61 research outputs found

    A joint geochemical–geophysical record of time-dependent mantle convection south of Iceland

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    The North Atlantic V-Shaped Ridges (VSRs) provide a spatially extensive and clear record of unsteady mantle convective circulation over >40 My>40 My. VSRs are diachronous ridges of thick crust formed with a periodicity of ∼5 My∼5 My along the Mid Atlantic Ridge, south of Iceland. We present data from a set of dredged basalt samples that shows chemical variation associated with two complete VSR crustal thickness cycles where they intersect the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The new dataset also records chemical variation associated with a VSR crustal thickness cycle along a plate spreading flow-line. Inverse correlations between crustal thickness and both incompatible trace element concentrations and incompatible element ratios such as Nb/Y and La/Sm are observed. Geochemical and crustal thickness observations can be matched using a time-dependent mid-ocean ridge melting model with a basal boundary condition of sinusoidally varying potential temperature. Our observations and models suggest that VSRs are generated when hot patches are carried up the plume stem beneath SE Iceland and spread radially outward within the asthenosphere. These patches are then drawn upward into the melting region when passing beneath the Mid Atlantic Ridge. The geometry of the VSRs and the size of the dynamically supported swell suggest that the Iceland Plume is the strongest plume in the Earth at present, with a volume flux of View the MathML source49±14 km3yr−1

    The lithosphere and asthenosphere of the Iceland hotspot from surface waves

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    1-D models were calculated for the velocity of shear waves, polarized vertically (SV) and horizontally (SH) from dispersed Rayleigh and Love surface waves. These had been recorded in Iceland by the ICEMELT broad-band seismic network, with about half of the waves coming from near-distance earthquakes (≤1000 km). The analysis included unusually short periods, as brief as 5.0 s, and periods ranging up to 93 s. The Icelandic crust was revealed to have two basic layers: first, the upper and middle crust, which were largely detected as one layer, and second the layer of the lower crust. The half of Iceland surveyed had a weighted average crustal thickness of 25–26 km, less than previously estimated. It is under East and East Central Iceland that the crust is thickest, averaging 29–32 ± 3 km, and under the western margin of the West Fjords, 29 ± 2 km. The thinnest parts of the crust lie in West Central Iceland, 19 ± 1 km, and in the West Volcanic (or Rift) Zone, 19[+6/−1] km. This study examined how thicker crust away from the rift zone can be fitted with dynamic crust formation models. Possible explanations for different thicknesses include both crustal squeezing flow and imbalances between widths of the volcanic accretion and extensional stretching zones. The crust has highly anisotropic zones, with differences of up to 20 per cent between SV and SH velocities. Under rift zones, the lower crust is characterized by low velocities and, at depths of 8–18 km, by a channel with yet lower velocities. The lowest shear velocity in this channel is 5–9 per cent less than in the standard Icelandic velocity model. The thinnest lithosphere, 20 ± 2 km, lies under the East Central and North Volcanic Zones, where it extends up into the crust, while the thickest lithosphere is under East Iceland and the east shelf, nowhere less than 100 ± 20 km. This substantial contrast in lithosphere thickness of some 80 km occurs within a lateral distance of 100–150 km, implying an age unconformity at depth of several tens of millions of years. The thick East Iceland lithosphere may reduce or obstruct any eastward flow of the plume head. On the opposite side of the plume head, in Northwest Iceland and the West Fjords, the lithosphere is estimated to be 60 ± 10 km thick. Excepting the West Fjords and East Iceland, shear wave velocities are low in the island's subcrustal mantle, up to 7–9 per cent below the world average according to the PREM model. This indicates a warm, partially molten mantle under much of Central Iceland and the active rift zones. There is a lateral difference of 10–12 per cent in shear velocity between the shallowest mantle asthenosphere under Central Iceland and under the mantle lid to each side, that is, under the West Fjords and East Iceland. In the shallowest Central Iceland mantle, Vp/Vs-ratios suggest near solidus temperatures and a partial melt of 2–3 per cent. This paper describes structural variations in the asthenosphere down to 75–200 km. The low-velocity zone found 100–125 km below Central Iceland and the major part of western Iceland is interpreted as the onset of mantle plume melting. Mantle anisotropy is pronounced beneath Iceland, with SH and SV velocities differing by up to 10 per cent. The anisotropy structure is 3-D and normally reaches higher values in the asthenosphere than in the mantle lid. The main factor determining the asthenosphere's generally azimuthal anisotropy may be the lattice-preferred orientation (LPO) induced by flow. Based on this interpretation and the observed anisotropy, it follows that the plume head is flowing westwards at a depth of 60–110 km. The deeper, more pervasive North Atlantic flow is towards the northwest, leading to differential shearing. However, LPO anisotropy alone would perhaps remain under 8per cent, without the contributing factor of systematic melt distribution.Financial support by National Science Foundation (USA) (grants EAR-9316137, OCE-9402991) the Icelandic Research Center (RANNIS), the University of Iceland research fund and the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) is acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Structure of the oceanic lithosphere and upper mantle north of the Gloria fault in the eastern mid-Atlantic by receiver function analysis

