98 research outputs found

    Las torres vigía del Molinete y de Los Caballos en Mazarrón. Dos modelos de gestión turístico-cultural del patrimonio histórico

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    Las torres vigía del Molinete y de Los Caballos son dos de las tres torres defensivas costeras, construidas entre los siglos XV y XVI, que se encuentran en el municipio de Mazarrón (la otra torre es la de Santa Isabel o de Las Cumbres, en el puerto). La Torre del Molinete se ubica en el casco urbano de Mazarrón y corona el llamado Cerro del Molinete, que es el gran pulmón verde de la ciudad. Antes de la última intervención llevada a cabo, Cerro y Torre estaban semiabandonados. La Torre de Los Caballos se ubica en Bolnuevo, en plena línea de costa, y anexa a la Ermita de la Purísima Concepción. Esta torre se encontraba en un buen estado de conservación pues se utilizaba exporádicamente como apartamento, un uso impropio para un BIC con categoría de Monumento. La comunicación se centra en el análisis de las obras realizadas para la rehabilitación y puesta en valor, como recurso monumental y turístico-cultural, de las Torres del Molinete y de Los Caballos así como las mejoras realizadas en los espacios urbanos de ambas torres y el entorno paisajístico que conforma el Cerro del Molinete. En el caso de la Torre y el Cerro del Molinete, la mejora de las condiciones de conservación y accesibilidad a la Torre así como el acondicionamiento y ajardinamiento integral del Cerro como espacio urbano de esparcimiento y disfrute del entorno natural han conseguido integrar nuevamente estos dos referentes patrimoniales y paisajísticos en el casco urbano de Mazarrón. En el caso de la Torre de Los Caballos, la restauración ha permitido la consolidación estructural, mejora de las condiciones de accesibilidad, adecuación interior y, sobre todo, la creación de un espacio museístico, con paneles expositivos y material didáctico, dedicado a las “Torres vigía y la historia del Milagro”, potenciando esta torre como un importante recurso turístico y cultural de Mazarrón

    Educación para la salud: implementación del programa "Sportfruits" en escolares de Granada

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    Eating habits are in decline and weight problems are increasing in Primary Education. This study aims to establish the levels of body mass index, the degree of adherence to the Mediterranean diet and self-concept in a sample of schoolchildren, determining the possible physical-health and psychosocial differences after the implementation of the "SportFruits" intervention program. The design is descriptive, preexperimental with pretest and posttest, longitudinal cut, for a sample of 79 schoolchildren aged 6 to 8 years old (M=7.1 and D.T.=0.638). Instruments such as the bioimpedance scale, the KIDMED test and the Autoconcept Form 5 test (AF5) were used. The results did not show statistically significant associations, although they show the need to improve diet, reeducating eating habits and promoting physical activity for psychosocial improvements and reducing the problems of obesity and overweight, through intervention programs.Los hábitos alimentarios se encuentran en decadencia y los problemas de peso van en aumento en Educación Primaria. Este estudio persigue establecer los niveles de índices de masa corporal, el grado de adherencia a la dieta mediterránea y el autoconcepto en una muestra de escolares, determinando las posibles diferencias físico-saludables y psicosociales tras la realización del programa de intervención “SportFruits”. El diseño esdescriptivo, preexperimental con pretest y posttest, de corte longitudinal, para una muestra de 79 escolares con edades de 6 a 8 años (M=7,1 y D.T.=0.638). Se utilizaron instrumentos como la báscula de bioimpedancia, el test KIDMED y el test de Autoconcepto Forma 5 (AF5). Los resultados no mostraron asociaciones estadísticamente significativas, aunque si evidencian la necesidad de mejorar la dieta, reeducando los hábitos alimentarios y promover la actividad física para mejoras psicosociales y reducir los problemas de obesidad y sobrepeso, a través de programas de intervención.

