168 research outputs found

    Automatic thresholding from the gradients of region boundaries

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    We present an approach for automatic threshold segmentation of greyscale images. The procedure is inspired by a reinterpretation of the strategy observed in human operators when adjusting thresholds manually and interactively by means of ‘slider’ controls. The approach translates into two methods. The first one is suitable for single or multiple global thresholds to be applied globally to images and consists of searching for a threshold value that generates a phase whose boundary coincides with the largest gradients in the original image. The second method is a variation, implemented to operate on the discrete connected components of the thresholded phase (i.e. the binary regions) independently. Consequently, this becomes an adaptive local threshold procedure, which operates relative to regions, rather than to local image subsets as is the case in most local thresholding methods previously published. Adding constraints for specifying certain classes of expected objects in the images can improve the output of the method over the traditional ‘segmenting first, then classify’ approach.The research reported in this paper was supported by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK through funding under grant EP/M023869/1 ‘Novel contextbased segmentation algorithms for intelligent microscopy’

    Answer Set Programming Modulo `Space-Time'

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    We present ASP Modulo `Space-Time', a declarative representational and computational framework to perform commonsense reasoning about regions with both spatial and temporal components. Supported are capabilities for mixed qualitative-quantitative reasoning, consistency checking, and inferring compositions of space-time relations; these capabilities combine and synergise for applications in a range of AI application areas where the processing and interpretation of spatio-temporal data is crucial. The framework and resulting system is the only general KR-based method for declaratively reasoning about the dynamics of `space-time' regions as first-class objects. We present an empirical evaluation (with scalability and robustness results), and include diverse application examples involving interpretation and control tasks

    Strategies for conducting situated studies of technology use in hospitals

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    Ethnographic methods are widely used for understanding situated practices with technology. When authors present their data gathering methods, they almost invariably focus on the bare essentials. These enable the reader to comprehend what was done, but leave the impression that setting up and conducting the study was straightforward. Text books present generic advice, but rarely focus on specific study contexts. In this paper, we focus on lessons learnt by non-clinical researchers studying technology use in hospitals: gaining access; developing good relations with clinicians and patients; being outsiders in healthcare settings; and managing the cultural divide between technology human factors and clinical practice. Drawing on case studies across various hospital settings, we present a repertoire of ways of working with people and technologies in these settings. These include engaging clinicians and patients effectively, taking an iterative approach to data gathering and being responsive to the demands and opportunities provided by the situation. The main contribution of this paper is to make visible many of the lessons we have learnt in conducting technology studies in healthcare, using these lessons to present strategies that other researchers can take up

    Axiomatizing Discrete Spatial Relations

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    Qualitative spatial relations are used in artificial intelligence to model commonsense notions such as regions of space overlapping, touching only at their boundaries, or being separate. In this paper we extend earlier work on qualitative relations in discrete space by pre- senting a bi-intuitionistic modal logic with universal modalities, called UBiSKt. This logic has a semantics in which formulae are interpreted as subgraphs. We show how a variety of qualitative spatial relations can be defined in UBiSKt. We make essential use of a sound and complete axiomatisation of the logic and an implementation of a tableau based theorem prover to establish novel properties of these spatial relations. We also explore the role of UBiSKt in expressing spatial relations at more than one level of detail. The features of the logic allow it to rep- resent how a subgraph at a detailed level is approximated at a coarser level

    Evaluation of Mucociliary Clearance by Three Dimension Micro-CT-SPECT in Guinea Pig: Role of Bitter Taste Agonists

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    Different image techniques have been used to analyze mucociliary clearance (MCC) in humans, but current small animal MCC analysis using in vivo imaging has not been well defined. Bitter taste receptor (T2R) agonists increase ciliary beat frequency (CBF) and cause bronchodilation but their effects in vivo are not well understood. This work analyzes in vivo nasal and bronchial MCC in guinea pig animals using three dimension (3D) micro-CT-SPECT images and evaluates the effect of T2R agonists. Intranasal macroaggreggates of albumin-Technetium 99 metastable (MAA-Tc99m) and lung nebulized Tc99m albumin nanocolloids were used to analyze the effect of T2R agonists on nasal and bronchial MCC respectively, using 3D micro-CT-SPECT in guinea pig. MAA-Tc99m showed a nasal mucociliary transport rate of 0.36 mm/min that was increased in presence of T2R agonist to 0.66 mm/min. Tc99m albumin nanocolloids were homogeneously distributed in the lung of guinea pig and cleared with time-dependence through the bronchi and trachea of guinea pig. T2R agonist increased bronchial MCC of Tc99m albumin nanocolloids. T2R agonists increased CBF in human nasal ciliated cells in vitro and induced bronchodilation in human bronchi ex vivo. In summary, T2R agonists increase MCC in vivo as assessed by 3D micro-CT-SPECT analysis

