376 research outputs found

    Numerical simulation of a class of models that combine several mechanisms of dissipation: fracture, plasticity, viscous dissipation

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    We study a class of time evolution models that contain dissipation mech- anisms exhibited by geophysical materials during deformation: plasticity, viscous dissipation and fracture. We formally prove that they satisfy a Clausius-Duhem type inequality. We describe a semi-discrete time evolu- tion associated with these models, and report numerical 1D and 2D traction experiments, that illustrate that several dissipation regimes can indeed take place during the deformation. Finally, we report 2D numerical simulation of an experiment by Peltzer and Tapponnier, who studied the indentation of a layer of plasticine as an analogue model for geological materials

    Modeling Deep Rooted Thrust Mechanism of Crustal Thickening in Eastern Tibet

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    To test Eastern Tibet crustal thickening modes, we compare 2-D numerical models of two emblematic end-member models, with either an obstacle in the low viscosity lower crust or a thrust embedded in the high viscosity one. We show that the obstacle halts the viscous lower crustal flow potentially initiated by the weight of the high Central Tibet, generating a smooth exhumation gradient at the edge of the plateau, not observed in Eastern Tibet. On the contrary, including a low viscosity discontinuity in the upper crust, mimicking a shallow steep listric fault as inferred in the region, reproduces a sharper exhumation profile, as constrained from thermo-kinematic inversions of thermochronological data, and the lack of foreland basin, as observed in the field. Moreover, such fault drives deformation throughout the entire crust, suggesting a deep crustal ductile shear zone limiting the more ductile deformation in the lower crust although no discontinuity is imposed

    The mantle transition zone as seen by global Pds phases: No clear evidence for a thin transition zone beneath hotspots

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    International audienceWe present a new global study of the transition zone from Pds converted waves at the 410- and 660-km discontinuities. Our observations extend previous global Pds studies with a larger data set, especially in oceanic regions where we have been able to measure Pds travel times, sampling the mantle transition zone (MTZ) beneath 26 hotspot locations. We find significant lateral variations of the MTZ thickness. Both the maximum variations (+/- 35 - 40 km) and the long-wavelength pattern are in overall agreement with previous SS precursors studies. The MTZ is generally thick beneath subduction zones, where the observed MTZ variations are consistent with thermal anomalies ranging between -100 degrees K and -300 degrees K. In Central and North America, we observe an NW - SE pattern of thick MTZ, which can be associated with the fossil Farallon subduction. We do not find clear evidence for a thin MTZ beneath hotspots. However, the 410- km discontinuity remains generally deepened after correcting our Pds travel times for the 3D heterogeneities located above the MTZ, and its topography variations can be explained by thermal anomalies between + 100 degrees K and +300 degrees K. The depth of the 660-km discontinuity may be less temperature sensitive in hot regions of the mantle, which is consistent with the effect of a phase transition from majorite garnet to perovskite at a depth of 660 km

    Evolving east Asian river systems reconstructed by trace element and Pb and Nd isotope variations in modern and ancient Red River-Song Hong sediments

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2008. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems 9 (2008): Q04039, doi:10.1029/2007GC001867.Rivers in east Asia have been recognized as having unusual geometries, suggestive of drainage reorganization linked to Tibetan Plateau surface uplift. In this study we applied a series of major and trace element proxies, together with bulk Nd and single K-feldspar grain Pb isotope ion probe isotope analyses, to understand the sediment budget of the modern Red River. We also investigate how this may have evolved during the Cenozoic. We show that while most of the modern sediment is generated by physical erosion in the upper reaches in Yunnan there is significant additional flux from the Song Lo, draining Cathaysia and the SW Yangtze Block. Nd isotope data suggest that 40% of the modern delta sediment comes from the Song Lo. Carbonates in the Song Lo basin make this a major control on the Red River Sr budget. Erosion is not a simple function of monsoon precipitation. Active rock uplift is also required to drive strong erosion. Single grain Pb data show a connection in the Eocene between the middle Yangtze and the Red River, and probably with rivers draining the Songpan Garze terrane. However, the isotope data do not support a former connection with the upper Yangtze, Mekong, or Salween rivers. Drainage capture appears to have occurred throughout the Cenozoic, consistent with surface uplift propagating gradually to the southeast. The middle Yangtze was lost from the Red River prior to 24 Ma, while the connection to the Songpan Garze was cut prior to 12 Ma. The Song Lo joined the Red River after 9 Ma. Bulk sample Pb analyses have limited provenance use compared to single grain data, and detailed provenance is only possible with a matrix of different proxies

