784 research outputs found

    Quantum mechanical analysis of the equilateral triangle billiard: periodic orbit theory and wave packet revivals

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    Using the fact that the energy eigenstates of the equilateral triangle infinite well (or billiard) are available in closed form, we examine the connections between the energy eigenvalue spectrum and the classical closed paths in this geometry, using both periodic orbit theory and the short-term semi-classical behavior of wave packets. We also discuss wave packet revivals and show that there are exact revivals, for all wave packets, at times given by Trev=9ÎŒa2/4ℏπT_{rev} = 9 \mu a^2/4\hbar \pi where aa and ÎŒ\mu are the length of one side and the mass of the point particle respectively. We find additional cases of exact revivals with shorter revival times for zero-momentum wave packets initially located at special symmetry points inside the billiard. Finally, we discuss simple variations on the equilateral (60∘−60∘−60∘60^{\circ}-60^{\circ}-60^{\circ}) triangle, such as the half equilateral (30∘−60∘−90∘30^{\circ}-60^{\circ}-90^{\circ}) triangle and other `foldings', which have related energy spectra and revival structures.Comment: 34 pages, 9 embedded .eps figure

    Proposed Beam Test of a Transverse Gradient Undulator at the SINBAD Facility at DESY

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    While Laser Plasma Accelerators produce beams with the high output energy required for FELs, up to now the relatively high energy spread has prohibited FEL lasing. Therefore it was proposed to replace the normal FEL undulators by Transverse Gradient Undulators (TGUs). For a first, small scale test of the TGU concept, a 40 period prototype high gradient superconductive TGU was built at KIT and will be tested with beam at the ARES-linac in the new accelerator test facility SINBAD (Short Innovative Bunches and Accelerators at Desy) at DESY. The proposed tests are summarized in this paper

    Analysis and simulations for a phase‐field fracture model at finite strains based on modified invariants

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    Phase‐field models have already been proven to predict complex fracture patterns for brittle fracture at small strains. In this paper we discuss a model for phase‐field fracture at finite deformations in more detail. Among the identification of crack location and projection of crack growth the numerical stability is one of the main challenges in solid mechanics. Here we present a phase‐field model at finite strains, which takes into account the anisotropy of damage by applying an anisotropic split of the modified invariants of the right Cauchy‐Green strain tensor. We introduce a suitable weak notion of solution that also allows for a spatial and temporal discretization of the model. In this framework we study the existence of solutions and we show that the time‐discrete solutions converge in a weak sense to a solution of the time‐continuous formulation of the model. Numerical examples in two and three space dimensions illustrate the range of validity of the analytical results

    Fine structure of the isoscalar giant quadrupole resonance in 40Ca due to Landau damping?

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    The fragmentation of the Isoscalar Giant Quadrupole Resonance (ISGQR) in 40Ca has been investigated in high energy-resolution experiments using proton inelastic scattering at E_p = 200 MeV. Fine structure is observed in the region of the ISGQR and its characteristic energy scales are extracted from the experimental data by means of a wavelet analysis. The experimental scales are well described by Random Phase Approximation (RPA) and second-RPA calculations with an effective interaction derived from a realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction by the Unitary Correlation Operator Method (UCOM). In these results characteristic scales are already present at the mean-field level pointing to their origination in Landau damping, in contrast to the findings in heavier nuclei and also to SRPA calculations for 40Ca based on phenomenological effective interactions, where fine structure is explained by the coupling to two-particle two-hole (2p-2h) states.Comment: Phys. Lett. B, in pres

    Stricture and perforation of the esophagus: Overlooked threats in the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome

