794 research outputs found

    Influence of Nb microaddition on microstructure and texture evolution in a Fe-21Mn-1.3Al-1.5Si-0.5C TWIP steel under uniaxial hot-tensile conditions

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    Advanced high-strength steels as Twinning Induced Plasticity (TWIP) steels have been developed using microalloying elements and subsequent thermo-mechanical processing techniques. Moreover, under hot-working conditions, these steels undergo significant microstructural changes as a result of preferred crystallographic orientation (texture) of grains. In order to evaluate this behavior, one non-microalloyed and other single Nb-microalloyed TWIP steels were melted in an induction furnace and cast into metal and sand molds. Samples with austenitic grain sizes between 400 and 2000 µm were deformed at 800 °C and strained at a constant strain rate of 10-3 s-1, and deformation state was examined by means of electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) technique near to the fracture tip. It was found that non-microalloyed TWIP steel solidified in both metal and sand mold exhibits dynamically recrystallized grains. On the other hand, Nb microaddition has a strong influence in TWIP steel retarding the onset of recrystallization kinetics, showing low angle sub-structured grains. Furthermore, it was possible identifying the crystallographic orientation of grains using the inverse pole figures (IPF) and the orientation distribution function (ODF). Weak cube {001} recrystallization and E{111} ¿-fiber deformation textures components were detected.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    ENSEMBLES: a new multi-model ensemble for seasonal-to-annual predictions: Skill and progress beyond DEMETER in forecasting tropical Pacific SSTs

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    A new 46-year hindcast dataset for seasonal-to-annual ensemble predictions has been created using a multi-model ensemble of 5 state-of-the-art coupled atmosphere-ocean circulation models. The multi-model outperforms any of the single-models in forecasting tropical Pacific SSTs because of reduced RMS errors and enhanced ensemble dispersion at all lead-times. Systematic errors are considerably reduced over the previous generation (DEMETER). Probabilistic skill scores show higher skill for the new multi-model ensemble than for DEMETER in the 4–6 month forecast range. However, substantially improved models would be required to achieve strongly statistical significant skill increases. The combination of ENSEMBLES and DEMETER into a grand multi-model ensemble does not improve the forecast skill further. Annual-range hindcasts show anomaly correlation skill of ∼0.5 up to 14 months ahead. A wide range of output from the multi-model simulations is becoming publicly available and the international community is invited to explore the full scientific potential of these data

    TES-8: Advanced Exo-Brake, VR and COM Experiments

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    The TES-8 was jettisoned from the International Space Station on January 31, 2019. As an orbital laboratory and 8th in on-going series, the design makes use of a standard set of interfaces and safety features that permit rapid re-flight. On this flight, an advanced Exo-Brake is flown with de-orbit targeting capability that will engender sample return capability from LEO platforms. A Virtual Reality data recording system uses stereo imaging and efficient data-compression with an NVIDIA GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) to permit compression and transmission of very large data files. An SDR (Software Defined Radio) will download data to the NEN (Near Earth Network) for the first time - demonstrating potential use in cis-lunar space using S-band. For the first time, a comparison will be made regarding the functionality of the Iridium and Globalstar short burst data modems - as essential communication tools for future nano-sat projects. Lastly, the 7 micro-processors and 4 cameras provide an excellent learning platform for university students and NASA young professionals

    Potts model on recursive lattices: some new exact results

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    We compute the partition function of the Potts model with arbitrary values of qq and temperature on some strip lattices. We consider strips of width Ly=2L_y=2, for three different lattices: square, diced and `shortest-path' (to be defined in the text). We also get the exact solution for strips of the Kagome lattice for widths Ly=2,3,4,5L_y=2,3,4,5. As further examples we consider two lattices with different type of regular symmetry: a strip with alternating layers of width Ly=3L_y=3 and Ly=m+2L_y=m+2, and a strip with variable width. Finally we make some remarks on the Fisher zeros for the Kagome lattice and their large q-limit.Comment: 17 pages, 19 figures. v2 typos corrected, title changed and references, acknowledgements and two further original examples added. v3 one further example added. v4 final versio

    Respuesta productiva y económica del reemplazo parcial de mazorca de maíz quebrado con maíz molido o melaza para vacas de doble propósito

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    The aim of the study was to assess the effect of partial replacement of cracked maize ears with ground maize (GM) or sugar cane molasses (SCM) in supplements for dual purpose cows. Eighteen (18) multiparous cows (414 ± 13 kg of body weight and 106 ± 32 d in milk) were randomly assigned to the treatments. Treatments were as follows: 1) Control supplement (CS) which consisted of 87% of cracked maize ears (CME), 11% soybean meal, and 2% urea; 2) Ground maize replacing 20% of CME in CS (GMS); 3) Sugar cane molasses replacing 18% of CME in the CS (MOS). Each cow received 5 kg/d of supplement DM, whereas their calves received 1.8 kg/d DM of the CS. The experiment lasted eleven weeks, and data were recorded once at the end of every week. Data were analysed using a linear mixed model as a completely randomized design. Net profit from milk and beef due to supplements were estimated using the partial budget approach. There were no differences (P>0.05) between treatments on milk composition, body conditions score, nor daily weight gain of cows and calves. However, compared to GM, CS shown greater (9.0 %, P0.05) entre los tratamientos sobre la composición de la leche, la condición corporal ni el aumento de peso diario de las vacas y terneros. Sin embargo, en comparación con el MM, el ST mostró mayor (9.0 %, P0.05) en las demás variables de respuesta. Los márgenes combinados de ganancias netas (ventas de leche y terneros), fueron 9 % mayores para el tratamiento con MCA en comparación con el resto de los suplementos