    Evidence of increasing drought severity caused by temperature rise in southern Europe

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    We use high quality climate data from ground meteorological stations in the Iberian Peninsula (IP) and robust drought indices to confirm that drought severity has increased in the past five decades, as a consequence of greater atmospheric evaporative demand resulting from temperature rise. Increased drought severity is independent of the model used to quantify the reference evapotranspiration. We have also focused on drought impacts to droughtsensitive systems, such as river discharge, by analyzing streamflow data for 287 rivers in the IP, and found that hydrological drought frequency and severity have also increased in the past five decades in natural, regulated and highly regulated basins. Recent positive trend in the atmospheric water demand has had a direct influence on the temporal evolution of streamflows, clearly identified during the warm season, in which higher evapotranspiration rates are recorded. This pattern of increase in evaporative demand and greater drought severity is probably applicable to other semiarid regions of the world, including other Mediterranean areas, the Sahel, southern Australia and South Africa, and can be expected to increasingly compromise water supplies and cause political, social and economic tensions among regions in the near future.This work has been supported by research projects CGL201127574CO202, CGL201127536 and CGL2011–24185 financed by the Spanish Commission of Science and Technology and FEDER, ‘Demonstration and validation of innovative methodology for regional climate change adaptation in the Mediterranean area (LIFE MEDACC)’ financed by the LIFE programme of the European Commission, CTTP1/12, financed by the Comunidad de Trabajo de los Pirineos, and QSECA (PTDC/AAGGLO/ 4155/2012) funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). ASL was supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Catalan Government (2011 BPB 00078) and CAM was supported by a Juan de la Cierva fellowship by the Spanish Government

    Earliest evidence of pollution by heavy metals in archaeological sites

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    Homo species were exposed to a new biogeochemical environment when they began to occupy caves. Here we report the first evidence of palaeopollution through geochemical analyses of heavy metals in four renowned archaeological caves of the Iberian Peninsula spanning the last million years of human evolution. Heavy metal contents reached high values due to natural (guano deposition) and anthropogenic factors (e.g. combustion) in restricted cave environments. The earliest anthropogenic pollution evidence is related to Neanderthal hearths from Gorham's Cave (Gibraltar), being one of the first milestones in the so-called “Anthropocene”. According to its heavy metal concentration, these sediments meet the present-day standards of “contaminated soil”. Together with the former, the Gibraltar Vanguard Cave, shows Zn and Cu pollution ubiquitous across highly anthropic levels pointing to these elements as potential proxies for human activities. Pb concentrations in Magdalenian and Bronze age levels at El Pirulejo site can be similarly interpreted. Despite these high pollution levels, the contaminated soils might not have posed a major threat to Homo populations. Altogether, the data presented here indicate a long-term exposure of Homo to these elements, via fires, fumes and their ashes, which could have played certain role in environmental-pollution tolerance, a hitherto neglected influence.Francisco J. Jiménez Palacios and to the Analytical Chemistry Department (Sevilla University) are gratefully acknowledged for their help in the use of Carbolite electric oven. A.G.-A. was supported by a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship of the 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration (European Commission). R.B. is a Beatriu de Pinós-A post-doctoral fellowship recipient (Generalitat de Catalunya and COFUND Marie Curie Actions, EU-FP7). This work also was partially financed by projects 19434/PI/14 Fundación Séneca, HARP2013-44269P, CGL-BOS-2012-34717, CGL2012-38434-C03-03 and CGL2012-38358 Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, 2014 SGR 900 and 2014/100573 Generalitat de Catalunya-AGAUR, RNM 432 Research Group 179 (Junta de Andalucia) and MEXT-Japan