    Two-year changes in quality of life in elderly patients with low-energy hip fractures. A case-control study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The long-term effect of hip fracture on health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and global quality of life (GQOL) has not been thoroughly studied in prospective case-control studies.</p> <p>Aims</p> <p>a) to explore whether patients with low-energy hip fracture regain their pre-fracture levels in HRQOL and GQOL compared with changes in age- and sex-matched controls over a two year period; b) to identify predictors of changes in HRQOL and GQOL after two years.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We examined 61 patients (mean age = 74 years, <it>SD </it>= 10) and 61 matched controls (mean age = 73 years, <it>SD </it>= 8). The Short Form 36 assessed HRQOL and the Quality of Life Scale assessed GQOL. Paired samples <it>t </it>tests and multiple linear regression analyses were applied.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HRQOL decreased significantly between baseline and one-year follow-up in patients with hip fractures, within all the SF-36 domains (<it>p </it>< 0.04), except for social functioning (<it>p </it>= 0.091). There were no significant decreases within the SF-36 domains in the controls. Significantly decreased GQOL scores (<it>p </it>< 0.001) were observed both within patients and within controls between baseline and one-year follow-up. The same pattern persisted between baseline and two-year follow-up, except for the HRQOL domain mental health (<it>p </it>= 0.193). The patients with hip fractures did not regain their HRQOL and GQOL. Worsened physical health after two years was predicted by being a patient with hip fracture (B = -5.8, <it>p </it>< 0.001) and old age (B = -1.0, <it>p </it>= 0.015), while worsened mental health was predicted by co-morbidity (B = -2.2, <it>p </it>= 0.029). No significant predictors of differential changes in GQOL were identified.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A hip fracture has a long-term impact on HRQOL and is a strong predictor of worsened physical health. Our data emphasize the importance of preventing hip fracture in the elderly to maintain physical health. This knowledge should be included in decision-making and health care plans.</p

    Mucin Secretion Induced by Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles

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    Nanoparticle (NP) exposure has been closely associated with the exacerbation and pathophysiology of many respiratory diseases such as Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and asthma. Mucus hypersecretion and accumulation in the airway are major clinical manifestations commonly found in these diseases. Among a broad spectrum of NPs, titanium dioxide (TiO2), one of the PM10 components, is widely utilized in the nanoindustry for manufacturing and processing of various commercial products. Although TiO2 NPs have been shown to induce cellular nanotoxicity and emphysema-like symptoms, whether TiO2 NPs can directly induce mucus secretion from airway cells is currently unknown. Herein, we showed that TiO2 NPs (<75 nm) can directly stimulate mucin secretion from human bronchial ChaGo-K1 epithelial cells via a Ca2+ signaling mediated pathway. The amount of mucin secreted was quantified with enzyme-linked lectin assay (ELLA). The corresponding changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration were monitored with Rhod-2, a fluorescent Ca2+ dye. We found that TiO2 NP-evoked mucin secretion was a function of increasing intracellular Ca2+ concentration resulting from an extracellular Ca2+ influx via membrane Ca2+ channels and cytosolic ER Ca2+ release. The calcium-induced calcium release (CICR) mechanism played a major role in further amplifying the intracellular Ca2+ signal and in sustaining a cytosolic Ca2+ increase. This study provides a potential mechanistic link between airborne NPs and the pathoetiology of pulmonary diseases involving mucus hypersecretion

    High morbid-mortability and reduced level of osteoporosis diagnosis among elderly people who had hip fractures in São Paulo City

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    OBJECTIVE: To know the morbid-mortality following an osteoporotic hip fracture in elderly patients living in São Paulo. PATIENTS AND METHODS: This study evaluated prospectively all patient over 60 years admitted in 2 school-hospitals in the city of São Paulo in a following 6-month period due to a osteoporotic proximal femur fracture. All of them filled up the Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) and had their chart reviewed. After 6 months they were re-interviewed. Linear regression analysis was utilized to determine the factors related to functional ability. RESULTS: 56 patients were included (mean age 80.7 ± 7.9 years old, 80.4% females). After the 6-month follow up the mortality rate was 23.2%. Only 30% of the patients returned to their previous activities, and 11.6% became totally dependent. Factors related to worse functional ability after fracture were HAQ before fracture, institutionalization after fracture and age (r² 0.482). The diagnosis of osteoporosis was informed only by 13.9% of them, and just 11.6% received any treatment for that. CONCLUSION: Our results showed the great impact of these fractures on mortality and in the functional ability of these patients. Nevertheless, many of our physicians do not inform the patients about the diagnosis of osteoporosis and, consequently, the treatment of this condition is jeopardized.As fraturas osteoporóticas de fêmur proximal trazem graves conseqüências quanto à morbimortalidade e à qualidade de vida, mas desconhece-se este impacto no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Conhecer a morbimortalidade decorrente deste tipo de fraturas em idosos na cidade de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Foram incluídos todos os pacientes com mais de 60 anos internados por fraturas de fêmur proximal durante seis meses, em dois hospitais de São Paulo. Os pacientes preencheram o questionário de capacidade funcional (HAQ), tiveram seu prontuário examinado e foram reavaliados após seis meses. Utilizou-se a análise de regressão linear para determinar os fatores relacionados à capacidade funcional. RESULTADOS: Cinqüenta e seis pacientes foram incluídos no estudo (80,7 ± 7,9 anos; 80,4% mulheres). A mortalidade em seis meses foi de 23,2%. Apenas 30% retornaram plenamente às suas atividades prévias e 11,6% tornaram-se completamente dependentes. Os fatores que mais bem conseguiram prever pior capacidade funcional após a fratura foram HAQ pré-fratura, institucionalização pós-fratura e idade (r² 0,482). Somente 13,9% receberam o diagnóstico de osteoporose e 11,6% iniciaram algum tratamento. CONCLUSÕES: Os resultados do presente estudo demonstram o impacto deste tipo de fraturas sobre a mortalidade e a capacidade funcional. Entretanto, a falha médica no diagnóstico e na orientação de tratamento da osteoporose permanece elevada.Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaSanta Casa de Misericórdia de São Paulo Departamento de OrtopediaUNIFESP-EPM EPMUNIFESP, EPM, EPMSciEL