45 research outputs found

    Transformation of classroom practices in fifth grade teachers through training placed as a strategy for the development of spatial thinking

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    La enseñanza de las matemáticas es considerada como una de las tareas más difíciles de llevar a cabo en la labor docente. Es por ello que los docentes encargados de hacerlo, deben contar con las competencias necesarias para desarrollar las de sus estudiantes, es decir, que propendan por brindar una enseñanza efectiva. En otras palabras, el éxito de la enseñanza de las matemáticas está ligado entre otros factores, al conocimiento base que tenga el docente y a las estrategias metodológicas que utilice en sus prácticas de aula. Al respecto Shulman (2005), afirma que, aunque existen diferentes concepciones sobre cómo debe ser el profesor efectivo, la mayoría de ellas se concentra en la forma en que éste gestiona el aula de clases. En este sentido, los docentes no solo deben saber que enseñar, sino que deben tener especial cuidado en la forma como lo hacen. Es aquí donde radica el problema de la enseñanza de las matemáticas, ya que los docentes continúan utilizando los mismos métodos de enseñanza y los estudiantes siguen aprendiendo de la misma forma como lo hacían cincuenta años atrás (Perkins, 1992). Entonces, lo que se requiere es fortalecer el conocimiento base de los docentes y poner a su disposición distintas estrategias metodológicas que faciliten el aprendizaje de los estudiantes. El presente proyecto de investigación busca transformar las prácticas de aula de los docentes de quinto de primaria, a través de la formación situada como estrategia para desarrollar las competencias del pensamiento espacial del área de matemática; haciendo énfasis en la cualificación docente y la importancia que tienen los métodos de enseñanza en el quehacer pedagógico.Introducción Marco Teórico Metodología Resultados Conclusiones ReferenciasMaestríaTeaching mathematics is considered one of the most difficult tasks to carry out in teaching. That is why the teachers in charge of doing so must have the necessary skills to develop those of their students, that is, they must tend to provide effective teaching. In other words, the success of mathematics teaching is linked, among other factors, to the basic knowledge that the teacher has and to the methodological strategies that he uses in his classroom practices. In this regard, Shulman (2005) states that, although there are different conceptions about what an effective teacher should be, most of them focus on the way in which he manages the classroom. In this sense, teachers must not only know what to teach, but must also take special care in the way they do it. This is where the problem of teaching mathematics lies, since teachers continue to use the same teaching methods and students continue to learn in the same way as they did fifty years ago (Perkins, 1992). So, what is required is to strengthen the knowledge base of teachers and make available to them different methodological strategies that facilitate student learning. This research project seeks to transform the classroom practices of fifth grade teachers, through situated training as a strategy to develop spatial thinking skills in the area of ​​mathematics; emphasizing the teaching qualification and the importance of teaching methods in the pedagogical task.Modalidad Presencia

    Application of coordinate transformation for detection of modes of vibration: a comparative study in 2 turbogenerators

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    Unlike the method of influence coefficients, modal balancing permits a reduction in the number of test runs in order to balance a rotodynamic system. This presents a great contribution to the area of turbomachinery, specifically in the reduction of offline time, as well as of economic losses as a direct consequence of the increased lifetime of the rotatory components. The success of modal balancing depends mainly on correct extraction of the modal parameters of the rotatory systems. One of the current limitations for the application of field balancing is the unreliability of the modal parameter extraction tools due the great quantity of information contained in the response diagrams added to the presence of close modes, which can generate confusion and provoke errors in the extraction process and modal identification. This work presents the development and application of two methodologies for the identification of the optimal modal parameters and close modes in the domain of frequency, applying the concept of coordinate transformation for rotatory systems. These methodologies were implemented separately in vibration signals from two field turbogenerators with the same technical and operational characteristics

    Methodology to improve mode identification and modal parameter extraction for rotor dynamic analysis