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    This study was undertaken to assess the frequency of significant esophageal involvement in the Zollinger-Ellison syndrome (ZES). In a consecutive series of 24 patients with this disease, 9 (37%) showed endoscopic evidence of acid-induced esophageal lesions ranging from erosive inflammation to ulceration with massive bleeding, severe stricture formation, and perforation. In 3 cases, pronounced esophagitis was known 1–5 years before the underlying disease was diagnosed. Severe esophageal complications developed despite treatment with antisecretory drugs. It is emphasized that the best way to limit such complications is by excision of the underlying gastrin-secreting tumor(s) when possible . Nous avons entrepris cette Ă©tude pour Ă©tablir la frĂ©quence de participation oesophagienne dans le syndrome de Zollinger-Ellison. Pour une sĂ©rie de 24 patients prĂ©sentant cette maladie, 9 (37%) avaient Ă  l'endoscopie des lĂ©sions oesophagiennes dues Ă  l'aciditĂ© allant de l'Ă©rosion inflammatoire Ă  l'ulcĂ©ration avec saignement important, stĂ©nose sĂ©vĂšre, et perforation. Dans 3 cas, une oesophagite importante Ă©tait connue 1–5 ans avant que la maladie sous-jacente soit diagnostiquĂ©e. Des complications oesophagiennes sĂ©vĂšres se sont produites malgrĂ© le traitement antisĂ©crĂ©toire. Nous insistons sur le fait que le meilleur moyen de limiter ces complications est d'exciser chaque fois que possible la ou les tumeurs sous-jacentes sĂ©crĂ©tant la gastrine. El presente estudio fue emprendido con el propĂłsito de determinar la frecuencia de afecciĂłn ĂĄcido pĂ©ptica significativa del esĂłfago en pacientes con sĂ­ndrome de Zollinger-Ellison. En una serie de 24 pacientes consecutivos con esta enfermedad, 9 (37%) exhibieron evidencia endoscĂłpica de lesiones esofĂĄgicas inducidas por ĂĄcido, las cuales variaron entre inflamaciĂłn erosiva y ulceraciĂłn con sangrado masivo, estrechez severa, y perforaciĂłn. En 3 pacientes se conocĂ­a la existencia de esofagitis severa entre 1 y 5 años antes del diagnĂłstico de la enfermedad de base. Se desarrollaron graves complicaciones esofĂĄgicas a pesar del tratamiento con drogas antisecretorias en 3 pacientes. Se hace enfasis en que la mejor manera de disminuir tales complicaciones es mediante la resecciĂłn del tumor(es) secretor de gastrina, cuando ello sea posible.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/41287/1/268_2005_Article_BF01658528.pd

    Gravitational Lensing by Black Holes

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    We review the theoretical aspects of gravitational lensing by black holes, and discuss the perspectives for realistic observations. We will first treat lensing by spherically symmetric black holes, in which the formation of infinite sequences of higher order images emerges in the clearest way. We will then consider the effects of the spin of the black hole, with the formation of giant higher order caustics and multiple images. Finally, we will consider the perspectives for observations of black hole lensing, from the detection of secondary images of stellar sources and spots on the accretion disk to the interpretation of iron K-lines and direct imaging of the shadow of the black hole.Comment: Invited article for the GRG special issue on lensing (P. Jetzer, Y. Mellier and V. Perlick Eds.). 31 pages, 12 figure

    Sensitivity of the IceCube Detector to Astrophysical Sources of High Energy Muon Neutrinos

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    We present the results of a Monte-Carlo study of the sensitivity of the planned IceCube detector to predicted fluxes of muon neutrinos at TeV to PeV energies. A complete simulation of the detector and data analysis is used to study the detector's capability to search for muon neutrinos from sources such as active galaxies and gamma-ray bursts. We study the effective area and the angular resolution of the detector as a function of muon energy and angle of incidence. We present detailed calculations of the sensitivity of the detector to both diffuse and pointlike neutrino emissions, including an assessment of the sensitivity to neutrinos detected in coincidence with gamma-ray burst observations. After three years of datataking, IceCube will have been able to detect a point source flux of E^2*dN/dE = 7*10^-9 cm^-2s^-1GeV at a 5-sigma significance, or, in the absence of a signal, place a 90% c.l. limit at a level E^2*dN/dE = 2*10^-9 cm^-2s^-1GeV. A diffuse E-2 flux would be detectable at a minimum strength of E^2*dN/dE = 1*10^-8 cm^-2s^-1sr^-1GeV. A gamma-ray burst model following the formulation of Waxman and Bahcall would result in a 5-sigma effect after the observation of 200 bursts in coincidence with satellite observations of the gamma-rays.Comment: 33 pages, 13 figures, 6 table

    Quantifying stratospheric biases and identifying their potential sources in subseasonal forecast systems

