194 research outputs found

    See No Evil, Fear No Evil: Adolescents’ Extremism-related Media Literacies of Islamist Propaganda on Instagram

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    Islamist extremists are a group that pose a particular threat not only due to their proneness to violence but also because they recruit transnationally, utilizing freely accessible social media platforms such as Instagram. One of their key target groups is adolescents, a group that is particularly vulnerable and in need for orientation due to a variety of life-stage-specific challenges. As a result, adolescents are particularly susceptible to external influences on platforms such as Instagram. Recognizing this, Islamist extremists focus their strategic communication on adolescents, using a variety of strategies for both their messaging and the format of their content on Instagram to make it appealing to this group. To protect adolescents, the importance of extremism-related (media) knowledge is emphasized. However, the transfer of knowledge to action is not without preconditions. This paper is based on semi-structured interviews with 12 adolescents in Germany and examines how they apply their knowledge on Islamist extremism when using Instagram and whether, and why, a break between knowledge and action occurs. The study reveals several individual, situational, and message factors that interfere with the process and deter adolescents from applying their knowledge and protecting themselves

    Stressed, but connected: Adolescents, their perceptions of and coping with peer pressure on Instagram

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    Unter den Social Network Sites (SNS) hat sich Instagram zu einer der wichtigsten Plattformen für Jugendliche (10-19 Jahre) entwickelt, insbesondere in Deutschland. Sie nutzen die Plattform zum Austausch von Erfahrungen und Inhalten und vor allem zur Interaktion mit Gleichaltrigen. Normen, die von der Peer-Group definiert werden, können ihr Verhalten sowohl online als auch offline beeinflussen. Dieser Einfluss auf die Anpassung der eigenen Bedürfnisse an die Erwartungen im Umfeld wird als Druck wahrgenommen. Wie Jugendliche diesen Druck von ihrer Peer-Gruppe im Detail auf Instagram wahrnehmen und wie sie damit umgehen, stand bisher selten im Mittelpunkt qualitativer Forschung. Welche Muster und möglichen Bewältigungsstrategien zeigen sich im Verhalten der Jugendlichen? Sind diese Strategien eher problemlösungs- oder vermeidungsorientiert? Der Aufsatz setzt sich mit diesen Fragen auseinander und untersucht anhand von Leitfadeninterviews mit 30 Jugendlichen, welche Strategien sie entwickeln, um mit dem wahrgenommenen Druck umzugehen. Die Befunde zeigen, dass die Peer-Group positive und negative Effekte bei der Instagram-Nutzung auf Heranwachsende haben kann. Sie stellt für sie eine wichtige Bezugsgrösse dar; ein Effekt, der durch die Natur der Plattform noch verstärkt wird, die zwischenmenschliche Verbindungen mit Gleichaltrigen ermöglicht. Gleichzeitig verspüren Heranwachsende den Druck, mit der Gruppe kommunizieren und deren ästhetischen Idealen auf Instagram folgen zu müssen, um nicht aus der Gruppe ausgeschlossen oder anderweitig sanktioniert zu werden. Um mit diesem wahrgenommenen Gruppendruck umzugehen, entwickeln die Heranwachsenden verschiedene aktive und vermeidende Bewältigungsstrategien, u.a. indem sie sich selbst ein mediales Umfeld entsprechend ihrer Bedürfnisse gestalten, sich gegenseitig unterstützen und im eigenen Handeln bestärken. Diese Bewältigungsstrategien kann die Peer-Group wiederum positiv oder negative beeinflussen. Die Peer-Group kann zum Beispiel dabei helfen, mit Gruppendruck umzugehen und Erfahrungen teilen zu können. Negativ bestimmt sie die Bewältigung des Gruppendrucks, da Heranwachsende den Gruppennormen ohne Rücksicht auf ihre persönlichen Interessen entsprechen müssen. Die Befunde unterstreichen die Notwendigkeit, Heranwachsende bei der Bewältigung dieser Formen von Gruppendruck zu unterstützen. Um handeln zu können und dem wahrgenommenen Druck entgegenzuwirken, benötigen Jugendliche motivationale, emotionale und reflexive Fähigkeiten, die durch medienpädagogische Angebote gefördert werden können.Among social network sites (SNS), Instagram has become one of the most important platforms for adolescents (age 10–19 years), especially in Germany. They use it to share experiences and meaningful content and above all, to interact with their peers. Norms, defined by the peer group, influence adolescents’ behavior, online as much as offline. This influence on aligning one’s needs with expectations in the SNS environment leads to pressure. How adolescents perceive this pressure from their peer group in detail on Instagram and how they cope with it has seldom been the focus of qualitative research within communication studies thus far. What patterns and potential coping strategies become apparent in adolescents’ behavior? Do these strategies tend to be problem-solving or avoidant oriented? This paper addresses this need and uses in-depth interviews, drawn via purposive sampling, with 30 adolescents to investigate the strategies adolescents develop to cope with perceived forms of peer pressure. Results show that the peer group has both positive and negative effects on adolescents. Positive in that they are an important reference for adolescents, an effect, that is enhanced by Instagram, which allows interpersonal connections with peers. Then again negative in that adolescents, among other things, feel pressure to communicate with the group and to follow its aesthetic ideals at Instagram in order not to be excluded from the group or otherwise sanctioned. In order to deal with this perceived peer pressure, adolescents develop both active (problem-solving oriented) and avoidant coping strategies, including designing their own media environment according to their needs, supporting each other, and encouraging each other in their own actions. In these coping strategies, the peer group can again have positive or negative impacts. Positive, e.g., as adolescents can share their experiences; negative, e.g., as adolescents might obey the group norms disregarding their personal interests. The findings thus highlight the need to support adolescents in coping with these forms of peer pressure. To be able to act and counter the perceived pressure, adolescents need motivational, emotional, and reflexive skills that can be promoted through media literacy programs