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    This work presents the development of a methodology that, through the use of the coordinate transformation method, identifies the ideal modal parameters that should be used during the modal balancing process as well as allows eliminating the computational modes generated during the rotor response diagram extraction process. There is currently a wide variety of methods for structures that allow extracting limited modal parameters, such as: previous knowledge of the number of modes, adjustment of computational or spurious modes, close mode identification problems, and others. However, localizing the phase angle in rotation systems in any angular position and through complex coupling of the vibration modes does not ensure that the methods developed for structures conserve the same performance during the adjustment process. As regards the line of investigation into modal balancing, a method is proposed that allows ensuring that the modes found are real modes of the system and that through direction tracking where a single vibration mode is excited, the optimum extraction position of the modal parameters used in the balancing process can be determined. The proposed methodology was developed using a linear model and was applied in a field turbogenerator to identify the vibration modes present in the response diagrams

    Education and learning vs models and theories

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    Todas las personas poseen la capacidad de modificar sus estructuras cognitivas, y por ende desarrollar procesos y estrategias de pensamiento, tendentes a mejorar sus niveles de conocimiento y competencias en todos los contextos que se desenvuelven. La inteligencia de cada individuo no es medible bajo parámetros estandarizados, pues esta se modifica constantemente; al contrario se debe valorar teniendo en cuenta la capacidad de aprender a aprender y la de adaptarse a nuevas estructuras cognitivas.All people have the ability to modify their cognitive structures, and therefore develop thought processes and strategies, tending to improve their levels of knowledge and skills in all contexts that they develop. The intelligence of each individual is not measurable under standardized parameters, since it is constantly modified; On the contrary, it must be valued taking into account the ability to learn to learn and to adapt to new cognitive structures

    Activity of imipenem/relebactam against Enterobacterales and Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Spain. SMART 2016-2020

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    Objectives. To determine susceptibility to the novel β-lactam/β-lactamase inhibitor combination imipenem/relebactam in clinical isolates recovered from intra-abdominal (IAI), urinary (UTI), respiratory (RTI) and bloodstream (BSI) infections in the SMART (Study for Monitoring Antimicrobial Resistance Trends) study in SPAIN during 2016 – 2020. Methods. Broth microdilution MICs for imipenem/relebactam and comparators were determined by a central laboratory against isolates of Enterobacterales and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. MICs were interpreted using EUCAST-2021 breakpoints. Results. In total, 5,210 Enterobacterales and 1,418 P. aeruginosa clinical isolates were analyzed. Imipenem/relebactam inhibited 98.8% of Enterobacterales. Distinguishing by source of infection susceptibility was 99.1% in BSI, 99.2% in IAI, 97.9% in RTI, and 99.2% in UTI. Of intensive care unit isolates (ICU) 97.4% were susceptible and of non-ICU isolates 99.2% were susceptible. In Enterobacterales, activity against Class A, Class B and Class D carbapenemases was 96.2%, 15.4% and 73.2%, respectively. In P. aeruginosa, imipenem/relebactam was active in 92.2% of isolates. By source of infection it was 94.8% in BSI, 92.9% in IAI, 91.7% in RTI, and 93.1% in UTI. An 88.7% of ICU isolates and 93.6% of non-ICU isolates were susceptible to imipenem/relebactam. Imipenem/relebactam remained active against P. aeruginosa ceftazidime-resistant (76.3%), cefepime-resistant (73.6%), imipenem-resistant (71.5%) and piperacillin-resistant (78.7%) isolates. Of all multidrug-resistant or difficult-to-treat resistance P. aeruginosa isolates, 75.1% and 46.2%, respectively, were susceptible to imipenem/relebactam. Conclusions. Imipenem/relebactam showed high rates of susceptibility in Enterobacterales and P. aeruginosa isolates from different sources of infection as well as depending on patients’ location (ICU or non-ICU scenarios)

    Use of ICT for autonomous learning in Food Science and Technology and Veterinary degrees in the University of Cordoba pilot plan

