2,329 research outputs found

    Beauty production with the ALICE detector

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    Heavy flavour pairs produced in hadronic reactions provide a valuable laboratory for the study of strong interactions. Due to their relatively large mass, the production of heavy quarks should be reliably calculable in the perturbative approach. Charm and beauty quarks once produced in a heavy ion collision have to propagate through the surrounding quark-gluon matter. Heavy quark states are then a sensitive probe of the properties of the dense medium. ALICE is a general-purpose experiment equipped to reconstruct, among other signals, leptons from open charm and beauty via their leptonic decays in p-p, p-A and A-A collisions. In these proceedings, we present feasibility studies for ALICE measurements of beauty production in central Pb-Pb collisions at s_{NN}^1/2=5.5TeV using semileptonic decays.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Conference proceedings for "The XLth Rencontres de Moriond", Session devoted to QCD and High Energy Hadronic Interactions, La Thuile, Italy, March 12-19, 200

    The ALICE EMCal L1 trigger first year of operation experience

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    The ALICE experiment at the LHC is equipped with an electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal) designed to enhance its capabilities for jet, photon and electron measurement. In addition, the EMCal enables triggering on jets and photons with a centrality dependent energy threshold. After its commissioning in 2010, the EMCal Level 1 (L1) trigger was officially approved for physics data taking in 2011. After describing the L1 hardware and trigger algorithms, the commissioning and the first year of running experience, both in proton and heavy ion beams, are reviewed. Additionally, the upgrades to the original L1 trigger design are detailed.Comment: Proceedings of TWEPP-12, Oxford. 10 pages, 9 figure

    Level-1 jet trigger hardware for the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter at LHC

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    The ALICE experiment at the LHC is equipped with an electromagnetic calorimeter (EMCal) designed to enhance its capabilities for jet measurement. In addition, the EMCal enables triggering on high energy jets. Based on the previous development made for the Photon Spectrometer (PHOS) level-0 trigger, a specific electronic upgrade was designed in order to allow fast triggering on high energy jets (level-1). This development was made possible by using the latest generation of FPGAs which can deal with the instantaneous incoming data rate of 26 Gbit/s and process it in less than 4 {\mu}s.Comment: proceeding of TWEPP-10 at Aachen. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Physics of the Muon Spectrometer of the ALICE Experiment

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    The main goal of the Muon spectrometer of the ALICE experiment at LHC is the measurement of heavy quark production in p+p, p+A and A+A collisions at LHC energies, via the muonic channel. Physics motivations and expected performances have been presented in this talk.Comment: 10 pages and 4 figures. Talk presented in the ICPAQGP Conference, February 8-12, 2005, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, India. Web page of the conference : http://www.veccal.ernet.in/~icpaqgp

    Performance of prototypes for the ALICE electromagnetic calorimeter

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    The performance of prototypes for the ALICE electromagnetic sampling calorimeter has been studied in test beam measurements at FNAL and CERN. A 4×44\times4 array of final design modules showed an energy resolution of about 11% /E(GeV)\sqrt{E(\mathrm{GeV})} \oplus 1.7 % with a uniformity of the response to electrons of 1% and a good linearity in the energy range from 10 to 100 GeV. The electromagnetic shower position resolution was found to be described by 1.5 mm \oplus 5.3 mm /E(GeV)\sqrt{E \mathrm{(GeV)}}. For an electron identification efficiency of 90% a hadron rejection factor of >600>600 was obtained.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Charge separation relative to the reaction plane in Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}= 2.76 TeV

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    Measurements of charge dependent azimuthal correlations with the ALICE detector at the LHC are reported for Pb-Pb collisions at sNN=2.76\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}} = 2.76 TeV. Two- and three-particle charge-dependent azimuthal correlations in the pseudo-rapidity range η<0.8|\eta| < 0.8 are presented as a function of the collision centrality, particle separation in pseudo-rapidity, and transverse momentum. A clear signal compatible with a charge-dependent separation relative to the reaction plane is observed, which shows little or no collision energy dependence when compared to measurements at RHIC energies. This provides a new insight for understanding the nature of the charge dependent azimuthal correlations observed at RHIC and LHC energies.Comment: 12 pages, 3 captioned figures, authors from page 2 to 6, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/286

    A note on comonotonicity and positivity of the control components of decoupled quadratic FBSDE

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    In this small note we are concerned with the solution of Forward-Backward Stochastic Differential Equations (FBSDE) with drivers that grow quadratically in the control component (quadratic growth FBSDE or qgFBSDE). The main theorem is a comparison result that allows comparing componentwise the signs of the control processes of two different qgFBSDE. As a byproduct one obtains conditions that allow establishing the positivity of the control process.Comment: accepted for publicatio

    Multiplicity dependence of jet-like two-particle correlations in p-Pb collisions at sNN\sqrt{s_{NN}} = 5.02 TeV

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    Two-particle angular correlations between unidentified charged trigger and associated particles are measured by the ALICE detector in p-Pb collisions at a nucleon-nucleon centre-of-mass energy of 5.02 TeV. The transverse-momentum range 0.7 <pT,assoc<pT,trig< < p_{\rm{T}, assoc} < p_{\rm{T}, trig} < 5.0 GeV/cc is examined, to include correlations induced by jets originating from low momen\-tum-transfer scatterings (minijets). The correlations expressed as associated yield per trigger particle are obtained in the pseudorapidity range η<0.9|\eta|<0.9. The near-side long-range pseudorapidity correlations observed in high-multiplicity p-Pb collisions are subtracted from both near-side short-range and away-side correlations in order to remove the non-jet-like components. The yields in the jet-like peaks are found to be invariant with event multiplicity with the exception of events with low multiplicity. This invariance is consistent with the particles being produced via the incoherent fragmentation of multiple parton--parton scatterings, while the yield related to the previously observed ridge structures is not jet-related. The number of uncorrelated sources of particle production is found to increase linearly with multiplicity, suggesting no saturation of the number of multi-parton interactions even in the highest multiplicity p-Pb collisions. Further, the number scales in the intermediate multiplicity region with the number of binary nucleon-nucleon collisions estimated with a Glauber Monte-Carlo simulation.Comment: 23 pages, 6 captioned figures, 1 table, authors from page 17, published version, figures at http://aliceinfo.cern.ch/ArtSubmission/node/161