135 research outputs found

    Self-organization of an acentrosomal microtubule network at the basal cortex of polarized epithelial cells

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    Mechanisms underlying the organization of centrosome-derived microtubule arrays are well understood, but less is known about how acentrosomal microtubule networks are formed. The basal cortex of polarized epithelial cells contains a microtubule network of mixed polarity. We examined how this network is organized by imaging microtubule dynamics in acentrosomal basal cytoplasts derived from these cells. We show that the steady-state microtubule network appears to form by a combination of microtubule–microtubule and microtubule–cortex interactions, both of which increase microtubule stability. We used computational modeling to determine whether these microtubule parameters are sufficient to generate a steady-state acentrosomal microtubule network. Microtubules undergoing dynamic instability without any stabilization points continuously remodel their organization without reaching a steady-state network. However, the addition of increased microtubule stabilization at microtubule–microtubule and microtubule–cortex interactions results in the rapid assembly of a steady-state microtubule network in silico that is remarkably similar to networks formed in situ. These results define minimal parameters for the self-organization of an acentrosomal microtubule network

    Regulation of Organelle Movement in Melanophores by Protein Kinase A (PKA), Protein Kinase C (PKC), and Protein Phosphatase 2A (PP2A)

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    We used melanophores, cells specialized for regulated organelle transport, to study signaling pathways involved in the regulation of transport. We transfected immortalized Xenopus melanophores with plasmids encoding epitope-tagged inhibitors of protein phosphatases and protein kinases or control plasmids encoding inactive analogues of these inhibitors. Expression of a recombinant inhibitor of protein kinase A (PKA) results in spontaneous pigment aggregation. α-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), a stimulus which increases intracellular cAMP, cannot disperse pigment in these cells. However, melanosomes in these cells can be partially dispersed by PMA, an activator of protein kinase C (PKC). When a recombinant inhibitor of PKC is expressed in melanophores, PMA-induced pigment dispersion is inhibited, but not dispersion induced by MSH. We conclude that PKA and PKC activate two different pathways for melanosome dispersion. When melanophores express the small t antigen of SV-40 virus, a specific inhibitor of protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A), aggregation is completely prevented. Conversely, overexpression of PP2A inhibits pigment dispersion by MSH. Inhibitors of protein phosphatase 1 and protein phosphatase 2B (PP2B) do not affect pigment movement. Therefore, melanosome aggregation is mediated by PP2A

    Parallele Strategien für ein spektrales Wolkenmodul in einem 3-dimensionalen Mesoskalenmodell

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    A spectral cloud model is developed for a 3-dimensional mesoscale model considering only the microphysical conversion processes of the warm cloud. Because of the expected computation requirements, which are strongly increased in relation to the bulk-parameterization, we develop concepts for the parallelization of the module, explain their applicability and present first results.Für ein 3-dimensionales Mesoskalenmodell wird ein spektrales Wolkenmodul entwickelt, das zunächst nur die mikrophysikalischen Umwandlungsprozesse der warmen Wolke berücksichtigt. Aufgrund des zu erwartenden, im Vergleich zur bulk-Parametrisierung stark erhöhten Rechenzeitbedarfs entwickeln wir Konzepte zur Parallelisierung des Moduls, erläutern deren Anwendbarkeit und stellen erste Ergebnisse vor

    Interactions and regulation of molecular motors in Xenopus melanophores

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    Many cellular components are transported using a combination of the actin- and microtubule-based transport systems. However, how these two systems work together to allow well-regulated transport is not clearly understood. We investigate this question in the Xenopus melanophore model system, where three motors, kinesin II, cytoplasmic dynein, and myosin V, drive aggregation or dispersion of pigment organelles called melanosomes. During dispersion, myosin V functions as a “molecular ratchet” to increase outward transport by selectively terminating dynein-driven minus end runs. We show that there is a continual tug-of-war between the actin and microtubule transport systems, but the microtubule motors kinesin II and dynein are likely coordinated. Finally, we find that the transition from dispersion to aggregation increases dynein-mediated motion, decreases myosin V–mediated motion, and does not change kinesin II–dependent motion. Down-regulation of myosin V contributes to aggregation by impairing its ability to effectively compete with movement along microtubules

    Tumor Necrosis Factor Induces Hyperphosphorylation of Kinesin Light Chain and Inhibits Kinesin-Mediated Transport of Mitochondria

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    The molecular motor kinesin is an ATPase that mediates plus end-directed transport of organelles along microtubules. Although the biochemical properties of kinesin are extensively studied, conclusive data on regulation of kinesin-mediated transport are largely lacking. Previously, we showed that the proinflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor induces perinuclear clustering of mitochondria. Here, we show that tumor necrosis factor impairs kinesin motor activity and hyperphosphorylates kinesin light chain through activation of two putative kinesin light chain kinases. Inactivation of kinesin, hyperphosphorylation of kinesin light chain, and perinuclear clustering of mitochondria exhibit the same p38 mitogen-activated kinase dependence, indicating their functional relationship. These data provide evidence for direct regulation of kinesin-mediated organelle transport by extracellular stimuli via cytokine receptor signaling pathways

    Cytoskeletal Dynamics: A View from the Membrane

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    Many aspects of cytoskeletal assembly and dynamics can be recapitulated in vitro; yet, how the cytoskeleton integrates signals in vivo across cellular membranes is far less understood. Recent work has demonstrated that the membrane alone, or through membrane-associated proteins, can effect dynamic changes to the cytoskeleton, thereby impacting cell physiology. Having identified mechanistic links between membranes and the actin, microtubule, and septin cytoskeletons, these studies highlight the membrane’s central role in coordinating these cytoskeletal systems to carry out essential processes, such as endocytosis, spindle positioning, and cellular compartmentalization