    Holocene geochemical footprint from Semiarid alpine wetlands in southern Spain

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    Here we provide the geochemical dataset that our research group has collected after 10 years of investigation in the Sierra Nevada National Park in southern Spain. These data come from Holocene sedimentary records from four alpine sites (ranging from ∼2500 to ∼3000 masl): two peatlands and two shallow lakes. Different kinds of organic and inorganic analyses have been conducted. The organic matter in the bulk sediment was characterised using elemental measurements and isotope-ratio mass spectrometry (EA-IRMS). Leaf waxes in the sediment were investigated by means of chromatography with flame-ionization detection and mass spectrometry (GC-FID, GC-MS). Major, minor and trace elements of the sediments were analysed with atomic absorption (AAS), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), as well as X-ray scanning fluorescence. These data can be reused by environmental researchers and soil and land managers of the Sierra Nevada National Park and similar regions to identify the effect of natural climate change, overprinted by human impact, as well as to project new management policies in similar protected areas.Universidad de Granada. Departamento de Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaJunta de Andalucía: Grupos de investigación RNM190 y RNM309Junta de Andalucía: Proyecto P11-RNM-7332España, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad: Proyecto CGL2013-47038-RRamón y Cajal Fellowship: RYC-2015-18966Small Research Grant by the Carnegie Trust for the Universities of ScotlandMarie Curie Intra-European Fellowship of the 7th Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration of the European Commission: NAOSIPUK. Grant Number: PIEF-GA-2012-62302

    Climate change and Saharan dust drive recent cladoceran and primary production changes in remote alpine lakes of Sierra Nevada, Spain

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    Recent anthropogenic climate change and the exponential increase over the past few decades of Saharan dust deposition, containing ecologically important inputs of phosphorus (P) and calcium (Ca), are potentially affecting remote aquatic ecosystems. In this study, we examine changes in cladoceran assemblage composition and chlorophyll-a concentrations over the past ~150 years from high-resolution, welldated sediment cores retrieved from six remote high mountain lakes in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of Southern Spain, a region affected by Saharan dust deposition. In each lake, marked shifts in cladoceran assemblages and chlorophyll-a concentrations in recent decades indicate a regional-scale response to climate and Saharan dust deposition. Chlorophyll-a concentrations have increased since the 1970s, consistent with a response to rising air temperatures and the intensification of atmospheric deposition of Saharan P. Similar shifts in cladoceran taxa across lakes began over a century ago, but have intensified over the past ~50 years, concurrent with trends in regional air temperature, precipitation, and increased Saharan dust deposition. An abrupt increase in the relative abundance of the benthic cladoceran Alona quadrangularis at the expense of Chydorus sphaericus, and a significant increase in Daphnia pulex gr. was a common trend in these softwater lakes. Differences in the magnitude and timing of these changes are likely due to catchment and lake-specific differences. In contrast with other alpine lakes that are often affected by acid deposition, atmospheric Ca deposition appears to be a significant explanatory factor, among others, for the changes in the lake biota of Sierra Nevada that has not been previously considered. The effects observed in Sierra Nevada are likely occurring in other Mediterranean lake districts, especially in softwater, oligotrophic lakes. The predicted increases in global temperature and Saharan dust deposition in the future will further impact the ecological condition of these ecosystemsMinisterio de Educación y Ciencia (MEC), Grant/Award Number: AP2007-00352; Programa Nacional de Movilidad de Recursos Humanos de Investigaci on (MICINN); Ministerio de Medio Ambiente (MMA), Grant/Award Number: 87/2007; Ministerio de Econom ıa, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), Grant/Award Number: CGL2011-23483; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canad

    Psychometric Properties and factor structure of the spanish version of the HC-PAIRS questionnaire

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    Objective To develop a Spanish version of the Health Care Providers" Pain and Impairment Relationship Scale (HC-PAIRS) and to test its psychometric properties. Methods A forward and backward translation methodology was used to translate the questionnaire, which was then applied to 206 participants (174physiotherapy students and 32 family physicians). The intraclass correlation coefficient was calculated to assess testretest reliability. Internal consistency was evaluated using Cronbach"s alpha and item analysis. Construct validity was measured using Pearson correlation coefficients between HC-PAIRS and FABQ, FABQ-Phys, FABQ-Work and the responses given by participants to three clinical case scenarios. An exploratory factor analysis was carried out following the Kaiser normalization criteria and principal axis factoring with an oblique rotation (quartimax). Sensitivity to change was assessed after a teaching module. Results Testretest reliability was ICC 0.50 (p\0.01)and Cronbach"s alpha was 0.825. The HC-PAIRS scores correlated significantly with the scores of the FABQ and also with the recommendations for work and activity given by the participants in the three clinical case scenarios. Sensitivity to change test showed an effect size of 1.5, which is considered a large change. Factor analysis suggests that the Spanish version of HC-PAIRS measures a unidimensional construct. Conclusion The Spanish version of the HC-PAIRS has proven to be a reliable, valid and sensitive instrument to assess health care providers" attitudes and beliefs about LBP. It can be used in evaluating clinical practice and in undergraduate acquisition of skills and knowledge