    Safety and immunogenicity of H1/IC31®, an adjuvanted TB subunit vaccine, in HIV-infected adults with CD4+ lymphocyte counts greater than 350 cells/mm3: a phase II, multi-centre, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Novel tuberculosis vaccines should be safe, immunogenic, and effective in various population groups, including HIV-infected individuals. In this phase II multi-centre, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, the safety and immunogenicity of the novel H1/IC31 vaccine, a fusion protein of Ag85B-ESAT-6 (H1) formulated with the adjuvant IC31, was evaluated in HIV-infected adults. METHODS: HIV-infected adults with CD4+ T cell counts >350/mm3 and without evidence of active tuberculosis were enrolled and followed until day 182. H1/IC31 vaccine or placebo was randomly allocated in a 5:1 ratio. The vaccine was administered intramuscularly at day 0 and 56. Safety assessment was based on medical history, clinical examinations, and blood and urine testing. Immunogenicity was determined by a short-term whole blood intracellular cytokine staining assay. RESULTS: 47 of the 48 randomised participants completed both vaccinations. In total, 459 mild or moderate and 2 severe adverse events were reported. There were three serious adverse events in two vaccinees classified as not related to the investigational product. Local injection site reactions were more common in H1/IC31 versus placebo recipients (65.0% vs. 12.5%, p = 0.015). Solicited systemic and unsolicited adverse events were similar by study arm. The baseline CD4+ T cell count and HIV viral load were similar by study arm and remained constant over time. The H1/IC31 vaccine induced a persistent Th1-immune response with predominately TNF-α and IL-2 co-expressing CD4+ T cells, as well as polyfunctional IFN-γ, TNF-α and IL-2 expressing CD4+ T cells. CONCLUSION: H1/IC31 was well tolerated and safe in HIV-infected adults with a CD4+ Lymphocyte count greater than 350 cells/mm3. The vaccine did not have an effect on CD4+ T cell count or HIV-1 viral load. H1/IC31 induced a specific and durable Th1 immune response. TRIAL REGISTRATION: Pan African Clinical Trials Registry (PACTR) PACTR201105000289276

    Mentoring beim Übergang in die berufliche Ausbildung am Beispiel des Ada-Lovelace-Projekts