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    Con la finalidad de dotar a los estudiantes de los últimos cursos de los grados de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos y Veterinaria de las herramientas necesarias para fomentar el aprendizaje autónomo en instalaciones como la Planta Piloto de la Universidad de Córdoba (PPTA) se programaron diferentes actividades encaminadas a la recopilación de información sobre las instalaciones y equipos, realización de experimentos y desarrollo de trabajo fin de grado, de forma que se integrara en una página web propia, con información suficiente para que los estudiantes puedan formarse autónomamente mediante la consulta y el manejo de documentación generada a partir del uso de diferentes equipos o de las diferentes líneas de procesado, integrando materiales preparados a partir de la experiencia propia en la misma instalación tales como manuales, videos, fotografía de maquinaria y protocolos de experimentos.With the purpose of equipping the students of the last courses of Food Science and Technology and Veterinary degrees with the necessary tools to promote autonomous learning in facilities such as the Pilot Plant of the University of Córdoba, different activities were planned aimed at the collection of information on facilities and equipment, conducting experiments and developing end-of-degree work, so that it can be integrated into a web page of its own, with sufficient information so that students can be formed autonomously through consultation and documentation management generated from the use of different equipment or different processing lines, integrating materials prepared from their own experience in the same installation such as manuals, videos, machinery photography and experimental protocols

    Discapacidad, conflicto armado y construcción de paz

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    ilustrciones, fotografíasEn la Maestría de Discapacidad e Inclusión Social desde el 2013 se ha convocado a autoras y autores a participar con sus escritos en la reflexión sobre temáticas relevantes. Entretejiendo sus aportes, se han construido hasta el momento seis publicaciones de la Serie Temática que versan sobre asuntos como discapacidad e inclusión (n.º 1, 2013), discapacidad y política (n.º 2, 2013), diversas maneras de escribir acerca de los procesos investigativos vividos (n.º 3, 2016), atajos para comunicar los atajos de la investigación (n.º 4, 2016), encuentros pedagógicos desde la experiencia universitaria (n.º 5, 2017) y en la denuncia de una visualidad hegemónica (n.º 6, 2017). La actual Serie Temática número 7, Discapacidad, conflicto armado y construcción de paz, surge como respuesta a la invitación de la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de la Verdad, la Convivencia y la No Repetición, a través de su Mesa de Curso de Vida y Discapacidad, para aportar en el cumplimiento de su mandato. Cabe recordar que la Comisión de la Verdad forma parte del Sistema Integral de Verdad, Justicia, Reparación y No Repetición creado a partir del Acuerdo Final para la Terminación del Conflicto y la Construcción de una Paz Estable y Duradera, que firmaron el Gobierno colombiano y las Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia - Ejército del Pueblo (farc-ep) en noviembre de 2016, transcurridos más de 50 años desde el levantamiento armado de esta guerrilla

    Examining the immune signatures of SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnancy and the impact on neurodevelopment: Protocol of the SIGNATURE longitudinal study.

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    The COVID-19 pandemic represents a valuable opportunity to carry out cohort studies that allow us to advance our knowledge on pathophysiological mechanisms of neuropsychiatric diseases. One of these opportunities is the study of the relationships between inflammation, brain development and an increased risk of suffering neuropsychiatric disorders. Based on the hypothesis that neuroinflammation during early stages of life is associated with neurodevelopmental disorders and confers a greater risk of developing neuropsychiatric disorders, we propose a cohort study of SARS-CoV-2-infected pregnant women and their newborns. The main objective of SIGNATURE project is to explore how the presence of prenatal SARS-CoV-2 infection and other non-infectious stressors generates an abnormal inflammatory activity in the newborn. The cohort of women during the COVID-19 pandemic will be psychological and biological monitored during their pregnancy, delivery, childbirth and postpartum. The biological information of the umbilical cord (foetus blood) and peripheral blood from the mother will be obtained after childbirth. These samples and the clinical characterisation of the cohort of mothers and newborns, are tremendously valuable at this time. This is a protocol report and no analyses have been conducted yet, being currently at, our study is in the recruitment process step. At the time of this publication, we have identified 1,060 SARS-CoV-2 infected mothers and all have already given birth. From the total of identified mothers, we have recruited 537 SARS-COV-2 infected women and all of them have completed the mental health assessment during pregnancy. We have collected biological samples from 119 mothers and babies. Additionally, we have recruited 390 non-infected pregnant women

    Tissue culture of ornamental cacti

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    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & Nemésio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; Nemésio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016