    A reference time scale for Site U1385 (Shackleton Site) on the SW Iberian Margin

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    We produced a composite depth scale and chronology for Site U1385 on the SW Iberian Margin. Using log(Ca/Ti) measured by core scanning XRF at 1-cm resolution in all holes, a composite section was constructed to 166.5 meters composite depth (mcd) that corrects for stretching and squeezing in each core. Oxygen isotopes of benthic foraminifera were correlated to a stacked δ^18O reference signal (LR04) to produce an oxygen isotope stratigraphy and age model. Variations in sediment color contain very strong precession signals at Site U1385, and the amplitude modulation of these cycles provides a powerful tool for developing an orbitally-tuned age model. We tuned the U1385 record by correlating peaks in L* to the local summer insolation maxima at 37^oN. The benthic δ^18O record of Site U1385, when placed on the tuned age model, generally agrees with other time scales within their respective chronologic uncertainties. The age model is transferred to down-core data to produce a continuous time series of log(Ca/Ti) that reflect relative changes of biogenic carbonate and detrital sediment. Biogenic carbonate increases during interglacial and interstadial climate states and decreases during glacial and stadial periods. Much of the variance in the log(Ca/Ti) is explained by a linear combination of orbital frequencies (precession, tilt and eccentricity), whereas the residual signal reflects suborbital climate variability. The strong correlation between suborbital log(Ca/Ti) variability and Greenland temperature over the last glacial cycle at Site U1385 suggests that this signal can be used as a proxy for millennial-scale climate variability over the past 1.5 Ma. Millennial climate variability, as expressed by log(Ca/Ti) at Site U1385, was a persistent feature of glacial climates over the past 1.5 Ma, including glacial periods of the early Pleistocene (‘41-kyr world’) when boundary conditions differed significantly from those of the late Pleistocene (‘100-kyr world’). Suborbital variability was suppressed during interglacial stages and enhanced during glacial periods, especially when benthic δ^18O surpassed ~ 3.3-3.5‰. Each glacial inception was marked by appearance of strong millennial variability and each deglaciation was preceded by a terminal stadial event. Suborbital variability may be a symptomatic feature of glacial climate or, alternatively, may play a more active role in the inception and/or termination of glacial cycles.This research was supported by the Natural Environmental Research Council Grant NE/K005804/1 to DH and LS and NE/J017922/1 to DH.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Elsevier via http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.07.00

    Conceptions of learning factors in postgraduate health sciences master students: a comparative study with nonhealth science students and between genders

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    Background: The students’ conceptions of learning in postgraduate health science master studies are poorly understood. The aim of this study was to compare the factors influencing conceptions of learning in health sciences and non-health sciences students enrolled in postgraduate master programs in order to obtain information that may be useful for students and for future postgraduate programs. Methods: A modified version of the Learning Inventory Conception Questionnaire (COLI) was used to compare students’ conception learning factors in 131 students at the beginning of their postgraduate studies in health sciences, experimental sciences, arts and humanities and social sciences. Results: The present study demonstrates that a set of factors may influence conception of learning of health sciences postgraduate students, with learning as gaining information, remembering, using, and understanding information, awareness of duty and social commitment being the most relevant. For these students, learning as a personal change, a process not bound by time or place or even as acquisition of professional competences, are less relevant. According to our results, this profile is not affected by gender differences. Conclusions: Our results show that the overall conceptions of learning differ among students of health sciences and non-health sciences (experimental sciences, arts and humanities and social sciences) master postgraduate programs. These finding are potentially useful to foster the learning process of HS students, because if they are metacognitively aware of their own conception or learning, they will be much better equipped to self-regulate their learning behavior in a postgraduate master program in health sciences.Supported by CTS-115 (Tissue Engineering Group of the University of Granada). The funding body did not took part in the design of the study and collection, analysis and interpretation of data and in writing the manuscript