    The YqfN protein of Bacillus subtilis is the tRNA: m1A22 methyltransferase (TrmK)

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    N1-methylation of adenosine to m1A occurs in several different positions in tRNAs from various organisms. A methyl group at position N1 prevents Watson–Crick-type base pairing by adenosine and is therefore important for regulation of structure and stability of tRNA molecules. Thus far, only one family of genes encoding enzymes responsible for m1A methylation at position 58 has been identified, while other m1A methyltransferases (MTases) remain elusive. Here, we show that Bacillus subtilis open reading frame yqfN is necessary and sufficient for N1-adenosine methylation at position 22 of bacterial tRNA. Thus, we propose to rename YqfN as TrmK, according to the traditional nomenclature for bacterial tRNA MTases, or TrMet(m1A22) according to the nomenclature from the MODOMICS database of RNA modification enzymes. tRNAs purified from a ΔtrmK strain are a good substrate in vitro for the recombinant TrmK protein, which is sufficient for m1A methylation at position 22 as are tRNAs from Escherichia coli, which natively lacks m1A22. TrmK is conserved in Gram-positive bacteria and present in some Gram-negative bacteria, but its orthologs are apparently absent from archaea and eukaryota. Protein structure prediction indicates that the active site of TrmK does not resemble the active site of the m1A58 MTase TrmI, suggesting that these two enzymatic activities evolved independently

    Gain of DNA methylation is enhanced in the absence of CTCF at the human retinoblastoma gene promoter

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Long-term gene silencing throughout cell division is generally achieved by DNA methylation and other epigenetic processes. Aberrant DNA methylation is now widely recognized to be associated with cancer and other human diseases. Here we addressed the contribution of the multifunctional nuclear factor CTCF to the epigenetic regulation of the human <it>retinoblastoma </it>(<it>Rb</it>) gene promoter in different tumoral cell lines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>To assess the DNA methylation status of the <it>Rb </it>promoter, genomic DNA from stably transfected human erythroleukemic K562 cells expressing a <it>GFP </it>reporter transgene was transformed with sodium bisulfite, and then PCR-amplified with modified primers and sequenced. Single- and multi-copy integrants with the CTCF binding site mutated were isolated and characterized by Southern blotting. Silenced transgenes were reactivated using 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine and Trichostatin-A, and their expression was monitored by fluorescent cytometry. <it>Rb </it>gene expression and protein abundance were assessed by RT-PCR and Western blotting in three different glioma cell lines, and DNA methylation of the promoter region was determined by sodium bisulfite sequencing, together with CTCF dissociation and methyl-CpG-binding protein incorporation by chromatin immunoprecipitation assays.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that the inability of CTCF to bind to the <it>Rb </it>promoter causes a dramatic loss of gene expression and a progressive gain of DNA methylation.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study indicates that CTCF plays an important role in maintaining the <it>Rb </it>promoter in an optimal chromatin configuration. The absence of CTCF induces a rapid epigenetic silencing through a progressive gain of DNA methylation. Consequently, CTCF can now be seen as one of the epigenetic components that allows the proper configuration of tumor suppressor gene promoters. Its aberrant dissociation can then predispose key genes in cancer cells to acquire DNA methylation and epigenetic silencing.</p

    Recent Region-wide Declines in Caribbean Reef Fish Abundance

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    Profound ecological changes are occurring on coral reefs throughout the tropics, with marked coral cover losses and concomitant algal increases, particularly in the Caribbean region. Historical declines in the abundance of large Caribbean reef fishes likely reflect centuries of overexploitation. However, effects of drastic recent degradation of reef habitats on reef fish assemblages have yet to be established. By using meta-analysis, we analyzed time series of reef fish density obtained from 48 studies that include 318 reefs across the Caribbean and span the time period 1955–2007. Our analyses show that overall reef fish density has been declining significantly for more than a decade, at rates that are consistent across all subregions of the Caribbean basin (2.7% to 6.0% loss per year) and in three of six trophic groups. Changes in fish density over the past half-century are modest relative to concurrent changes in benthic cover on Caribbean reefs. However, the recent significant decline in overall fish abundance and its consistency across several trophic groups and among both fished and nonfished species indicate that Caribbean fishes have begun to respond negatively to habitat degradation

    Explaining Extreme Events of 2012 from a Climate Perspective

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    Attribution of extreme events is a challenging science and one that is currently undergoing considerable evolution. In this paper are 19 analyses by 18 different research groups, often using quite different methodologies, of 12 extreme events that occurred in 2012. In addition to investigating the causes of these extreme events, the multiple analyses of four of the events, the high temperatures in the United States, the record low levels of Arctic sea ice, and the heavy rain in northern Europe and eastern Australia, provide an opportunity to compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of the various methodologies. The differences also provide insights into the structural uncertainty of event attribution, that is, the uncertainty that arises directly from the differences in analysis methodology. In these cases, there was considerable agreement between the different assessments of the same event. However, different events had very different causes. Approximately half the analyses found some evidence that anthropogenically caused climate change was a contributing factor to the extreme event examined, though the effects of natural fluctuations of weather and climate on the evolution of many of the extreme events played key roles as well.Peer Reviewe