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    Receiver functions (RF) have been used for several decades to study structures beneath seismic stations. Although most available stations are deployed on-shore, the number of ocean bottom station (OBS) experiments has increased in recent years. Almost all OBSs have to deal with higher noise levels and a limited deployment time (∼1 year), resulting in a small number of usable records of teleseismic earthquakes. Here, we use OBSs deployed as mid-aperture array in the deep ocean (4.5-5.5 km water depth) of the eastern mid-Atlantic. We use evaluation criteria for OBS data and beam forming to enhance the quality of the RFs. Although some stations show reverberations caused by sedimentary cover, we are able to identify the Moho signal, indicating a normal thickness (5-8 km) of oceanic crust. Observations at single stations with thin sediments (300-400 m) indicate that a probable sharp lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary (LAB) might exist at a depth of ∼70-80 km which is in line with LAB depth estimates for similar lithospheric ages in the Pacific. The mantle discontinuities at ∼410 km and ∼660 km are clearly identifiable. Their delay times are in agreement with PREM. Overall the usage of beam formed earthquake recordings for OBS RF analysis is an excellent way to increase the signal quality and the number of usable events

    Rayleigh wave tomography in the North Atlantic: high resolution images of the Iceland, Azores and Eifel mantle plumes.

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    Presented in this paper is a high resolution Sv-wave velocity and azimuthal anisotropy model for the upper mantle beneath the North Atlantic and surrounding region derived from the analysis of about 9000 fundamental and higher-mode Rayleigh waveforms. Much of the dataset comes from global and national digital seismic networks, but to improve the path coverage a number of instruments at coastal sites in northwest Europe, Iceland and eastern Greenland was deployed by us and a number of collaborators. The dense path coverage, the wide azimuthal distribution and the substantial higher-mode content of the dataset, as well as the relatively short path-lengths in the dataset have enabled us to build an upper mantle model with a horizontal resolution of a few hundred kilometers extending to 400 km depth. Low upper mantle velocities exist beneath three major hotspots: Iceland, the Azores and Eifel. The best depth resolution in the model occurs in NW Europe and in this area low Sv-velocities in the vicinity of the Eifel hotspot extend to about 400 km depth. Major negative velocity anomalies exist in the North Atlantic upper mantle beneath both Iceland and the Azores hotspots. Both anomalies are, above 200 km depth, 4–7% slow with respect to PREM and elongated along the mid-Atlantic Ridge. Low velocities extend to the south of Iceland beneath the Reykjanes Ridge where other geophysical and geochemical observations indicate the presence of hot plume material. The low velocities also extend beneath the Kolbeinsey Ridge north of Iceland, where there is also supporting geochemical evidence for the presence of hot plume material. The low-velocity upper mantle beneath the Kolbeinsey Ridge may also be associated with a plume beneath Jan Mayen. The anomaly associated with the Azores extends from about 258N to 458N along the ridge axis, which is in agreement with the area influenced by the Azores Plume, predicted from geophysical and geochemical observations. Compared to the anomaly associated with Iceland, the Azores anomaly is elongated further along the ridge, is shallower and decays more rapidly with depth. The fast propagation direction of horizontally propagating Sv-waves in the Atlantic south of Iceland correlates well with the east–west ridge-spreading direction at all depths and changes to a direction close to NS in the vicinity of Iceland

