274 research outputs found

    A Hierarchical Framework of Challenges for Blockchain Adoption in Public Services. Implications for decision-makers

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    This study attempts to identify critical challenges for blockchain adoption in government, particularly public-service delivery in India, a developing country context. Through an extensive literature review and focus-group discussions with policymakers and blockchain experts, we have identified 12 adoption challenges for Blockchain in public service delivery. We then collected data and analysed using interpretive structural modeling and Cross-Impact Matrix Multiplication Applied to Classification (MICMAC) Analysis to develop a hierarchical framework of the challenges. Our findings indicate that governments must first ensure legislative support for blockchain-based transactions. This research contributes to information systems strategic planning literature and provides a framework for policymakers to craft a strategic approach to facilitate blockchain adoption

    Computed tomography texture-based radiomics analysis in gallbladder cancer: initial experience

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    Aim of the study: To investigate computed tomography (CT) texture parameters in suspected gallbladder cancer (GBC) and assess its utility in predicting histopathological grade and overall survival. Material and methods: This retrospective pilot study included consecutive patients with clinically suspected GBC. CT images, clinical, and histological or cytological data were retrieved from the database. CT images were reviewed by two radiologists. A single axial CT section in the portal venous phase was selected for texture analysis. Radiomic feature extraction was done using commercially available research software. Results: Thirty-eight patients (31 females, mean age 53.1 years) were included. Malignancy was confirmed in 29 patients in histopathology or cytology analysis, and the rest had no features of malignancy. Exophytic gallbladder mass with associated gallbladder wall thickening was present in 22 (58%) patients. Lymph nodal, liver, and omental metastases were present in 10, 1, and 3 patients, respectively. The mean overall survival was 9.7 months. There were significant differences in mean and kurtosis at medium texture scales to differentiate moderately differentiated and poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma (p < 0.05). The only texture parameter that was significantly associated with survival was kurtosis (p = 0.020) at medium texture scales. In multivariate analysis, factors found to be significantly associated with length of overall survival were mean number of positive pixels (p = 0.02), skewness (p = -0.046), kurtosis (0.018), and standard deviation (p = 0.045). Conclusions: Our preliminary results highlight the potential utility of CT texture-based radiomics analysis in patients with GBC. Medium texture scale parameters including both mean and kurtosis, or kurtosis alone, may help predict the histological grade and survival, respectively

    Gallbladder reporting and data system (GB-RADS) for risk stratification of gallbladder wall thickening on ultrasonography:an international expert consensus

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    The Gallbladder Reporting and Data System (GB-RADS) ultrasound (US) risk stratification is proposed to improve consistency in US interpretations, reporting, and assessment of risk of malignancy in gallbladder wall thickening in non-acute setting. It was developed based on a systematic review of the literature and the consensus of an international multidisciplinary committee comprising expert radiologists, gastroenterologists, gastrointestinal surgeons, surgical oncologists, medical oncologists, and pathologists using modified Delphi method. For risk stratification, the GB-RADS system recommends six categories (GB-RADS 0–5) of gallbladder wall thickening with gradually increasing risk of malignancy. GB-RADS is based on gallbladder wall features on US including symmetry and extent (focal vs. circumferential) of involvement, layered appearance, intramural features (including intramural cysts and echogenic foci), and interface with the liver. GB-RADS represents the first collaborative effort at risk stratifying the gallbladder wall thickening. This concept is in line with the other US-based risk stratification systems which have been shown to increase the accuracy of detection of malignant lesions and improve management. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]

    Daksha: On Alert for High Energy Transients

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    We present Daksha, a proposed high energy transients mission for the study of electromagnetic counterparts of gravitational wave sources, and gamma ray bursts. Daksha will comprise of two satellites in low earth equatorial orbits, on opposite sides of earth. Each satellite will carry three types of detectors to cover the entire sky in an energy range from 1 keV to >1 MeV. Any transients detected on-board will be announced publicly within minutes of discovery. All photon data will be downloaded in ground station passes to obtain source positions, spectra, and light curves. In addition, Daksha will address a wide range of science cases including monitoring X-ray pulsars, studies of magnetars, solar flares, searches for fast radio burst counterparts, routine monitoring of bright persistent high energy sources, terrestrial gamma-ray flashes, and probing primordial black hole abundances through lensing. In this paper, we discuss the technical capabilities of Daksha, while the detailed science case is discussed in a separate paper.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 1 table. Additional information about the mission is available at https://www.dakshasat.in

    Blockchain research, practice and policy: Applications, benefits, limitations, emerging research themes and research agenda

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    YesThe blockchain has received significant attention from technology focussed researchers, highlighting its perceived impact and emerging disruption potential, but has been slow to engender any significant momentum within the Information Systems (IS) and Information Management (IM) literature. This study approaches the subject through an IS/IM lens developing the key themes from the blockchain based research via a comprehensive review. This analysis of the body of literature highlights that although few commercial grade blockchain applications currently exist, the technology demonstrates significant potential to benefit a number of industry wide use cases. This study expands on this point articulating through each of the key themes to develop a detailed narrative on the numerous potential blockchain applications and future direction of the technology, whilst discussing the many barriers to adoption. The study asserts that blockchain technology has the potential to contribute to a number of the UN Sustainability Development Goals and engender widespread change within a number of established industries and practices