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    The stratosphere can be a source of predictability for surface weather on timescales of several weeks to months. However, the potential predictive skill gained from stratospheric variability can be limited by biases in the representation of stratospheric processes and the coupling of the stratosphere with surface climate in forecast systems. This study provides a first systematic identification of model biases in the stratosphere across a wide range of subseasonal forecast systems. It is found that many of the forecast systems considered exhibit warm global-mean temperature biases from the lower to middle stratosphere, too strong/cold wintertime polar vortices, and too cold extratropical upper-troposphere/lowerstratosphere regions. Furthermore, tropical stratospheric anomalies associated with the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation tend to decay toward each systemÂżs climatology with lead time. In the Northern Hemisphere (NH), most systems do not capture the seasonal cycle of extreme-vortex-event probabilities, with an underestimation of sudden stratospheric warming events and an overestimation of strong vortex events in January. In the Southern Hemisphere (SH), springtime interannual variability in the polar vortex is generally underestimated, but the timing of the final breakdown of the polar vortex often happens too early in many of the prediction systems. These stratospheric biases tend to be considerably worse in systems with lower model lid heights. In both hemispheres, most systems with low-top atmospheric models also consistently underestimate the upward wave driving that affects the strength of the stratospheric polar vortex. We expect that the biases identified here will help guide model development for subseasonal-to-seasonal forecast systems and further our understanding of the role of the stratosphere in predictive skill in the troposphere.This work uses S2S Project data. S2S is a joint initiative of the World Weather Research Programme (WWRP) and the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP). This work was initiated by the Stratospheric Network for the Assessment of Predictability (SNAP), a joint activity of SPARC (WCRP) and the S2S Project (WWRP–WCRP). The work of Rachel W.-Y. Wu is funded through ETH grant ETH-05 19-1. Support from the Swiss National Science Foundation through projects PP00P2_170523 and PP00P2_198896 to Daniela I. V. Domeisen is gratefully acknowledged. Chaim I. Garfinkel and Chen Schwartz are supported by the ISF–NSFC joint research program (grant no. 3259/19). The work of Marisol Osman was supported by UBACyT20020170100428BA and PICT-2018-03046 projects. The work of Alvaro de la CĂĄmara is funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through project PID2019-109107GB-I00. Blanca AyarzagĂŒena and Natalia Calvo acknowledge the support of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation through the JeDiS (RTI2018-096402-B-I00) project. Froila M. Palmeiro and Javier GarcĂ­a-Serrano have been partially supported by the Spanish ATLANTE project (PID2019-110234RB-C21) and RamĂłn y Cajal program (RYC-2016-21181), respectively. Neil P. Hindley and Corwin J. Wright are supported by UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), grant number NE/S00985X/1. Corwin J. Wright is also supported by a Royal Society University Research Fellowship UF160545. Seok-Woo Son and Hera Kim are supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (2017R1E1A1A01074889). This material is based upon work supported by the US Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Biological and Environmental Research (BER), Regional and Global Model Analysis (RGMA) component of the Earth and Environmental System Modeling program under award no. DE-SC0022070 and National Science Foundation (NSF) IA 1947282. This work was also supported by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), which is a major facility sponsored by the NSF under cooperative agreement no. 1852977. Pu Lin is supported by award NA18OAR4320123 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce. Zachary D. Lawrence was partially supported under NOAA award NA20NWS4680051; Zachary D. Lawrence and Judith Perlwitz also acknowledge support from US federally appropriated funds

    On the selection of AGN neutrino source candidates for a source stacking analysis with neutrino telescopes

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    The sensitivity of a search for sources of TeV neutrinos can be improved by grouping potential sources together into generic classes in a procedure that is known as source stacking. In this paper, we define catalogs of Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) and use them to perform a source stacking analysis. The grouping of AGN into classes is done in two steps: first, AGN classes are defined, then, sources to be stacked are selected assuming that a potential neutrino flux is linearly correlated with the photon luminosity in a certain energy band (radio, IR, optical, keV, GeV, TeV). Lacking any secure detailed knowledge on neutrino production in AGN, this correlation is motivated by hadronic AGN models, as briefly reviewed in this paper. The source stacking search for neutrinos from generic AGN classes is illustrated using the data collected by the AMANDA-II high energy neutrino detector during the year 2000. No significant excess for any of the suggested groups was found.Comment: 43 pages, 12 figures, accepted by Astroparticle Physic
