjects and in two groups of patients with tetraplegia. This was a useful application of kinematic analysis of upper limb movement in a clinical setting. Better knowledge of the execution of this movement in each of these groups allows therapeutic recommendations to be specifically adapted to the functional deficit present. This information can be useful in designing wearable robots to compensate the performance of AVD, such as drinking, in people with cervical SCI
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