    Science with the Daksha High Energy Transients Mission

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    We present the science case for the proposed Daksha high energy transients mission. Daksha will comprise of two satellites covering the entire sky from 1~keV to >1>1~MeV. The primary objectives of the mission are to discover and characterize electromagnetic counterparts to gravitational wave source; and to study Gamma Ray Bursts (GRBs). Daksha is a versatile all-sky monitor that can address a wide variety of science cases. With its broadband spectral response, high sensitivity, and continuous all-sky coverage, it will discover fainter and rarer sources than any other existing or proposed mission. Daksha can make key strides in GRB research with polarization studies, prompt soft spectroscopy, and fine time-resolved spectral studies. Daksha will provide continuous monitoring of X-ray pulsars. It will detect magnetar outbursts and high energy counterparts to Fast Radio Bursts. Using Earth occultation to measure source fluxes, the two satellites together will obtain daily flux measurements of bright hard X-ray sources including active galactic nuclei, X-ray binaries, and slow transients like Novae. Correlation studies between the two satellites can be used to probe primordial black holes through lensing. Daksha will have a set of detectors continuously pointing towards the Sun, providing excellent hard X-ray monitoring data. Closer to home, the high sensitivity and time resolution of Daksha can be leveraged for the characterization of Terrestrial Gamma-ray Flashes.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figures. Submitted to ApJ. More details about the mission at https://www.dakshasat.in

    All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run

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    After the detection of gravitational waves from compact binary coalescences, the search for transient gravitational-wave signals with less well-defined waveforms for which matched filtering is not well suited is one of the frontiers for gravitational-wave astronomy. Broadly classified into “short” ≲1  s and “long” ≳1  s duration signals, these signals are expected from a variety of astrophysical processes, including non-axisymmetric deformations in magnetars or eccentric binary black hole coalescences. In this work, we present a search for long-duration gravitational-wave transients from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo’s third observing run from April 2019 to March 2020. For this search, we use minimal assumptions for the sky location, event time, waveform morphology, and duration of the source. The search covers the range of 2–500 s in duration and a frequency band of 24–2048 Hz. We find no significant triggers within this parameter space; we report sensitivity limits on the signal strength of gravitational waves characterized by the root-sum-square amplitude hrss as a function of waveform morphology. These hrss limits improve upon the results from the second observing run by an average factor of 1.8

    The population of merging compact binaries inferred using gravitational waves through GWTC-3

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    We report on the population properties of 76 compact binary mergers detected with gravitational waves below a false alarm rate of 1 per year through GWTC-3. The catalog contains three classes of binary mergers: BBH, BNS, and NSBH mergers. We infer the BNS merger rate to be between 10 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3} yr^{-1}} and 1700 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3} yr^{-1}} and the NSBH merger rate to be between 7.8 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3}\, yr^{-1}} and 140 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3} yr^{-1}} , assuming a constant rate density versus comoving volume and taking the union of 90% credible intervals for methods used in this work. Accounting for the BBH merger rate to evolve with redshift, we find the BBH merger rate to be between 17.9 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3}\, yr^{-1}} and 44 Gpc3yr1\rm{Gpc^{-3}\, yr^{-1}} at a fiducial redshift (z=0.2). We obtain a broad neutron star mass distribution extending from 1.20.2+0.1M1.2^{+0.1}_{-0.2} M_\odot to 2.00.3+0.3M2.0^{+0.3}_{-0.3} M_\odot. We can confidently identify a rapid decrease in merger rate versus component mass between neutron star-like masses and black-hole-like masses, but there is no evidence that the merger rate increases again before 10 MM_\odot. We also find the BBH mass distribution has localized over- and under-densities relative to a power law distribution. While we continue to find the mass distribution of a binary's more massive component strongly decreases as a function of primary mass, we observe no evidence of a strongly suppressed merger rate above 60M\sim 60 M_\odot. The rate of BBH mergers is observed to increase with redshift at a rate proportional to (1+z)κ(1+z)^{\kappa} with κ=2.91.8+1.7\kappa = 2.9^{+1.7}_{-1.8} for z1z\lesssim 1. Observed black hole spins are small, with half of spin magnitudes below χi0.25\chi_i \simeq 0.25. We observe evidence of negative aligned spins in the population, and an increase in spin magnitude for systems with more unequal mass ratio

    Diving below the spin-down limit:constraints on gravitational waves from the energetic young pulsar PSR J0537-6910

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    We present a search for continuous gravitational-wave signals from the young, energetic X-ray pulsar PSR J0537-6910 using data from the second and third observing runs of LIGO and Virgo. The search is enabled by a contemporaneous timing ephemeris obtained using NICER data. The NICER ephemeris has also been extended through 2020 October and includes three new glitches. PSR J0537-6910 has the largest spin-down luminosity of any pulsar and is highly active with regards to glitches. Analyses of its long-term and inter-glitch braking indices provided intriguing evidence that its spin-down energy budget may include gravitational-wave emission from a time-varying mass quadrupole moment. Its 62 Hz rotation frequency also puts its possible gravitational-wave emission in the most sensitive band of LIGO/Virgo detectors. Motivated by these considerations, we search for gravitational-wave emission at both once and twice the rotation frequency. We find no signal, however, and report our upper limits. Assuming a rigidly rotating triaxial star, our constraints reach below the gravitational-wave spin-down limit for this star for the first time by more than a factor of two and limit gravitational waves from the l = m = 2 mode to account for less than 14% of the spin-down energy budget. The fiducial equatorial ellipticity is limited to less than about 3 x 10⁻⁵, which is the third best constraint for any young pulsar