516 research outputs found

    Microscopic and transcriptome analyses of early colonization of tomato roots by Trichoderma harzianum

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    The capacity of the fungus Trichoderma harzianum CECT 2413 to colonize roots and stimulate plant growth was analyzed. Tobacco seedlings (Nicotiana benthamiana) transferred to Petri dishes inoculated with T. harzianum conidia showed increased plant fresh weight (140%) and foliar area (300%), as well as the proliferation of secondary roots (300%) and true leaves (140%). The interaction between strain CECT 2413 and the tomato-root system was also studied during the early stages of root colonization by the fungus. When T. harzianum conidia were inoculated into the liquid medium of hydroponically grown tomato plants (Lycopersicum esculentum), profuse adhesion of hyphae to the plant roots as well as colonization of the root epidermis and cortex were observed. Confocal microscopy of a T. harzianum transformant that expressed the green fluorescent protein (GFP) revealed intercellular hyphal growth and the formation of plant-induced papilla-like hyphal tips. Analysis of the T. harzianum-tomato interaction in soil indicated that the contact between T. harzianum and the roots persisted over a long period of time. This interaction was characterized by the presence of yeast-like cells, a novel and previously undescribed developmental change. To study the molecular mechanism underlying fungal ability to colonize the tomato-root system, the T. harzianum transcriptome was analyzed during the early stages of the plant-fungus interaction. The expression of fungal genes related to redox reactions, lipid metabolism, detoxification, and sugar or amino-acid transport increased when T. harzianum colonized tomato roots. These observations are similar to those regarding the interactions of mycorrhiza and pathogenic fungi with plants. [Int Microbiol 2007; 10(1):19-27

    Prolapso de la glándula lacrimal del tercer párpado

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    El prolapso de la glándula lacrimal del tercer párpado es relativamente frecuente en oftalmología canina. La exéresis glandular es una técnica sencilla, aunque puede presentar complicaciones a largo plazo. La adenopexia debería ser la primera elección quirúrgica, su resultado depende de una adecuada exposición de la esclerótica, del tamaño de la glándula y de la calidad del material de sutura empleado.Protrusion of the membrane nictitans gland is a common occurrence in veterinary ophthalmology. Although excision of the gland is an easy technique, it can develop serious further complications. Adenopexia should be the first surgical election, iss success depends on the clear sclera exposure, the gland size and the quality of the suture material employed

    Peculiarities in the electrical and magnetic properties of cobalt perovskites Ln1−xMxCoO3 (Ln3+: La3+, M2+: Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+; Ln3+: Nd3+, M2+: Sr2+)

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    This is the accepted manuscript of the following article: Señarís-Rodríguez, M. et al. (1999). Peculiarities in the electrical and magnetic properties of cobalt perovskites Ln1−xMxCoO3 (Ln3+: La3+, M2+: Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+; Ln3+: Nd3+, M2+: Sr2+). International Journal Of Inorganic Materials, 1(3-4), 281-287. doi: 10.1016/s1466-6049(99)00042-2We refer here to the electrical and magnetic properties of the Ln1−xMxCoO3 systems (Ln3+: La3+, M2+: Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+; Ln3+: Nd3+, M2+: Sr2+), paying special attention to those ferromagnetic compounds that display M–I transitions as temperature rises: La1−xMxCoO3 (M2+: Ca2+, Sr2+, Ba2+) in the compositional interval x=0.2–0.3, and Nd1−xSrxCoO3, with x=0.40. The magneto-transport properties of such materials are peculiar and interesting: they show diodic behavior and large relaxation effects — these latter being specially important in the Nd compound — they display magnetoresistive effects specially at the M–I transition temperatures, and they age with time. All these results are discussed on the basis of the inhomogeneous electronic structure of these doped cobalt perovskites and taking into account the influence of the lanthanide ion on their magnetic and electrical propertiesWe thank the Spanish DGICYT for financial support under project MAT98-0416-C03-02S

    Is there evidence of changes in tropical Atlantic variability modes under AMO phases in the observational record?