    Upper mantle structure of eastern Asia from multimode surface waveform tomography

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    We present a new three-dimensional S-v wave speed and azimuthal anisotropy model for the upper mantle of eastern Asia constrained by the analysis of more than 17,000 vertical component multimode Rayleigh wave seismograms. This data set allows us to build an upper mantle model for Asia with a horizontal resolution of a few hundred kilometers extending to similar to 400 km depth. At 75-100 km depth, there is approximately +/- 9% wave speed perturbation from the "smoothed PREM" reference model used in our analysis, and the pattern of azimuthal anisotropy is complex. Both the amplitude of the Sv wave speed heterogeneity and the complexity and amplitude of the azimuthal anisotropy decrease with depth. Above similar to 200 km depth the upper mantle structure of the model correlates with surface geology and tectonics; below similar to 200 km depth the structures primarily reflect the advection of material in the upper mantle. Since shear wave speed is principally controlled by temperature rather than by composition, Vs(z) can be used to calculate the temperature T(z), and hence map the lithospheric thickness. We use the relationship of Priestley and McKenzie to produce a contour map of the lithospheric thickness of eastern Asia from the surface wave tomography. This shows an extensive region of thick lithosphere beneath the Siberian Platform and the West Siberian Basin that extends to the European Platform, forming the stable Eurasian craton or core. The eastern portion of the Eurasian craton has controlled the geometry of continental deformation and the distribution of kimberlites in eastern Asia

    Upper mantle structure of Eastern Asia from multi-mode surface waveform tomography

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    We present a new three-dimensional Sv wave speed and azimuthal anisotropy model for the upper mantle of eastern Asia constrained by the analysis of more than 17,000 vertical component multimode Rayleigh wave seismograms. This data set allows us to build an upper mantle model for Asia with a horizontal resolution of a few hundred kilometers extending to ~400 km depth. At 75–100 km depth, there is approximately ±9% wave speed perturbation from the “smoothed PREM” reference model used in our analysis, and the pattern of azimuthal anisotropy is complex. Both the amplitude of the Sv wave speed heterogeneity and the complexity and amplitude of the azimuthal anisotropy decrease with depth. Above ~200 km depth the upper mantle structure of the model correlates with surface geology and tectonics; below ~200 km depth the structures primarily reflect the advection of material in the upper mantle. Since shear wave speed is principally controlled by temperature rather than by composition, Vs(z) can be used to calculate the temperature T(z), and hence map the lithospheric thickness. We use the relationship of Priestley and McKenzie to produce a contour map of the lithospheric thickness of eastern Asia from the surface wave tomography. This shows an extensive region of thick lithosphere beneath the Siberian Platform and the West Siberian Basin that extends to the European Platform, forming the stable Eurasian craton or core. The eastern portion of the Eurasian craton has controlled the geometry of continental deformation and the distribution of kimberlites in eastern Asia

    Mantle upwellings, melt migration and the rifting of Africa: insights from seismic anisotropy