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    "In Deutschland erzielen Mädchen inzwischen durchschnittlich bessere Schulabschlüsse und weisen zumindest bis in die Hochschule etwas erfolgreichere Bildungsverläufe auf als Jungen. Allerdings scheinen Mädchen und junge Frauen ihre erworbenen Qualifikationen und Kompetenzen beim Übergang in den Arbeitsmarkt nicht so gut nutzen zu können. Ihr Berufswahlspektrum ist deutlich enger und sie wählen eher Berufe mit schlechteren Karrierechancen und geringerer Bezahlung als Jungen. Hier setzen Berufseinstiegsmentorings an, die allerdings meistens beim Übergang von der Hochschule in den Beruf und selten beim Übergang in eine berufliche Ausbildung unterstützen. Genau das ist aber die Zielsetzung des Zweigs 'Ausbildung' im 'Ada-Lovelace- Projekt', in dem es darum geht, Mädchen insbesondere zur Wahl eines Berufs im naturwissenschaftlich-technischen und IT-Bereich zu ermutigen. Besonderheiten, Chancen und Grenzen eines solchen Mentoring-Angebots sollen anhand dieses Beispiels dargestellt und über Ergebnisse zweier durchgeführter Evaluationsstudien soll berichtet werden." (Autorenreferat)"In Germany, girls achieve better average results in their final school examinations and are more successful than boys in their college and university courses. It appears, however, that girls and young women are unable to take full advantage of their superior educational credentials when entering the job market. Women are faced with a narrower field of career choices and they tend to select occupations with lower salaries and fewer opportunities for career advancement. At the transitional point between college or university and work, job entry mentoring is often used to help people get jobs, but it is rarely used to support the transitions involving occupational training. This article presents the latter type by the example of the 'occupational education' branch of the 'Ada-Lovelace-Project', professional mentoring designed to encourage girls to choose a job in a scientific, technical or IT-related field. Special features, prospects and limitations of this form of mentoring will be described, and accounts of two studies currently in progress will be given." (author's abstract

    Дослідження метрик маршрутизаторів глобальних мереж передачі даних

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    Об'єкт дослідження: метрики маршрутизаторів глобальних мереж. Мета дипломної роботи: розробка математичних моделей і методів маршрутизації глобальних мереж передачі даних в системі зі змінними параметрами на основі розробки узагальненої метрики маршрутизації при виборі оптимального маршруту. У вступі приведена загальна характеристика роботи, обгрунтована актуальність теми дослідження. У першому розділі розглянуто принципи маршрутизації, механізми маршрутизації і їх метрики, протоколи RIP, EIGRP, OSPF. У другому розділі проведено системний аналіз поняття маршрутизації за вибором шляхів передачі даних в глобальних мережах, проведено аналіз теоретичних основ маршрутизації на основі графових методів опису мереж, сформульовані завдання по найкоротшому шляху, що дозволяють вирішувати завдання маршрутизації. У третьому розділі дипломної роботи розрахована економічна ефективність, проаналізовані показники і зроблено висновок про доцільність використання даного проекту

    The Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey: Survey Description and Data Reduction

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    We present the Bolocam Galactic Plane Survey (BGPS), a 1.1 mm continuum survey at 33" effective resolution of 170 square degrees of the Galactic Plane visible from the northern hemisphere. The survey is contiguous over the range -10.5 < l < 90.5, |b| < 0.5 and encompasses 133 square degrees, including some extended regions |b| < 1.5. In addition to the contiguous region, four targeted regions in the outer Galaxy were observed: IC1396, a region towards the Perseus Arm, W3/4/5, and Gem OB1. The BGPS has detected approximately 8400 clumps over the entire area to a limiting non-uniform 1-sigma noise level in the range 11 to 53 mJy/beam in the inner Galaxy. The BGPS source catalog is presented in a companion paper (Rosolowsky et al. 2010). This paper details the survey observations and data reduction methods for the images. We discuss in detail the determination of astrometric and flux density calibration uncertainties and compare our results to the literature. Data processing algorithms that separate astronomical signals from time-variable atmospheric fluctuations in the data time-stream are presented. These algorithms reproduce the structure of the astronomical sky over a limited range of angular scales and produce artifacts in the vicinity of bright sources. Based on simulations, we find that extended emission on scales larger than about 5.9' is nearly completely attenuated (> 90%) and the linear scale at which the attenuation reaches 50% is 3.8'. Comparison with other millimeter-wave data sets implies a possible systematic offset in flux calibration, for which no cause has been discovered. This presentation serves as a companion and guide to the public data release through NASA's Infrared Processing and Analysis Center (IPAC) Infrared Science Archive (IRSA). New data releases will be provided through IPAC IRSA with any future improvements in the reduction.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Supplemen