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    The Atlantic multidecadal oscillation (AMO) is the leading mode of Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) variability at multidecadal time scales. Previous studies have shown that the AMO could modulate El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) variance. However, the role played by the AMO in the tropical Atlantic variability (TAV) is still uncertain. Here, it is demonstrated that during negative AMO phases, associated with a shallower thermocline, the eastern equatorial Atlantic SST variability is enhanced by more than 150% in boreal summer. Consequently, the interannual TAV modes are modified. During negative AMO, the Atlantic Niño displays larger amplitude and a westward extension and it is preceded by a simultaneous weakening of both subtropical highs in winter and spring. In contrast, a meridional seesaw SLP pattern evolving into a zonal gradient leads the Atlantic Niño during positive AMO. The north tropical Atlantic (NTA) mode is related to a Scandinavian blocking pattern during winter and spring in negative AMO, while under positive AMO it is part of the SST tripole associated with the North Atlantic Oscillation. Interestingly, the emergence of an overlooked variability mode, here called the horseshoe (HS) pattern on account of its shape, is favored during negative AMO. This anomalous warm (cool) HS surrounding an eastern equatorial cooling (warming) is remotely forced by an ENSO phenomenon. During negative AMO, the tropical–extratropical teleconnections are enhanced and the Walker circulation is altered. This, together with the increased equatorial SST variability, could promote the ENSO impacts on TAV. The results herein give a step forward in the better understanding of TAV, which is essential to improving its modeling, impacts, and predictability

    Gene expression analysis of aberrant signaling pathways in meningiomas

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    Examining aberrant pathway alterations is one method for understanding the abnormal signals that are involved in tumorigenesis and tumor progression. In the present study, expression arrays were performed on tumor-related genes in meningiomas. The GE Array Q Series HS-006 was used to determine the expression levels of 96 genes that corresponded to six primary biological regulatory pathways in a series of 42 meningiomas, including 32 grade I, four recurrent grade I and six grade II tumors, in addition to three normal tissue controls. Results showed that 25 genes that were primarily associated with apoptosis and angiogenesis functions were downregulated and 13 genes frequently involving DNA damage repair functions were upregulated. In addition to the inactivation of the neurofibromin gene, NF2, which is considered to be an early step in tumorigenesis, variations of other biological regulatory pathways may play a significant role in the development of meningiomaThis study was partially supported by Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain, Grants PI‑08/1849 and PI‑10/1972; and by grant PI‑10‑045 from the Fundación Sociosanitaria de Castilla‑La Mancha, Spai

    Revisión de las especies de Eupelmus (Macroneura) Walker, 1837 del ámbito iberobalear y Macaronesia (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Eupelmidae)

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    A revised checklist of eight of the twelve known palaearctic species in the subgenus Macroneura of Eupelmus occurring in the Iberian Peninsula, Balearic and Macaronesian islands (Azores, Balearics, Canaries, Madeira) is presented. Records of the distribution in the region of all the revised species are given with new biological notes, including host insects and plants. Eupelmus (Macroneura) seculatus is a new record for the Canary Islands and Eupelmus (Macroneura) vesicularis is recorded for the first time in Portugal. Additionally, a study of Malaise trap captures of species of Macroneura in an arid habitat in south-east Spain is presented and discussed. 358 individuals belonging to six species were collected and identified. Eupelmus (Macroneura) muellneri comprised 43.5% of the Macroneura and was the most abundant species followed by E. (M.) barai (25.4%).Se presenta la revision y una lista anotada de ocho de las doce especies paleárticas de Eupelmus (Macroneura) que se conocen de la Península Ibérica, Islas Baleares y Macaronesia (Canarias, Madeira y Azores). Se aportan para cada especie las citas en cada ámbito geográfico, incluyendo nuevos datos biológicos, como los de sus insectos y plantas hospedadoras. Eupelmus (Macroneura) seculatus es nueva cita para las Islas Canarias y Eupelmus (Macroneura) vesicularis se cita por primera vez de Portugal. Como complemento a esta revisión, se presentan los resultados de las capturas de especies de Macroneura efectuadas con una trampa Malaise que se mantuvo operativa en primavera y verano de 2013 en una zona árida del sureste español (Mojácar, Almería). Se capturaron 358 ejemplares de seis especies, siendo Eupelmus (Macroneura) muellneri (43,5% del total) la especie más abundante en las muestras, seguida de E. (M.) barai (25,4%)