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    The rifting of continents and eventual formation of ocean basins is a fundamental component of plate tectonics, yet the mechanism for break-up is poorly understood. The East African Rift System (EARS) is an ideal place to study this process as it captures the initiation of a rift in the south through to incipient oceanic spreading in north-eastern Ethiopia. Measurements of seismic anisotropy can be used to test models of rifting. Here we summarize observations of anisotropy beneath the EARS from local and teleseismic body-waves and azimuthal variations in surface-wave velocities. Special attention is given to the Ethiopian part of the rift where the recent EAGLE project has provided a detailed image of anisotropy in the portion of the Ethiopian Rift that spans the transition from continental rifting to incipient oceanic spreading. Analyses of regional surface-waves show sub-lithospheric fast shear-waves coherently oriented in a north-eastward direction from southern Kenya to the Red Sea. This parallels the trend of the deeper African superplume, which originates at the core-mantle boundary beneath southern Africa and rises towards the base of the lithosphere beneath Afar. The pattern of shear-wave anisotropy is more variable above depths of 150 km. Analyses of splitting in teleseismic phases (SKS) and local shear-waves within the rift valley consistently show rift-parallel orientations. The magnitude of the splitting correlates with the degree of magmatism and the polarizations of the shear-waves align with magmatic segmentation along the rift valley. Analysis of surface-wave propagation across the rift valley confirms that anisotropy in the uppermost 75 km is primarily due to melt alignment. Away from the rift valley, the anisotropy agrees reasonably well within the pre-existing Pan-African lithospheric fabric. An exception is the region beneath the Ethiopian plateau, where the anisotropy is variable and may correspond to pre-existing fabric and ongoing melt-migration processes. These observations support models of magma-assisted rifting, rather than those of simple mechanical stretching. Upwellings, which most probably originate from the larger superplume, thermally erode the lithosphere along sites of pre-existing weaknesses or topographic highs. Decompression leads to magmatism and dyke injection that weakens the lithosphere enough for rifting and the strain appears to be localized to plate boundaries, rather than wider zones of deformation

    The African upper mantle and its relationship to tectonics and surface geology

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    This paper focuses on the upper-mantle velocity structure of the African continent and its relationship to the surface geology. The distribution of seismographs and earthquakes providing seismograms for this study results in good fundamental and higher mode path coverage by a large number of relatively short propagation paths, allowing us to image the SV-wave speed structure, with a horizontal resolution of several hundred kilometres and a vertical resolution of ∼50 km, to a depth of about 400 km. The difference in mantle structure between the Archean and Pan-African terranes is apparent in our African upper-mantle shear wave model. High-velocity (4-7 per cent) roots exist beneath the cratons. Below the West African, Congo and Tanzanian Cratons, these extend to 225-250 km depth, but beneath the Kalahari Craton, the high wave speed root extends to only ∼170 km. With the exception of the Damara Belt that separates the Congo and Kalahari Cratons, any high-speed upper-mantle lid below the Pan-African terranes is too thin to be resolved by our long-period surface wave technique. The Damara Belt is underlain by higher wave speeds, similar to those observed beneath the Kalahari Craton. Extremely low SV-wave speeds occur to the bottom of our model beneath the Afar region. The temperature of the African upper mantle is determined from the SV-wave speed model. Large temperature variations occur at 125 km depth with low temperatures beneath west Africa and all of southern Africa and warm mantle beneath the Pan-African terrane of northern Africa. At 175 km depth, cool upper mantle occurs below the West African, Congo, Tanzanian and Kalahari Cratons and anomalously warm mantle occurs below a zone in northcentral Africa and beneath the region surrounding the Red Sea. All of the African volcanic centres are located above regions of warm upper mantle. The temperature profiles were fit to a geotherm to determine the thickness of the African lithosphere. Thick lithosphere exists beneath all of the cratonic areas; independent evidence for this thick lithosphere comes from the locations of diamondiferous kimberlites. Almost all diamond locations occur where the lithosphere is 175-200 km thick, but they are largely absent from the regions of the thickest lithosphere. The lithosphere is thin beneath the Pan-African terranes of northern Africa but appears to be thicker beneath the Pan-African Damara Belt in southern Africa