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    O paisagismo funcional caracteriza-se pela implantação de jardins mais atrativos, interativos e dinâmicos, aproximando mais o homem moderno da natureza e integrando à visão estética e ornamental aspectos ecológicos, nutricionais, medicinais, terapêuticos e pode ser considerado tanto para parques, praças, jardins residenciais ou em pequenos espaços de apartamentos. Esse conceito tem sido uma alternativa à crescente urbanização, verticalização das construções e redução das áreas verdes, que tem gerado a necessidade de um aproveitamento paisagístico mais efetivo dos espaços livres que passam a cumprir uma função ambiental, contribuindo para a diminuição da temperatura, das ilhas de calor, elevando o potencial de drenagem das águas da chuva, elevando a umidade relativa do ar, diminuindo a erosão, filtrando águas, além de criar possibilidades para a manutenção da vida de diversos seres vivos, bactérias, insetos, aves e até mamíferos. Destaca-se ainda que a jardinagem é uma atividade extremamente relaxante e que pode trazer diversos benefícios à saúde mental, ela ajuda a diluir preocupações e frustrações do dia a dia, à medida que canaliza a atenção para algo que dá prazer. Baseado nessas ideias iremos simular um jardim funcional e sensorial dimensionado para uma varanda de apartamento. Realizamos revisão de literatura, planejamento e montagem dos vasos com os seguintes materiais: vasos, floreiras, substrato (terra, areia, casca arroz, adubo orgânico e adubo mineral) pedriscos, tesoura de poda, regador e variedades de plantas apropriadas para jardim interno e que atendam aos pré-requisitos sensoriais, como: olfato/aromáticas, plantas comestíveis/paladar, plantas com flores/visão, plantas com diferentes texturas/tato e elementos decorativos para audição. Os arranjos e composições das plantas no espaço será simulada para um ambiente com insolação no período matutino, pouca incidência de vento. Serão ainda considerados princípios paisagísticos como: ritmo, equilíbrio, dominância, contraste e analogia, unidade e variedade aliados ao gosto pessoal. As espécies foram selecionadas inicialmente a partir da disponibilidade no IFC campus Concórdia e complementadas com mudas adquiridas comercialmente. Até o momento fizemos o plantio em vasos das seguintes espécies: alecrim (Rosmarinus officinalis), alface (Lactuca sativa L. ), cebolinha (Allium fistulosum L.), salsa (Petroselinum sa vum L.), coentro (Coriandrum sativum L.), orégano (Origanum vulgare L.), tomilho (Thymus vulgaris L.), hortelã (Mentha L.), manjericão (Ocimum purpuraceum L.), lírio da paz (Spathiphyllum wallisii Regel.), tagete (Tagetes erecta L), estévia (Stevia rebaudiana), capuchinha (Tropaeolum majus), lavanda (Lavandula angustifolia), ardísia (Ardisia elliptica), cavalinha (Equisetum hyemale L), aspargo (Asparagus densiflorus Kunch)) rabo de gato (Acalypha reptans Sw.), espada de São Jorge (Dracaena trifasciata), Raphis {Raphis excelsa (Thunb.)

    Alkaline-Silicate REE-HFSE Systems

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    Development of renewable energy infrastructure requires critical raw materials, such as the rare earth elements (REEs, including scandium) and niobium, and is driving expansion and diversification in their supply chains. Although alternative sources are being explored, the majority of the world’s resources of these elements are found in alkaline-silicate rocks and carbonatites. These magmatic systems also represent major sources of fluorine and phosphorus. Exploration models for critical raw materials are comparatively less well developed than those for major and precious metals, such as iron, copper, and gold, where most of the mineral exploration industry continues to focus. The diversity of lithologic relationships and a complex nomenclature for many alkaline rock types represent further barriers to the exploration and exploitation of REE-high field strength element (HFSE) resources that will facilitate the green revolution. We used a global review of maps, cross sections, and geophysical, geochemical, and petrological observations from alkaline systems to inform our description of the alkaline-silicate REE + HFSE mineral system from continental scale (1,000s km) down to deposit scale (~1 km lateral). Continental-scale targeting criteria include a geodynamic trigger for low-degree mantle melting at high pressure and a mantle source enriched in REEs, volatile elements, and alkalies. At the province and district scales, targeting criteria relate to magmatic-system longevity and the conditions required for extensive fractional crystallization and the residual enrichment of the REEs and HFSEs. A compilation of maps and geophysical data were used to construct an interactive 3-D geologic model (25-km cube) that places mineralization within a depth and horizontal reference frame. It shows typical lithologic relationships surrounding orthomagmatic REE-Nb-Ta-Zr-Hf mineralization in layered agpaitic syenites, roof zone REE-Nb-Ta mineralization, and mineralization of REE-Nb-Zr associated with peralkaline granites and pegmatites. The resulting geologic model is presented together with recommended geophysical and geochemical approaches for exploration targeting, as well as mineral processing and environmental factors pertinent for the development of mineral resources hosted by alkaline-silicate magmatic systems