100 research outputs found

    Effects of suppression of bone turnover on cortical and trabecular load sharing in the canine vertebral body

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    The relative biomechanical effects of antiresorptive treatment on cortical thickness vs. trabecular bone microarchitecture in the spine are not well understood. To address this, T-10 vertebral bodies were analyzed from skeletally mature female beagle dogs that had been treated with oral saline (n=8 control) or a high dose of oral risedronate (0.5 mg/kg/day, n=9 RIS-suppressed) for 1 year. Two linearly elastic finite element models (36-μm voxel size) were generated for each vertebral body—a whole-vertebra model and a trabecular-compartment model—and subjected to uniform compressive loading. Tissue-level material properties were kept constant to isolate the effects of changes in microstructure alone. Suppression of bone turnover resulted in increased stiffness of the whole vertebra (20.9%, p=0.02) and the trabecular compartment (26.0%, p=0.01), while the computed stiffness of the cortical shell (difference between whole-vertebra and trabecular-compartment stiffnesses, 11.7%, p=0.15) was statistically unaltered. Regression analyses indicated subtle but significant changes in the relative structural roles of the cortical shell and the trabecular compartment. Despite higher average cortical shell thickness in RIS-suppressed vertebrae (23.1%, p=0.002), the maximum load taken by the shell for a given value of shell mass fraction was lower (p=0.005) for the RIS-suppressed group. Taken together, our results suggest that—in this canine model—the overall changes in the compressive stiffness of the vertebral body due to suppression of bone turnover were attributable more to the changes in the trabecular compartment than in the cortical shell. Such biomechanical studies provide an unique insight into higher-scale effects such as the biomechanical responses of the whole vertebra

    Structure model index does not measure rods and plates in trabecular bone

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    Structure model index (SMI) is widely used to measure rods and plates in trabecular bone. It exploits the change in surface curvature that occurs as a structure varies from spherical (SMI = 4), to cylindrical (SMI = 3) to planar (SMI = 0). The most important assumption underlying SMI is that the entire bone surface is convex and that the curvature differential is positive at all points on the surface. The intricate connections within the trabecular continuum suggest that a high proportion of the surface could be concave, violating the assumption of convexity and producing regions of negative differential. We implemented SMI in the BoneJ plugin and included the ability to measure the amounts of surface that increased or decreased in area after surface mesh dilation, and the ability to visualize concave and convex regions. We measured SMI and its positive (SMI+) and negative (SMI-) components, bone volume fraction (BV/TV), the fraction of the surface that is concave (CF), and mean ellipsoid factor (EF) in trabecular bone using 38 X-ray microtomography (XMT) images from a rat ovariectomy model of sex steroid rescue of bone loss, and 169 XMT images from a broad selection of 87 species' femora (mammals, birds, and a crocodile). We simulated bone resorption by eroding an image of elephant trabeculae and recording SMI and BV/TV at each erosion step. Up to 70%, and rarely less than 20%, of the trabecular surface is concave (CF 0.155 – 0.700). SMI is unavoidably influenced by aberrations from SMI-, which is strongly correlated with BV/TV and CF. The plate-to-rod transition in bone loss is an erroneous observation resulting from SMI's close and artefactual relationship with BV/TV. SMI cannot discern between the distinctive trabecular geometries typical of mammalian and avian bone, whereas EF clearly detects birds' more plate-like trabeculae. EF is free from confounding relationships with BV/TV and CF. SMI results reported in the literature should be treated with suspicion. We propose that EF should be used instead of SMI for measurements of rods and plates in trabecular bone

    ADVANTG An Automated Variance Reduction Parameter Generator

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    The report is the descriptive journey of the ADVANTG An Automated Variance Reduction Parameter Generator

    Computationally-Optimized Bone Mechanical Modeling from High-Resolution Structural Images

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    Image-based mechanical modeling of the complex micro-structure of human bone has shown promise as a non-invasive method for characterizing bone strength and fracture risk in vivo. In particular, elastic moduli obtained from image-derived micro-finite element (μFE) simulations have been shown to correlate well with results obtained by mechanical testing of cadaveric bone. However, most existing large-scale finite-element simulation programs require significant computing resources, which hamper their use in common laboratory and clinical environments. In this work, we theoretically derive and computationally evaluate the resources needed to perform such simulations (in terms of computer memory and computation time), which are dependent on the number of finite elements in the image-derived bone model. A detailed description of our approach is provided, which is specifically optimized for μFE modeling of the complex three-dimensional architecture of trabecular bone. Our implementation includes domain decomposition for parallel computing, a novel stopping criterion, and a system for speeding up convergence by pre-iterating on coarser grids. The performance of the system is demonstrated on a dual quad-core Xeon 3.16 GHz CPUs equipped with 40 GB of RAM. Models of distal tibia derived from 3D in-vivo MR images in a patient comprising 200,000 elements required less than 30 seconds to converge (and 40 MB RAM). To illustrate the system's potential for large-scale μFE simulations, axial stiffness was estimated from high-resolution micro-CT images of a voxel array of 90 million elements comprising the human proximal femur in seven hours CPU time. In conclusion, the system described should enable image-based finite-element bone simulations in practical computation times on high-end desktop computers with applications to laboratory studies and clinical imaging

    Seasonality effects on plant phenology and seed ecology in Oritrophium peruvianum (Asteraceae), a threatened tropical alpine species