    Association of physical activity with muscular strength and fat free mass in adolescents; The HELENA Study

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    Objective: To analyze the association of objectively assessed physical activity (PA) with muscular strength and fat free mass in adolescents, and to determine whether meeting the current PA recommendations is associated with higher levels of muscular strength and fat free mass. Subjects/Methods: The present cross-sectional study comprised 363 Spanish adolescents (180 females) aged 12.5-17.5 years. PA was assessed by accelerometry and expressed as average PA (counts/min), and min/day of inactive, light, moderate, vigorous and moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA). MVPA was dichotomized into <60 min/day and ≥60. Upper body muscular strength was measured with the handgrip strength test, and lower body muscular strength was measured with the standing broad jump, squat jump, counter movement jump and Abalakov tests. Fat free mass was measured by DXA. Results: We observed positive associations between vigorous PA and all the lower body muscular strength tests except for the counter movement jump in males. PA was not associated with fat free mass in both males and females. Male adolescents engaged in at least 60 min/day MVPA performed better in the standing broad jump test. Conclusions: The findings of the present study suggest that only vigorous PA is associated with muscular strength, particularly lower-body muscular strength in male adolescents

    GameTeen: new tools for evaluating and training emotional regulation strategies

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    The aim of this paper is to describe GameTeen, a novel instrument for the assessment and training of Emotional Regulation (ER) strategies in adolescent population. These new tools are based on the use of 3D serious games that can be played under different settings. The evolution of ER strategies will be monitored in two ways depending on the setting where the tool is presented. Firstly, in the laboratory, physiological signals and facial expressions of participants will be recorded. Secondly, in real life settings, ecological momentary assessment tools will be used to obtain answers from the subjects using their mobile phone. The goal is to obtain more attractive and reliable tools to evaluate and train ER strategies.This study was funded by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia Spain, Project Game Teen (TIN2010-20187) and partially by projects Consolider-C (SEJ2006-14301/PSIC), “CIBER of Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition, an initiative of ISCIII” and Excellence Research Program PROMETEO (Generalitat Valenciana. Consellería de Educación, 2008-157). The work of A. Rodríguez was supported by the Spanish MEC under an FPI Grant BES-2011-043316.Rodríguez Ortega, A.; Rey, B.; Alcañiz Raya, ML.; Baños, R.; Guixeres Provinciale, J.; Wrzesien, M.; Gómez Martínez, M.... (2012). GameTeen: new tools for evaluating and training emotional regulation strategies. En Annual Review of Cybertherapy and Telemedicine 2012. IOS Press. 334-338. https://doi.org/10.3233/978-1-61499-121-2-334S33433

    A comprehensive database of quality-rated fossil ages for Sahul’s Quaternary vertebrates

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    Published: 19 July 2016The study of palaeo-chronologies using fossil data provides evidence for past ecological and evolutionary processes, and is therefore useful for predicting patterns and impacts of future environmental change. However, the robustness of inferences made from fossil ages relies heavily on both the quantity and quality of available data. We compiled Quaternary non-human vertebrate fossil ages from Sahul published up to 2013. This, the FosSahul database, includes 9,302 fossil records from 363 deposits, for a total of 478 species within 215 genera, of which 27 are from extinct and extant megafaunal species (2,559 records). We also provide a rating of reliability of individual absolute age based on the dating protocols and association between the dated materials and the fossil remains. Our proposed rating system identified 2,422 records with high-quality ages (i.e., a reduction of 74%). There are many applications of the database, including disentangling the confounding influences of hypothetical extinction drivers, better spatial distribution estimates of species relative to palaeo-climates, and potentially identifying new areas for fossil discovery.Marta Rodríguez-Rey, y, Salvador Herrando-Pérez, Barry W. Brook, Frédérik Saltré, John Alroy, Nicholas Beeton, Michael I. Bird, Alan Cooper, Richard Gillespie, Zenobia Jacobs, Christopher N. Johnson, Gifford H. Miller, Gavin J. Prideaux, Richard G. Roberts, Chris S.M. Turney and Corey J.A. Bradsha