    On the relationships between slab dip, back-arc stress, upper plate absolute motion, and crustal nature in subduction zones

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    International audience[1] Statistical analysis of modern oceanic subduction zone parameters, such as the age of a downgoing plate or the absolute plate motions, is performed in order to investigate which parameter controls the dip of a slab and, conversely, what the influence of slab geometry is on upper plate behavior. For that purpose, parameters have been determined from global databases along 159 transects from all subduction zones that are not perturbed by nearby collision or ridge/plateau/seamount subduction. On the basis of tomographic images, slabs that penetrate through, or lie on, the 670 km discontinuity are also identified. The results of the statistical analysis are as follows: (1) Back-arc stress correlates with slab dip, i.e., back-arc spreading is observed for deep dips (deeper than 125 km) larger than 50°, whereas back-arc shortening occurs only for deep dips less than 30°. (2) Slab dip correlates with absolute motion of the overriding plate. The correlation is even better when the slab lies on, or even more penetrates through, the 670 km discontinuity. (3) Slabs dip more steeply, by about 20° on average, beneath oceanic overriding plates than beneath continental ones. (4) Slabs dip more steeply on average by about 10° near edges. (5) Slab dip does not correlate with the magnitude of slab pull, the age of subducting lithosphere at the trench, the thermal regime of the subducting lithosphere, the convergence rate, or the subduction polarity (east versus west). The present study provides evidence that the upper plate absolute motion plays an important role on slab dip, as well as on upper plate strain. Retreating overriding plates are often oceanic ones and thus may partially explain the steeper slab dips beneath oceanic upper plates. One can infer that low slab dips correlate well with compression in continental advancing upper plates, whereas steep dips are often associated with extension in oceanic retreating upper plates. Excess weight of old slabs is often counterbalanced by other forces, probably asthenospheric in origin, such as lateral mantle flow near slab edges or anchor forces, to determine slab dip. Components: 12,676 words, 13 figures, 1 table

    Pervasive Eclogitization Due to Brittle Deformation and Rehydration of Subducted Basement: Effects on Continental Recycling?

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    The buoyancy of continental crust opposes its subduction to mantle depths, except where mineral reactions substantially increase rock density. Sluggish kinetics limit such densification, especially in dry rocks, unless deformation and hydrous fluids intervene. Here we document how hydrous fluids in the subduction channel invaded lower crustal granulites at 50–60 km depth through a dense network of probably seismically induced fractures. We combine analyses of textures and mineral composition with thermodynamic modeling to reconstruct repeated stages of interaction, with pulses of high‐pressure (HP) fluid at 650–670°C, rehydrating the initially dry rocks to micaschists. SIMS oxygen isotopic data of quartz indicate fluids of crustal composition. HP growth rims in allanite and zircon show uniform U‐Th‐Pb ages of ∼65 Ma and indicate that hydration occurred during subduction, at eclogite facies conditions. Based on this case study in the Sesia Zone (Western Italian Alps), we conclude that continental crust, and in particular deep basement fragments, during subduction can behave as substantial fluid sinks, not sources. Density modeling indicates a bifurcation in continental recycling: Chiefly mafic crust, once it is eclogitized to >60%, are prone to end up in a subduction graveyard, such as is tomographically evident beneath the Alps at ∼550 km depth. By contrast, dominantly felsic HP fragments and mafic granulites remain positively buoyant and tend be incorporated into an orogen and be exhumed with it. Felsic and intermediate lithotypes remain positively buoyant even where deformation and fluid percolation allowed them to equilibrate at HP