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    Abstract Oritrophium peruvianum (Lam.) Cuatr. (Asteraceae) is a threatened perennial herb, endemic to the tropical alpine zone of the Andean paramos and used for medicinal purposes. In this study, its population structure, phenological patterns and seed viability and germination were analysed. In all of the three investigated populations, the proportion of flowering plants was smaller than that of non-flowering. Size structure differed among populations, with two following a normal and one a left-skewed distribution, with a higher percentage of young plants. Flowering was spread throughout the rainy season, with fruiting intensity highest at the end of the rainy season and at the beginning of the dry season. Seedling emergence was limited and appeared to be independent of the season, indicating opportunities for continuous seedling emergence and mortality throughout the year. Seed viability was higher in seeds collected at the end of the dry season compared with those harvested at the end of the rainy season. Laboratory studies suggest that under natural conditions, germination timing is likely to be independent from the season

    Enhancer Remodeling during Adaptive Bypass to MEK Inhibition Is Attenuated by Pharmacologic Targeting of the P-TEFb Complex

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    Targeting the dysregulated BRaf-MEK-ERK pathway in cancer has increasingly emerged in clinical trial design. Despite clinical responses in specific cancers using inhibitors targeting BRaf and MEK, resistance develops often involving non-genomic adaptive bypass mechanisms. Inhibition of MEK1/2 by trametinib in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients induced dramatic transcriptional responses, including upregulation of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) comparing tumor samples before and after one week of treatment. In preclinical models MEK inhibition induced genome-wide enhancer formation involving the seeding of BRD4, MED1, H3K27 acetylation and p300 that drives transcriptional adaptation. Inhibition of P-TEFb associated proteins BRD4 and CBP/p300 arrested enhancer seeding and RTK upregulation. BRD4 bromodomain inhibitors overcame trametinib resistance, producing sustained growth inhibition in cells, xenografts and syngeneic mouse TNBC models. Pharmacological targeting of P-TEFb members in conjunction with MEK inhibition by trametinib is an effective strategy to durably inhibit epigenomic remodeling required for adaptive resistance

    Thermal Behavior of Benzoic Acid/Isonicotinamide Binary Cocrystals

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    YesA comprehensive study of the thermal behavior of the 1:1 and 2:1 benzoic acid/isonicotinamide cocrystals is reported. The 1:1 material shows a simple unit cell expansion followed by melting upon heating. The 2:1 crystal exhibits more complex behavior. Its unit cell first expands upon heating, as a result of C–H···π interactions being lengthened. It then is converted into the 1:1 crystal, as demonstrated by significant changes in its X-ray diffraction pattern. The loss of 1 equiv of benzoic acid is confirmed by thermogravimetric analysis–mass spectrometry. Hot stage microscopy confirms that, as intuitively expected, the transformation begins at the crystal surface. The temperature at which conversion occurs is highly dependent on the sample mass and geometry, being reduced when the sample is under a gas flow or has a greater exposed surface area but increased when the heating rate is elevated

    STARDUST Curation and Science at JSC

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    Dust particles released from comet 81P/Wild-2 were captured in silica aerogel on-board the STARDUST spacecraft and returned to Earth on January 15, 2006. STARDUST recovered thousands of particles ranging in size from 1 to 100 micrometers. During the six month Preliminary Examination period an international consortium of 180 scientists investigated their mineralogy/petrology, organic/inorganic chemistry, optical properties and isotopic compositions. Stardust samples are now available for research by the entire research community

    Indirect interaction between two native thistles mediated by an invasive exotic floral herbivore

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    Spatial and temporal variation in insect floral herbivory is common and often important. Yet, the determinants of such variation remain incompletely understood. Using 12 years of flowering data and 4 years of biweekly insect counts, we evaluated four hypotheses to explain variation in damage by the Eurasian flower head weevil, Rhinocyllus conicus, to the native North American wavyleaf thistle, Cirsium undulatum. The four factors hypothesized to influence weevil impact were variations in climate, weevil abundance, phenological synchrony, and number of flower heads available, either on wavyleaf thistle or on the other co-occurring, acquired native host plant (Platte thistle, Cirsium canescens), or on both. Climate did not contribute significantly to an explanation of variation in R. conicus damage to wavyleaf thistle. However, climate did influence weevil synchrony with wavyleaf flower head initiation, and phenological synchrony was important in determining R. conicus oviposition levels on wavyleaf thistle. The earlier R. conicus was active, the less it oviposited on wavyleaf thistle, even when weevils were abundant. Neither weevil abundance nor availability of wavyleaf flower heads predicted R. conicus egg load. Instead, the strongest predictor of R. conicus egg load on wavyleaf thistle was the availability of flower heads on Platte thistle, the more common, earlier flowering native thistle in the sand prairie. Egg load on wavyleaf thistle decreased as the number of Platte thistle flower heads at a site increased. Thus, wavyleaf thistle experienced associational defense in the presence of flowering by its now declining native congener, Platte thistle. These results demonstrate that prediction of damage to a native plant by an exotic insect may require knowledge of both likely phenological synchrony and total resource availability to the herbivore, including resources provided by other nontarget native species

    Stardust Curation at Johnson Space Center: Photo Documentation and Sample Processing of Submicron Dust Samples from Comet Wild 2 for Meteoritics Science Community

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    Dust particles released from comet 81P/Wild-2 were captured in silica aerogel on-board the STARDUST spacecraft and successfully returned to the Earth on January 15, 2006. STARDUST recovered thousands of particles ranging in size from 1 to 100 micrometers. The analysis of these samples is complicated by the small total mass collected ( < 1mg), its entrainment in the aerogel collection medium, and the fact that the cometary dust is comprised of submicrometer minerals and carbonaceous material. During the six month Preliminary Examination period, 75 tracks were extracted from the aerogel cells , but only 25 cometary residues were comprehensively studied by an international consortium of 180 scientists who investigated their mineralogy/petrology, organic/inorganic chemistry, optical properties and isotopic compositions. These detailed studies were made possible by sophisticated sample preparation methods developed for the STARDUST mission and by recent major advances in the sensitivity and spatial resolution of analytical instruments
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