    Thermochronology of mineral grains in the Red and Mekong Rivers, Vietnam: Provenance and exhumation implications for Southeast Asia

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    Sand samples from the mouths of the Red and Mekong Rivers were analyzed to determine the provenance and exhumation history of their source regions. U-Pb dating of detrital zircon grains shows that the main sources comprise crust formed within the Yangtze Craton and during the Triassic Indosinian Orogeny. Indosinian grains in the Mekong are younger (210-240 Ma) than those in the Red River (230-290 Ma), suggesting preferential erosion of the Qiangtang Block of Tibet into the Mekong. The Red River has a higher proportion of 700-800 Ma grains originally derived from the Yangtze Craton. 40Ar/ 39Ar dating of muscovite grains demonstrates that rocks cooled during the Indosinian Orogeny are dominant in both rivers, although the Mekong also shows a grain population cooling at 150-200 Ma that is not seen in the Red River and which is probably of original Qiangtang Block origin. Conversely, the Red River contains a significant mica population (350-500 Ma) eroded from the Yangtze Craton. High-grade metamorphic rocks exposed in the Cenozoic shear zones of southeast Tibet-Yunnan are minority sources to the rivers. However, apatite and zircon fission track ages show evidence for the dominant sources, especially in the Red River, only being exhumed through the shallowest 5-3 km of the crust since ̃25 Ma. The thermochronology data are consistent with erosion of recycled sediment from the inverted Simao and Chuxiong Basins, from gorges that incise the eastern flank of the plateau. Average Neogene exhumation rates are 104-191 m/Myr in the Red River basin, which is within error of the 178 ± 35 m/Myr estimated from Pleistocene sediment volumes. Sparse fission track data from the Mekong River support the Ar-Ar and U-Pb ages in favoring tectonically driven rock uplift and gorge incision as the dominant control on erosion, with precipitation being an important secondary influence. © 2006 by the American Geophysical Union

    Mantle structure and tectonic history of SE Asia

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    Seismic travel-time tomography of the mantle under SE Asia reveals patterns of subduction-related seismic P-wave velocity anomalies that are of great value in helping to understand the region's tectonic development. We discuss tomography and tectonic interpretations of an area centred on Indonesia and including Malaysia, parts of the Philippines, New Guinea and northern Australia. We begin with an explanation of seismic tomography and causes of velocity anomalies in the mantle, and discuss assessment of model quality for tomographic models created from P-wave travel times. We then introduce the global P-wave velocity anomaly model UU-P07 and the tectonic model used in this paper and give an overview of previous interpretations of mantle structure. The slab-related velocity anomalies we identify in the upper and lower mantle based on the UU-P07 model are interpreted in terms of the tectonic model and illustrated with figures and movies. Finally, we discuss where tomographic and tectonic models for SE Asia converge or diverge, and identify the most important conclusions concerning the history of the region. The tomographic images of the mantle record subduction beneath the SE Asian region to depths of approximately 1600. km. In the upper mantle anomalies mainly record subduction during the last 10 to 25. Ma, depending on the region considered. We interpret a vertical slab tear crossing the entire upper mantle north of west Sumatra where there is a strong lateral kink in slab morphology, slab holes between c.200-400. km below East Java and Sumbawa, and offer a new three-slab explanation for subduction in the North Sulawesi region. There is a different structure in the lower mantle compared to the upper mantle and the deep structure changes from west to east. What was imaged in earlier models as a broad and deep anomaly below SE Asia has a clear internal structure and we argue that many features can be identified as older subduction zones. We identify remnants of slabs that detached in the Early Miocene such as the Sula slab, now found in the lower mantle north of Lombok, and the Proto-South China Sea slab now at depths below 700. km curving from northern Borneo to the Philippines. Based on our tectonic model we interpret virtually all features seen in upper mantle and lower mantle to depths of at least 1200. km to be the result of Cenozoic subduction